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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Hydro has swim Up the River,as he has pass a few "Dangers" But fine as he has been swiming for some time now under the River,as each time he continues it seems to be Getting even more Shallow and Shallow,as he would stop swimming and would raise his head from the water and look around as it was clear,as he would place his feet on the Bottom of the River and stand as the water reach to his Hip,as he would get the walkie Talkie on his waist and would press the Button and say Through it "Mai...You there Darling?...I have swim up the River for some time now..its kinda shallow now so im not sure were i am...anything near by you area that i could use to finde you easy?"he says as he would look around standing in the river as he was alert and not seeing much but silence. @Metaphysics Hydro is making his way to mai and Kale as they are resting in the forrest)
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"They know never to allow anyone but officials into the government areas...Human technology has advanced much farther in the last thousands of years Ancient" she smiled proudly, feeling pride in partaking on the discoveries. Immediately Mai regretted her recent pride, remembering that her job is to create things to kill myths. "Secrets...Damien's? He did give me all of his research papers. I've been reading those for years now. Good read." @Metaphysics Mai is Carrying Angelus and Kale the girl I think? They're heading to the human capital)
So you've seen the photo's? The ones with Damien and the gang? We worked hard doing that research together, It took us countless Eons Just to get what little you've probably already have seen, let me ask you though.. Did he show you secret room In his Castle?

He asked once more, probing her mind with the question, sending her a mental Image of a photo, It seemed to be a bunch of people, Including Kale and Damien In labs coats laughing at what seemed to be an experiment, or was It a researcher turned Into an experiment.. (One of the old photo's that was In his lab, that he showed Mai.)

Mai cocked her head side to side Yes. I have, I've seen everything in his lab already, trained beasts, cryptic research papers. If that's all you have then nothing is going to surprise me...but now that I see it...is that you?? Mai thought, humming a bit oddly as she focused a bit more. @AzelFang
Aye It Is, and If you've only seen his lab, then you missed out big time, yev already seen his lab, but his secret room In the castle Is waaaaaaaaay~ bigger, like, nothin can compare to It. Like, even the lab on the ol' Battalion Battle Ship don compare to that place, ah.. Gettin excited 'bout science.. Hehe.. Anyways.. If they won't let me In, I'll get In with brute force.. Of course I'll leave that to my pets.. Unless.. You plan on taking us In there, of course not for free, Instead of my secrets, I'll let you research my little pets, If you don't mind that Is.

He said Is a bright tone, or.. Was It? It was always strange to tell when people spoke with their minds...

Mai jumped up quickly at the idea, certainly a scientist's exper- creatures would reflect much about their master. It wasn't an offer a girl like Mai would let down. Your pets? Brute force? You should have told me you were a scientist earlier!! Mai exclaimed in her mind, feeling like it would be the first thing that someone should say. If I had the chance, I would definitely go to Damien's castle and explore it. Without letting the vicious winds tear apart my body at least. We weren't...in the situation to wander too much...But...yes...I'll gladly assist you with that deal. @AzelFang
So.. Should I wait til we get back from the Capitol.. Or do you want me to show you one of my pets, somewhere where they won't accidentally kill all of our friends... What would you rather? Later, or now?

He asked calmly, watching the night sky, as the others slept, Mai an him seemed to be the only ones that were awake at the moment.. The fire embers keeping the kids warm..

Mai grinned mischievously at the challenge, enjoying the idea of the dangerous qualities Kale mentioned. We have some time to spare, a quick look at them wouldn't hurt. @AzelFang
He hopped up quickly, being careful not to trip over any of the sleeping kids, as he motioned for Mai to follow him.

Well then, let's go, before anyone wakes up and finds out that a giant monster has been let loose from It's cage and tries to kill It... Had that happen a few times before...

He said as he walked Into the forest, going to a large, but seemingly small lake..

Mai placed the crate she was holding down next to Angelus for safety measures. She quickly followed the man to the pond, and spoke back into the reciever to Hydro "We're near a water source. So you might be near our location, there's quite a bright camp fire a little ways away. Love you honey ." the scientist tucked the receiver away into he brown side satchel. Where is it? Mai asked a bit excitedly.

@Metaphysics @AzelFang @Yonsisac
Gimme a minute or so to summon him, this lil fishy hasn't been out In a long while, and he's been askin fer awhile now too.

The man said with a grin, as he slammed his palms onto.. The surface of the water, as If he was pushing the water down, rather than sinking Into It, as what seemed to be a summoning circle appeared, there was a bright and rather umbral light, and with that, escaped a creature of utmost magnitude..

The Giant electrical and seemingly robotic fish emerged, and then submerged Itself In the water, propping Itself up to say hello to It's beloved master..

Who's a good lil fish, who's a good lil fish, you are, oh yes you are~ You've been good, right? You know I don't like It when you run off with the big fish, don't you.. Yes.. Good boy, oh.. And this Is my f... Friend, Mai. She wants to take a look at you, yer gonna be good, right? Good boy..

The man said playfully to his fis.. His monster fish.. The fish seemed thrilled at the Idea of a new friend.. If that was the word you could call It.. Was this fish really a pet of this fragile looking boy? And was he really talking like that.. To a fish!?

Mai burst up in excitement, eyes wide as she fixed her glasses. The creature seemed peaceful enough, resting in the deep water in front of them. "What a gorgeous biolo--mechanical? Specimen!!!"the scientist exclaimed in sheer amazement "...big fish? There's bigger? You must show me. And how to summon...how great that would be for research..." Mai stated, distracted by all the vials and needles she was taking out of her satchel. She held her journal between her teeth as she wadded in a rush towards the monster fish. @AzelFang
In the sky above them and the massive fish In front of them, came a larger summoning circle, but what dropped out of It was not so large.. In fact.. It was.. Another person?

The person spoke to Kale as If she had Just finished a Job for him, and another creature poked It's massive head out of the circle, only for a moment, before It disappeared again.. It seemed that the dragon's eye alone was larger than the fish below him, he seemed to be a Dragon from another realm...

Master, I have completed the task, although, I was unable to capture him as my own, he has promised to stay In your care for as long as you live, and when he dies, his children will follow you, and so on and so for- Eh.. Did.. I Interrupt something? The winged woman looked over from Kale to Mai, and back again..

Well, I didn't expect you to come here... At least.. Not when I didn't summon you.. You know this pains me more when I have more than a few summoned at once.. Right? Please.. Leave as soon as you can..

He said, as he leaned In, and did something that Mai probably hadn't expected, as he kissed the woman, It seemed like a very passionate kiss, though, only lasting but a second or so.. Afterwards, the woman sighed and blushed, and hugged him back, waving at Mai, she left Into the summoning circle, as soon as she did, the portal closed.

Kale looked over to Mai before answering her questions. Nearly mechanical, however, he Is the smallest of his kind, a pygmy runt If you will.. There are far far larger of his kind, and one day, I may tell you, however, let me say this. Damien was near that of a king to magic, and Raider was a god to It, their magics are far different than my own, I am the only one from far and wide, that Is able to summon, and the only one of the Ancients that was able to master this ability. Also.. Please erase that scene from yer mind as soon Is possible..

He said.. Hinting at what Just happened In front of her..

Mai frown "This is one of the greatest discoveries in science! Multiple universes...multiple realms...creatures from portals- and did I hear a mission of some kind?" she was basically drowning in the deep water at this point, gagging and coughing as she tried to swim closer to the enormous fish- prodding it pathetically with needles. "who...*cough* is...He? what's...going on Kale? What's that creature?" @AzelFang
Asmithos. A Dragon Damien once told me about.. I spent a few millenia trying to find him.. Anyways, you DID NOT hear about a mission, and you could have asked him to come closer to the edge of the pond, rather than drowning yerself In It..

He said as he took off his shoes and rolled his pant legs up, sticking his feet and shins In the water to cool them off, sighing he watched the girl trouble herself with the task of trying to get the needles Into the fish.. So he waved the fish over, and In Its excitement, It dragged Mai over to him as well, he pet his pet and pulled Mai out of the water, directing her to do her work on solid earth where she wouldn't lose anything, not that It really mattered, he could see the gills on her.. Though he wondered why she was drowning and gagging up the water... Was she not able to use her gills?

Mai thanked him gratefully with coughs, unuse to the idea of a willing experiment. She knelled on the shore line, slowly piecing sevaral needles into the creature's hide. With a scalpel she scrapped off parts of scales and placed them in a vial. It didn't take too long for her to take some basic samples. "Ooh...it's blood is odd...surely nothing like what I've seen before...The viscosity is strange....and the material the scales are made of....hm.." Mai hummed excitedly. "I have glasses- not hearing aids. You can't fool me Ancient boy." the scientist winked. @AzelFang
You sure look like yer enjoying yerself. Although I can't use magic to erase yer memories, I'm suer you would love to keep It a secret, since yer enjoying my pets so very well.

He said as he calmly pet his fish.. Pet? Seemed more like a fly giving comfort to a whale of some sort..

Mai tilted her head side to side- closing her journal and tucking it away. "Of course- only if you show me more." she smiled in intrigue. The girl wasn't going to let him get away so easily. @AzelFang
Vee slowly woke up, had she fallen asleep? Most likely. "Where are we?" She asked sleepily as she slowly blinked awake. She tried moving bit she felt too tired to do anything.

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Yer thinkin you'll be able to control me, eh? You should already know what happens to people like you.. Or has Damien never mentioned his personal guards?

He said, mumbling the last part, as he got up, placed his hand on the fish, It seemed as If It was crying, as soon as the tear like substance was about to appear, the fish disappeared Into a summoning circle, after a little while, the circle Itself disappeared.. Kale was starting to walk away now.

@Yonsisac @Nekoni
Hydro was near the area as he swim and reach water, as he would raise his head from the water and would see from afar some Figures. He cant tell well as he was kinda Blind ya know? He kept half of his head sticking out and Looking a he maintain himself kinda hidden, as he saw one of the Figures starting to walk he would slowly Submerge himself Underwater and staid there Hidden as he was not sure who it was, as he would see some Fishes swimming in front of him, as he kinda push them away... He dint like fishes in front of his face, keeping himself underwater and Hidden.

@Nekoni @AzelFang
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Mai happily stored away the samples into her satchel watching the summoning circle take in the creature. She casually tossed a coin into the circle before it disappeared. "As a scientist- control is a necessity. And people like me? Hehe...glad you think so ^u^ I'm not even considered a person anymore to law. I'd love to know~~ " Mai turned around on her heels, Listening to the movement of water in the distance. "Hm?? I'm sure we have some more time to play with your 'pets', yes?" @AzelFang @Yonsisac
No.. Actually, we're not. Since we're no longer alone, I cannot take the chance that harm may come to my pets, or anyone who may be passing by, and since we're not alone, I believe It may be one of your friends.. So seeing as It's probably that, how about we go deal with It, before the kids wake up.

He said, yawning and stretching, wondering, If sleep was truly needed, then again, he wasn't one of them, sleep for him was a luxury, not a life saving opportunity... So they must need It more than most.. Especially since they were children..

Tony shrugged silently to the kid, sat under a tree and leaning against the bark, watching Kale and Mai from far off. He couldn't hear what they were saying, and he wasn't really paying attention, thinking silently of his wife, Skylar.

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