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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Tony didn't answer, instead staring at Hydro, and taking a step back as he approached, "W-Who are y-you?" He whimpered softly, unsure of the man in front of him
Hydro would look confused,dose he not remember him?,as he would blink a few times and would say in a confused tone "Hydro...You dont remember mi?"he ask as did he forget so easy? what about all those times they were close and help each other and what about sky?...dose he remember
Tony shook his head, whimpering softly in panic. Was he supposed to remember these people? He was sure he was supposed to, and began to wonder why he didn't remember them, or why he couldn't remember anything before waking up surrounded by scientists
Hydro sigh sofly and scrach the back of his head as he would say "You..Hm..Do you atleast remember sky?"he ask hoping he remembers the one he got married with as he wonderd how he forget
"Who?" Tony asked softly, tilting his head. He had no clue what this man, Hydro, was talking about, unless he was talking about the literal sky, but then it didn't sound right
Hydro sigh as he would try once more and would say "Skylar....the name sounds familier too you"he says hoping he knows as what happend too sky anyway?...were is she

(Seeya all)
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"No.....should it?" Tony asked softly, watching him. The man expected Tony to know this Skylar, and he wished he could help, but he was useless at remembering things
Mai sighed, watching the hellhound flee in a flurry of a shadow. Utter disappointment filled her heart, she flipped the yellow page on the half finished sketch- hoping to return to it later. Quickly her attention turned to the man who was shrouded in crows. With a careful glide she went to introduce herself to him, cheerfully bowing to him politely "Quite nice to meet you my name is Mai H. Morgan-- huh? Is he okaie??" Immediately the flighty girl approached the lifeless bundle of feathers that lay near him, one that died recently. With concern she knelt next to it, tilting it's head side to side and compressing it's delicate chest to try to revive the still-warm crow "Is this...your doing?" She asked with a questioned glance. @Verdas
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"It is a pleasure to meet you too, human and so what if it was me?" He did not even wait for an answer and walked slowly to the Hellhound before him. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in Hell?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.096432d979aa0bb4c02e6a0897efa6c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.096432d979aa0bb4c02e6a0897efa6c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"H-Human??" Mai paused, she was only joking, but the seriousness in his voice answered otherwise. She Smiled playfully "Then you'll be a very interesting creature to study. If it were true at least." It wasn't in her place to just let carcasses go without word of goodbye, but if left alone undesirable creatures would come try to raid the easy meal. Something anyone would hate near their own home. "I'll be back. Oh, and please be careful not to crush too many flowers in the field." Mai waved, taking the dead crow by the feet in her injured fingers and heading out into the dense wood.
Azrael shot a glare at Mai when she said he would be an interesting creature to study but got over it immediately an proceded to transform into his true form<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ab4e2ce03535516950e820830d0c5a67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34714" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ab4e2ce03535516950e820830d0c5a67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.78d6c04e7626fb960612fe123f0c9af5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.78d6c04e7626fb960612fe123f0c9af5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(@Verdas notice that the Hellhound fled away in the shadows.)

Kale watched the hound flee from the shadowy man, in a hurry too, he sighed and scratched his head, saddened that all these new people he was meeting, were leaving so soon, it appeared to the shadowy figure that Kale didn't hold much fear for the situation he was in.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
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Mai looked up into the trees, pausing to listen to the flutter of shadowy feathers back in the field. She didn't have to look back to notice him. The pain in her wing lingered, without she couldn't take the carcass far enough away to make a difference so the girl turned back. "I'm sorry to ask of you for this but...can you fly?" Mai asked, doing her best to suppress the excitement in her heart as she looked at the shadowy figure. @Verdas "If not...can you take this far into the forest?" She called up to the girl on the roof of her house. @LifeNovel
Kale's head shot up quickly, as he walked towards Mai, softly shoving aside the Shadowy man, he stopped beside Mai.

I'll take care of that Miss Mai!

He said kindly, eager to get back to his adventure.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Amara's head tilted as she saw one of the creatures down below directly spoke to her. A smile spread across her face. She jumped off the rooftop, neatly landing on the ground and walked over to them. "Didn't think you knew I was there," Amara commented. She then gave a slight bow and said, "My name is Amara. And I would love to help. But seems Mr. Ancient here's got it."
Azrael chuckled "What do you think my wings are for? Fashion? Of course I can fly." He answered mockingly and beat them, causing gusts of air and rised into the sky causing black feathers to spread nearly everywhere.
Mai laughed as Kale hurried towards her "Well you seem eager to leave Myka. I'd think it would be safer if a flyer could take it...the scent of death has been here long enough; I don't want it to attract Beasts. Especially by a neat trail on the ground. " she advised as she handed the fallen bird into his hands.

Of course, the scientist did love studying dangerous creatures..since most people die by encounter- not much is known to many. But with this many people, home, and family within range...it would be less than suitable to observe.

Her fair green gaze brightened at the sight of the shadowy flight of the man "Kakapos and Ostriches have beautiful flight feathers, but neither can fly. And those wings do draw much attention- they could be for fashion if I must say! " Mai kept her gaze in the sky, carefully catching a feather. "...If my wing were better...I would love to have a fly with you two...even the flowers say it's a beautiful day. " walking certainly will slow her errands for the day. But at least healing will be fast with the Ancient's herbs.

The rooftop guest definitely seemed friendly, but even if she wasn't Mai would welcome them with open arms. Something that her husband never seemed too fond of. "Quite nice to meet you Amara, my name is Mai Morgan! We don't have many events here so it's quite easy to notice when something has changed in the surroundings. " returning the bow "So what brings you here? " Mai asked curiously.

@Verdas @LifeNovel @AzelFang
Amara smiled. "Nothing really. Just flying here and there enjoying the lives of creatures. Witnessing the cycle of life," Amara answered. She examined all the others that surrounded the female. "Tell me. What do you do? And what creatures are you guys?" Amara asked.
Mai smiled proudly "I'm a scientist." She stated, with not much detail. Twitching her wings unable to answer the second question with a straight answer "I-I'm a...a mutt of a myth. So I have no specific." The violet haired muttered sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. Her fingers slipped through a hole in her half top, probably a cut from the latter fall- something that should be sewn later. @LifeNovel
"Ooooh a scientist? Interesting. You aren't creating lifeforms are you?" Amara teased she smiled and gave Mai a wink. "Well Mai. A mutt is nothing you should be ashamed of. You are here and alive," Amara said. Bright fire burned in her eyes. Bright fire of pride. Life vibrated from the girl.
Kale took the bird and walked away, waving to Rak to hurry up, who followed behind slowly, apparently not wanting to leave, since this place was giving him free carrots, ahh, carrots, so tasty~

Kale followed the trail down, farther and farther away from the hillside home, bird under his armed, he tripped a few times, getting up, wiping off the dirt, he kept walking, for what seemed like hours, farther and farther Into the abyss-like jungle, he stopped, grabbing a small shovel out of the luggage on Rak's back, he dug a hole, and buried the bird. Cleaning off the shovel, he put It away, looking around, he spotted a somewhat familiar shadow...

Eh? That's that Hound, I think, could.. Is It?

Coward! Coward! Coward!

The hellhound fumed with anger. Zana stayed in her shadow form wanting no presence to detect her. She continued desecrating herself. The hellhound she is. One who an hour ago was aimlessly wandering with no purpose now burned with fiery passion. At her current frenzy she wanted to kill something.

Then she felt a shift in her atmosphere. An old presence approached her location.
The Ancient. She decided she couldn't run away from everything. Transforming back into her human form as to show no threat, her eyes stared down the Ancient.
Mai reddened, quickly shaking her head at the teasing answer "O-Of course not!! I...It's...I'm just...a modest researcher. Haha...a f-fantasy...creating life forms- much too out of my league!!" She stammered nervously, folding her fingers together. Before when she human, attacks by local myths were common- especially since she blurted out her professional life freely. The appearance of a myth helped, but wouldn't do much if they knew the blood of many of their kind were on her hands. "But what are you? I can tell an avian when I see one." The girl grinned, enjoying Amara's enthusiasm. Mai looked down at the drying blood on her fingers. The sky was getting dark, and the tide high. A perfect time to explore.

Hello again, I thought it was you! Are you feeling any better than you were earlier? Oh.. By the way, may I know your name?

He asked kindly, as he walked over to her and handed her a bottle of water.


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Vee slowly walked up to the house and started knocking...only to end up punching through the door. "Uhmm...sorry!" She shouted as she withdrew her fist and yanked the door out. Mr. Cuddles face palmed.

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