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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

(Teh puppeh!! \(~3~)/ Hewwo (:3))

As Kale walked Into the cave, he kept his blade pointed at the ceiling, giving the most output of light.. After awhile of walking they came to a fork In their path.. One seemed to go down.. And the other went up.. Though.. Who knew which way they were supposed to take..

I'd say flip a coin.. Don't have one.. Which path should we take Tony?

Tony followed Kale like a obedient dog, and blinked at the two paths. Moving to one, he sniffed the air, then did the same to the other, frowning. They smelt the same. He growled, then shook his head, looking at his friend with a confused expression
Well.. I really don't know which way to go.. If only "He" was here.. Then this would be a whole ton easier.. Say.. Tony, did you ever know a man called Damien?

He asked silently as he looked down at the map In frustration...
Well.. That's rather unfortunate.. Tell me If you remember something..

He said as he took the path going down deeper Into the caves, the sword lighting the way, and keeping them warm In the cold damp cavern..


(Have you watched Angel Beats?)
Tony nodded, I doubt I will though. I mean, apparently I'm married...I just can't remember who to he muttered, following his friend

Married you say? Ah, that's a wonderful thing.. What do you think happened? To your wife, and your memories?

He asked as they walked awhile.

Tony shrugged his shoulders slightly, I don't know. The first thing I remember is waking up in a lab with this he lifted his injured leg and looked up at his friend
(How many times has his limp leg been healed? Poor puppeh (:'())

That sure sucks.. Well, I hope you get yer memories back. Cause without yer memories you wouldn't be entirely you, right?

He asked softly.
(*Pats Tony on head* too many times DX )

Tony nodded quietly, nuzzling against the mans leg silently, again like a loyal dog. He limped on, looking around for anything that could attack
Hey bud.. I think.. Either we keep going down.. Or we go back.. But this map Is jack useless In this mountain.. Which way do you think we should go?

He asks, as he looks from the paper In his hands down to Tony..

(Neko hasn't been on for 20 dayz)

Vee whirled around and easily picked up the drunk man. "What. Slave. Market." She said, accenting each word with a shake. The man broke down and in his panic, told her everything about an underground black market in a cave in a nearby mountain. She tossed the man away and exited the bar. Unknowingly a candle fell over and slowly rolled towards several caskets of alcoholic drinks.

The bar was reduced to cinders in moments, not that she knows that or the fact fact that the bar was a front for assassins.
Tony looked quietly at his friend, and sighed, I don't know…. it all smells the same. The only way that smells of fresh air is behind us, and thats the way we came He replied, frowning
It took us nearly 3 hours to get here... Maybe.. I guess we should Just keep going down.. Maybe we'll come to an abandoned mine or somethin.. Cmon..

He said as he continued down..

Tony nodded, and silently followed his companion. He felt trapped, unable to even unfold his wings down in the tunnels. It somewhat reminded him of the lab cages, and he shuddered
Mai soared the skies above the premises of her cliff-side home with lofty violet wings, calling out in concern "ANGELUS!!!" She called, not hearing from her adoptive son in hours. "ANGELUS?!? WHERE ARE YOU???"

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Angelus could feel his mother's worry and decided to alleviate it, if not for a bit. He created a small butterfly out of darkness and sent it flying towards Mai. He was still watching Vee even as she ran.
After a few more hours of traveling they came to a stop, there, only a few feet In front of them, stood a sign, It appeared to be.. Scribbles.. Though he understood what It meant, this right here seemed to be a small resting area, he noticed the pond that was to their left, and the earthen made seats around It.. He guessed the food was the mushrooms or the fish... The only way out was the path In front of them.. And so he took that path.. His arm was getting tired.. He hoped there were no other paths to take.. So he put his sword away, only barely was there a bit of light coming from the way out.. Just enough to get a skeletal of the surroundings..

Cmon Tony, I believe this Is the way..

He said as he walked Into the darkness...

Tony glanced about warily at their surroundings. It creeped him out a bit that someone had actually bothered to make seats around a small pond. It looked eerily abandoned, yet it seemed to Tony that there was someone or something following them, and he took his time to look behind him, but saw nothing in the darkness that followed them. Frowning, he instead turned back to trot after his friend, occasionally looking behind him


Sierra 192,Entry 0023


"*Static*...Is it on?..Dam this thing is geting old...I told Joe to get one that was in Good conditions befor the sortie....Um so this is entry...23 i belive?...I lost track with most of the Gunfire..Um *Static* so our {REDACTED} Went succesfull i might be going back in a Few days but maybe weeks as the "Enemy" has pass the Borders and well...maybe im going late...But i cant wait as...I have a chield on the way and i whant to be there wen he is born...*Sigh*.......I hope this all gose well..and-*GunFire and Roars*.This is Sierra 192 of {Redacted} Platoon...loging off"

Recording Ended

Hydro was in his Home,sitting down on the sofa of the Living Room holding a recorder in his hands as he look down at it,his minde was In blank as he heard the Recording for the hundreth Time,he stared at it befor he sigh and remove the tape Catrige befor replacing it with a Nother one and Pressing the Play Button

Sierra 192,Entry oo29


"*Static mouth noise* hehehe just kidding Finally Joe desided to get a new one..Um so i came Much late then i expected...and well my Wife gave birth To a Little Boy!...I wish i was there but now that {Redacted} is done im making my way there...Im exited....But they did say there were some..."Effects" on him...Um...not sure what they mean but cant be that Bad...So im just loging off now i gota see my little Boy..still thinking a name but im sure we will think of somthing"

Recording ended

Hydro once again stared at the Recorder Blankly as he would then remove the Tape and once again replace it with the new one...oddly he has been Hiding this From Mai,he dint whant her to know of this and neather anybody else,he just whanted to keep this To Himself,He just whanted to remember,as he would press the play Button and hear once more.

Sierra 192,entry 32


....He is perfect little boy...But....We have to leave....i left {Redacted} for the saftey of my chield...he is somthing else...My....My wife aswell and i never knew...dont know why she Hide it from me but...I dont care now...i still love her...we just have to leave befor we are Notice...But- *Door Breaking down and yells*.UGH..HONEY GET THE CHIELD *Gun shots*...UGH...*Sound of some one falling and constent Foots steps in background*..Shit....YOU DAM BAST- *Gunshot and sound of Splater*.....Get the Woman...especiall the Kid...we wont allow any other of theas things to roam here *Sounds of foots steps walking away*

Baterry low..tape ended

Hydro would Fling the Recorder across the room hitting the wall,breaking it,he sigh and Rub his face,he stands up and would walk towards the Broken tape recorder as he better clean this up befor Mai comes back,he kneels down as he started to pick up the Pices,as he picks up the tape he would place it in his pocket as....he rather not remember anything,he just heard those recordings to remember everything,as he has Forgoten lots of it...This is what keeps him from forgeting...he Finishes picking up the Pices and stand up droping them in a trash bag,he sigh as he would look at his neck and see his Necklace having a Broken Wedding ring (Remember?)...it was all he had to remember them,he stand up as he would sit back down on the couch as he closes his eyes doing his best to relax and clear his minde.​
As Kale and Tony walked up the dark passage, they passed multiple signs, most of them were saying they were going the wrong way, and that they'd regret It, although It was to bad, they couldn't read or even see the signs with the darkness, for almost an hour they walked, until they were blasted with a powerful gust of wind, and there they were, at an opening from the mine, the outside, It was dark, and It was extremely cold, It appeared they had walked to far up..

Tony padded along in front of Kale, unable to see most things, and bumping occasionally into walls. He squeaked as a powerful gust of wind hit his face, and closed his eyes and flattened his ears as if trying to ignore the violent breeze. He had no clue where they were, and slowly took a step forward
Kale quickly reacted and grabbed Tony, as he was Just about to walk off the mountain side...

Woah Tony... Watch out bud.. We should be Really careful up here..

He said quickly as he pulled Tony away from the edge.

Tony froze as he was grabbed, slowly opening his eyes to realise that he was about to step straight off a cliff, and that Kale had saved him. Again. He looked up at his friend and took a slow step backward, whimpering softly
Yea.. Be careful bud.. I think.. I think I see a way down.. Follow me If It seems safe..

He said quietly, taking a few steps, then suddenly, he heard a.. 'Crunch.. Crack..'

Oh fu-

He said, suddenly, he disappeared from sight, as he the cliff side he was walking on collapsed under his weight..


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