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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Mai carefully pulled herself up through the stir ups. One. Then swing over, resting comfortably on Rak's back.A process much easier when Kale showed her. "Oh, thank you" she smiled, stroking down the length of the horse's mane. It was much more comfortable than a other animal she's mounted. "Hmm...I think...my home could be over there" The directionally challenged girl pointed- in a completely random location past the trees. "It stands in a field full of many plants, herbs and flowers you may know...on a cliff by the sea....hm...it could be that way...oh...wait...no...there?" Mai continued to change her mind as she pointed in random directions. But the scent of home was distinct, the sweet smells of sea salt and Ancient herbs. Unmistakable sight from the sky. "It's been a long time since I actually walked there..."

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Heh, yer not very good at directions are ye? Heheh, I'll figure out the way, my body may be weak, but my mind Is still young, I think I have seen that area before, Rak. We'll be taking this young miss home, follow me.

Kale said, grabbing the reigns and walking towards the ocean, where he remembered seeing an area from which she mentioned.


(Are ya doin somethin, or.. Are ye on yer phone?)
"I'm quite fine with directions...when I can see everything below me." Mai lifted her nose in to the air, smelling the air as they drew near, the peaks of light petaled flowers far between the shadows of the trees "Yeah! You know my own home better than I do! " she laughed, patting the horse appreciatively as they trotted along "Thank you Rak for taking me, I probably would have made it very far without you guys. Also...how do you know my home? Is it that noticeable?"the scientist looked forward, a storied house sitting in the distance. It looked nothing like a cabin. Or a lab. No cages. No tables- at least not on the outside.

@AzelFang (on my phone.)
Hm? Oh, no, It Isn't. I just see things, whether or not people hide It, as I've said before, my body Is weak, however, my mind Is not, I can see anything, If there Is a demon, whose taken form of something else, I can still tell, It's not a good ability to have really, but It's helped me In my life.. So even If there Is something hidden, I will always see It, even If nobody else can, and to be honest, I've never lost a game of hide an seek. Hehehe..

He laughed kindly, brushing his nose slightly, as If that was something to be bragging about, no matter how useless It would be In the real world.
"A clairvoyant!" Mai smiled "That would be a great use in war." She said as if it were a gift" To look for buried bombs or land mines near cities or homes to keep people safe. To look for missing people, or people buried under debris. It would be a god send in rescue missions. People with talents usually don't understand how valuable they really are...but hide and seek...that's no fun if you always win!" The girl laughed, enjoying his personality.

Kale grimaced and his face turned dark, for those few seconds, he seemed like a man who would stand on par beside Damien on the battlefield, then, he quickly masked It, going back to his kind self, hoping she didn't notice It, he truly hated war, It was something that was utterly horrifying.

I'm a peacekeeper Miss Mai. I'd rather not even have arguments. Could ye please drop this subject... So.. Uh.. What kind of myth are you and your husband?

He asks with a smile, thinking of the hundreds of thousands of types of myths are out there and which she could be...

Mai saw his face grow dark for a moment. His whole aura seemed to change. "I suppose I could be a peacekeeper... I just do my best to protect the people stuck in between. " her voice slowly went quiet. Imagining all the creatures she bred for killing on the human side. As a scientist she just produced, but she knew that the lives she saved are minor compared to the lives that died to her creations.

"Oh..hm..myths..." the girl smiled "My husband is a nine headed hydra, with a very fierce Leviathan form! He can't stay out of water for long so it's nice that I was stationed by the sea. And I...well..." She paused the think "...I'm a bit of a mutt for a myth. I've only done it fully once...serpentine and wolfish...covered with feathers and scales. I can't control my transformations very well...but I guess I might look like some type of long beast...maybe a Chinese dragon...." Mai, even all these years still hadn't practiced enough with her myth powers. Mostly because the girl was too afraid to do something wrong without Damien's knowledge to protect her.
A Dragon and a wolf, a Chinese Dragon? Hmm, a Fur Dragon? Strange, I haven't seen very many of those before, It's really cool, so you and yer husband adventure a lot I gather? Oh! Hey look! Yer house Is Just a little ways away!

He said, distracted by the amazing view that surrounded the house.

Tony had no clue where he was going, or even where he was. He padded on, or rather limped. His front right leg was wrapped in bandages, and he whined softly each time that paw hit the floor. Growling softly at himself in annoyance, he tilted his head back and howled, hoping someone would hear him
Blistering light greeted the hellhound. A cringe was the reaction the demon had to the bright light. Her golden eyes closed as her body recoiled back. For a moment she stood still adjusting to the sudden change in worlds. The odd feeling of lungs functioning and absorbing different types of odors besides death and fear. Her paws felt the soft ground beneath her.

Zana stood unbalanced on the ground. She slowly opened up her eyes but still squinting to see where she landed. Blue liquid lapped up against the pale vanillish colored ground that sunk down with each step she took.

Her black body could feel heat entering her cold body causing a wave of awe inside of her. She felt as if she had some purpose to live now. Zana lifted her head up and sniffed the air in search of something, anything.


The beach soon came into view for Amara. Blue water white sand. She closed her eyes in mid-flight, concentrating on her form. As she dived down she felt herself changing, losing her wings and gaining arms, molting feathers and revealing skin, chipping off skin from her legs to reveal shiny, smooth human skin. Amara felt the sand cushion her as she landed.

Feeling nothing but joy, and some pain, Amara walked by the shore enjoying the day.
"I'm glad...I like being different...It's nice being unique." Mai gave the man a little wink "Well I suppose you can say that, Myka." The girl laughed "Adventuring is how we found each other. Together Hydro and I have explored under the seas, above the clouds, attacked by dragons and other myths, beasts...within mountains, across ice- all too vivid to imagine. With many friends that are different in all ways. " She kept her feathery wings close to her body, looking up at the newly built home. Humble, not lavish, with an array of flowers all around in a large field. Gentle waves lapping right on the bottom shore line, at the bottom of the stone steps leading up from the the cliff side. "Yep! That's it alright, do you like it?"
It's a really well built house, and It has a fantastic view. Say, what's It like up there In the sky?

He asked, his kind eyes on the sky, watching the clouds and flighted animals soaring through the sky..

"It's the greatest feeling in the world!" Mai smiled looking up into the sky. "Beautiful...crisp...free...you can feel above the world, and go anywhere you like. It's really cold the higher you go...and winds, storms and thick clouds are big dangers. But its wonderful..." She began daydreaming for a moment before grinning back at him "It's like looking off the edge of your floating island but knowing you'll never fall. " @AzelFang
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Angelus shifted in his comfortable bed, he was still too sleepy to deal with mornings.

Vee wandered around with Mr. Cuddles on her head. "Don't worry Cuddles, I'm sure we'll find a way to hear them again." She said. "Blbrrlbllrrbrrlbr."
Hydro was underwater as he seem too have been enjoying being inside the water too much,as he was full from eating all those fishes,aswell he was well Moist and his skin wont dry up that easy,as he would starts making hi was back too shore but he first took one more small swim in the water as being a Water Myth,the sea is his best Friend...and also the place were he can swim freely
Mai oh- so- gracefully slipped off Rak with a loud "THUD". She crawled her way up the steps with a chuckle, "Thank you very much for letting Rak carry me. Here, the study is on the left. Go ahead and look around." The girl opened up the door leading straight to the living room, with slow movements, stairs leading down and stairs leading up in the very back. And other doors leading to the kitchen, dining room, study. "Angelus! We have a guest today, so make sure you be good!" Mai called up the stairs, knowing he would probably still be in his room. @Metaphysics @AzelFang
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Hydro would Finish swiming and eating,as he would come out of the water,as he would wim towards the shore and as he dose he would remove his shirt and squize it removing lot of salt water,as he would put it back on and streach a Little as he would hear the noice....that Quack...as he would see a Evil Duck,as his eyes go wide open and would begin too run the Opposite way looking at the duck as it slowli walk around,as he looking back sudently Runs in too sombody Hiting hard,as he would fall on his back and grone "ugh,.....owwww"he says as he would raise his head and Rub his forhead as he would see he ran in too some girl,as he would say "Oh....Im terrably sorry are you ok?"he says as he would stand up and would help the girl up as he better look were he runs after being chance by a Evil Duck

Kale walked around with Rak, after awhile he noticed the aura In the air, as If there was some hidden secrets here, so as was his norm, he looked around, at every nook an cranny, seeing the secrets that hid here.. Kale heard people talking, must be Mai's husband and someone, he looked around after tying Rak up by the front door, he walked a little ways, looking down a cliff he spotted a man and a young looking girl..

"I'm ok." She mumbled as she picked herself up.

"BLLBRRLBLRBLLRRBRRL!" The squid burbled as he leapt from her to the man and started to weakly slap him with his tentacles.

"Yes mom!" Angelus shouted sleepily.
Voices sounded from behind the hellhound. Curious to see what other beings inhabited this land she padded over to the shadows of the beach. Cautiously she walked as a shadow over to where most of the voices were sounding from. The only light that appeared on her was her golden eyes. The wispy tentacles slithered and coiled like snakes as she walked. Soon she felt herself climbing up a cliff, a house at the top of the cliff. Her ears perked up with curiosity.


Amara's head tilted as she spotted a shadow flitting away. What was different about the shadow was that it had no owner, at least one she could see. Led by curiosity of darkness she stalked the shadow but in her human form. Her bare feet dropped down in the sand with each step creating difficulty for her to quickly reach the curious shadow. Deciding she didn't want to lose the shadow she shifted her arms to her Phoenix wings and flew up some altitude. Soon she spotted the shadow approaching a home on a cliff. She wanted to swoop down and watch but felt she had better vision in the air.
Kale spotted the shadow walking towards the house, only a few yards away, he decided to approach the creature.

Well hello there, are ye a friend of Miss Mai?

Kale asked kindly, wondering who or what this shadowy figure was.
Mai watched Kale through the window, sighing in relief that he hadn't found anything more than he should have. She quickly skirted around the house before he returned- running down the stairs in the back of the living room to lock a black door. The young scientist tumbled around the steps, quickly kicking experiment records and books under the couch, and locking trap doors that lay hidden under various objects. "Visitors are welcome...but too many can be a bad sign..." Mai recomposed herself and scurried to the kitchen to grab some carrots for Rak.

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