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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Hydro ran as he would sees Mai Try too scare the Duck away,as the duck would fly as it wobles as it was being scared and as it feels the gust of wing from Mai,s Wing it would get a boost and hydro looks back seeing the duck close too him,as his eyes went wide and sudently he would be like a ragdoll and Tuble down the grass,as he fainted from fear,as the duck would land on Hydros Back and starts Peking Hydros hair and pulling it,as Hydro was Out because of fear.

(Party was worth it...a little but not much)
Mai pulled free of Kale as he helped her up. "I don't....need help. But thank you." She smiled, the independence in her wild heart was yet to be tamed. Help from other- was something she was ashamed of. With a swift kick her foot collided with the angry waterfowl; sending it flying in a ball of feathers into the darkened trees of the outlying forest. "Are you okaie sweetie?" Mai asked in a velvet tone, kneeling over to rub Hydro's hair. "The great Hydra is still scared of ducks huh?"

@AzelFang @Yonsisac
Tony followed Mai and watched from a small distance, mumbling softly to himself. He looked to Hydro and blinked, mumbling anew as he recognised him somewhat like he had Mai, not really understanding who he was
Azrael turned his head slowly to the people "Yes. I'm fine." He replied and took a better look at the people. They did not seem like ordinary humans. "Who are you people?" He asks, a bit dissapointed that the strangers had scared the crows away.
Hydro would open his eyes and would look around eyes wide open despret as he would see the duck is,Gone,as he sighs in realife and would rub his face as he sits and sees Mai and hears her,as he feels ashame still being fear of ducks too death but he could not get any close,as he sigh and says "Yes......The hydra is scared of ducks"she says scraching the back of his head enbbarest and looking at mai slightli smiling,as he would notice people he dosent know but sees Tony,as he would wave at tony seeying a good old friend,as she would ask mai "Um...Dear ho are thoe people?"he says a little nervius as they might have seen him and his reaction too ducks

Tony blinked at Hydro, realising they must know each other because the other waved at him. He pulled his arm closer to his chest nervously, looking around at the others warily
Vee picked up Mr. Cuddles and chased after the man who was....being chased by a duck? "Maybe he can help me hear my sisters again."
(@LifeNovel Herro ye still there?)

Kale watched the birds flock away, well, those whom were still alive that is. I wonder if he's related to that Hellhound chick. . .

Hello there mister, are ya alright? Nothing missin, no broken soul? Nothin that would warrant us to worry?

He asked kindly, already understanding who an what he was.


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Zana was about to answer the Ancient named Kale but she saw that some other Myth has arrived and with an intriguing issue, amnesia. A wolf human Myth mix. She watched with apathetic emotions when she felt another presence, one all to familiar to her. She felt herself transforming feeling a vibration within her chest, a growl. The shadows surrounding her began to move frantically. He's here. She was shaking, but not from fear but from a foreign emotion, anger.

I will not go back to that hellhole. Has he come here to retrieve me? I shall refuse!

The golden eyes of the hellhound burned with anger and her muscles rippled as she walked forward hoping to get a better glimpse of who she thought this new man was. The shadows that surrounded her were expressing her current mood, angry, with thrashing movements. Her lips even began moving back to reveal teeth or more like bones. She didn't want the new man to notice her but the presence drew her.


Amara was getting a delight out of all the events occurring. She spotted more myths with wings and just grew excited as more people congregated. Not wanting to miss the good show and wanting to get a better look Amara swooped down and landed on top of Mai's home. She transformed her wings back to arms and she peered over the edge watching.
Rak was watching Kale and the others from a distance, the horse had finished his carrots, he looked up, finding there was another one on the roof.. What did Kale get them into again?

Kale waited a bit more for a response from the dark and mysterious man, he turned his head to Rak, who seemed yo be watching something, he followed the horse's gaze, which ended on the roof, where a young girl seemed to be watching them.

I wonder, how many myths an human will Rak an I meet this venture...

He thought, looking back down to the man.

@Verdas @LifeNovel.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Azrael felt a familiar presence. "Nothing that would make you worry." He assured the man and looked around. It appeared that someone had ran away from beneath.
Mai looked about the group, many new faces in a single day. She responded to her love with soft tone "Travelers I suppose. And some seem hurt- " the small feathers speckling the back of her neck rose, feeling aura thicken once more. With a calm glance she looked at the yellow eyed woman- a double take. In a second the Violet haired girl sped to the hooded woman. Mai grasped the sides of her pale cheeks, pulling hard to inspect her teeth. "Beautiful!! I've never seen anything like it!" Mai excited turned the woman's head in different angles to look at her features, much like handling a dog in a show. " The texture...is quite interesting...hmm..."

@Yonsisac @LifeNovel
Kale looked at the violet haired girl as she sped away towards the Hellhound...

Miss Mai, not to disrespect ye, but I don't think ye should be doing that.

He said quietly.

Hydro would sigh as she sees mai being her scientist side,as he would get up and streach as the duck was away and say "Mai.....what did i tell you...ask first"he says as he would analize the new people as travelers,as he wonderd were was angelus? was he still in his Room?..maybe
Her golden eyes bore into the depths of the recognized man that stood before her. She couldn't bore her eyes into his soul for he did not have one. The rumble of her growl continued as she walked forward. Feeling the burn of desire to kill ran through her. The claws of her nails began to extend as well as her bony fangs.

Readying herself to pounce, her attention was solely focused on the man. Because of engrossed attention on a particular being, Zana didn't detect a sudden movement nearby that was approaching her. A shock rippled through her body as a crazed scientist attacked her. Startled, Zana growled even louder. Her eyes were fueled with anger and at the moment sparkled surprise. The hellhound was utterly confused. The scientist violated her space and was fondling her. This caused the hellhound to snap. She nip the fingers of the encroaching scientist and jumped back changing into her actual hellhound form, knowing most of her strength lied in that form.
Kale who was watching nervously blinked In surprise at the Hellhound's sudden movements and shift, he sighed and scratched his head, seeming as If he was dealing with an overly sensitive friend who was gettin on the last of his nerves, he looked about for a bit, his head, aimed In different directions a few times over, stopped, looking from the man, back to the hound, then over to the man again, he sighed again before walking over, and standing between Mai and the Hound, he raised his hands and looked directly In the Hound's eyes, speaking softly, In an ancient Tongue, an old and honest song, much like that of a lullaby, hoping It would calm the creature down, though, to those of normal people and myths, It sounded like dark whispers of death or nothingness...

"Eh? What did you say?" Mai looked back at the two, seeming too distracted with the newfound discovery to listen. "Ah! Look how sharp they are...so pointy...so white! And these sha-" she paused, carefully looking at the tendrils surrounding the creature who was now a small distance away. Warm blood trickled down her fingers and down to her wrists. "Oh! I've read up on creatures like this...so beautiful- extremely rare. Usually one only sees this before they die!." An amused played on Mai's lips, synthetic forms of a hellhound never succeeded...possibly because no one had ever had a sample of real blood. With a quick glance back at Hydro the violette woman wiggled her bleeding fingers at him "So sharp-I barely felt it!" She exclaimed in an excited tone- almost taking them as battle scars.

@Yonsisac @LifeNovel
Hydro face palms and sighs as here we go again,as this remindes him wen he first met her,examination and sample taking,as he understand she being exited because of this,as he would stand beside her and would whisper "Dont you think you are geting a Little Picki....you know...ask first befor that small Bite gets...Worse"he says as he dint whant too remember what happend too her back wen she dint ask and well....self explenatory so he understand why the hell hound is angry and imprest of seeing one himself,but still,he dint whant Mai turn too Hound Chum.

(If i recall it was Tony that attack her back in Myth 1?wen she try too take samples of him correct?)
Mai twitched her feathery ears as she listened. "Too bad my blood contaminated the saliva off her teeth, it would have been a great sample....B-But I wasn't going for samples I was just looking at her features! " she put her hands up in innocence. The bite stung like gentle fire, but she was quite use to bites of all kinds from the ghastly experiments prowling in cages below. With stubborn grin the female reached into her bag and retrieved a fat leather journal, "I'll keep my distance. Don't worry sweetie." Mai opened to yellowed page in the back, plucked a golden phoenix feather from her buns, and began sketching the hellhound.
Tony watched curiously, watching the hellhound with a low growl in his throat, his feathers ruffling in annoyance. He kept his injured arm close to his chest as he watched, feeling lost at what was happening around him, but staying silent none the less
Hydro sigh as he was always Worried of her and for good resons really,as he would say "Alright dear....Be very carfull ok"He says as he kisses her cheek,and would walk away too let her "Work" as oddly he is allowing and he hopes she is carfull,as he would see tony and say"......Hey Tony!"He says as he would wave at Tony and would wonder were is his Wife sky....odd they are always togheather and not seeing them now was wierd actually,as he would look at the hound and at Mai keeping an eye on the Two and hope they dont starts a Fight or anything.
Tony warily waved back, "H-Hi" He mumbled seeming unsure of Hydro. He fiddled with the ring on the chain around his neck, looking lonely and confused
Disorder is what Zana saw at the moment. Most of her attention was on the other man's presence, one that felt like the Devil himself. Her head began to turn in his direction when the soothing sound of words, Ancient words, hit her ears. The rumbling in her lungs stopped but her lips were still drawn back.

Her growling stopped but from afar she heard another growl. Her fiery golden eyes swerved over to the wolf hybrid.
Too much interaction. Too much attention. I need to flee. Without a second thought she sank down into the ground into her shadow form and fled. Anger still burned within her, from the Devil's presence as well as fleeing like a coward. She ran and ran aimlessly away from the others.
Hydro would walk towatds tony and would say "Long time no see....somthing wrong?"he ask,as he sudently sees the Heallhound...Gone....were did it go?,he would look around as he would not see her,well Mai lost her chance for geting her needs from the hound.

(Sorry if post is short busy)

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