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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

"Damn world... kill anyone who tries to stop me." He toys with some gadgets as he goes, eyeing the surrounding area. He sees a creature occasionally, and almost got eaten by one, but not too many encounters. He finds some people in the distance and looks to see.
Mai hears the crackle of splintering wood, looking over panicked at the door. "Hey stop stop stop!!" She yelled running over to the porch before skidding face first into the surrounding plants and and flowers. The girl groaned, looking up, head covered in flowers and thick clumps of dirt "Un...is there something you need?"

Amara's eyes observed the scientist carefully. It seemed as though something in the past was at play but she did not push on the subject further. The girl continued to smile and was just about to answer Mai until a cracking sound interrupted them. Amara's head turned to see another person breaking the door. And what it seemed from Mai's reaction, it was the door to her home. Amara laughed at the situation enjoying the oddities occurring today.

Zana glared at the Ancient but accepted his offering. She grabbed the object that held a clear liquid. "What is this you are handing me?" she asked. Her hands lifted the object up as she examined it closely. "It seems similar to the river of Lethe. Is this liquid from river of Lethe? You are aware of what Lethe does, yes?" Zana asked in all seriousness. After a few minutes examining the bottle, she realized she never answered the Ancient. "The name I go by is Zana Zon," she answered, her eyes still examining the liquid.
"Drone number 2, scout what those people are doing." immediately, a small ball lifts off and heads off to a strange human, and a scientist.
Mai lays face first in the ground, wings sticking straight up into the air. She was trying to shift back- make them disappear. But the feathery appendages lingered. Maybe because I broke a bone...This will be bad when inspections come... the thought excited and worried her- knowing what the human army does with captured myths. She looked up at the girl as few bioluminescent flowers began glowing softly in the night- spotting the grasses and herbs in the field like blue starlight.

Her tired gaze glances up, noticing something hovering up in the sky from the corner of her eye. "???.....hm.." @captain forever
"Status report." With a small device, it recites what it detects. "No threats. One abnormality detected, proceed with caution." John raises his gun and walks slowly, inching closer. The drone flies a little closer, examining them.
The scientist's bright green eyes wide ed, seeing it was a machine for observation. Something symbolic of human work. Quickly her two violet wings stretched out wide, gusting them to take off for a few chaotic seconds to get up a couple meters in the air. Using the horns at the tops of her wings she slashed at the device with all her strength before spiraling sharply towards the ground in a feathery bundle. "Everyone! Get inside! " she barked, laying on the ground in pain. Had they found out her lies? Coming for the creatures thriving on this island?

Mai wasn't sure how far away the source could be, but this drone had been here a minute too long.

@captain forever
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"Uhh...I'm looking for..." She started before searching her pockets for something. Mr Cuddles handed her a paper. "Ah! Yes, Mai."
Mai glanced up as she laid on the ground, looking at the girl "Yes, that's me!" She grinned as the reddened bandages began unraveling from her large wings. It wasn't a surprise that she had re broken it again- a bird's bones were delicate after all. "Go inside and I'll meet you shortly- I'm sorry...Just need to regain myself." She laid her head back on the starlight- taking several quick breaths. Never again was she going to fly with a broken wing.

"N-No one! Just me!" Mai lied, carefully looking at the stranger. She laid pathetically on the ground, wings spread out on the flowers. "I'll bite..." The girl muttered quietly, seeing the glint of the gun metal.

@captain forever
"W-Who are you!?? If you're from the human army...I'm a senior field scientist in genetics from base 7..." She reached her hand down into her bag, pulling out her badge and ID with her human picture and info. She flashed the items at one of the drones above "You...aren't....allowed to trespass..." Mai looked over with a sharp stare- quite amused by the events.

@captain forever
"Human army. Yep. Combat engineer. A scientist huh..." John whistles a little. "That's a nice job... Anyways, what are you doing here?" The drones keep on looking.
"It's been long since I've seen another human...In my opinion...it's the best job in the world. But in anything with combat sounds wonderful." Mai sighs in relief, still keeping low to the ground. "This is my designated region. I conduct my research here- creating creatures and beasts for the war..." She made sure her wings kept out of sight in the shadows of the grasses. "And what are you here for sir? You certainly don't look like you're on a peace raid." The scientist said in all seriousness.

@captain forever
Willy kept low to the ground as she threw knives at enemy targets. They tried cornering her, but failed. Willy ran as fast as she could into a large, grey building.
Mai bristled in excitement and fear. They were the same in opposite fields. One with machines and one with life. Both for war. "Beautiful! Their structures are amazing...you have a wonderful design, well balanced. " Mai shook her horned head quickly, snapping her thoughts back before he could find the hiding myths. "An explorer? These lands are the best to explore! The forest is best place...especially for hunting...but even if you're part of the army, I can't permit you any farther." The violet haired girl stated with a little more force, still laying exhaustedly against the ground. "Remove your drones before I contact your commander for violation of area."

@captain forever
"Commander? Why do you think I am alone?" John smiles, and deactivates the outsiders, as he calls them. The drones still fly. "Listen, why don't you want me to go past?"
"No one told me of a surprise party of drones and a combat engineer. " Mai painfully tucked her wings tightly against her back, feeling the sharp pain of jutting bone. "All my research, animals and experiments lie in my home. Things like that I'm not permitted to let anyone see unless stated so by a ranking commander." His smile made her shrink a bit, her bright green eyes slitting, his words ringing like a cold bell n-not alone??

"N-Now please leave- Or my name isn't Mai Mo--" Mai bit her lip quickly, "Mai...Mai Hinawo!"

@captain forever
"Who do you think commands the engineers?" The outsiders form again and hold her to the side. "Relax." John walks inside, looking around.
"Commanders I thought. They usually over see most operations involving war. " she stated in confusion. The scientist seemed quite happy in the outsider's grip as she has the opportunity to examine it's handiwork up close. "The base and the second floor is my home. So you won't find anything of suspicion. If you're looking for the lab- sorry but I keep it hidden bellow. Incase of illegal break ins like this." Mai was extremely nervous,, this had never happened before. Usually she could manipulate the latter easily enough to deter them from even coming. "I may have guests so I'd appreciate if you don't go pointing a gun at their faces."
Mai shut her mouth tightly- knowing she shouldn't have said anything. "Islanders of course. Who else could it be? Setting up on land requires cooperation from the locals for local game and hunt." At least half was true.

That, Is not from the River of Lethe, It's Just a plain ol' bottle of water, you should drink some, whether or not you're a Hellhound, so to speak, you need to stay hydrated. Please, drink some.

Kale sat down, tired from his journey, he should have riden on Rak, but he didn't want to leave any traces of a dead animal on him, they were to easily seen as It was..

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