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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

They've already declared war on Myths, don't you see them out hunting them daily? And besides, If they had to declare a war, they'd have to go through US first, and yer reward, I heard you.. Were a VERY big fan of Dragon Shine, to kill for, even." He said with a grin, watching her behind shaded eyes, he even had a bottle In his pack, though that was for when they got to a safe place, a home or Inn of sorts, awaiting for the time for the half mark, although he wasn't to warm to the Idea of settling Into the half way point to find out that there'd be more Intrusions or barricades that block his way to his Destination..

Skylar frowned. The government was hunting myths? And what was this Capital he was talking about? Being in captivity isolation for the past year or so left her pretty much oblivious and unknowing in anything about the new world and the danger Myths were in. She'd have to stay close to Kale and Tony to avoid getting herself in trouble like she always did when she was younger. This time, there would be no Damien to rescue her and fix her mistakes. She'd have to do that on her own.
"Yes, we do hunt Myths but it's very minimal...compared what it could be. You should be thankful that I've diverted their attention from this area for this long..." The scientist pauses with a playful grin at both of them "besides if I had let them take ALL my subjects I would have no fun- would I? " Mai gave Kale a quick glance at his words, adjusting her glasses a bit "Tempting....Dragonshine..." she drooled a bit but shook her head "*coughs* ...That's...that's acceptable...but I'll only accept...if you two also let me record the strength of your current powers." @AzelFang @Skylar Black
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You should already know this child's powers, but I'm fine with It. He said quietly, watching and waiting for Skylar's reaction.

Mai tilted her head side to side "Well people's strengths change all the time..and it's been awhile since...I've seen you two. I have to keep my records up to date." she smiled with a wink, getting closer to Kale. It seemed playful but recording data like this is essential to her research, especially when it's for creating weapons and strategies against them, and to protect their weaknesses. "Glad you agree to the terms...and the DS? How much are you offering?"@AzelFang
For now I only have the one bottle, but I can easily make more, In fact, I'm the only one who can make DS, since I AM the one who created It after all.

He said quietly, Inching away from the pink scientist, he spent enough time with Damien to understand what she was doing, after doing so he took a large canteen of what looked like water, taking a sip to refresh himself he put the canteen away and turned to Mai..

Say, Is there any Inns or housing around here where we can rest?

He asked quietly, getting dreary from all the time he spent walking.

Mai blinked in shock "YOU made this drink? You must be some kind of alchemist!....please don't tease me like that you're driving me insane." the violet haired girl turned around as she saw him drink- her face turning red. "Inns...housing...no. not that I know of. It's the middle of nowhere here- but there maybe the local farmer or botanist in the area." The scientist twitched, suddenly remembering seeing a farming village as she flew overhead " many villages lie around forests like this, but...since I work for the government that is trying to take their land...they won't take kindly to my presence without force." @AzelFang
That's fine, as long as I can rest comfortably, hmm.. Alchemist? You could call me that, I'm no Magician or Wizard like Ryker Is, I don work with things like that, I work With the elements rather than forcefully changing them.

He said quietly, looking at the borderlines of the forest, spotting a small house bout a mile out, he started to walk there, not even looking back to see If they were following.

Mai trotted carefully besides Kale This is....ridiculous...he actually got me to go on with him... the girl blinked at him "Ryker? Another ancient? I do not believe I have met him yet...It would be curious to find what other kinds of things you could create...It would help me out much in the lab." Quickly the scientist patted down her hips, feeling around for any kind of defensive weapon. One was alright, but it wasn't in her nature to be completely helpless going into a foreign home. @AzelFang
Ryker was a human, someone whom Damien was also a mentor of, he died long ago, he was one of my greatest friends.. Damien told me you should be greatful to him, for without him, you'd still be a human. He spoke quietly, watching the sky darken, and a light blink on In the home.

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Mai nods "Then I will pay him my respects, for the past and forgotten." The scientist let down her long violet hair- pulling twig and thorns out of it, as she looked at the house " Oh, so it looks like there is someone home. I hope they do not mind us. " She didn't mind sharing homes, but hopefully they'll welcome a mysterious group of travelers. Her thoughts continued to wander about Ryker, remembering slight things from Damien's old tales. "Are you sure you don't want to just set up camp? " @AzelFang
I've slept for nearly a month In bushes and the like, I want a nice comfy bed t sleep on. Hr said quietly, walking up to the door and knockin, a man answered, and after some negotiations he let the stay In the barn, although there was only one bed.

Skylar stifled a yawn. "Kale can take the bed. I'm fine sleeping on the ground. After a year of doing just that, I'll never be able to sleep on a mattress." She said and laid down a pile of hay. She did her best to get comfy and pretended to fall asleep. In reality, she was silently talking to Damien in her mind, even if he couldn't hear her. It was like, even without him, if she thought she was talking to him, things were easier to figure out. At the moment she was asking him if they were in danger by going to the Capital.
Mai looked at the bed, then nodded in agreement "Yes, I agree- Kale you take the bed since you haven't slept in one for so long. I'll be able to use my wings sleep comfortably." The scientist laid down in a small pile of hay, extending her violet wings to cover herself. Under her wings she opened journals, checking over material from the past few days. "That man was agreeable. You have the way with words Kale. " @AzelFang @Skylar Black
I like people, what can I say?

He said with a shrug, stretching out on the bed, his luggage on the side, he pulled out the large canteen, he waved over Mai, he took a sip and poured the drink Into the cup like lid. As 5 strange blades appeared on the bed, assorted and with strange elements flowing around the blades.


(Check Kale's CS for Image.)
(*Falls asleep* Is left behind *Sigh*)

Tony still followed them, seemingly ignored by the group. He huffed, unsure of what to do. He couldn't just leave Skylar, but he didn't seem wanted here, and he growled at himself. He didn't follow the others inside, and instead wandered about aimlessly, thinking to himself
Mai turned her head, wondering where wolf-boy had gone. It wasn't something she would normally worry about for a myth- but farmers...don't welcome wolves especially near livestock. Quickly she left the barn door open to let out the faint lantern light in the darkness for Tony to find his way towards them. The violet haired girl trotted next to Kale, looking at the swords in awe @nd amazement- in an instant taking out her journal to record every rune and sketch the swords. "Oh! This is wonderful! What are they? Where did they come from??" Her bright green eyes look on excitedly as her hand reaches and grabs hold of one of the blades. @AzelFang @WolfOfProphecys
Tony, in his wolf form, grumbled as he noticed the faint lantern light, yet didn't come back, not yet. He was watching a small group of sheep, grazing happily on green grass, but wouldn't harm one, not for sport anyway. But if they needed food, then he'd happily hunt. After a moment he sighed, growled, then began to move back toward the barn, glancing at Kale and Mai as he passed them, his fluffy head lowered
Kale looked over at the girl, placing her drink down on the table next to the bed, and watched Mai as her hand started turning a putrid black colour, he slapped the sword out of her hand and pulled the large blades closer to him, If Mai had taken another look, she would notice that these swords weren't Just strange, not Just the runes and elements, their sizes were also very large, In fact, If Kale had stood them up, they'd be taller than he.

Touching them, very well will kill you, even Angelus would have a hard time holding something such as these. These are the "Holy Blades" from each realm I've....... "Visited" And they're.. Mine.. Something I have Just In case I ever need to do.. Certain things.. Like this one for Instance. This Reaper sword here, Is perfect for causing.. A..... Blackout of sorts... Over the world..... And uhhh... This Knightly one over here Is perfect fer.... Transporting to.. Different places, or even.. Different realms..

He said quietly, both mumbling and speaking with eccentric speeds, pointing at the specific blades when he spoke, he took a hold of Mai's hand said something In a different language, taking out a small white bottle of a sort of orange liquid, he put a few drops of It In his hand, and spread It almost magically over the dark.. "Colour" On her arm, and In moment, any differences or abnormalities she had felt, disappeared Instantly, whether It was on her hand, or anywhere on or In her body.

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Mai cringed as pain shot up through her arm as the black color spread like a disease up her hand- only stopping at the cool feel of the strange liquid. The sword was taken from her grasp "Angelus...I wonder where my boy is now..." She muttered quietly- looking down at Kale as he began drifting away into his own world as he explained the different purposes of the swords."What...what was that liquid? And....what was that affect that the sword had on me? It's quite strange...very entertaining..." The scientist open and closed her hand as the liquid dripped and dried instantly. "You must be very powerful if you can handle something like that. Unimaginable power" her eyes wandered to the bedside cup of DS. @Metaphysics
Skylar rolled on her side and opened her eyes. "Tony?" She mumbled sleepily and then shot up when she saw he wasn't there. "Tony?!" She called and flew out of the barn, looking for him frantically. She had thought he had been following the group but... Maybe she'd been wrong? She only knew that she had to find him.
Angelus yawned as he returned. "I'm back..." He said as he stretched his arms, makings his wings flutter for a few moments. he looked Mai and smiled a little. "Hi mom." he greeted before going to Vee and resting her head on his shoulder before resting his own eyes. @Nekoni
Mai reached over hugged Angelus tightly as she heard the flutter of his small black wings " Angelus! " she exclaimed pulling him to her chest with the small cup in her hand. "You..why are you here? How did you find us in this human barn?..." She held him close- tugging his wings "If a human sees your black wings they might catch you." @Metaphysics
Maybe he followed yer scent r somethin, who knows. He said from the bed, grabbing his swords and putting them In the void, he lied down with the drink In his hand and watched them all, what strange creatures they were.
"This is quite an ...amar...zing....druink....Anel...why you...no ....goid..." Before she move much further Mai slumped onto the ground like lead in water with a loud THUMP- head spinning as she finished the cup of Dragon Shine in a second go. The scientist sprawled out on the floor with Angelus in her arms, laying in a drunken stupor in an awkward position. Barely conscious, almost out cold. @Metaphysics

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