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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

"I do not" Tony growled in reply, golden eyes narrowing, "I've been doing fine for…" He paused, realising that he couldn't remember his age, "Years"
Tony stared at her, "I don't know" He grumbled, "I can't remember" He then huffed softly, stepping back from her, wishing he didn't have amnesia
Tony's eyes narrowed again at her, "I don't need help" He growled once more, backing away from her, and opening his wings as if to take flight. He didn't need anyones help, no one needed him anyway, so what was the point
Tony growled again, and moved back further, before turning and taking off, flapping his wings frantically to get to somewhere other than where the girl was
"I am not your pet!" Tony repeated, feeling somewhat like a broken record. He flew as fast as he could, swooping down and up to try and lose her behind him
Suzanna grabbed onto his foot, and tried to launch him into the ground. If she did, she would sit down on his face, wiggling her butt.
Tony fought to keep in the air, letting out hisses of pain. She was holding onto his bad leg, and he tried to kick her as his powerful wings flapped against the air
Tony gave a squeak, and his wings folded in violently, sending him hurtling toward the ground. He managed to open them at the last second, landing somewhat gracefully but still ending up face planting. He grumbled, and sat, "What was that for?"
Tony tilted his head away from her, "Thats not how you ask someone to talk!" He exclaimed, "Usually 'can I talk to you' works, but no, you have to go the extra mile!" He exclaimed, trying to push her off as he ranted about what she had done, "Get off me!"
"Depends. Interrogating me about what?" Tony asked warily, still trying to push her off of his thin body, wings spread out behind him
"Ton. I'm a angel wolf. Its my habitat to live in a forest, and I ran because you're creepy" He stated, "Can I go now?" he growled, wings twitching in annoyance
Tony squeaked as she kissed him and again tried to scramble away, "No!" He growled, twisting, "Apparently I'm married, so get off me!"

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