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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Vee followed them, eyes slightly red from all the crying. At the very least she had managed to get one of her sisters back. '...' Charlotte thought from within their collective conscience. 'Thank you, that's very comforting.' Vee thought back.
Static could be faintly heard from the background where he stood, watching her from dark shadowed eyes.. An eerie and discomforting sound, as he replied the static seemed to shake In the air, only barely audible.

Trust me... You'd rather have a shy me. Besides, I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt because of how I acted....

He said quietly, almost to quiet to hear.. The static disappearing after he spoke, as If It was never really there...

@The One Eyed Bandit
Tony padded around quietly in his wolf form, his haunted eyes gazing about as he tried to find someone, hopefully the woman who seemed to know him. Instead, he ended up getting hopelessly lost, and gave a long, sad howl
Shion raised an eyebrow as Kale spoke, noticing the low static as as went about speaking, though, instead of doing that the average person would do and say, display some level of fear she simply turned around and continued along the path, speaking once again to him over her shoulder.

"I've seen scarier Myths than a bit a static and a spooky gaze, you're gonna have to try harder if you want to frighten me!"
Was I trying to scare you? Heh, well, It's not like I was trying to do any harm, but seriously though, It's better that I'm like this than my usual self, you think Myths can be scary? You haven't even seen the demons that engulf the void, that Is a true hell, one where even the most sinister and demonic monsters look like plush kittens on a sunny day with - - - As the rest of his speech became either Inaudible or In an entirely different language... He continued walking, still talking to himself, quietly though, shifting multiple times to keep the clunky cumbersome box on his back...
Vee kept following them like a lost child with nothing better to do. Honestly. Nothing else. She could of course converse with Charlotte but do you honestly want a mostly one sided conversation with Charlotte going '...' everytime?
Sighing as Kale continued to speak Shion mumbled to herself, her voice too low for anyone who wasn't standing directly in front of her to hear "Ah... quite he traveling companion I've picked up isn't it..." it was likely that she would go on, but, as she turned a corner she caught a glint of purple out of the corner of her eye... "Huh..." Odd... Purple? Out here in the forest? Was she seeing things? No. There it was again... What the heck was it? A Myth? Was it following them? Well, she wasn't going to just sit around and wait for it to speak up if that were the case.

Quickly spinning on her heel she kicked herself towards the shape, rapidly dashing past Kale as she closed the gap, preparing to punch whoever, or whatever it was into next Wednesday, her first stopping only a few centimeters short when she realized what it actually was.

"...A little girl?"
Kale stopped mumbling to himself as he looked over to whatever Shion had attempted to maul...

Oh.. Hey, I know her! That's.. Ah... Um.. That's Vee!

He said happily, glad he remembered the child' name, he walked over to the girls and crouched near the child.

And what are you doin here lil miss?

He asked with a kind smile.

Laughing awkwardly Shion withdrew her fist, taking a few steps back to give the girl some space, "Ah, sorry kid. Gave me a bit of a spook when I saw you following us back here" She said, rubbing the back of her head with some level of embarrassment, and some level of confusion as to why there were so many people out here, like seriously, she hadn't even seen anyone else walking towards this path before today, let alone two of them, "Well, uh, you OK? And what're you doing following us around anyway? Oh, and the names Shion by the way"
"My name's Vee, I'm a Hydra...and I don't have anywhere else to go." She said. Tears started to well up in her eyes. "I'm trying to get my sisters back. I've managed to retrieve one of them. Would you like to meet her?" Mr. Cuddles sat comfortably on her head, blubbering away as he slept.

Angelus was worried. His friend had gone in crying and gone out slightly less crying. He decided to follow her. His black wings beat rapidly as he urged to keep Vee in his sight.
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"I'm a Hydra"

The girl, Vee, that stood in front of her hadn't chosen the wisest of greetings, though, she couldn't be expected to know that, usually revealing oneself as a Myth would result in a reaction of fear, or companionship, rather than the one of blind rage that was about to spill forth from the girl she spoke to, so, rather the unwise, one could consider the greeting more unfortunate than anything. Though, Shion didn't consider any of that, she didn't even hear the rest of her greeting, after hearing the words, 'I'm a Hydra' she didn't hear much at all really, neither did she do too much thinking as she, with a scream of anger, quickly shot her fist towards the child's torso.

Vee immediately squeaked and ducked just in time to dodge the punch. Mr. Cuddles suddenly woke up and transformed into a kraken of epic proportions. It picked Shion up and thrashed her about before slamming her into the ground. "BLRBBBLBRRLBLRBLRBRLBBRRR!" He blubbered as he moved to pick her up again only for Vee to turn into Charlotte and get in the way, making Mr. Cuddles stop. "..." She said. Mr. Cuddles reverted and plopped on her head. "...?" Charlotte asked Shion.

@The One Eyed Bandit
Hearing someone yell, Tony moved toward the noise on quick paws, limping heavily but not letting it stop him. He padded up toward a small group, and settled nearby to watch them, hidden. He frowned as a squid like creature changed into what seemed like a kraken, and he flinched, tensing until he saw it turn back
Kale watched the squid counter Shion's attack, watching with utter amusement, thinking of what the creature would taste like, he was pretty sure that scientist prolly created It, but who knows... All of this was rather strange.. Still he wish he knew where Rak was...

Ya know.. I don't think that was the best reply you could have given her, miss Vee. And I think yer lil friend may have Just pissed her off even more.. I "WOULD" suggest not to fight.. However.. I know that's not going to happen, ah.. Seems you found one of yer sisters.. Hello there, my name Is Kale, what's yers?

He blabbered on, actually speaking when he Introduced himself to Charlotte.

"..." She said as she introduced herself with a small bow. Charlotte then plucked the squid if her head. "..." She said, introducing the squid before putting him back on her head. She gave a tiny smile before going back to a poker face, turning towards Shion and cracking her knuckles.
Kale laughed, slightly understanding what the girl meant, though the sudden shift of her body and mind kind of confused him, there were such reports that Damien had written down, that he'd seen before...

I wouldn't do that If I were ya, although I'm not a whelp to warfare, I'd rather you not destroy my only chance of getting to the Capital, could you maybe post hold on this until we reach the Capital?

He asked kindly, his eyes happy and shy, with a hint of darkness In them, they seemed to be the same eyes as when Damien was warning the kids.

Charlotte froze up and decided to hide by switching with Vee. "H-hey wait, she might hurt me!" '...' "...Fine." She said before turning towards Damien and nodding. Angelus suddenly descended between them. "Who are you and what are you planning with her?" He asked as a his lance-mace-sword started to form.
That girl seems rather frightened.. Maybe I shouldn't have warned her so.. Ah.. There's another one, so many people around that can shift so easily! I wonder what their Insides look li- ... I need to stop that.. All this bloodshed around me Is stirring something deep Inside.. I can't keep It hidden forever, specially not when I'm around people like these..

He thinks to himself, eying the newcomer curiously..

I'm not planning anything good sir, she wants to come with us, I'd say why not.. So.. What are YOU planning to do to us?

He asked accusingly towards the newcomer...

Needless to say, Shion hadn't exactly been expecting the rapid transformation and attack of the squid atop the girl's head, so she'd been taken fairly off-guard by it's now enlarged tentacle and was unable to dodge. The trashing she'd received from the beast would normally be more than enough to finish someone off for good, but thanks to her heritage, she was more than a little bit sturdier than your average person, even among Myths her species stood as one of the best at taking a speaking, so, even after she'd been beaten down by that monstrous squid it didn't take her too long to scrape herself from the forest floor and get back to her feet, just in time the hear what seemed like Kale offering to have her accompany the two of them. And, needless to say, it wasn't the most pleasing of things that she could have woken up to.

"Hey! What do you mean 'Come with us'!? There's no way I'm traveling with a damn Hydra!"
Kale simply gave her a >_> look. (Like his face seriously made that emotion...)

And yet yer fine with me tagging along, when you have no Idea what I'm capable of, for all you know, I could be a demon In human skin that could be the end to this very realm~

He said In a sarcastic manor of speech..

@The One Eyed Bandit
"Hmph, I couldn't care less if you were Satan himself. I'd rather spend time with the devil than any Myth with Greek roots" She said stubbornly, shooting a glare towards Vee and brushing off Kale's sarcasm. It was kind of cruel really, how she dismissed the girl just because she happened to share a small bit of her heritage with the people who killed her parents, and, any rational person would at least cut the her some place, the girl had been crying a few moments ago after all, but, as evidenced by her... Outburst, Shion wasn't the most rational of people, much to the chagrin of those around her, in fact, it had gotten her into situations like this is the past, and just like back then, she wasn't about to budge.
Kale walks up to Shion, not saying anything, and he starts to poke her shoulder, mainly Just to annoy her.

Ya sure ya don' wanna bring her along? I mean, I COULD be like a camping trip, we could sit at campfires and tell stories, eat shmores an other stuffs, and even watch the stars together~

He said enthusiastically, still, poking her shoulder....

@The One Eyed Bandit
Tony watched the people curiously, and crept closer to one, who was occupied with poking anothers shoulder. He frowned, giving a spot whine before silencing, trying desperately to stay out of sight of the other creatures, the winged, limping wolf looking wary of them
Oh god she was gonna punch him. The incessant poking was bad enough, but when he started joking about it 'being like a camping trip', it almost pushed her over the edge, sure, under normal circumstances she'd play along with the joke, hell, she'd even further it, but she was already angry enough as it was, and she wasn't exactly hesitant to floor a guy she'd only known for a grand total of five minutes. But... she wasn't exactly at the point where she couldn't see that making three enemies, four if you counted the giant space-squid, in the middle of nowhere wasn't the best idea, so, gritting her teeth she decided to bare with it for now, "Ugh... Do whatever you want, just don't expect me not to pulverize her if I get the chance..."

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