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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Azrael appeared behind the man with the drones soundlessly and unoticed and covered the man's face with his hands, blocking sight and breathing through the nose "Who's this?"

"Good to see you M. Crow!" The girl greeted- a temporary tag until she knew his name. Mai shook her head at his question, rubbing her arms as the Outsiders released their grip. The scientist gave a thankful sigh as the Black winged man appeared "I'm not quite sure of his name. But his occupation is of a combat engineer...a human from the human army." It was out of the question to kill this unlikely intruder. At least by her own hands anyway.

"If you wondering- This is one of my most recent guests." Mai smiled in a polite tone towards the blinded man.

@Verdas @captain forever
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Algernon sits in his house, he had made himself a sandwich which he took the liberty to chopping up. Algernon takes a couple of pieces from the sandwich on the table and opens the bag to his gas mask filter, he then disconnects the gas mask from the filter, some dark smoke leaks out of the filter as he stuffs the pieces of sandwich into the filter before reconnecting the gas mask and the filter. Algernon then gets up and strolls into his hallway and over to a door at the end of the hallway, he opens the door to reveal a flight of stairs and at the bottom of these stairs was a door, a very mysterious door at that.

Algernon then walks down the stairs and opens the door to reveal a room that's filled with all sorts of axes, knives, daggers, swords, and other bladed weapons with several blunt weapons as well. Algernon walks over to some of the smaller knives and picks up a classical hunting knife and then walks out of the room and back upstairs, he makes sure to close the doors behind him as he strolls into the foyer of his house. Algernon then proceeds out of his house and continues to wander around nonsensically in the woods that his house is located.


Vee shivered under the couch that she was hiding in. Somehow this course of action just made sense to her and she continued to hide as if there was nothing wrong with doing so. Mr. Cuddles was also with her, trying to keep Vee's mouth shut.
( @Nekoni i'm real sorry, because i don't know if you're on an island or in a clearing in a forest, so i just went with the forest :c. just pretend i'm wherever you are, okay? thank youuu <3 )

Bri crept around the forest, she really didn't get why the commander still insist she go out on the field. Everybody knew that she would never dare shoot a soul (a wimp, people called her. She didn't care. Wimps were cool with her.) But everyday, he'd slap a rifle into her arms and force her into the forest. She always came back with a report on scenery. Nice trees, saw a blue rose, that kind of thing. Really, what did he expect from her? A dead Myth? Never. Ever. She was happy head-shotting cardboard cut-outs, thank you very much.

She pushed aside a large leaf and bit her lip. She'd never been to this part before. "Where...?" she murmured, looking up. She looked sideways and flinched slightly. A barely noticeable movement, that was all she allowed herself. A winged man was holding what she thought to be a human. Well, there was a war going on, natural to hold a human hostage. And as a fighter in the war, she was obliged to save him. She snuck forward quietly, praying the soft grass would hide the sound of her movements. She aimed the rifle carefully, for his leg, of course, because one; he was too tall for her to shoot his head (like she did to those poor, lifeless, cardboard cut-outs), and two; because she couldn't bring herself to kill him.

[oooooooooh so loooong. ._. skip the first paragraph if you wanna. i just love doing stuff like that *cause im a total weirdo* ]
Azrael felt a presence similar to that of the man he was holding and turned his head to look at the surrounding area. Though he did not see anything he could swear he saw some movement and said in a loud booming voice "Who's there?"
"Water..." Zana murmured as she took a sip from this so-called 'water bottle'. The chilling, icy hydrogen dioxide touched her dry organs. A shiver ran down her body as she felt the liquid flow through her system. The feeling of the liquid gave her a light feeling. She felt...refreshed. Her eyes widened as she took more gulps from the water. This! This is what it means to live!

Never had she tasted or even tasted anything at all. The water somehow provided her with newfound energy and made her feel warm and alive. Her eyes widened, "This water, sir...is the best thing I have ever tasted. Actually it is the only thing I have ever tasted!"
Heh, although you say this Is the only thing you've ever tasted, yet you say this Is the best thing you've tasted, I'm glad I could be of assistance. By the way, how are you feeling? Do ye feel better from what happened earlier?

He asked kindly, hearing some sort of disturbance coming from the bushes...

@Stew @LifeNovel
The woman's eyes were focused on the emptying bottle but she heard the Ancient's question, but now before she heard the rough footsteps of another being. The pupils of her eyes narrowed, from her human silhouette came her shadowy tentacles, the skin of her human appearance began deteriorating, falling away in scraps as her true, wispy form took over. Her hair began falling off to be replaced with nothing but shadows. Her bones hardened as her pupils completely disappeared into the depths of her gold, fiery eyes. The fangs attached to her skull glistened with poison.

From her senses she could tell that this newcomer can pose a threat. Her face wrinkled up into a snarl as she tried to reveal her scariest face. Her tail held still as she slowly sank into the ground just as a shadow. Zana wanted to stay and talk to the Ancient, but with a stranger nearby, armed with a knife, she had to either investigate or flee.
Miss Zana, In times of peace and war, when one Is to meet another, If they deem themselves as an enemy, the two would fight, however, the way I deal with things, Is, I'd rather be friend, over a foe, settle down and we'll deal with this stranger calmly, I'm tired of bloodshed. Let us deal with this gently...

He said as he hoisted himself up, standing tall (Even though he was rather short..) he smiled kindly, yawned and turned his head Into the direction of the noise.

@Stew @LifeNovel
The hellhound growled in annoyance to the Ancient. Then you don't know the ways of hell my friend. It is natural for me to greet one with a snarl rather than a smile. Backstabbing and violence is how it is in the underworld. Which is why I came here... The hellhound spoke those last few words with a tone of realization. The harsh shadowy whips of tentacles receded as Zana's form returned back to human. Her golden eyes glared up at the Ancient, her pupils thin as a feline's but filled with a different light than one she held a moment ago.

"Perhaps...I shall watch from afar," she quietly spoke as she got up from her spot and walked back over to where she stood.
Would you like some more water as you watch? Ye certainly seemed to enjoy It so...

He said as he grabbed a larger canteen of water, handing It to Zana, he looked slightly back at the area from which he heard the noise come from..

@Stew Is not on right now, so we'll have to pause this for now, you can respond If ye want, however, I'm just gonna wait a bit for him.)
Bri froze at the sound of his voice, and she bit her lip nervously. She blew a stray strand of her hair aside and aimed again, squeezing one eye shut. Her breath held as always, her hand on the trigger. The target on his leg, she pulled the trigger.

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Algernon stumbles upon a couple, or what he thought was a couple, having a conversation,

"Oh! A couple! Please do not mind me, I am a stranger in the night, a whisper in the wind, and another metaphor which simply eludes my mi-" His muffled sentence was cut short as he slips on one rock and bangs his head on another. Algernon then gets up afterwards and brushes himself off,

As I said, I'm just a candle in the wind." Algernon says before getting his foot caught in between two rocks, which causes it to stay in place as he turns which should have broken it, but this is Algernon we're speaking of. For an eternity-old being, he sure is clumsy,

Oh! Well would you look at that!" Algernon says followed by a laugh before snapping his foot back into place.


Ehehe, ye sure are clumsy mister, do ye need any assistance with movin around?

He asks kindly, something tugging at the back of his mind, bugging him In on out, like something was scratching a hole Into the back of his head, he could hear a ringing sound, a very low and eerie ringing noise, he kept on thinking of what It could be, he didn't understand, though, It must be only him that heard It, and only when that man came outta the bushes, though, Rak didn't seem to care, he Just snorted and ate some grass Idly by near Zana...

Kale grabbed a black bottle of what seemed to be liquor, at least, to the naked eye, though, the smell would knock a Behemoth or a Dragon out flat, one whiff and they'd be long past unconscious, he took a sip as he watched the man, awaiting an answer.

(@Stew Note: DS or Dragon Shine, Is an extremely potent Liquor, mainly drunk by Ancients or "Eternal Beings" Reference to AMCR to understand more. Though, this Liquor, Is about a few million times more potent and toxic than what we have called Everclear. Beings such as Ancients, like Kale, or Eternal Beings, like Algernon, are able to drink these types of liquors with ease, usually.)
Mai sighs in relief as the man leaves, quietly extending her wings again. "I've...never been so scare--" she shut her mouth quickly. Of course there's been worse, but this was the first time she knew of another human on the island- at least a human she still smelled like and seemed.

The scientist smiled, glancing back "Are you done with your investigation? Did you-or your drones- find everything well?" She asked happily in the darkness, the bioluminescent flowers blooming under their feet.

@captain forever
(sorry didn't see your post @Mayfly)

Mai's eyes wide ed as the blast of the turn echoed in the dark, deafening her sensitive ears. "Ahn! I HAVE TO SAY THAT'S A VERY STRONG RACKET!" she exclaimed, not realizing the bullet had swiveled right past the feathers of her strange ears before flying towards it's target (@Verdas). All of her guns had silencers- the rattling blast didn't recognize itself as a threat to the girl.

"Hiding?" Mai laughed "What's the point of having info if you don't share it? I suppose I can show you one of my secrets." The scientist stretches out large violet and white wings wide in the darkness, popping her sore joints. Glistening white fangs smiling playfully and sharp claws emerging from delicate hands. Thick white horns protruding from her head and wings. Features oddly mixed together. "Satisfied?" Mai grinned, expression not showing how many times she just bit her tongue by accident.

@captain forever
John backs away, a bit afraid. Only if he had a pocket gunship... "You are not human. Outsiders, attack, now!" John runs behind cover aiming his gun, and shooting.
Mai sighed "W-Wait but I am! " She looked at herself "I don't look like it bu--" the quick blasts of his gun disoriented her.

A stray bullet whizzing by and nipping at her shoulder.

Nimbly the violette scientist used her broken wing to hoist herself higher in jumps- unfortunately missing her landings and slamming head first into the shoulder of one of the Outsiders. Dizzily Mai managed to wedge her large claws into a crack of it's neck- attempting to tear it.

@captain forever
The outsider, apparently affected, the head pops off. The body however, still works, and kicks her in the stomach. John aims a gun at her head. "Die you damn creature."
Mai tumbles to the grassy ground as the metallic body kicks her- only looking up to find a barrel to her face. It wasn't fear that kicked in- but synthetic instinct. Though naturally myths were close to immortal- a bullet to the head could certainly kill .

With a swift movement the slender girl tucked her body in, swinging and slashing the large claw on her wing against his body to try to protect herself.

@captain forever
John felt the pain. His hand ripped off. He looked at it and looked at her. "We need the gunship. Now!" He retreats arm pumping blood. God no...
Mai hissed loudly, eyes turning to slits as she imagined a won-- monstrous machine of war coming to the myth base. "Stop!! Stop wait! You don't need a gunship for a single person!" She pleaded, fearing what he could tell the rest of the humans. Certainly they fear myths. But what if a human-myth, working on their side?

"I forgot how strong my body is. I guess that's a shame." Mai retracted the claws in her hands, holding them up in the air "No medic can restore that hand in this rate. I have medical supplies- that you can use. " she smiled politely, watching the gushing blood of the retreating man. "Just as long as you don't call a gunship."

@captain forever

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