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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Kale stopped short, looking at the child, although she was a child, she was taller than he was, and though he had read up on her In Damien's notes, there seemed to be more so than JUST what he wrote.. He was unsure of how to respond when a thought came to him, he put down his luggage and pulled out a strange crystal, one made of some weird rock, a black crystal, with silver runes engraved Into It, he held It out to the girl, which If she took It, It would hold a single Image, of Damien and his dragons, In a field of flowers, In front of his castle, on his Island on his home planet.

@Skylar Black
Skylar took the crystal and gasped when she saw the image. Once it left she stood there, stunned. A single tear went down her cheek. She missed the flower field, the castle, the island. She missed her father. She held the crystal close and looked down. "Who are you? How did you know my father?" She asked quietly, not looking at him.
Kale looked around, noting there was only Tony and the girl around, he could hear the wind whistle around them, as softly as a feather, and and through all of that, he heard the sounds of the kids beating hearts, he could hear even the blood rushing through their veins, the air circulating throughout their lunges, all of It, he thought for a moment before speaking..

Damien n' I were good friends, although to me, he was like a mentor, If you knew him as well as you should, you would know who, or rather, what I am, however, unlike the others, Damien was always, and will always be my mentor, and my friend... Does that answer your question?

He asked quietly, not speaking his name, she'd find out either way, whether from her beloved, or even her friends, or maybe even an enemy. Who would know, but he knew that he could not tell her the truth, for It would break her heart..

@Skylar Black
Skylar frowned, trying to think. "You talk about Damine as though.... As though he were dead." She said softly. She turned away from him and tried to put the pieces together. He was obviously an ancient but Damien had said he was the last of his kind. So who was he? And old friend of Damien's? Could he be trusted? Was he lying? She had just regained her memories and wasn't sure of anything anymore. "When can I see my father?" She asked, turning back to him:

((This better @AzelFang ? What do you want Skylar to do? Idk who Kale is or what happened to Damien.))
(@Skylar Black Didn't you read the rest of the RP? You said you did, but ye sure don sound like It...)

That's not how I meant It, after what happened with the people and Queen Aurora and the little ones, I ran away, I did not want to be caught up In that situation, It was a bad time for Us.. I meant It, In the way, that no matter how many years go by, we will always be friends, even If the whole Realm Is against him, he will always be my friend. No matter what, and when you can see him? Hmm, I don know, the last time I saw him, he said he was going on an Adventure, and If you know him as well as you should, which I believe you do, you should know how long his Adventures are.. Especially to someone who has all the time In the worlds to do whatever he very well pleases...

He said quietly, watching he face with a strange face of his own, he seemed to have no features, even though that was not the case, he also didn't seem to have any emotions, which also was not the case, but the way he looked In this very moment, was very, very strange..
((I read as much as I could to get the gist but I can't remember it all. :'( Don't be mad. DX))

Skylar nodded. "I understand... I just miss him. I'm sorry if I came across cross." She apologized and held out the small black crystal with the image to him. "Thank you for letting me see this. And... Thanks you for telling me what happened. If Damien told you anything about you'd know I constantly get myself in trouble and hate not knowing stuff." She said with a slight laugh at the end and smiled softly at him. He was strange but a good kind of strange. He reminded her of how the imagined a younger version of Damien.
(@Skylar Black @WolfOfProphecys Alright lil ladies, read from my post onto the end, for this was where we left off at. https://www.rpnation.com/threads/a-mythical-creature-roleplay.33515/page-668 It Is also the point where THIS currently story started to begin.)

Kale shook his head slowly when she tried to hand him the crystal, and pushed It back towards her softly, as If telling her It was for her to keep, he didn't seem like much of a talker, unless he talked about what he wanted, or liked, or even about Damien, but after he pushed the crystal back to her, he lifted the luggage back onto his back, and trotted past her, waving her goodbye as he trotted past Tony and Into the forest.
((Ok now I understand a little more.))

Skylar smiled and held the crystal close to her heart. But she frowned as she saw the man walk away. She watched as he disappeared into the forest, wondering if they'd ever meet again. She sighed and took the small crystal and notted a small leather string around it to make it into a necklace. She slipped it on and sighed, putting a finger to the necklace gently. "I miss you, father. I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. How do I choose the right path without you there to save me if I'm wrong? I try to do what you'd want me to do but... I'm not ready. I still need you." She said softly, a few tears rolling down her cheeks.
Kale looked back once he reached a root In the forest, he looked back as the child started to cry, he wondered If he should stay back to protect her, like Damien had for her once before, he could be an uncle of sorts If he did.. He stepped out of the forest for a second, his face hidden In the shadows.

Would you and yer.. Husband like to Join me on my quest?

He asked quietly.

@Skylar Black
Skylar looked up at him and smiled. She nodded and began to try and wake up Tony. She sighed and softly whispered, "Thank you father." She picked up her stuff and walked towards the man. "But what about the little girl in the tent?" She asked.
I... I'm not to good with kids of her age.. Maybe If her mother or father was nearby or on the travels to where my quest Is, then we could bring he along, the same applies to that angel boy, but I'm pretty sure miss Mai was somewhere around here.. And then there's her husband as well..

He mumbled to himself, In all honesty, he was horrible with kids, even Damien's kids laughed at how bad he was with them or the others, although It was all In good favour, he never had a chance to settle down near children, even when he himself had married and had children, Eons before, soon after, because they weren't Immortal, they grew up, grew old, and died, that didn't help much since he wasn't able to watch them grow up, or take care of them, all the necessities of caring for children, he had never learned.. A strange thing to think about when talking to a child...

@Skylar Black

Mai opened her eyes tiredly as her communicator beeped- a new message from the capital, with a heavy sigh she began releasing the jar of bugs into the forested area as she got up from her hidden branch of tree. With a groggy swoop the scientist's bright but battered wings unfurled between the leaves noisily, knocking branches and twigs angrily out of the way and onto the ground bellow as she flapped and soared towards the sky between the branches. But unfortunately the girl didn't maneuver as she had hoped- instead this try only got her caught in a tangle of thorned vines and branches only a little ways away from the mysterious ancient. @AzelFang
Kale looked at the mis-tangled girl In the thorned vines a little to his left, surprised by her mysterious appearance In the.. Unfortunate state.. He walked over and looked down at her, putting his hands on his hips and cocked his head to look at her, wondering how she got there, and why she was so tangled up, before reaching over, pulling a single vine out and watched as she tumbled out, the vines still wrapped about her, but loose enough that they had let her outta the trap..

You really are a weird girl..

He said quietly to the pink haired scientist..

Skylar looked up and grinned at her old friend. "Mai! Is that you? It's me, Skylar!" She said and flew up to her friend, helping her get untangled. She sighed and just ended up cutting the vines.
Mai pushed her violet hair out of the way painfully as they helped -flapped her wings and snapped several vines turn made one tightly wrap and just tangled her more on the grassy floor. Her tired green eyes look up at the boy- a bit dazed from the tumble. "Ooh....quite sorry..." she muttered, laying very lazily and unmoving on the ground. After a moment or two she began struggling wildly as her large communicator beeped again. "Thank you- excuse me...very nice to see you Skylar...and Kale. " she greeted with a sheepish smile.
Kale reached down and rudely took the communicator from the Scientist, looking at It curiously he held It out of reach of Mai, examining the piece of property, It seemed to belong to the Capitol.. Say, If I use this thing, can I reach the Capitol faster? He asked quietly.
Skylar looked at Kale, an eyebrow raised. "So Kale, that's your name? Why wouldn't you just tell me? And I'm not quiet sure. I'm not a science whiz like Mai." She said and stood beside him, looking at the communicator.
Mai blinked, suddenly flailing her wings and whipping up a small storm of leaves and thorns as she quickly slaps the device out of Kale's hand "Yes." the scientist blatantly answered as the heavy duty field communicator clanked and rolled on the ground. "But I do not suggest it- the Capitol is not a friend to..to anything not human. And they must not know of my affiliations with your kind. " it was a quiet irritation that seethed from her voice. @AzelFang @Skylar Black
Kale walked over to the communicator and picked It up, a mischievous grin appeared on his shadowy face, his eyes nothing but while dots above the wide bright grin, he thought for a moment, and then suggested something. Two things, one, If you take us there, as.. Humans, I will fancy you a drink special to.. My kind, or, I could always make.. A "Scene" And make It seem as If I.. Forcefully took this from you..

He said quietly, watching her from the corner of his eyes.
Tony had woken, and silently followed the others in his human form, watching them. His eyes kept flickering to Skylar, as if frightened that she was a part of his imagination, and that she'd disappear any second. He listened silently to their conversation, but didn't join in, instead glancing around. His feathers were ruffled, and he quietly opened one of his wings slightly, in order to straighten a few of his feathers
Mai shook her head calmly- eyes carefully inspecting Kale's grin. It was an entertaining idea for sure...."Dragon Shine..." she whispered in thought, quite addicted to the ancient taste, but there was no way she could let myths enter the Capitol. In selfish worry for herself or the myths that enter. "You will NOT enter the Capitol. " The scientist stated firmly. "They have technology able to capture and annihilate Myths! I will have to take their side. And if they capture and Ancient...they may learn things that may lead destruction to their own race. " Mai was very adamant about the decision, staring him down as she reached out for the communicator "Nothing can change my mind." @AzelFang
Kale looked at Mai with a sly look, putting the communicator In his side pocket as he shrugged his shoulders slowly.

I can, and I WILL enter the Capitol, whether as a human, or an Ancient, there are some things you can't win over, not even something of this value, and for now, until It's unneeded, I will keep this with me. And If I have to, I will use my own "Special Abilities" to persuade the humans.

He said In an almost exact mimic of Mai's voice.

Mai blinked in shock- excited at the new finding but utterly offended that the Ancient would dare to try. "Why do you wish to enter the Capitol so badly??" looks at you calmly but sternly "And don't you use my voice for anything unreasonable...." The synthetic myth flapped her horned wings- and within a second she sweeps the Ancient hundreds of feet into the air with lofty movements "Drop the communicator, now!" The scientist had a soft voice despite her irritation. @AzelFang
Or what? You'll kill an Immortal? He said with a heavy yet weak sounding laugh, pulling out the communicator he looked at the flying girl. You can, and will take me to the Capitol, whether you wish for It or not. He said calmly, before clicking a button on the com and speaking Into It with Mai's own voice, that she she's going to bring In a group of humans for, "Special Reasons." Afterwards he gave Mai the com, and slipping out of her grip and landing on top of a tree, falling Into the vines and slowly reaching the ground before he slowly and calmly untangled himself, he walked out of the bush and looked at her with an amused grin.

Mai couldn't trust them alone in the Capitol, but their determination was impressive. The scientist soared above the group as the communicator went off again- calling for codes. "Code 67-54 and 67-93, contact made; no crime. Midday approaching South, prepare for arrival to apprehend trespassers. " She clasped the communicator onto her hip as she descended to the ground practically strangled in vines and retracted her wings. Each time she shifted it became harder and harder to shift back- now stray feathers dot her neck and ankles, but the remnants of her horns stayed well hidden in her hair. "Please keep your cockiness in check Ancient..." Mai muttered in disdain "And what will be my reward if I decide to help you through the Capitol? It's highly guarded, if you do anything wrong - say anything wrong, all of us will be culled and they'll declare war on Myths. " the girl stated firmly, slumping over as she bit away bitter vines. @AzelFang

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