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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

A voice directed itself at the hellhound. At first the words were foreign to her until she realized the creature was speaking an Ancient language. One she was familiar with. Hesitation overtook her then. Should I trust this creature? What motive drove this creature to approach a shadow? The boldness of the creature impressed her so she decided to reveal herself. Zana rose from the shadows but this time in her human form. Her dark brown hair emphasized her golden eyes. A black cloak was all she wore. Her head tilted as she tried to speak words back to the man, "Friend? I have no association with a creature that you call Miss Mai."
Hmm, so are ye an adventurer? Or are ye looking for anyone? If ya want, I can help ye.

He said kindly, smiling at the young girl with fascinating eyes. Wondering where about she came from, from less than a second ago she had the shadow of a Beast, and now she had the appearance of a human.

She must be a myth, but what sorta myth? Strange, yet amazing at the same time, I wonder If Damien had experience with these sort of beings before.
Zayna's eyes glowed with curiosity. "A traveler I am not. A hellhound is what I am. I recognize that dialect of the Ancients. Yours seems to be of a younger tongue," she observed, her senses already examining him by instinct. Before when she was sent to retrieve a soul, she was first ordered to collect the data of the creature she was retrieving before finishing them off. Her eyes continued to glow retaining all she can just by looking at the man.
Ah, so yer one of the underdwellers, Interesting, how Is It down there?

He asked, wondering how old she was, and who her masters and lords where..
Tony howled all the louder as he limped along, wanting to find someone who either knew him, or could tell him where he was. He whimpered softly after, gazing about
The hellhound's eyes narrowed. "Quite impressive how you could tell what I was," she muttered, "I guess I give off that aura." Since he figured out what she was, she allowed the rest of her shadows out. The usual black tentacles that followed Zana slithered out and she allowed her tail to appear as well. Zana kept her human appearance on though, as to not intimidate the man as well as the sun was not so overbearing on this skin.

"But yes. I am an underdweller. And how is it down there you ask. Miserable," a grim face emphasized the misery and emptiness that clouded the underworld. "May I ask why you are here Ancient? It is quite odd finding you roaming around at least in these surroundings," Zana asked. The Ancient intrigued her, never had she had such a formal conversation with anyone because usually they were dead once they set eyes on her.
Mai crept out onto the porch of the home, stepping down to kneel by the horse. She quietly watched the two converse as Rak ate the carrots out of her hands. "What... Wow.." The scientist gasped, seeing the tendrils snake around the strange girl "...A myth....I wonder if I can..." The glanced down at her side bag, full of concealed needles and vials.
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Tony was watching Mai from a distance in his wolf form. He could of sworn he had met her before, but his destroyed memory wouldn't let him retrieve a name. He sighed and slowly approached, "Hello?" He asked unsurely

Mai blinked as the wolf approached, she quickly distanced herself from the horse; hoping that it wouldn't be spooked by the canine. "Tony? Long time no see!" The girl exclaimed, wincing as she over extended her broken wing.

Well, miserable, that's not to bad, and why I'm here ye ask? I'm Just on an Adventure, It's not like I can leave here whenever I want like a certain king, right? Besides, I've come to visit the humans and myths, It's not quite so often I get to see other creatures, that I can actually speak to, besides Rak..

He smiled kindly, his eyes lighting up when Rak turned his head over to the two and snuffed, seeming as If he heard them talking, the horse soon turned Its head back to Mai and ate another carrot. Kale kept looking around, before he spotted a dark door (@Nekoni) In the house, he watched the door for only a moment before he dragged his sight away to look at the Mysterious girl.

My name Is Kale Mythros, though, you can call me Kale or Myka, whichever you may prefer to use, may I know your name, Miss?

He asked softly, bowing slightly.

Tony blinked at her, changing forms into his human form, wings fluttering anxiously. He held his injured arm to his chest, his face pale and the chain with the wedding ring on it moving slightly, "W-Who a-are you...?" He asked softly
Mai paused for a moment, "Amnesia?...Hmm...My name is Mai Hinawo Morgan...I'm a friend of yours." She smiled lightly "Are you alright? How did you get hurt?" The girl asked, hoping to be more gentle than the first time they met. Glass and needles everywhere.
Tony blinked at her and shook his head, "I don't....." He whimpered, shaking his head, "I don't know..." He mumbled, looking down. From there it was possible to see a scar under his hair that reappeared at the back of his neck and by his ear

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"I see...I understand..." Mai hummed to herself, her own memories ticking in her mind. Creatures of her own experiments would suffer from the same scars after she experimented on their nerves and neurological pathways. "It's alright, you don't need to know. Come rest up inside, I might have an extra room for you upstairs. " The violet haired girl patted the nose of the horse, feeding him another green topped carrot.
Kale sat down slowly, watching the mysterious girl, he turned his head to find Miss Mai and another person talking, Rak, on the other hand seemed to be enjoying himself on those carrots of his..

I wonder why she hides all of those things, the experiments and whatnot, she was probably taken under Damien's wing, or maybe he just gave her his planet full of books... Whatever the case may be, she shouldn't hide her true self.

He thought silently.


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
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Tony looked up at her and nodded silently, "C-Can I ask something?" He asked softly, then pulled out the wedding ring on a chain about his neck, "W-Whose is this?"
Kale's eyes darted to the ring he held in his fingers, it looked exactly like the one Aurora had when she married Damien... Why does he have it?!

A suddenly heavy aura surrounded Kale, anger welling up deep Inside him, his usually calm and kind demeanor, no longer, but replaced with hatred and horror, aimed at the unknown boy.


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Mai felt the air thicken for a moment, her feathery ears twitched as she glanced at Kale. The violet haired girl looked back at Tony "It's yours, just a gift from a friend." It was half true. So she couldn't possibly hated for not telling him the whole truth.


Kale heard what she said, he sighed, dragging his hand over his face, he seemed to calm down, his aura quickly reverted back to his kind self, he took his hand away from his face, a smile both on his face and in his eyes. He looked at Miss Mai, then at the boy, he shook his head and looked at the sea, the Sun seemed to be settling, there was a salty breeze, and the sky held an orange/purple tint, he sighed once more.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
"ARGH NO F*** OFF!!.HAAAAAAAAA"Hydro yells as it was preaty far away,Running away from the same duck he saw as this time it was Now Chasing him as Hydro kinda Disturbed the duck and it was mad,as Hydro run as the duck chases him quacking and flaping its wings Violante way,as he would see the duck take Flight...as this was horro..as Hydro Runs faster and Flaling (Like in mi Profiel Pic xD ) as the duck takes flight chasing him.

Kale looks down, hearing someone screaming, he spots s man, running from a... A.. There was a duck chasing this man..

Miss Mai, could that possibly be your husband?

Kale points down at the crazed man...


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Tony nodded silently, and tucked it back into his shirt. He looked warily at the horse, curling his arms around his own chest and protecting his injured one silently, noticing the man watching him and flinching. Nothing about him seemed to jump at Tony like it had with Mai, and he decided he didn't know him
A murder of crows surrounded Azrael as he lay on the ground in his human form. One of them landed on his chest and nibbled his jacket but soon dropped dead after inhaling the dark substance that surrounded him like aura, leaking out of him like smoke. Instinct told him that there were people nearby.
Mai turned her head as she heard Kale speak, listening to screaming and a fury of wings. In the distance she saw her purple haired husband running mad across the grass with a duck flapping after him. "Yes...that's my sweetie...HYDRO! " she called, extending her wings as she began running.

The pain in her broken right wing shot through her like a bullet, before anyone could blink- the violet haired girl tripped over her feet, soaking hard against the ground. Some of the black birds fluttered. "ugghn..." Mai glanced near her- bright green eyes widening "Hey!! Shoo Shoo!! Are you alright sir??" She clambered over to the mysterious man laying on the ground, using her good wing to bat away the murder.

@Yonsisac @Verdas @AzelFang
Kale looked at the crazed man once more before turning his head to look at Miss Mai falling over someone, so as was his norm, he got up, quickly rushed over, and helped her up, he then leaned down and extended his hand to the unknown person.

Are y'all alright? Anything broken, any injuries?

He asked with a kind smile.

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