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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Kale sat there at the rock, waiting for the boys to come back, holding the little girl In his arms, he could hear something going on, barking, and banging on walls or the sort.. He wasn't entirely sure what to do, he could keep going, but what would he do with this little girl?
Tony barked louder to her, finally finding a way in. Locking his teeth around a odd handle in the middle of the wall, he pulled, revealing a hidden door
Tonys wolffish eyes widened as he saw her, yipping excitedly at the sight of his wife. The chain attached to the ring around his neck clinched as he pranced to her
Vee snuggled into Kale in her sleep. She was really tired from crushing a mountain's worth of bandits with her fists.

Angelus tapped Tony's shoulder. "Okay, you found her, step aside a bit, I need to check for injuries."
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Ahh.. Come on now.. I should be going... He mumbled quietly to himself, brushing Vee's hair out of her face, wondering If he should leave her here or wait for the kids to get back...
The wolf lowly snarled at Angelus, and padded closer to Skylar, licking her cheek happily. He fluttered his wings, clearly excited to have her back
Kale walked Into what seemed to be a run down facility, a sleeping Vee In his arms, he peered around the corner, showing Tony, Angelus and some girl.. He figured, from the look of It, It was that girl Skylar, childhood friend to Tony, he read It from some of Damien's old notes.. He watched as the to ambled about before Tony got ready for her.. To ... Mount him?

Eh... Was she the one who was screamin' Tony?

He asked quietly.


@Skylar Black
The smile on Kale's face disappeared, but only for a second, before a more worried look came upon It, he could hear shuffling of feet, there were more assailants than the two Tony had knocked out, and they were comin In fast..

Ehh.. I think we should get goin before the.. Others find out we're takin their... Prisoner...

He said In a worried voice.

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