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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

(I'm fine with it xD *Pats Tony on the head*)

Tony was still asleep by then, but slowly opened his eyes as he smelt meat. His wings fluttered slightly as he pushed himself into a sitting position, and quietly tucked the image into his pocket, fighting to wipe off the dried blood with his other hand
Kale looked over at Tony, then back at the food, not really wanting to talk at the moment.. He was making soup and meat.. Mainly meat.. Cause that was all they had.. Although he had already eaten his share raw, he didn't share that Info with Tony, he grabbed a small bowl and plate and handed to food to Tony before sitting beside the fire again, stirring the embers and ashes..

Tony looked up at Kale, quietly taking the food but not eating just yet, noticing something seemed off with his friend, "Whats wrong?" He asked quietly, before beginning to eat as he waited for a response
Kale simply glared at Tony for a moment before looking back at the fire, his eyes seemed rather dull, and when he spoke his voice was shaky..

It's nothing..

He said quietly..

Tony flinched as he was glared at, and grumbled, "Well its clearly something" He muttered, placing the bowl and plate down when he was finished and watching Kale
I said It's nothin..

He said, stirring the embers, he got up to check on the gear, which had finished drying out, so he started to pack It all together..
Tony gave a glare to Kale, and rolled his eyes, slowly standing and fluttering his wings, before moving to the water to clean his face
Kale was going through the gear as he packed It, when he found an old necklace.. He dug a hole and buried It there, putting a rock over It.. Not wanting to remember anymore.. He left It there, picking up the pack..

Cmon... Let's go..

He told Tony..
Tony watched him, and nodded. Following Kale slowly, he waited until they were a while away before he stopped, "I'll be right back….I think I dropped it" He muttered, changing form and running back, not giving any information about what 'it' was, and instead digging up the necklace, switching forms and hiding it in one of his many pockets, before returning to Kale, making sure he didn't see
Kale looks back slightly to see that Tony had come back..

Did you get It?

He asked quietly.
I'm Just tired Is all..

Was all he said before he walked ahead... He seemed.. Different.
"That..thing…you buried….what was it?" Tony asked softly, watching his friend. He seemed more than tired, and Tony made sure to walk beside him
Kale looked over to Tony, his eyes going from dull to a sudden burst of anger, without saying anything, he stopped walking, he dropped the luggage and sprinted Into the forest, leaving Tony and the gear as he ran off to be alone...

(So touchy.. Woo~)
Tony blinked. He had only asked. He shook his head, and struggled to haul the gear into a bush, hiding it, before switching into his wolf form and chasing after his friend
In Kale's rush to get away, he started to leap, from the ground, to the trees, going faster than humanely possible, he went farther and farther until he deemed It was okay to stop.. He was about to stop normally when he slammed face first Into a tree..

Man.. I should be more careful..

He said as he drug himself up from the ground, he climbed up onto the tree which he Just slammed Into, and watched the forest, It was a rather peaceful day.. And what about Tony.. Did he see the necklace? Did he take It? Is that why he went back to get It?

He wondered to himself for a little while before climbing higher Into the tree..

Ya know Kale, I think this Is far enough, I doubt ANYONE would ever find us out here..


No buts.. You know what that man said about running.. You can't always escape your fears.. You know that..

Even If I didn't run, they'd still find a way to make my life miserable.. I can't take that chance.. Not with you, not with them.. I can't let anything happen to you.. I won't let anything happen.. You know that..

Honey.. Shh.. Shhh.. Calm down, I'm here for you.. I'm not going, anywhere~

Haa.. I know... I'm sorry.. I Just.. Can't deal with the thought of losing you.. Without you, I'll... If you were to die.. I'd kill myself!

Kale! No! .... If.. If I ever happen to die.. I want you to promise me one thing..

Wh.. What's that?

I want you to live! For the both of us, make memories, happy ones, sad ones, all the ones that I would never be able to make.. If I was unable to be there with you.. Please? Kale?


I Just want you to be happy, even If I'm not there to support you and love you and take care of you.. Even If.. *sniff* Even If I.. I.. I can... I..-

Again Kale's dream ended.. He was crying once more.. (I am terribad wif le emotional scenese e-e') He couldn't stop It this time... At least there was nobody around to see him cry.. Not yet at least..

Tony kept running. He knew he needed to find his friend, and was already cursing Kale's speed. He was panting heavily, paws aching as they thudded against the ground, having shifted into wolf form to run faster. It hurt his injured leg to run like so, yet he finally managed to catch up to his new friend, slowing and watching him. Ever so slowly, pain spiking in his paws with each step, the wolf moved forward toward the tree, and then looked up at Kale. Deciding upon leaving him alone to sort out his feelings, knowing that Kale had likely ran to get away from Tony himself, the wolf settled at the bottom of the tree to wait
Kale had finished crying.. It didn't last long.. It never did.. He only sat there, limp and lifeless, his heart.. Or what's left of It, was aching.. He called out, knowing he was there..

Tony... Do you mind tossing up that necklace?

He asked aloud, waiting for Tony to do so...

Instead of tossing it up, Tony stepped back and opened his wings, flying up to Kale and settling beside him on the branch. He quietly took it out of his pocket, and offered it out to Kale, "W-What is it?" He asked quietly, afraid he;d upset his friend again
Kale took the necklace, his face hidden In the dark..

Just an old memento... Nothing.. Really of value.. It's Just an old piece of jewelry that seems to always find It's way back to me...

He said quietly as he wrapped the chain around his hand and held the pendant In his palm..

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Tony nodded silently, and looked over at his friend. He sighed, and looked down toward the floor beneath them, fluttering his wings behind him, "You sound like you want to forget something"
There's a lot of things that I want to forget.. But.. A promise.. Is, after all.. A promise..

He said quietly, stretching as he did so.. He dropped down from the tree, landing with a thud, he started to walk back..

@WolfOfProphecys (I didn't see that you responded =c)

(@WolfOfProphecys Puppeh?)
(Sowwy...fell asleep)

Tony nodded and jumped down after Kale, opening his wings slightly to soften his landing. The winged man followed his friend silently, fiddling with the chain around his own neck

It took the two a lot longer to get back than It took to get away.. As Kale rummaged around, he turned to look at Tony..

Hey uhh... Tony.. Where did you put the luggage?

He asked quietly.. Eying Tony.

Tony blinked, then shifted form, sniffing about. After a few moments, he darted off, and the wolf returned dragging the luggage between his teeth, looking up at Kale in a almost proud manner

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