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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Vee found the cave where the black market was and was about to go in when Angelus landed in front of her. "Stop. It's to dangerous." He was then promptly shoved to the side by her as she rushed in. Angelus sighed before creating his Lance-Mace-Blade and following after her. Explosions could soon be heard and people came flying or running out.
Mai sighed in relief at the sight of the gliding black butterfly. "Thank god...Angelus is alright..." she smiled, soaring back to her home and tumbling onto her porch. With a quick glance she attempted to contact her superiors at the Capital through the radio receiver, but there was nothing- not even static. She ripped a page out of her journal in a concerned manner and tagged it to the door handle, transceivers don't miss calls. They can only be cut off.

'Will be back in a couple of days- need to run an errand in the human city. Be good you two and don't get in trouble ~Love Mai'

The young scientist trotted into the home and grabbed a small animal kennel- taking off towards the human city in a matter of seconds on large and lofty wings. @Metaphysics @Yonsisac
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Hydro has Clean the Recorder he Broke and threw it away,as he went Up stairs to rest for a wille and closed his eyes,he needed to rest from all that and aswell get some natural sleep.

he heard the door open and then close amidiatly,as he would raise his head and wonder who was it,he got out of bed and strech a he would go down stairs saying "Angelus?...remember what mai said of going out-"he says as wen he reaches living room no one was there,he look around the house seeing nobody...Huh..he would go towards the door and open it looking outside seeing anybody....he hope it was not a prabk or a thife...because it would be a Bad idea,as he would close he door he would feel somthing on his feet,as he would raise it and see a pice of paper,as he would pick it up he would read the note...Damite!....he sigh as pleas dear god hope she dosent get herself killd....knowing her he was very worried,but he knew she will be alright,he would look through the windows glass and say sofly "Stay...safe"he says worried tone.....hope she comes back soon.
(@Nekoni Nekooo, make sure when you fix or change a post that Is no longer needed, make sure to DELETE EET! Danke.)

Say Tony.. I think there's a small camping area nearby.. Wanna stop there to rest a little while?

He asked aloud, for Tony to hear.. (Or anyone else~)

@WolfOfProphecys @Nekoni
(@AzelFang Errggg I tried to delete it but it won't let me ;-; I think only you can do that)

Mai yawned lazily, shifting her legs into claws after an hour of flight to carry the precious cargo in the crate. Below she heard voices, sleepy green eyes gazing as she soared a bit lower to take a look while still in the shadows of the sky.

@AzelFang @WolfOfProphecys
Kale placed the luggage down as he looked Into the sky.. Seeing a strange lookin bird, he looked over at Tony..

Hey Tony.. What kinda bird Is that?

He asked awkwardly...

@WolfOfProphecys @Nekoni
Mai narrowed her eyes then stumbled a bit, her round frame glasses slipping off her face and hurling towards the top of Kale's head. The girl blindly flapped around for a moment in the darkness before 'landing' in a tree a little ways away with her cargo.

Glasses? I'm.. Pretty sure birds don't wear these.. Who was up the- Oh.. They crashed..

Kale said, leaving Tony with the luggage..

Mai twitched her long, feathery ears- half shifted into a harpyish form. Violet wings were tangled in branches, horns caught in the trunk of the tree, and claw like legs swinging limply in the clutter. "Improving. I didn't hit the ground." the scientist grinned triumphantly, beginning to flail noisily to break from the Earthy prison.- staying in her mythish form hoping to scare away any creatures who may be near.

Kale popped up from the shrub of another tree, only a few feet away from the strange and somewhat familiar myth girl..

Hmm.. Are you okay miss?

He asked calmly, unsure If he should be wary or not..

Mai paused for a moment at the voice, then began flailing even madder with a deep, fake, roaring noise "I-I'M A FOREST GOD...ugh.....ow....LEAVE ME BE" she roared the the male voice, taking no mind to the familiarity. @AzelFang
Tony followed after his friend, after once again hiding the luggage. He blinked up at the girl, rolling his eyes when he realised who it was, "Of course you are Mai" He chuckled
The violet haired scientist blinked, looking down at the wolf. "Oh, Tony it's you. " she said in surprise, yanking her horns from the soft wood of the tree. "...you two...you two should head the other way. The Capital is near this area..." Mai muttered @AzelFang @WolfOfProphecys
Ya don' say... I would have neeeeverrr guessed It~

He said In a rather relaxed tone.. Chuckling as he tried to help her down..

Geh.. Why are you so heavy lady!?
Mai laughed "Creating creatures...creating ice from nothing...flying...It feels like I'm a god." She smiled as the man tried to help her. "I fly everyday...these wings are pure weight!"the gleamed proudly, lofty wings free and flopping over on Kale.
Is that why you crashed so clumsily?

He asked with a dry tone..

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In a rage, Kale dropped down from the tree, and slammed his foot on the tree that the myth girl was stuck In, and with a loud CRACK!! the tree splintered Into two, falling over with a loud crash..

Stupid branches and trees.. With their stupid vines and bullshit havin to deal with all this kinds of crap all day.. I'm tired of stupid fucking trees!

He yells out and he stars kicking bushes and trees, over and over again...

@WolfOfProphecys @Nekoni
Kale growled at the trees and then at Tony for yankin him back, he had anger to vent and there was plenty of things to vent It out on..

Tch... So.. What about her? Doesn't she understand that we're tryin to get to the Capitol?

He asked quietly, hiding now that he realized what exactly he was doing.. Embarrassed at himself..

@WolfOfProphecys @Nekoni
(I think neko died.. Again.. I think she's ded =c )

Kale looked about before going back to the camping grounds, dragging a few strew bushes with him, he made a bed out of branches and leave, and laid down, looking at the bright red sky..

I'm pretty sure It'll be a few more days before we get there.. Hopefully this lady can guide us there..

He said quietly, sneezing as he did so..
Mai smiled in intrigue, brushing dirt off herself as the strange ancient thrashed "The capital?? I guess we can travel together then. I have a delivery there as well. They certainly won't let in creatures like you in. " the scientist laughed. @AzelFang @WolfOfProphecys
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