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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Eh? Ladies please, why does everyone want bloodshed? I mean come on! Fuck this war and It's bullshit! If Human's and Myth's can't be peaceful, they should all just die! After a few minutes, Kale realized what he had Just said, backing away slightly, he looked away In embarrassment... Ah... I'm sorry, I shouldn't be the one to say these kinds of things, could.. Could we at least try not to kill each other right now? Hmm? He said, hiding his face, though, the question was diverted towards the girls..
"Well I'm certainly not the one making threats right here. I'm just merely asking perfectly reasonable questions." Eliza replied, a falsely sweet smile plastered on her face as she looked at Shion. She tipped her head back and laughed as she stood up and dove into the water, her appearance changing immediately and she sighed contentedly as she surfaced. "Much better."

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Shion gave Kale a blank look, his words were familiar to her, they were words she'd heard from her parents over and over again,well, minus the part about everyone dying, and look where that had gotten them. "That's a nice thought Kale, it really is. But I don't see that happening anytime soon" She said flatly, before turning her attention to Elizabeth, who had just elected to go for a late night swim or something, an fairly odd choice, it wasn't exactly warm out after all, she'd probably end up freezing her ass off if she spent too long in there, well, the was unless...

"Hey... What kind of Myth did you say you were swimmer-girl?"
Kale turned away In embarrassment, deciding It was better that he left, after saying something of the such.

Well uh.. Then, I guess I'll be going now.. See ya, I guess..

He said softly, before getting on Rak and walking away. (Rak Is his Horse. Also, an AgE-DeFyInG Horse.)
"And everyone wishes for that, Kale. Though it's near impossible for it to ever happen." For a moment, her words seem to show her vast amount of knowledge and how wise she truly was, but the moment dissipated when she flung her tail up and patted her head cheekily.

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Hydro would have been walking for some time now as his Injuries are solidified because of the harden blood, as he would see his home Come in too View as he sighs happily as he was there,as he would begin too walk towards it feeling safe as he hopes Mai is Fine, as he would walk and would suddenly hears a "quack" as his eyes widen and he goes slightly pale, as he would look too his side and see that same duck he disturbed and this duck dint look happy, as the duck would suddenly flap its wings and would fly towards Hydro as he would starts too Limp fast trying too escape from the doom that this suck brings, as when he reaches the stairs too his house he would look back at the duck and suddenly would trip when he wasn't looking forward and slams his face on the stairs, he breaks his nose and starts too bleed, as he loses consciousness for 2 major reasons.

1.An evil duck is near and he is scared too death By them.

2.He slam his face hard on the staircase.

As he would go unconscious as he laid there, and the duck would lay on his back, starting to chew on his hair. Hydro might not be waking up in a couple of days.

(Well seeya all ^^..... And please don't leave him there when I get back @Nekoni)
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Shion glared at Elizabeth as she fiddled about in the water, swimming around and acting overly cutesy. Was she playing with her or something? Was she trying to piss her off? Because she was certainly succeeding. "Hey, fishy. I asked you a question. Don't fucking ignore me" She said, approaching the edge of the water, being half prepared to dive in after the girl and try to beat the answer out of her.
( "overly cutesy" I love you for the fact that you used "overly cutesy" to describe a sadistically cruel and violent girl [emoji23] [emoji108] )

"No need to get violent, I'm a siren. You're quick-tempered, aren't you?" Eliza said, raising her eyebrows and smirking. She

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(Eheh. Girl was doin handstands and cheekbops, overly cutesy was the best thing I could think for describing that lol)

"A Siren.. A Siren, A Siren, A Siren..." Shion muttered under he breath, letting out a small chuckle as she removed her jacket, throwing it to the ground away from the waters edge. Of course she'd be a damn Siren. Now she was going to dive into the water, try and beat the shit out of her, and get her clothes all wet as a result. Not the most intelligent actions to be sure, she was fully aware of that, but now she was really, truly pissed, the kind of anger that always overcame her whenever she bumped into a Greek Myth was washing over her as quickly as it ever did, and before she knew it she'd lept into the water, directly at Elizabeth.
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"Why? What's coming?" Vee shouted, trying to hold on to Ilaine's voice and failing. "S-sis?"

Angelus watched the exchange from afar, Persephone staying at his side. "I feel something with that girl..."
( [emoji23][emoji23] she's just naturally flexible and a total show off. I still love you for using overly cutesy in an rp. The fact that you didn't say cute but said cutesy is [emoji108] )

Bri's eyes widened as she stared at Vee, biting her lip. "Um... What?" Oh god, Myths were so confusing. She reached out to place a comforting hand on Vee's shoulder, concerned.


Eliza laughed a laugh that adults did when children acted all grown-up. She disappeared into the water just as Shion hit the surface, and reappeared on the other side of the lake. "Do you have something against Greek Myths, dear?" she called, leaning on the banks of the forest, her fish tail swishing back and forth.

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(I WILL USE ALL THE TERMS. Overly cutesy seemed like the kind of thing Shion would say/think too :P )

Shion fought off a gasp as she hit the surface of the water, the cold chill hitting her immediately as she plunged downwards, missing her target by a mile, before bobbing to the surface, only to hear Elizabeth, once again, running her mouth. "GOD DAMNIT! JUST SHUT UP AND FIGHT ME!" She screamed, breaking into a rapid swim and closing in on Elizabeth's new position, doing her best to ignore the freezing cold water of the lake and focus on keeping her eye on her opponent.
( i feel like adding you on steam but im just not bothered enough to redownload it and log on ._. what games dyou play? )

"You see, unlike some people, I choose not to be violent. I enjoy killing in a separate way, you would suppose." she said contemplatingly, before diving in and kicking her way to the bottom. No Myths or Humans that once belonged to the sea would ever be able to hold their breath underwater for so long. Trying would mean certain death, because once down there, they were in her domain (oh god the references), and they would either suffer death by drowning or death by her. She glanced up, looking for Shion, curious to see if she would try.
Enjoy Killing? Did she just say what she thought she said? What kind of sick bastard was this woman? Shion knew that she wasn't exactly a pacifist but she never once considered killing to be something enjoyable. Thinking about it as she watched Elizabeth swim into the depths of the lake she knew that following her down would probably be a death-wish, but she was so damn pissed that the thought of withdrawing only flickered across her mind for a moment before she dove further into the waters of the lake, quickly closing in on her target.
Eliza raised her eyebrows at Shion's approaching figure, she had anticipated she would do so, but seeing it still surprised her. The things people do when they're angry. She opened her mouth and began to sing. Honestly, it was fun playing with this Myth. She wouldn't kill her. Just put her unconscious so she could leave without anyone getting hurt. A soft haunting lullaby filled the air and water, causing anyone listening to lose consciousness.
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Algernon proceeds to cook some small pizzas for them in his oven; being on Aroula for a while has let Algernon learn many things, especially food recipes. He comes walking into his dining room a little bit later with a small tray with two small pizzas on it,

"Ok, it's ready, I'll go put something up real quick." He says loud enough that Lumi can hear before walking back to the weapons room in his house and putting up his knife. Algernon then walks back into the dining room to set the table.


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Mai opened her eyes, stumbling off the couch- peaceful rest suddenly disrupted. She slide her hand into her bag, grabbing a rather needle. The girl began to unwind the bandages-curious to see what bullet wounds look like.

To her surprise. Not very quaint.

Despite this distraction Mai continued to listen to Vee, glancing over at Angelus. "Is something wrong?" Mai asked with curious concern while threading the needle with suture floss. It was very interesting to investigate.



Illuminata sniffed the air, seeming quite excited about the food. She didn't say anything about it of course. Gracefully, the solider-in-training stepped into the dining room.

It hadn't occurred to her yet that normal locals wouldn't have a house so elaborate. An oven. Or a even a device such as a gas mask. She had thought that everyone would have these essentials- even in an uncharted land.

"It.....looks amazing!" Lumi said quietly, eying the food with an unsated appetite- heart beating fast. At the sound of his voice- assuming she was still scared from the earlier fright. Waiting for him to finish before beginning.

Casually going into a strangers house without a second thought was something Illuminata did frequently- especially now that there were no guards to guide her. @Stew
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Kale had been traveling for almost two hours now, Rak was tired, and Kale needed to start a fire, it was TOO dark, so he stopped Rak near the forest, tying him to a tree and bringing out some hay, he fed Rak first, he then starts a fire and sits down, eating what seemed to be a branch, Kale wasn't to big on eating, not like it did him any good... He ate for a while, as he watched the mass amount of stars, some flying across the vast sky, others, anchored into it. I always enjoy watching you lil fellas play... So bright and happy..

He sighed and laid back.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
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A scowl made it's way across Shion's face as Elizabeth's song crashed into her ears. Dammit. She'd forgotten about Sirens songs in her anger... She'd been expecting the woman to try and drag her down to take her out, and was pretty confident that she'd be able to punch her out of the water when she got close, but against this there wasn't much she could do, even now she could feel her eyelids getting heavier as she drifted off into unconsciousness, and drifting to a slow, the drowsiness overcame her and she stopped moving, slowly sinking further into the lake.
After what felt like hours, probably only a few minutes, Rak started moving restlessly, as if there was some sorta Beast around, Kale thought nothing of it, until an extremely large and rather ugly spider clambered over him and Rak...

Well, isn't this a surprise... Rak, what did I tell you about mating with spiders? Hehehe...

Kale faked a laugh at his own bad joke, while Rak made some sort of growling noise...

I know, I know, I'll take care of it, which do you think I should use? Flame or Steel?

He asked kindly to his horse, as if it understood him perfectly...

Ten minutes later, Kale sat down on what seemed to be an extremely large bulb, black and red all over, with strange goo pouring out of it, Kale smiled and drank his DS with strange satisfied look on his face, eyes dark, he looked out over the land...

Say, what do you wanna eat tomorrow?

He asked with a sly laugh.

And so ends this night, Rak resting quietly beside Kale, whom was surveying the destruction from which he made, by brutally slaughtering a Demon Spider. His eerie laugh could be heard from miles away.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Azrael walked up beside the two girls in the water and spoke "Water. How beautiful it is." He had watched the whole fight but didn't even bother to help as it would be a waste of energy. Darkness surround him as he stooped with his palms facing upwards to get some water.
As morning came, Kale stretched his legs, popped his back, and other sorts as well, he had Just finished hiding the carcass of the Demon Spider, not to sure why he did so, but sure enough, he did It... Was a pain In the ass too.

So Rak, do ye wanna eat first, or walk a ways?

He asked his horse, which gave a gruff nod and chewed on some hay, obviously wanting breakfast first, before they begin their Journey onwards. Rak looked over Into the forest, he could barely, Just barely see the carcass of the Beast which had attacked them last night, It was a good thing Kale was upset, otherwise he'd have made them run...

Aheh.. I guess I'll take that as yer answer.. So, shall we head West or North? I'm thinkin we head North, there's a nice village up 'round there parts.. Get some medicinal herbs, some food, maybe buy a weapon that seems fit around here, don't know what we'll find, and I can't keep doin that, ya know how I hate fightin... Still, I think I'll buy a guy.. What kind shall I buy? A shotgun, or.. Maybe an Uzi.. Nah, I think I'll grab a rifle of some sorts...

As Kale went on, talking to his Horse about which gun he'll buy at any upcoming towns, so did the morning.

Algernon sits at the table, he was expecting Lumi to come in and eat but she instead started to roam around his house. He gets up and follows her secretly, making sure she doesn't go to the weapons room, she might think he's weird if she does so. Algernon makes sure to stick close to the walls and keep out of the direct and peripheral eyesight of the girl, he couldn't risk being seen or else she might think of him as weird.

Eliza grabbed Shion by the arms and pulled her up out of the water, dragging her onto the shore. As soon as part of her tail hit the warm and dry land, her tail became legs and she stood up, brushing her dress lightly with her hands. She cupped a handful of water, lightly weaving it to form a translucent blanket. She threw it over the unconscious girl so that she wouldn't catch hypothermia or something. (She wasn't sure if Myths could catch human diseases, but just in case). "Well, then-" Eliza stopped mid-speech as she stared at the guy, shrouded in darkness as he drank water. There was someone watching? I can't believe I didn't notice. Eliza thought, slightly annoyed with herself. "Hello, Azrael." she greeted him warily, raising her eyebrows. She could recognise any Myth on sight, but honestly, she didn't know that much about some, especially the ones who never showed themselves.

Illuminata wander quietly, not knowing that her host was already back from his little errand. It couldn't hurt to take a little look-see. Besides....her father did ask to investigate anything she found.

Lumi carefully took out a small- palm sized notebook from inside the vest of her dress with a piece of charcoal to write with.

'I found a strange boy. I can't see his face. It looks like a gas mask we use in myth chambers. '

The curious white haired girl examined a mysterious door with her bright blue eyes, slowly reaching out to grab it with her free hand.


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