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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

(he switches so often from form to form, It makes me wonder which form he's In each time e-e')

Kale sat back, as he pulled out an old scrapbook from the dried section of the gear, and he opened It, what was held In It, appeared to be the same ancient tongue that those from the past fancied, he had pictures and items In there, even.. A strange crystal, seemed to hold a vast amount of different types of gems, In the one orb.. Even so, there was strangely a large amount of Items In the scrapbook, for somethin so small, It seemed to hold a lot... Kale Jolted, having remembered somethin, he dropped his book, and out fell a photo, of him, an old and tall man (Damien (:3) ) And some other seemingly familiar people, all a bunch of guys actin stupid It looked.

Ah.. Woops..

He said awkwardly, not really paying attention, as he picked up his book and reached down at the photo.

(Both. Both is good xD )

Tony blinked at the photo, and stared at it for a minute. He suddenly whimpered, ears flattening as he slowly stood, then bolted off. He'd seen that man before. A name, Damien, came to mind. But how had he known that? He had no clue, but the fact that he had remembered something scared him
Eh.. Wha.. Uhh.. What the hell?

Kale grabbed the photo and put It away with his scrapbook, as he ran after Tony, he found that he tripped In a viney bush not to far away from camp..

Hey Tony... What's wrong?

He asks as he tries to untangle him from the mess he Just got himself Into..

Tony had cowered on the other side of the bush, and was watching Kale with terrified eyes, DamienDamienDamien He muttered, repeating himself over and over
D-Damien Tony muttered, looking up at Kale with sadness in his eyes. He tucked his tail to his belly in fear, and closed his eyes, shaking slightly
Damien? You mean.. Like.. The Ancient? My master? Big guy, big claw.. Yada yada? Do you know him?

He asked curiously.. Wondering how Tony knew the name, then again, there were lots of people named Damien.. Weren't there?
Tony gave a shaky nod, placing his paws over his own fluffy ears. Flashes kept appearing in front of his eyes of him curled up to the man, Damien, of the man healing him, comforting him, and generally being the only family he had ever known
So that's where he went.. Were you.. With him when he left this place?

He asked quietly, petting the shaken pup..
Tony slowly nodded, nuzzling against Kales hand. He remembered Damien talking to him about someone, but the conversation was blurry, as was anything else that wasn't Damien in his memories
Kale thought for a moment, and realized he had things that used to belong to Damien, maybe one of those things could jog Tony's memories..

Ah! Come with me Tony!

He said quickly, as he rushed over to the fireplace, grabbing his scrapbook from It's resting place.
Tony slowly padded over, sitting on the floor and changing into his human form. His hands were shaking, but he wrapped his arms around his chest to hide that
Kale grabbed that strange and pretty crystal he had earlier, and handed It to Tony. (The Memory crystal)

I don't exactly know what this Is, but I believe Damien had this for awhile before somethin happened to his ship.. See If that brings back any memories..

He told Tony as he looked for more Items that could be of any assistance..
Tony gently took it, studying it. He tilted his head, recognising it from somewhere, and frowning deeply

(I can't remember what it does….grr)
(It was the crystal that held the memories of Skylar's mother. With blake an Asteroth an Crystal. I think.. It came to mind when I was reading the other RP)

Kale was searching rapidly through the book, whatever the book was made of, It contained a whole lot more than any sorta storage unit should be able to, he grabbed a few things, thinking they might be of use and stacked them In a pile.
(Ah. That thing xD )

Tony frowned, but slowly put the crystal down, feeling uneasy. Instead, he curiously looked over to Kale, wondering what he was doing and studying the pile he was making
There were multiple objects In the pile, lots of tools and strange looking orbs, he stopped when he came to a hilt, It looked as If he was going to pull a sword out of the book, but he stopped, and picked up a photo, It looked like It was a group photo, and there was a few of them too.. One.. Damien and a group of kids and a Wolf... And another.. Of a small.. Buff skeletal dragon... It seemed to be a wedding ceremony, It seemed that the little dragon creature was marrying these two kids off.. One.. Seemed to be Tony.. And another.. Was a young girl, he saw that scientist there.. And that purple haired dude.. And a few other people and creatures.. He held the photo's Just outta view of Tony as he looked at them.. Looking from Tony to the pictures, and back again.. Not wanting Tony to see, he put them face down as he lied back, knowing the boy would look at the pictures...

Just.. Don't run away..

He whispered..
Tony noticed his friend studying a picture and, after picking through the strange orbs, tools and other items, he slowly picked it up, the images face down. Turning it over, he froze. He whimpered as more memories flashed before his eyes, reminding him of Damien, Mai, Hydro, and all of the others who had been his friends. And then, stood opposite him in the image, was her. Skylar. Tears began to run down his pale cheeks, as he pulled the image close to his chest and bowed his head
So... Does that bring back any memories?

He asked simply, as he looked at the night sky, stars high above them, shining their bright lights at them, as If saying hello...
Tony slowly looked down to Kale, nose dripping blood. He looked terrified and upset, and shuffled away, hugging the photo to his chest as he shook
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(He's lying on le grass =c)

Well.. If you say so.. Just.. Clean yerself up before you go to bed. I'll keep watch..

He says, standing up and grabbing a stick, as he walked around the camp.
Tony simply slumped to the ground, curling up in a ball. For a long time he simply stared at the image, more specifically at the girl, Skylar. He didn't bother to wipe away the blood that kept dripping from his nose
Kale walked around the came all night, watching the stars and the surrounding area, It seemed like he did something good for a change..

You know, that's not the way that spell goes...

I know... Still.. I wanted to try something new.. You always told me the best spells came from the worst mistakes...

They weren't always good mistakes.. No matter how bad It Is, nothing can make It any better..

Dammit Damien.. I'm tryna t' think of somethin.. How was Ryder able to create that meteor explosion? I mean.. I know he came up with It.. But all this time and effort spent thinking about It.. A mere mortal of a man, was able to create something so magnificent In such little time.. And yet I can't even come up with nothin close to It.. My rival has beaten me, since long ago.. Say... Damien.. Why did you take us under yer wings?

Ah.. Well.. That's rather strange.. I can't seem to remember.. Ahahaha..

What!? That's not funny! I.. Man.. This spell Is a pain In the ass to deal with.. Say.. Where will you go when you die, Master?

Hmm? I guess I'll Just have to go where s-

The dream ended there for Kale.. He had never been able to remember what his Master had told him.. He sat down at the edge of the camp and watched Tony..
Tony was curled in a ball, fast asleep. He still held the picture close to him, red dried to his face, the nose bleed stopped for now. He seemed more relaxed now that he knew his past, but still seemed upset from what he had just relearnt
(So are you fine with the way I played this out? Throw It at me now while It's still fresh..)

A few hours later, Kale had gone hunting, he found some rabbits and a deer, had cut them up, skinned them and started cooking them, shadows under his eyes as he cooked, he wondered If he really did the right thing by showing those photo's to Tony..


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