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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

She had anger in her eyes...she hated losing, especially to a non demonkind. "I was having fun..." She admitted, flinching after stating that. It was obvious that wasn't the full story. @AzelFang
Only a little fun? I don't believe that, either way, why did you attack HIM, and nobody else? Do you have sorta fetish for picking on people weaker than you?

He asked, slightly annoyed at having to do this.. He wanted to finish up and go back to being normal..

@Suzy Mey
"I-I kidnap men and steal their soul after using my seduction magic" She eeped.

"Weaker people fight less and do not cause problems" Suzanna came out saying, giving up on lieing. @AzelFang
He simply stared at her, giving the most uncaring shitless given face he could possibly muster... He Just.. Stopped caring.. After awhile he helped the kid up... Thinking for a moment he started to walk away.

Yea.. Just.... Have fun with that.. Don't attack my friends..

@Suzy Mey

Tony started to scramble after Kale, looking behind himself every so often in a wary manner. He felt like someone was following him, and he had a feeling he knew exactly who it was
Kale leaned down to the kid as they walked Into the Village, although the kid was only a few Inches In difference than he was, he still felt It somewhat necessary to do so..

So, as we are prolly gonna be traveling a lot together, do ye mind tellin me yer name?

He asks with a shy and wide grin, his eyes lighting up. Much different then they were only a moment before...

Tony blinked up at Kale, golden eyes curious and slightly scared from what had just occurred, "T-Tony" He mumbled, giving a tiny, shy smile and then looking behind him warily as if he felt as though someone was following them. He shrugged it off, keeping his wings folded beneath his trench coat silently
Well hello there Tony, I'm Kale, It's a pleasure to meet ya, by the way, are you hurt or wounded In any way?

He asks curiously, hoping he could be of any assistance..
Tony shook his head, still wishing that people would stop asking that, "I'm fine." He replied, hoping that Kale hadn't noticed his limp.
Kale noticed that he seemed wounded, but kept silent, not wanting to annoy or hurt his pride..

Well, that's good. I hope we can be good friends..
Nah, that's what anyone would of done, I was Just the first one that got to ya. Though, that did surprise me, I've only met a few demon myths before.. I didn't know they lived In area's such as these.. Usually they like the fiery pits of wherever..

He said as he pulled out a map and a compass, looking at their position on the map, and where the Capital was.. They needed to travel quite a ways to get there...
Tony nodded quietly, "It just...made me panic a bit..." He mumbled, peering at the map from beside his new friend curiously. He moved his wings slightly, until they were comfortable
Kale noticed that Tony was watching the map with him, he shifted to comfort himself, and pointed at the Capital.

This Is our current destination, we, or rather I, need to head there to gather Information and some rights, for some land far off, Just so when all this Is over, I can rest easy with friends and family alike, safe from everything else. You.. You are coming with me.. Right?

He asked quietly, looking at Tony, his eyes showing sadness, as If the thought of being alone would break his heart..
Tony looked up at Kale and nodded quickly when he was sent a rather lonely gaze, "Of course!" He replied, golden eyes gleaming. He understood, he didn't want to be alone either
It was by nightfall by the time Kale started to pack his stuff, his gun was fully loaded, and he had extra ammo stocked up, he had completely packed food and other gear, and he was getting ready for the trek to the Capital..

So.. Tony, are you ready to go?

He asked Tony as he finished getting ready, he had hefted his gun case over his shoulder. And he had grabbed a stick, pretending It was a sword or cane..

Tony had spent that time attempting to hunt food for them to eat, but had had absolutely no luck. He swapped back to his human form, and looked to his new friend. He gave a tiny, shy nod, fiddling with the chain around his neck before he nodded again.

As Kale and Tony had started their trek, In the Capital, Rak was being cared by some nice people, they were animal people, probably those animal like myths that were able to communicate with all kinds of animals, after awhile he found that he was able to speak to them.. (Let's Just fast forward In time..)

Tony occasionally shifted his form as they walked, mainly so he could take some of his weight off his injured leg. Currently he was in his wolf form, gazing about
Vee wandered into a a bar. She didn't know the area and she was somehow separated. '...' Charlotte thought. No...I was just busy Charlotte, school and stuff. '...' I know! But what can I do? I feel tired when I come home! '...' Well...yes I could. '...!....!...!?' Fine fine, I'll get onto that. 'Charlotte who are you talking to?' Vee suddenly thought. '...'Charlotte replied, saying vague phrases about something imaginary.

Vee sat on a bar stool near the counter. The bartender, looking at her with pity, gave her a cold glass of milk which she gracefully accepted. "Hey boys!" A drunken man slurred out as he hobbled towards Vee. "We've got ourselves a pretty face here! Wonder how much she'd go on the slave market?" He laughed out and put his hand on her shoulder.

Charlotte Vision:

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Return all personalities.

SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Remove drunken delirious deviant.

SIDE OBJECTIVE: Interrogate about slave market.

There, you happy now Charlotte? '...' Good. Leave me alone.
After a few days had passed, Kale stopped at the entrance to a cave.. It was dark outside, and even darker In the cave.. He didn't even have anything to set on fire.. But.. This was the only way to get to the Capitol.. And he was sure they were being followed by someone.. Was It that Demon Myth girl? Or was It someone else? He didn't know, but he was going to get to the Capitol..

Hey Tony? Can you.. Can you see In there?

He asked quietly, awaiting his answer..

@WolfOfProphecys @Suzy Mey
Tony slowly limped forward in his wolf form, peering in. He frowned, moving in further until he was almost engulfed in the darkness. After a moment he shook his head, and looked over to his friend, I can't see anything he replied

Damn.. I wonder.. I wonder If I should..

He paused for a moment as he spoke silently to himself, before setting his stuff down and rummaged In the luggage, he then pulled something out of It, It was a large plank like Item, It was wrapped In a dark and dirty cloak, he unwrapped It.. It seemed to be.. A sword, alighted with flames, scorching out of the weapon Itself.. Kale took no time putting everything except the cloak and the sword away, he wrapped his hand all the way up to his shoulder with the cloak, grabbing onto the sword and lifting It Into the cave. (Look at His Character In the sign-up to see the sword.)

Alright, let's go, Tony.

He said aloud as he walked Into the cave, the flame of sword scorching the way.

Tony watched the blade curiously, flattening his ears at the flames but watching his friend carefully. He nodded silently, then followed Kale into the cave, padding behind him

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