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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Kale laughed at the flimsy scientist, not wanting to tell her that this was only the weak stuff, he had to make It In a hurry so he was unable to get the best flavour out of It.

I heard you were a weak drunk, but to think It would bring you to this state with a single cup of a kids drink. He said with a laugh, not meaning to say It, but It coming out anyways he took another gulp of his drink.

Mai laid face first on the floor, sight blurring and room spinning for only a few more moments before blacking out completely The scientist snored soundly on the floor without a single care in the world, chest rising and falling slowly in her state of dream- dreaming of the research and progress she's made in the past few days. She wouldn't be awake for awhile. @AzelFang
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Tony heard Skylars calls, and sadly moved to her, the wolf nuzzling gently against her leg, assuring her that he was there. He didn't give a reason for his absence, and instead stayed silent, glaring down at the floor, seemingly in a bad mood.

@Skylar Black
Skylar frowned and got down on her knees so she was his height. "Tony? What's wrong?" She asked softly. She stroked his fur and gently scratched behind his ear. She'd missed how close they used to be and wondered if they'd ever be like that again.
Tony nuzzled against her hand, Felt lonely. Watched sheep. Was his short, telepathic answer, as he leant into her touches. He wished this had never happened, that they had never been separated, that they had never lost contact for so long
Skylar sighed and hugged him. "I understand." She said softly. "Since we're both awake, feel like going flying?" She asked, smiling and standing up.
Tony's eyes brightened at the idea, and he bobbed his fluffy head, shifting back into his human form, though still managed to look like a eager puppy in front of his partner. He remembered when their lives had been peaceful, or at least somewhat so, and when they had been together, planning their wedding with Damien. Thinking about the Ancient made Tony's mood sadden slightly, and wonder where the dragon was now
Skylar smiled, not noticing Tony's sudden sadness, and flying into the air, hovering just above him. "Well, are you coming?" She asked, laughing. It was times like these she felt like a young girl again. Though now she was around nineteen or twenty. She couldn't remember her birthday or how long she'd been in that cell.
Tony blinked up at her, forgetting his thoughts for now, and instead opening his wings, and flying up beside her. It felt odd, to be free, and to be flying around once more, after being in such a small space for so long. But knowing how to fly never seemed to leave him, and even a long time in a cell, unable to take off due to the confined space, hadn't stopped Tony from stretching his wings
Skylar smiled at Tony and flew around him. She admired his wings, having not seen them fully stretched in awhile. She frowned when she realized she didn't know what had happened to him during the missing year. "Tony... What happened to you while I was gone?" She asked softly.
Tony shrugged, "Experiments" He said softly, then frowned, "I'm still not sure how I got there… or how I got out…" He shrugged, "Doesn't matter anymore though, right? I mean, the only thing that seems to have changed is the fact my feathers are now black and blue.." He trailed off, flapping the appendages
Skylar frowned, doubtful. She doubted that was the only thing they'd done to Tony. But she didn't say so. Skylar smiled and nodded. "As long as you're okay and we're together." She said and kissed him softly. The fireworks were still there like they were the first time they'd kissed.
Tony grinned at her as she spoke, and nodded, eyes gleaming. He squeaked in surprise as she kissed him, and kissed back, before gently pulling away, to simply look at her, "I missed you" He said softly, "And I love you"
Skylar smiled. "I missed you too. And I love you too." She said and pecked his cheek. She smirked and suddenly flew off. "Catch me if you can!" She called and flew over the farm. She hadn't been flying in far to long. Everything felt as if it were the first time. The wind through her hair, her nose turning pink from the wind chill, the howling and whistling in her ears, the sting to her eyes, causing them to water. She smiled at all the wonderful things that showed her she was flying and it wasn't a dream.
Tony looked surprised as she flew away from him with a call for him to catch her, and he grinned at the challenge, flying after her. He felt free, loving the wind that brushed over him as he flew as fast as he could after her, ruffling his hair. The wind was his friend, and always had been since he started to fly, and it felt great to have his friend back at his side again. Not only that, but flying was much faster than walking, especially when Tony had his limp
After the girl had left, and the others fell asleep, Kale had left the barn, locking up with the old lock that the farmer had given him, put the key away and trotted Into the woods, as he walked those few miles, he could see the kids playing In the sky, a strange grin on his face, they were as cheerful as Damien had written, all of what they were, and how they acted, was etched Into those books, and they were spot on too, he could see a small hole In the ground when he finally stopped, and so he grabbed a sharp rock and began to draw runes around the hole, and within minutes thereafter, a beam of coloured light shone Into the sky, piercing the heavens near where the two kids were enjoying themselves, as a portal began to open from the sky, a large rune dragon appeared out of the portal, as It roared a quiet yet calming roar Into the night, after a few moments of flapping It's massive wings across the land, It lumbered down In front of Kale without making a single sound, anyone who heard the roar would have come looking, but those who didn't would rest peacefully Into the night. However, Kane knew this dragon well, a pet of his very own In fact, from one of the Realms he explored on his many Journeys. Mikail, It's been quite some time since you've, been fully let out, how do you feel? He asked softly to the dragon, who had leaned his head down to meet his master. I'm doing well Master Myka, It hasn't been that long, remember that time with that small feeble pink creature you were speaking to? I said my greetings there. Oh! And I feel wonderful! It's a very luscious land here, tis be a pity If this lands leader denies you a proper home of your own, If thou creatures want to live peacefully, they will give you what you desire, then again, with the way things are with you... You wouldn't want that, you would forcefully take what you desire without causing any harm, then carry on with your ways, say.. Master Myka, would you mind If I go out for a nightly fly? It's been far to long since I've flown In such cool weather. The giant dragon asked cheerfully, speaking many words to his beloved master, who took It all In with a strange grin upon his face, he enjoyed talking to Mikail, It wasn't often that he let him out, he had his own troubles to deal with In his Realm. Sure, Just don eat anything 'round here, most of these creatures are owned, much like you are mine, these creatures you see here belong to the farmer, which I might add, let us peacefully stay here for the night. So, go off and enjoy yourself, Just make sure you come back to tell me where you plan to go, or If you want to go back home for awhile, either action Is fine by me, oh, and do say your greetings to those two kids up there In the sky, both are rather.. Fond of Damien, the girl Is Skylar, Damien's... Daughter, and the boy next to her Is Tony, her husband. He said quietly, watching the two from his own spot of beauty, he wondered how long It would take the humans to find Mikail In this world, or If he would go home, taking some of them with him to meet the humans that lived In his own Realm.. Aye, thank ye Master Myka, I will do Just that! And with Just that, the giant dragon flew off Into the sky, stopping midair only long enough to say hello to the two children before flying off Into the night, soon disappearing without a sight or sound to show how real that event truly was. The dragon himself, In size was only x10 smaller than Damien, but he was at a size where If he saw the big guy, who would be able to safely speak to him.

(This Is the dragon. Very large Indeed.

@Skylar Black


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Skylar watched the dragon fly off, astonished. She knew he wasn't her father. He was far too small. But she found comfort in being in the presence of such a magical and graceful being. She remembered the dragons on Damien's home planet fondly and smiled at the memories. She'd often wondered if she were ever to return to the beautiful and peaceful planet. She had dreamed of having her own children run through the halls of the castle, Tony beside her and Damien tell the children stories of his adventures.
Kale watched Mikail fly off, before he kicked the runes away and filled the hole up with rocks, covering It with vines and bush, he trotted to an area underneath the two kids, before calling up at them to come down to talk with him, and while he waiting he drew more runes In the grass below. A swirl of magical runes was twisting and turning and making an unknown hue sound as he wrote, but nothing came from It.



@Skylar Black
Skylar flew down gracefully and landed in front of Kale. He seemed distracted and she wasn't sure is he was aware she was there or not. "Kale? What is it?" She asked softly. She looked at the runes he was drawing with great curiousity. She had seen similar runes in the scrolls of the castle library. She never figured out what they meant.
I Just wanted to warn you kids, be wary at night while flying, there very well could be snipers or hunters out, although Damien Isn't here to watch over you, I'll help where I can, but please make sure to keep an eye out, oh, and here.

He said, reaching Into the midst of the runes and pulling out an Obsidian flower, the stem of course was made of Obsidian, but the petals were made of a very strange and beautiful sparkling material, It was as If the stars were all jammed packed Inside of those little petals. He smiled softly, though his eyes were hidden.

@Skylar Black
Skylar gasped softly at the sight of the beautiful flower. She took it gently and looked at in with eyes lit up with wonder and childlike belief and dreams. She smiled softly. "Thank you, Kale." She said in a small voice, not able to look away from the flower. Looking at it alone seemed to transport her back to when she was a child, full of belief and dreams. She smiled at Kale. "I'll be sure to be safe. And thank you, for everything." She said.
Heheh, no problem Skylar, ah, another thing, for my last trick, I shall show you my sea of stars~ His laugh was light, and there was an honest smile on his face now, his eyes lit up, as he reached down, washing away the field of runes and throwing them Into the sky, as If he was only throwing grass or confetti Into the air, and all of a sudden, the sky exploded with stars, an ocean overflowing with gorgeous lights and colours, no longer were they on that field, but In a very magical place, Tony, still In the sky, was like a spec In a storm of beauty. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do Skylar, Damien sure loved this, and It was Aurora's favorite, sometimes when the kids were little and still runnin around, I would do this for a treat or somethin, they absolutely loved It, so I hope you cherish these scenes, for some day, you may never see them again. Enjoy Skylar. He said quietly, his face bright, as he stood watching His Ocean of Stars.


@Skylar Black
Tony himself, who was still content to flutter freely in the sky, wasn't really paying attention to the others until the sky suddenly changed. He gave a confused whine like noise, fluttering higher in curiosity, before shaking his head and flying lower, watching the light gleam off his wings, and then turned to look at the sky, head tilted upward in wonder. He took a moment to wish that the sky was always like that, before he fluttered down and landed, limping to his wife and his friend
Skylar laughed in delight at the sight of the stars. She hadn't seen stars in over a year. She looked at them in wonder and amazement, she stars reflecting in her wide eyes. She grinned like a child on Christmas Eve, trying to listen for Santa. She smiled, wishing that she could have met Damien's wife and birth children. She wished Damien was here now. But she believed, in her heart, she would once again see her father, face to face.
Well hello there Tony, you enjoying the scene? He asked softly, the way he spoke began to seem foreign to the kids, and before long he was speaking In another language entirely, although the first sentence made sense. And even though he was speaking, not a sound escaped, yet It was clear that he was speaking to someone, or something, whether It was them or someone else.. One would be unable to tell clearly.


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