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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Kale watched the two closely as they began to depart from the "Ruins", the assailants coming closer behind them, he looked over at the girl with a thought.

I believe he went on another Journey miss, he's been doing that lately..

And although It wasn't the exact truth, It wasn't a lie either, Damien had gone on a Journey, If he truly has passed, he'd have become the Beast, and traveled across the stars, now for how long to keep this secret from the girl, that was another question among the Labyrinth of Mysteries..

@Skylar Black
Skylar frowned. "Did he even bother looking for me?" She asked in a small voice. The last time she remembered seeing him was her wedding day. She was getting ready when everything went black. Next thing she knew she was in her inescapable cell without any memories of anyone.
I'm pretty sure.. That he sent you and Tony off, he took you home, and went off to his Journey, although, what happened to y'all or him after that, I 'aven't the slightest Idea.

He said, saying the first things that came to his mind.. It seemed like the assailants were getting closer, so he hopped next to the girl, and securely pushing Vee Into her arms, he pulled out an old looking black blade, piercing the earth with It, a black light erupted from within the earth, and the kids (Along with Angelus) were teleported to a nearby pond, where a whet and curious scientist and her betrothed were staying, no longer was Kale In sight, nor the sounds or sight of the assailants.

Skylar held the girl, deep in thought. Why couldn't she remember? She sighed and yawned. "We need to set up... C-camp." She said, yawning again.

(Night people!)
After he teleported the children away, he was confronted by a group of 30 men and women, although they didn't attack him they had surrounded him, and even though Kale only put his sword away, they drew theirs, wanting him to confess about what happened to the prisoner and the Intruders, and although he was one himself, an honest Intruder at that, he only looked blankly at them, speaking softly.

To be honest, when I got here, there was nothing, and though, that Is not the truth, If I did tell you, I highly doubt, you would believe me. So why don't we say this, let's say there was a flash of light, and my memories have been erased of the past 24 hours, hmm?

The group looked at him with surprised eyes, some moved closer, others moved away, those who went closer got ready to strike, and those who moved away, were ready to run, and all of them, saw a fate worse than death, they could see the horrors that were buried deep Inside of Kale's mind, the memories not even the most brazened of warriors dared to handle, and whence they attacked or ran, all It took, was a single blink, and the area was no longer, although the area stayed the same, there was no longer any men, nor women around, not even a whisper In the wind, no squeak, or caw, not even the sound of life could be heard, It was complete and absolute nothingness, and Kale stood there, a sad look on his face, pain In his eyes, he was not fond of killing people, but the method of which he Just took, It was to save a precious part of Damien's family, and for that, sooner or later, sooner, rather than later, he would be punished for It...

I honestly had wished for you to accept my agreement.. Now why you did not.. I do not know.. But, I am terribly sorry for what I have Just done to you, and wish that no others will go through the horrors that I have unleashed upon your souls.. Farewell my friends, for this Is the last time you will ever to speak with another.

He said quietly, bowing to one knee, holding his head In his hand as he touched the earth, after a few minutes of this, he stood once more.. Looking about, the wind started to pick up, and sounds could be heard once more, he felt tired, but he also knew he had not the time to sleep, and the area, however much the same, was now different, he was In a different part of the region, his powers, albeit powerful and controlled, have side-effects that even he could not stop.. He would have to once again, find his friends, and reach the Capitol, although, depending on the way It went, he would hopefully reach the Capitol before finding his friends.. If It had must come to the point, he would break his way In, and take what he wanted, with, or without the help of his allies.. And today, well, It was to becoming Just another day In his chaotic life.

(@Skylar Black - Night Sky)
Her violet hair shone in the faint lights shining between the leaves of the tree she was hiding in. Though in human form, feathers peeked out from the base of her neck and under her worn clothing. "..." Mai curled up well hidden in the branch of the tree overlooking the clearing of her home, scratches and bruises over the entire length of her body with three new volumes of journals under her arm and a jar of squirming beetles with red, mechanical eyes. She slept soundly, resting from her days of flight and travel, barely noticing the Ancient visitor in the premises. @AzelFang
Skylar used her magic to create a rather large tent and laid the girl down gently on a bed and tucked her in. She stood outside the tent, looking at the sky. She hadn't seen the sky or anything except four cement walls since she was taken. She smiled and flew into the air.
Tony watched Skylar quietly, smiling slightly. Slowly he opened his wings, and flew after her, feeling odd. He hardly ever flew in his human form anymore, but he felt free
Tony chuckled, "I do sky. I do" he said softly, "I may have lost my memory... But I've always known I was missing something. you"
Kale had walked for quite some time, stretching he popped his back once more, before sitting down on an old fallen tree, setting the old charred looking sword on the ground next to his luggage, he looked about, of course there seemed to be others around, however, he was unable to tell If any of them were friendly or not..

Tony made a happy noise and kissed her back, "Never gonna forget you again" He promised, knowing that last time hadn't been either of their faults
Skylar smiled and curled up into a little ball, her jacket around her, and fell asleep, dreaming of Damien's castle she had planned to get married in.
(You girls DO KNOW this Is a Casual Roleplay? Right? Simple Is not the meanin' of life here e-e')

Kale had walked for miles upon miles at this point, he was sure to have spotted a few familiar faces, but neither did they answer, nor did they pay any attention to him In any sort of way, and as he kept walking, he seemed to be getting closer and closer to the area from which he left earlier, that must mean he got closer and closer to Tony and that girl.. What was her name... Oh, Skylar, Damien's daughter, of course, how stupid of him to forget!


@Skylar Black
((Sorry but what was I supposed to put?! There was nothing to react to!))

Skylar yawned and woke up. She saw the man who had been there when she had been rescued. "You! You spoke of my father, Damien, earlier. Do you know where I can find him or how I could talk to him? Let him know I'm okay?" She asked anxiously, standing up.

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