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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Due to the powers of the sword he used, he appeared in a random place in the forest, didn't know if he went forward, or backwards.... Where the hell was he?


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Tony had continued to wander, having no real clue where he was going. He gazed about, listening to the sounds around him, listening closely to see if he could find anyone, before tilting his head back and howling
Wandering around, Shion eventually found herself in a forest road. It wasn't unfamiliar ground to her, it was a nice, out of the way route she could take on the way to her parent's graves, and was particularly pleasant due to it's lack of other people, or rather, it's lack of other Myths, making it a rather nice break from the rest of the Myth-riddled countryside. This time though, things were a tad different, as she turned a corner in a particularly dense area of the forest she was met by an unexpected sight, another person. Cursing under her breath she assumed it was a Myth, and they just so happened to lay right in the middle of her path, but, seeing as turning around an taking another route wasn't much of a choice with how deep she already was in the woods, and the density of the forest preventing her from going around him, she wasn't left with much of a choice other than approaching him.

Nearing him she was ready to attack, but was taken by surprise when she took a closer look. It was the guy from earlier.

"Hey! I know you!" She suddenly blurted out, the tension of pre-battle leaving her body as she spoke to Kale, who she assumed wasn't a threat. "We met last night I think? Kale right?"
Kale was putting something away in the large case on his back when he looked up slowly..

Ah. Hello... Erm... Shion! ..... Sorry, i've had a long morning, it took me a minute to remember yer name, how are ya today, eh Miss Shion?

He asked kindly, talking slow.

@The One Eyed Bandit

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
"Eh... Could be better... Had a tustle with that damn Siren and it didn't end too well..." She said with a sigh, subconsciously rubbing the back of her head out of exasperation as she spoke. Looking him over she realized something seemed to be missing, something fairly major for a wanderer, "How about you, didn't you have a horse the last time we met?"

(Short post is shorts, saaarrrryyy)

Bri reacted instantly, throwing the knife with a twist of a hand, her shot accurate and straight despite how frightened she actually was. It hit him in the abdomen. Bri was breathing heavily, her knees bent towards each other as she tried to catch her breath. Damn, that was freaking scary.

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{ discovers edit button MY GOD }

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Kale turns around, not seeing him, he turns around a few more times...

Ah! Son ova... Rak!

He sighs before turning back to Shion...

So.. Do you know where we are? How close to the capital are we?

He asked quietly, annoyed that Rak wandered off again, knowing however that he always found his way back.

@The One Eyed Bandit

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Mayfly said:
Bri reacted instantly, throwing the knife with a twist of a hand, her shot accurate and straight despite how frightened she actually was. It hit him in the abdomen. Bri was breathing heavily, her knees bent towards each other as she tried to catch her breath. Damn, that was freaking scary.

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{ discovers edit button MY GOD }

((I just got rekt))

The knife hit The Wolf indeed in the abdomen, and glowing orange liquid sprayed out. But a knife couldn't halt his momentum, as he smashed into her, knocking her to the ground, and his body rolled for three more feet. She was burned, and blisters were appearing in places. Nothing too serious though. The Wolf got up, growling in anger at you, whilst hiding a whimper. Its flames grew bright tern, as it roared, lunging at her again, attempting to claw her legs out from under her.
Bri screamed out as she fell to the ground, the blisters popping up on her arms. She had a blessing from a certain siren, one where she'd be safe as long as she ran into the siren's home. Bri scrambled to her feet, sprinted towards the clearing from before, where she knew there'd be water there. Her speed thanks to her petite size was incredible, probably matching the speed of the wolf itself, from lots of training and multiple blessings. She burst out of the trees and headed straight for the water, diving in and breathing heavily as she surfaced.

@SirDerpingtonIV { just so lazy today for some reason SOOO lazy }
(YO SUP. Forgot this was at thing too >_> Well, the new permalink thing on the front page should stop that from happening again :P )

"The Capital? Ah... Wouldn't have a clue, but unless it's anywhere near the middle of nowhere, I doubt it"
Shion answered in a sarcastic tone, resting the palm of her hand on her hip as she spoke. Honestly, why was the guy asking her? Wasn't he supposed to be a local or something? Did really not know where he was? Come to think of it, where did he come from? She hadn't heard anyone else out here, and she'd been following this track for the past half an hour... "Hey, where'd you come from anyway? If you're looking for the Capital why are you all the way out here?"
So I am In the wrong place? Damn.. I knew I shouldn't a taken that path.. Ah.. It's nothin really, I can get there one way or another... And I came from that pack back there.. Speaking of paths.. Do you... Uh.. Do you know where we're at?

He asks quietly, sticking his thumb out, Indicating where he came from, he looked rather confused.

@The One Eyed Bandit
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Mayfly said:
Bri screamed out as she fell to the ground, the blisters popping up on her arms. She had a blessing from a certain siren, one where she'd be safe as long as she ran into the siren's home. Bri scrambled to her feet, sprinted towards the clearing from before, where she knew there'd be water there. Her speed thanks to her petite size was incredible, probably matching the speed of the wolf itself, from lots of training and multiple blessings. She burst out of the trees and headed straight for the water, diving in and breathing heavily as she surfaced.
@SirDerpingtonIV { just so lazy today for some reason SOOO lazy }
The Wolf roared as she retreated, and it charged after her, on her heels, about to pounce and tear her open with its claws, as she dived into the water. The Wolf paused on the edge, looking down. It seemed to know the water would put out its fire, and growled at her. It leaned forward, swiping its claws at her, but missing, since he was several meters away. It howled in defeat, curling up by the water's edge, to wait her out.
Bri breathed a sigh of relief, watching the wolf stop. She splashes it with the water, trying to get it to calm down and turn back into Kurt, but slowly swimming back to prevent being clawed. The Wolf freaked her out, and she honestly didn't understand why it would take form in Kurt.

Mayfly said:
Bri breathed a sigh of relief, watching the wolf stop. She splashes it with the water, trying to get it to calm down and turn back into Kurt, but slowly swimming back to prevent being clawed. The Wolf freaked her out, and she honestly didn't understand why it would take form in Kurt.
Where the water hit the wolf, you could see the flames in that spot begin to fade, and for a moment, human flesh could be seen, before the fur and fire returned. The Wolf growled at you, attempting to slash at you, but you were already too far out.


Mayfly said:
Bri breathed a sigh of relief, watching the wolf stop. She splashes it with the water, trying to get it to calm down and turn back into Kurt, but slowly swimming back to prevent being clawed. The Wolf freaked her out, and she honestly didn't understand why it would take form in Kurt.
Sorry for double post.
Mai fluttered her violet wings as she sat on her wolfish experiment- taking samples of all kinds within the depths of the forest and stuffing them into her knapsack. The scientist retracted her wings and her horns and anything else that may be revealed to tell that she was a myth, just to be safe. She was still in no condition to fight since the last human attack.
"As for actual location? No clue!" She says, chuckling to herself as she speaks, before resting her chin on her hand in thought and continuing to speak. "Hmmm, I don't actually know where we are true, but there should be a little town nearby, I stop in there for the night whenever I come out this way, somebody there might know where this is..."
(Well Bandit, since you're here NOW, we might as well do some story time and go thru with our scene, eh? Gettin a lil stuffed up without any RP's lately.. @The One Eyed Bandit)

He looked about awkwardly, the large black case on his back was falling over, and he lost Rak.. What the hell was he gonna do.. Maybe he could go with Shion to this little town that she mentioned...

Is It alright If I tag along? I'd like to get to the Capital as soon as possible If I'm able to..

He asked rather shyly..
"Eh?" She voiced, somewhat confused. It wasn't his asking whether he could tag along that confused her, but rather his tone of voice, wasn't the guy meant to be an Ancient Species or something? Well, she was still a little skeptical about that being any different from a Myth, but it was an excuse to not have to try and bash the guy's skull in. "Uh, sure dude go ahead" She said, pacing around him and continuing along the path, briefly speaking to him in a joking manner over her shoulder before he could get another word in.

"By the way, the whole shy act doesn't really fit the whole Ancient Species thing!"
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