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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Oberon followed them. He found it pretty wierd that they accepted his help without the ususal ' Who the hell are you?' question. He followed them , but since they were slower than him , while they ran he did a few acrobatics and jumped from tree to tree.

Mai blinked slowly, gripping Angelus tightly in her arms as he came near "Unnn...dont leave me again..." She muttered glanced strangly at the other girl. Only then Mai began to think that taking strong alcoholic drinks in the middle of the forest wasn't the best idea. Her body was half shifted, long white horns from the top of her head, violet feathers peeking from her body and claws on her feet as talons. "Un...? Eh...who tis?" @Metaphysics
Isaac had been meandering around aimlessly near the edge of the forest, having lost his way while following a small party of gatherers. They wouldn't go looking for him, though - anyone left behind stayed that way. He frowned as he considered the implications of this, stopping in his tracks to deduce where he was. Feeling the light breeze against his skin, his feet tilted upward on a slopes, grassy surface, he knew he was on a hill, and he heard bird calls to his right. Following the sound, his first genius stroke was to bump straight into a tree. He fell backwards with an "Ow!", getting back up and rubbing his forehead.

He then continued wandering around, keeping his hands in front of him. He couldn't really orient or direct himself, as he was in an unfamiliar environment that would take several days to even begin learning - he'd started to miss the city rather quickly.
Kale put the girl down and snatched his book away from Mai. Grumbling to himself he turned to the newcomer. @Azure Sky

So... Who might you be? A lone hunter, a silent Intruder or Just somebody that's got nothin better to do?

He asked curiously to him writing something Into his Journal as he did.
Mai frowned, slowly sobering up as she held Angelus in her arms like a lion protecting her cub. The scientist's nose twitched, "Kale I suggest we move on. I smell too many strangers in the area." she stated, squishing her adopted son's face in between her palms "RAIDING A BLACK MARKET????! I told you not to leave unless you tell me!!! There's many dangerous things in these woods, beasts, demons, humans, and hunters who would love to chop off those little black wings of yours." she scolded irritably, ready to abandon the trip to the city so she can keep her son at home. @Metaphysics @Azure Sky

Slender hands gripped the receiver hanging on her hips- turning the channel to 3 "Hydro, Hyrdo? Can you hear me? It's Mai. Did you let Angelus out??" she called with a push of a button, another receiver at her cabin sounding. @Yonsisac
Kale looked over at the girl and her.. Son, then at the others.. Tony seemed fine with them.. This would make traveling safely easier with the larger group, but what If these strangers betrayed him.. He couldn't let his friend die, and he didn't want to go back to a dungeon..

Well.. That all depends.. How are we going to go to the Capitol If all of you look like.. That.

He says, pointing out their mythical aspects and other things..

@Metaphysics @WolfOfProphecys @Azure Sky
Hydro was in the water as he would have his Eyes close and in a Fetus Position resting calmly,as he would be Very close to the shore,as he would hear something from the shore,he would open his eyes slowli and releas himself from his fetus position and would strech befor swiming up,as he would peek his head out of the water and see The walkie Talkie and his spare Clothe on the beach,and hear the static,as he would come out of the watre in his Shorts and walk towards it,as he did he heard Mais voice...glad she was alright,as he would lean down and pick it up and say "Glad to hear you are ok....Um...No i dint,wen i came home it was empty and only your Note and no one else.....were is he?..is he ok?"he ask as great......he dint know were he was but he expected him not to go far...But if Mai calls he surely went far,he was kinda worried to,he wishes he would have gone with them but...well..to late anyway.



(Needed to change some stuff as he would not hear it from the beach...hope that is ok)
Mai tucked Angelus in the nook of her arm, speaking into the walkie talkie "He raided a black market and picked up a girl. I would be proud if I knew about it- but...erg......I don't want you there all by yourself. I think I left my lab door open so my experiments may be roaming around...it might be safer if you come here..." the scientist thought for a moment, a bit glad that Angelus wasn't home alone. It wouldn't have been the first time a chil-- young human would have died in her lab. Again, Angelus wasn't a normal boy.

"There's a river running by the capital as a water source for ships. You can probably swim through there, and I can meet you. But don't get caught."

@Metaphysics @Yonsisac

The girl smirked at Kale, pushing up her glasses as she slipped a badge from her pocket "I work for their government. I can go just about anywhere- I was practically born in the facility so no one should mind if I have new assistants in the city. Just act as human as possible please." she tucked the talkie and the badge back into her pocket, grabbing the small crate in the nook of her other arm. @AzelFang
Kale looked at her, doing what another used to do, and shared a mental Image with her, although, unlike any previous encounters she's had with the whole mental thing, she not only heard, but saw as well.

So It would be bad If I summon something like this? Right? It would be EXTREMELY BAD If I summoned this or something else? Like, totally as HUMANE as possible.. Hey.. I know the dangers of being around others that are not my kind, I'm not an Idiot... I've had billions of Eons to prepare myself for anything that could pop up.. Although I may not be the smartest or the greatest being out there, I do what I can to get around..

He says as he shows her this..
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Mai's eyes widened, squealing slightly at the mental image "You can summon one?? PLEASE DO-- UM. But not at the Capital of course." Mai coughed. Face red in utter excitement "Humans are delicate and easily startled creatures. With guns. And traps. If they see that thing it wil be EXTREMELY BAD." she stated matter of factly, glancing down at Angelus "Although they won't be able to catch you, they'll definitely catch the others and I. Humans attack what they are afraid of- We want them to accept Myths and understand them. Not scare them to death." @AzelFang

Hydro heard what Mai said of angelus,he sigh as this kid is geting in danger and worse each time,he hold the walkie talki as he think for a Moment,he shoold go but...better close some stuff in the ouse befor he dose,he sigh and would press the Button on the walkie Talkie and would say "Alright and dont worry darling i will be fine...I will be there...Just let me close the lab door and get redy...i dont whant to see experiments in the Kitchen again...be carfull ok?"he says in to the walkie talkie as he would get the clothe from the beach and walk back to the house,once inside he would go upstairs to there room were he would get new clothe Fitted to last,he gets dress and would sigh closing his eyes as he needed to close that Lab door...not that he was there he just....dint like being there for some reson,as he would cling the walkie talkie to his pocket and would go down stairs.

As he makes it he would turn and would make his way to the lab,he would stop peeking through the corner seen the open door of the lab,he swear he saw a shadow....or maybe was that Cupcake he ate yesterday...he would look at the door from the corner taking a few deep breats knowing what is in there,he takes a few deep breaths and gets redy as he dose her somthing,he would break to a Sprint towards the door,as he did he heard a Growl and saw a Shadow,as he would slam the door closed and lock it,as he hears somthing scraching the door,he sigh in realife seeing that he did it without geting hurt,parting away from the door seeing it was lock.....good.

Walking towards the front door he would exite and get his walkie talkie and would sy through it "
Making my way there.....and i closed the lab door...Just..be carfull"he says in a worried tone...like always,as he would walk out of the house and close the door behinde him and make his way to the sea,as there the river was connected,he jumps in the water and would dive down as his walkie talkie was water Proof,as he started to swim his way towards the river....and made sure not to get caught.

Although that's true.. I'm not a myth, then again, they're not going to think to hard about that when they... If they see somethin like that.. Did you really have to say It out loud, now the others are going to wonder If yer Insane... Besides, I'm not that bold to make a statement as all out war on the humans, especially when I need them to get what I want, although this may sound rude or racist In a way, I Just want a peaceful place for my friends, family, and all welcomed guests to stay safe, through this war, and any that may come with It..

He said quietly, looking at the necklace on his wrist..

Mai laughed. I'm not very good at keeping thought to myself, I either have to write them or say them. She grinned. Oh, but definitely summon it later- outside the capital- I would love to do some observational tests on your powers. Her bright green eyes glanced down at his wrist, cocking her head curiously. Huh? What's that?
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A promise... That I have to keep..

Was all he said before he hefted the gear onto his back once again.. Wanting to get there as soon as possible, and they had someone who actually knew the way... This was gonna go better than he had planned..

Mai frowned, she enjoyed secrets- but not when they were hidden from her. "...It's up North, quite a few kilometers ahead. It would take days on foot- do you need a ride?" the violet haired girl asked, gesturing to her back. @AzelFang
You can give them a ride, but I'll bet you 100 gold that they'll shoot you down If they saw ya... I think I'll stick to walking. This way I can look at nature fer awhile..

He said with a grin and a laugh..

Mai frowned- forgetting her rifle as well. She packed like a fool. "The darkness should be good enough cover- but you're definitely right..." Mai tucked in her wings just incase of a patrolling officer and retracted her long horns and claws. "So. Tell me about that bracelet then"

It's Just a promise, nothing more, nothing less, and nothing, that you need to know.

He said In a cold voice, walking away, looking out for anyone or anything that might pop up at them..

@Nekoni (So many people In such a small area e-e' First It was Mintsong #MetaphysicsOldName, then It was meta.. Then It was meta again, now we have these fellas 'n Isac Joinin us ewe' Much people, few room, so m- *stabs hand* Ok..)
Mai frowned, "Then I won't lead you to the capital...if you keep holding secrets from me. I don't think it's safe to bring strangers into the gates anyways...Why do you want to go?"

@AzelFang (they're out in a vast forest >o< so I don't mind too much)
Kale holds up a map with a grin that can also be seen In his eyes.

It's to bad that you won't lead us, I guess I'll Just have to make my way there the good ol' fashioned way. The magical magical way of.. MAPS!

Besides, I need permission from a certain person to get the land where I want It.. Although I can take It by force.. I'd rather not go that route, I don't want another bloodshed war where It ends with Just me again.. That's not In my plans.. Not this time..

He says as he turns back and keeps heading Into the direction where the Capitol Is.

@Nekoni (I hafta go to work (:'())
Tony followed the two, not speaking once. He felt slightly useless now, and shifted into his wolf form, limping after the pair. He shuddered, pulling his injured leg to his chest and instead deciding to walk in a three legged manner. His ears flattened, and his tail dragged along the ground as he limped after them

@Nekoni @AzelFang
(@Yonsisac @Nekoni Neko Is forgetting about us again.... @WolfOfProphecys -pets the puppeh-...)

After a few hours of walking, Kale stopped and sat down, their path dwindled to only nothing but a rocky dirt road and a makeshift strewn together wooden fence.. Cold and tired, Instead of starting a fire, he lied down and rolled over, sort of hiding under the bushes with the gear attached to his back.

Try to get some sleep y'all.. We're leavin early tomorrow mornin...

He said quietly..
(God I didn't get notifications from this ...what the hell? xD )

Oberon helped the others with their problems then he disappeared from sight somewhere. He might appear again when he would be needed.
Mai frowns "Though you know where it is, you won't be able to get past the gates without me." She smiled for a moment as they took a break "It's a fair deal, well. If you really want to get into the capital anyways. Your secrets for entrance to the capital. " @AzelFang
Kale turned to look at her slightly before responding..

I could always break In, or summon something and pretend I was a victim.. Who knows, there are things that must never be shared.. No matter what It Is, didn't Damien ever tell you that? Little girl.

He said mentally before turning back.


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