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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Algernon quickly takes a couple of quiet steps backwards and walks around the corner as if he had just started looking for her,

"Oh, there you are! I've been looking all over for you! The food is getting cold, so we better get to it quickly." Algernon says, he then internally sighs as relief flows over him.

(Sorry for the short posts.)

Illuminata pauses, bringing her hand back. "A-Alright!" She replied nervously, tucking the notebook away into the flap of her vestire. She began walking back to the dining room, taking a seat as she began hungrily biting into a slice. @Stew
After hours of walking, Kale an Rak finally reached a small town, not very many buildings, lotta farms an whatnot though, after a few minutes of looking around, Kale found a nice merchant shop, they had a mass amount of weapons, some herbs and even some magical trinkets, this shop seemed to be the largest of all the buildings, and the most durable, even the door weighed like.. 3 Tons..

Hello there, how may I help you sir?

Ah! Shopkeep, do you sell Sniper Rifles? Prefferably Barrets?

Hmm, let me check. The shop keeper went Into the back of the building, sounds of boxes and other things could be heard moving, after a little while the shopkeep came out from the back with an extremely long black case. Indeed I do, however, It's the only one I have, so It's a little pricey.

Eh? How much, I have crystals and makro's.

What are Makro's? And what sorta crystal, ye know we don't take the cheap stuff round here like they do In the capital, we need to pay off our own debts too..

Makro's are golden crocs, (Crocs can also be known as diamonds. Just so ye know) I only have a few, but I'm sure they'll be more than enough.

G.. Golden crocs!? Where In the bloody blazin hell did you find those!? Eh.. I mean.. Yea, one will be way more than enough for this baby, though, I doubt I have the change sufficient enough to pay ya back..

Eh, nah. I'm good, I Just want to get on the road..

After awhile, the two exchanged the money for equipment. One, extremely powerful sniper rifle.
(Without the chick =P)

For a chunk of Makro.

Kale put his rifle back Into Its case, said his goodbyes to the shopkeep, and walked out of the shop, afterwards, he grabbed some lunch at a nearby Inn, finishing up, he bought some fresh produce at the farm Just outside of town..

Are you sure ye don wanna carry It? I mean, It's not heavy In the least, an... Yea... Fine.. I'll carry It, but will you at lea- S.. Damnit Rak, ye sure aren't makin this easy for are ya?

Kale was yelling at Rak, who, with most of a reply snorted or neighed. As If they were really speaking.
After the conversation with her guests Mai wandered down to her lab- unlocking the elusive black door. She tucked red keys back into her bag, carefully looking at the darkly lit floor.

On one complete side of the room were windows on the side of the cliff face above ocean. Several lab tables were laid about, cabinets, supplies...and odd parts with several needles and microscopes only found from government stock. It was messy and grotesque- but it was organized to say the least. Stacks of cages with high-security keypads on each door. Strange animals prowling about within them, with tubes and wires sticking out from every which angle. Clipboards. Vital machines. Paperwork neatly stacked away.

Mai didn't limp too far before a free-roaming experiment did it's guard round of the lab. One that was stable enough to walk on it's own legs. "Kyoto, ah- there you are girl...can you help me for today?" Quickly the Viral Wolf propped her creator onto her back and began trotting out as commanded- out to hunt in the field.

Viral Wolves- one of many bred beasts of war and aid- are vicious creatures. Slightly modified from it's feral cousin. Bulky heads with jaws that are larger than any other canine. Broad backs for carrying. Fangs laced with deadly poisons. ( or specific chemicals depending what they were made for). Beautiful gold and red fur able to stiffen into needle-like blades at will. And sharp noses able to detect a myth for kilometers away- or any other unfortunate creature that it catches scent of.
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Bri made her way out of the lab and back out into the meadow, she'd cleaned out the wound in her arm and bandaged it before pulling her sleeve back down. She jogged lightly back into the forest to get back to camp, the rifle hoisted in her belt slapping against her thigh as she ran. What would her commander say when she got back? When she told him she'd shot a Myth?

"Well, officer, report?"

"I found a pretty rose today."

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Kale had positioned himself in a nook on the hillside, he wanted to test out his new weapon carefully, without any hindrances, Rak was sleeping peacefully in the cove nearby with the other land runners.

Kale figured, that target practice on Beasts wasn't fighting them, rather, it was hunting down the Demons that infested this world, it was the Beasts, or him, and he damn well liked living. So. He positioned himself comfortably in place, watching one of the giants walk about aimlessly, although he didn't have the scope equipped, he saw his target perfectly, taking his time, he calmed himself, and fired, he aimed for the head, the ion blast took a large chunk through and out of the Beast' head, an instant kill, though, he needed to modify the weapon so it'd be a silent and unseen force, he also wanted to colour the weapon for stealth.

Welp, I just hope nobody sees me doing this, I'd hate to get anyone involved...

He said calmly, although he hated war, and all this fighting, bloodshed and destruction, he absolutely loved the hype he got from slaughtering these wretched Beasts...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
"Pop pop, watching mythies drop." The myth turned, fear in his eyes, looking for whoever said that,as Issac disabled his chamelon cloak, as he sat there, clinging to the wall, his sniper rifle aimed at the myth's forehead. "Boom." one shot was all it took, for the neko boy's brains to go flying all over the pavement. Issac dropped down, loading another bullet into his rifle, before walking over, and examining his kill. A nice clean shot between the eyes. The huge 50'cal bullet had left quite the hole. He headed off, strolling down the ruined street, rifle in hand. He was the last of his division here. He was looking for the other divisions, to hopefully pull back.... after killing enough.

//Kurt sat in a forest, crouched atop a simple stump, watching and listening, silently. He could no longer hear the blundering millitary patrol that had nearly found him, and let out a relaxed sigh. Suddenly, bullets lashed out through the clearing, ripping up the ground next to him, spraying dirt. He jumped up, running into the tree line. He kept running and running, pumping his arms, hoping to escape, when suddenly, he ran into a soldier, who scrambled for his gun. The two lie on the ground, as the soldier grabbed it. The man whipped around, pointing it at Kurt's face, who got to his feet, hands raised in a gesture of surrender. Pain exploded in his chest, as lbood sprayed out, like a blossoming rose. He stumbled backwards, the shock weakening his grasp, as the Wolf took this chance. Suddenly, he found himself charging towards, unable to stop, on all fours, his hands becoming firey claws, as he heard the man screaming, and saw himself tearing into the man's neck, ending his life in a quick, boiling hot snap. The Wolf, satisfied that it had protected itself enough for now, stood up, before it released its grip, and Kurt fell to the ground, on his hands and knees, coughing up blood.
Eliza rolled her eyes and dissolved into water, moving to the next water body spiritually. That was how she moved actually. Her original form was bound to her original water body, but she could form some where else though. She clambered out of the water to the quaint log cabin she'd spiffed up, starting a fire and warming herself up.


Bri went out again that night. The commander hadn't said much to her reply, just a usual wave of dismissal. She'd seriously missed out on her scenery. Sure it was a good cover, but might as well scout out for tomorrow, right? She found the forest she knew like the back of her hand and wandered through it, observing her surroundings. The night was silent and beautiful, peaceful enough to make you forget about the war, if for only a moment. She closed her eyes, a serene smile on her face. Suddenly, she flinched as a ear-piercing scream cut through the silence, causing her turquoise eyes to widen in terror. It sounded human, but she would have to be careful. Bri automatically reached for her gun before remembering that she'd left it back in the barracks. She cursed her foolishness before crawling forward, using the leaves and darkness as her cover. But what she saw made her do a double take. A red haired boy on his knees, a pool of blood below him, near him a dead soldier, his throat in shreds.


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As Bri kept looking, she noticed scorch marks on the ground beneath the boy, and the body of the soldier was horribly burned, especially at the throat, which had been torn out. Kurt collapsed onto the ground, lying on his chest, to weak to move, as blood continued pouring out of him. Was this how he'd die? Lying here, bleeding out? The Wolf probably knew he was alright, it never let him even come close to dying. Normally, he'd feel comforted, that something would routinely save his life like that, if he didn't know the Wolf only wanted him for its own selfish purposes. But, he had to admit, the Wolf had some benefits. For example, his sight, hearing, and sense of smell were a bit more advanced than the average human's. He listened out, hoping the other millitary men wouldn't find him, but he couldn't hear or smell anything. He sighed quietly, believing himself to be safe.


//eh thanks for adding in the info but no controlling characters other than your own and NPCs kay?//

"Wha-what?" Bri stammered, her eyes on the boy, her heart pounding in her chest. "Di-did you do this?" Her tone was incredulous, hiding a layer of fear. She tucked a strand of her blonde ombré hair behind her ear while the other hand reached behind her back to hold the combat knife she'd brought in her pocket self-assuringly.

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Mayfly said:
//eh thanks for adding in the info but no controlling characters other than your own and NPCs kay?//

"Wha-what?" Bri stammered, her eyes on the boy, her heart pounding in her chest. "Di-did you do this?" Her tone was incredulous, hiding a layer of fear. She tucked a strand of her blonde ombré hair behind her ear while the other hand reached behind her back to hold the combat knife she'd brought in her pocket self-assuringly.

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((I didn't mean to control, I was just detailing the scene. xD Sorry if I gave you the impression i was using dark sorcery to take over the feeble mind of your character to do nefarious deeds. :3))

He looked up, eyes widening, starting directly at her, as he noticed a girl standing there, stammering, and reaching behind her for something. A weapon, or a walkee-talkee probably. He wondered what to say for a moment, "He shot me!" he said finally. He knew it was the wrong thing to say the moment he said it, he just hoped she wouldn't go and kill him over it. "Please, please, just stay back," he continued, wrapping his arms around himself, sitting. He didn't look as if he was squeezing himself though, he looked almost as if he was trying to hold something in.
Bri's expression softened as she released the blade and knit her eyebrows together in concern. "Are you hurt?" she said hesitantly, staring at the boy. "Y-you're a Myth, right?" Of course, she had nothing against Myths, but a Myth who ripped out the throat of a soldier was dangerous. Very. She subconsciously took a step back, her gaze still trained on him.

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He wonders if he should admit how badly injured he is, just incase she tries to finish him off. "I-i think it's quit bad," he stuttered, looking down at the blood gathering on the ground. He barely heard her next question. "I guess you could say that." he said. Kurt didn't really know how to explain the fact that he shares his body with a flaming wolf monster, so he didn't try to. He noticed her take a step back, still keeping an eye on him. The Wolf was silent right now, not suggesting murder or anything, quite unlike him, or her, or whatever the fuck it even was.

Kale sat with a bemused look at his weapon, he changed the Ion beam Into a Void beam, so that instead of erasing all matter, it would disappear Into the dark and unknown. He surveyed the area after awhile, stopping when he spotted what appeared to be a ranger from the Human's Army, he certainly had a nice ranged weapon, though it seemed as if he had only one kill...

Watching this man, from far away, most people would need binoculars or camera's to see from this distance, but not only could he see him fine, he could see even farther away.


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
The sound of a light grumbling could be heard from the lakeside as Shion crawled back from unconsciousness, followed by the sounds of a quick scuffle as she jumped to her feet, fighting with the blanket that lay on top of her before realizing that it was in fact, a blanket. Looking around she was surprised, not by the blanket, well, the blanket was surprising too, but the more shocking revelation to her was that she wasn't dead, she had been sure that Siren was going to kill her when she started singing, she was a little damp but here she stood, living and breathing... Someone must have helped her... Well, at least she hoped that was the case, living off of the mercy of that damn Siren wasn't a prospect that was particularly attractive to her.

Dismissing those thoughts she searched around for her jacket, finding it where she'd discarded it and quickly placing it back on, before making her away back along her previous night, pushing her thoughts of the previous night to the back of her mind.
//Observing is so friggin nefarious, mannnnn. Shit I'm watching OUAT and I love how they're like "we have to be stealthy" and then they just charge in screaming and yelling like [emoji23]/

Bri relaxed visibly. She was small, but trained in judo and aikido, she would have the advantage if he was hurt. Honestly, the 17-year-old didn't know if he was lying or not, but she could see the wound on his chest. She bit her lip and sat down warily beside him. "Do you... Uh... Want me to take a look at it likeimeanigetitifyoudontwanttobuticouldhelpidontknowreally." She rambled, flushing red slightly and glancing at the ground.

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Mayfly said:
//Observing is so friggin nefarious, mannnnn. Shit I'm watching OUAT and I love how they're like "we have to be stealthy" and then they just charge in screaming and yelling like [emoji23]/
Bri relaxed visibly. She was small, but trained in judo and aikido, she would have the advantage if he was hurt. Honestly, the 17-year-old didn't know if he was lying or not, but she could see the wound on his chest. She bit her lip and sat down warily beside him. "Do you... Uh... Want me to take a look at it likeimeanigetitifyoudontwanttobuticouldhelpidontknowreally." She rambled, flushing red slightly and glancing at the ground.

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He saw her come over, sitting down beside him, but looking like she'd be ready to run in an instant. He listened too her rambling question, as he loooked up at her. "I wouldn't suggest getting too close," he said softly, before rolling onto his back, showing the bullet wound in his chest, which was still bleeding. Why was this girl being so nice to him? Didn't all the millitary hate myths? Or maybe...... maybe she wasn't what she appeared to be. Or perhaps she just didn't hate myths? he asked himself, having a hard time wrapping his head around this.


AzelFang said:
Kale sat with a bemused look at his weapon, he changed the Ion beam Into a Void beam, so that instead of erasing all matter, it would disappear Into the dark and unknown. He surveyed the area after awhile, stopping when he spotted what appeared to be a ranger from the Human's Army, he certainly had a nice ranged weapon, though it seemed as if he had only one kill...
Watching this man, from far away, most people would need binoculars or camera's to see from this distance, but not only could he see him fine, he could see even farther away.


Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Issac continued walking down the street, his rifle in his hands, plainly visisble. His thermo optics noted someone above him, in a building. They threw a fire ball down at him, which would've roasted him alive if he hadn't jumped back. He whipped around, firing a shot. He saw the heat leave the mythie's body, as it fell backwards into whatever room it was firing from. He sat there for a moment, watching the heat leave its body completely. He reloaded, clicking open the weapon, and placing in another bullet.
"Holy shit. Why aren't you healing? Can't Myths heal?" Bri said, panicking as soon as she saw the wound. "Um um I don't have any supplies with me but I could call in a favour from someone. She could heal you, but I'm not really sure." With that, Bri turned and sang a light melody, it wasn't very loud, but she was sure the Myth would hear it, regardless of her location.

Eliza raised one eyebrow despite her closed eyes and clucked her tongue. "Brianna? Haven't heard from that young lady since forever!" She laughed and got to the lake, dissolving into water and appearing near the girl, a bit away. "Lizzie~" Bri called out happily, before adding "this-this guy's hurt, could you help?"

The siren shrugged. "Maybe. Bullet wound to the chest, I can tell, but magic has its limits. I'll try. Move aside, Bri, I'm dousing him." Eliza flicked her finger up, and a large water ball separated itself from the pond and floated in the air. The siren made a throwing motion towards the boy, drenching him completely. She strolled over and observed the cuts slowly healing and the bullet sliding itself out of the wound. Eliza plucked it out nonchalantly and threw it into the forest where it became dew. Bri smiled gratefully at her old friend and Eliza only dipped her head once to show her appreciation. She strolled off once again, her flats making imprints in the soil. "You have someone on your face, boy." she called back as she dissolved into the pond, retreating back into her house as soon as she reformed.

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Kale watched from his perch, miles away, as this Human fought boldly against the Myths, though he'd rather not communicate with those people, he saw an opportunity to help the Human out, when a Golem (Beast) sledged up behind him to feast upon him. Kale took a quick shot at the Golem, which, upon being hit, Imploded Into nothing, leaving a large blast radius not to far from where the Human was standing.
Vee shuddered and started to cry when she couldn't hear Ilaine's voice anymore. "Don't leave me..." She sobbed as she slowly fell to the floor and cried whilst rocking back and forth. Mr. Cuddles decide that it would be best to comfort her and act as her teddy bear.
AzelFang said:
Kale watched from his perch, miles away, as this Human fought boldly against the Myths, though he'd rather not communicate with those people, he saw an opportunity to help the Human out, when a Golem (Beast) sledged up behind him to feast upon him. Kale took a quick shot at the Golem, which, upon being hit, Imploded Into nothing, leaving a large blast radius not to far from where the Human was standing.
Issac whipped around, rifle in hand, seeing the debris from the shot. His eyes widened beneath his goggles. That's some heavy weaponry, he thought to himself, as he looked up, his goggles in thermal mode again, scanning the horizon for the shooter. The guy shot some sort of myth behind him, judging by the stray blood stains on the ground, or maybe it was just that the mysterious sniper was just a shit shot. He decided that the millitary didn't hire shit shots, and began moving closer to investigate.


Mayfly said:
"Holy shit. Why aren't you healing? Can't Myths heal?" Bri said, panicking as soon as she saw the wound. "Um um I don't have any supplies with me but I could call in a favour from someone. She could heal you, but I'm not really sure." With that, Bri turned and sang a light melody, it wasn't very loud, but she was sure the Myth would hear it, regardless of her location.
Eliza raised one eyebrow despite her closed eyes and clucked her tongue. "Brianna? Haven't heard from that young lady since forever!" She laughed and got to the lake, dissolving into water and appearing near the girl, a bit away. "Lizzie~" Bri called out happily, before adding "this-this guy's hurt, could you help?"

The siren shrugged. "Maybe. Bullet wound to the chest, I can tell, but magic has its limits. I'll try. Move aside, Bri, I'm dousing him." Eliza flicked her finger up, and a large water ball separated itself from the pond and floated in the air. The siren made a throwing motion towards the boy, drenching him completely. She strolled over and observed the cuts slowly healing and the bullet sliding itself out of the wound. Eliza plucked it out nonchalantly and threw it into the forest where it became dew. Bri smiled gratefully at her old friend and Eliza only dipped her head once to show her appreciation. She strolled off once again, her flats making imprints in the soil. "You have someone on your face, boy." she called back as she dissolved into the pond, retreating back into her house as soon as she reformed.

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"I'm only sort of a myth, in all honesty," he muttered, feeling a bit put off and panicky when she started panicking. He sat there, looking up at her, eyes widening, when said favour. "Another myth? Are you really part of the millitary?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, as something began emerging from the lake. He watched this new myth warily as she walked over to him, before simply drenching him in water. Kurt rolled his eyes, and was about to make a sasrcastic comment, when he noticed the bullet pull itself out of the wound, and the wound begin closing up. He was about to thank her, when she walked away, and she called, You have someone on your face, boy. What the hell does that mean? he thought to himself. He looked over at this Brianna, wondering if she understood. He realized she didn't know his name, and had practically just saved his fucking life.

"Er.... I'm Kurt by the way," he said, rather awkwardly.
"Brianna. Most call me Bri. But you already know that from Lizzie." She observed his wounds with interest. "Awesome, that girl. And I never said I was from the military. But I am. I just aren't like others, I guess. What did Lizzie mean when she said you had someone on your face." Bri cocked her head to one side, trying to look for anything on Kurt's face, her eyebrows knit together in concentration. (For a sniper, she's just terribly unobservant. Good aim, pretty looks, kind heart, okay brain. That's Brianna summed up in one sentence.)


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Mayfly said:
"Brianna. Most call me Bri. But you already know that from Lizzie." She observed his wounds with interest. "Awesome, that girl. And I never said I was from the military. But I am. I just aren't like others, I guess. What did Lizzie mean when she said you had someone on your face." Bri cocked her head to one side, trying to look for anything on Kurt's face, her eyebrows knit together in concentration. (For a sniper, she's just terribly unobservant. Good aim, pretty looks, kind heart, okay brain. That's Brianna summed up in one sentence.)

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He thought about her question with a shrug. "Well, I knew you were in the armed forces because this is a restricted area, hence why I was shot. And what she meant when she said that.... I don't really know," he said, standing up slowly. "Perhaps she meant my myth. " He noticed her staring at his face, as if trying to find whoever was on his face, and he struggled to contain his laughter. "I think I would've noticed if another human being was standing on my forehead," he joked. "But, the reason I haven't been able to heal, even though "I'm a myth,"" he said, "Is because I'm not a myth. He is." he said, pointing to himself. "You see, I uh..... I....." he paused, looking for a word, "Sort of... share my body, with... a myth. I mean, I didn't ask for it, but he sorta just forced his way in." he said, his face turning red in embarrasment. He sounded absolutely insane right now.
Bri stared blankly at him (remember the okay brain.) and paused as she tried to process what he just said. Her brain didn't want to comprehend. "What?" she asked, still trying to spot whoever was on his face. "AHA!" she exclaimed in excitement. "There's this red spot on your cheek there. But why did she refer to it as someone..." Bri looked away, biting her lip as she tried to understand. Myths. So confusing.

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