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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

As Kale finished speaking, he left Mai there standing, to wait for whomever or whatever was lurking around here, they needed to head off soon, It was getting brighter as the morning ran thru..

Ahh.. What a strange and busy morning this Is.. Ah.. Hey.. Tony, you up yet?

Kale asked as he walked Into camp, and started putting the gear away.

Tony looked up at Kale, watching him silently, "Yeah" he mumbled, slowly standing from where he was sat. He stretched out his humanoid body, yawning tiredly, having not slept
Kale had Just finished putting the gear away, when he hefted the pack onto his back, he was ready to get going, morning was Just up an shining, the sun beaming out from behind the mountains, and the air was warming up slightly, all the animals running around to get their day going.. I'll go on ahead, bring the kiddies along when they wake up. He said quietly to Tony, patting his head as he walked off towards the Capitol.

Tony silently nodded, "Be careful" he muttered, looking over ay the others. He was wary of their surroundings, and stayed wide awake, keeping an eye out
Kale laughed, turning around and saluting Tony. Aye Cap'n Wolf. I'll make sure t' stay safe. He said, turning back and walking off with a skip, his demeanor and aura changing as he walked away, and In only a few seconds did he disappear from view.
Skylar groaned and woke up in a cold, dark room with no doors or windows. Her usual small plate of food was sitting in the middle of the room like every day for the past year. She glared at it, not wanting to touch it. Her stomach protested with a loud grumbling. She sighed and reluctantly ate the food.
(John, his entry in a journal): It has been 2 months... since we left. Our group of renegades have been damned from human territory, not even allowed to stay in the vilest home. We have been wandering the lands, searching for a home, any home. My soldiers have grown weak, some already dying. But we push on-

(The armies actions.): The small army was exploring a desert landscape, vehicles almost out of fuel. Many groans could be heard, from the ones who chose to walk. A soldier in a white battle-suit motioned them to stop, talking to some comrades. The army stopped, setting up camp, resting from 2 months of pain, and solitude.
(Don't know. Also don't know how Sky is gonna get reunited with the others.)

Skylar looked at the small wedding ring she wore around her neck on a chain. She couldn't remember who she got it from or even if it was hers, she's just had it since she first woke up here.
Hydro would peek out of the water,head coverd in water as his messy hair was driping,looking around he would see Mai and some...Hmm...stranger....he narrow his eyes to take a better look as his Bad vision dosent help much on the surface but if it were underwater he could see just as fine,he kept slightly hiden as he Observ the strange Figure with his wife,hmmm...who was he?,he knew she might be in danger! Or even Being Kinap!! being a Overprotective man like always (and always be) he would soon get out of the water and sneak his way towards the Figure as he faces his back...only to trip and face plant on the ground....shit
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Vee yawned an slowly fell asleep on Angelus' shoulder. "I'm sooo sleepy..." She yawned out.


No! I am not-what brought this on?


No I don't like him!


It's just convenient! Leave me alone!

Kale looked back, Tony and the little girl known as Vee, along with the boy named Angelus, who apparently was Mai's son, was back there, yet to having actually left to Join them, he's read up on some things that Damien had left In one of the safe houses, or at least, his soldiers, and It had a list of names, and Information on all of the names, a few of who were named was here with him now... He didn't know what to think of them, but as long as he was able to get to where he wanted to be... He was fine. If he couldn't get there safely.. He would have to fight, although sooner or later his body would shut down on him..

Hey! Y'all should hurry up 'n follow along! We don wanna get ye lost! He called out to the group of kids.


(@1337 If you have a comment that Is not an actual post, please use the OOC. And well, they're mostly spread out, some people are roaming In the Capitol, some are on the way there, others are In random different plains across the land.. Normally we all start In a random place, and sooner or later we'll meet up..)
Skylar sighed before closing her eyes and trying to use her magic to send a signal massege to however might hear her. "Hello? Can anyone hear me? Hello? Someone please help! Can anyone hear me?"
Kale looked about quietly, thinking he heard something, he stopped In the middle of the road, the forest was thinning out from where he was, and soon It would Just be a big old field.. But.. It felt like somethin was wrong.. He almost thought somebody was calling out for help... But.. He Just wasn't sure.... He looked back when he saw Tony trotting along a ways behind him, maybe he heard It too, he'd wait for him to catch up to ask.. @WolfOfProphecys @Skylar Black
Tony suddenly fell to his knees, holding his head. He whimpered, but froze after a second, recognising the voice, Skylar? SKYLAR! W-Where are you? He thought back, unsure if she'd hear him or not

@Skylar Black
Skylar gasped. she recognized that voice but couldn't remember how. "T-tony? Tony! I don't know where I am. Please help me!"
Angelus suddenly tensed. He could hear something faint. "Guys...can you hear that?" He asked the group as he looked around rather quickly. "I think I hear something..." He said as he tried searching for the source of the voice.
B-But....You're dead! Tony returned, sounding panicked, I...I'll find you! He promised, having a feeling that he knew where she was. The facility that he had woken was the first place he'd look, because she sounded panicked and scared and he wasn't going to let thet continue. He turned on the spot, and began to run in the opposite direction, no longer following his friends

@Skylar Black
Kale watched as Tony ran off Into a certain direction, maybe he was on the hunt of that voice he heard, or maybe he had to take a leak, Kale figured that he should have followed him, but he continued on his own path.
Angelus turned his head towards the now running Tony. He looked at the sleeping Vee on his back. "Take her please." He said, handing her to Kale and following after Tony just in case.
Kale watched and held onto Vee as the black winged boy ran off after Tony... He didn't say anything In response, he did sit down to wait for them to come back though..

Skylar slumped over in exhaustion, cutting off the connection. She curled up into a tiny ball, smiling slightly. She was going to be free again.
Tony ran as fast as he could. Getting close to the facility, he slowed, frowning as he silently worked out how to get past the guards. He shook his head and, in his wolf form, charged at them when their back was turned, bringing them down
Skylar sat up as she heard noise outside. Which was weird because it was always dead silent outside her windowless and doorless room.

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