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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

"...is it safe to come out yet?" Vee suddenly asked from underneath the couch. Mr. Cuddles wiggled out from underneath the couch, it's tentacles doing a very impressive impression of walking. "Bllbrrlbrlblrrbl." He blubbered as he scouted the surroundings.
( @Stew far as i see he's a loyal dog o-o. god i want a dog like that *cries* )

"Were you hoping for me to be a monkey?" she replies, still tending to Mai's wounds but glancing over her shoulder to glance at the boy. "Help me carry her in. Someone needs to get that bullet out of her leg, and I'm no surgeon." Bri stood up, trying to lift Mai up onto her shoulder but failing. She was weak, ridiculously short for someone her age, thank god for the fact that she could snipe well.

@Stew @WolfOfProphecys @Nekoni

Algernonpicks Mai up, well, most of Mai; he left a little bit for the girl to help him carry. Algernon then proceeds their journey back towards the house,

"Well, I assumed you were a monkey due to how small you were and the fact that you easily leapt onto my back, I thought you were a helper monkey. But don't take any offense to that, I usually assume things like that" He says before looking at the olive drab bag that conceals his gas mask filter, thank God it hadn't been harmed in any way.


Vee slowly crawled out from under the sofa. The purple haired child looked around as Mr. Cuddles slowly climbed up her body and positioned himself on her head as a hat. "Uhmm....hello?" She said uneasily.

Angelus jolted awake, something was wrong. He jumped out of bed and rushed downstairs.

@Stew @Nekoni
(idrk if shes accepted yet but ehh)

[in the black haired girl form]

Eliza slipped out of the lake, pretending to squeeze out the water in her hair as she took dainty steps forward. "Hello~" she said lightly, her voice melodic as she greeted the couple in front of her with a smile and curtsied gracefully.

@Metaphysics @Stew
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Mai stirred slowly, strange scents were going by. One of that a boy. A wolf...a girl...and her own home. It was confusing to be moved when she couldn't move her own body herself- but there was little she could do to resist. Bandages wrapped around her legs and waist, fingers marked with bites of a hellhound, wing broken, an interesting way to end the day.

Mai looked up slowly at Vee, giving a weak wave with a smile. "Back..."
"Mom!" Angelus shouted as she dashed for her and tried to help her.

"I was going to ask if you met a Hydra a while back with the ability to shift forms and identities." Vee said. "But I think I'll wait til you're feeling better."
(He's just loyal xD )

Tony whined and followed obediently, worried for his new/old friend and overly confused as to what had happened. His wings were tight to his side.
Shion let out a sigh as she wandered around, warming her hands in the folds of her clothing as the moon began to rise above the horizon. She never liked coming to this damned place, there were Myths everywhere, bugs aplenty, and nowhere she could charge her laptop... Yeah, this place really did suck. The only reason she ever came back to this place was to visit her parents graves, which, in and of itself wasn't exactly a pleasant experience either, but it was something she needed to do, if for no other reason than to remind herself why she was on the side she was on. As far as she was concerned Myth was synonymous with Monster, the lot of them were all war-mongering bastards, granted, the Humans weren't perfect themselves... But as far as she was concerned the things they'd done were nothing compared to what the Myths were doing.

Shaking her head Shion banished those thoughts from her mind, now was not the time to be thinking about that sort of thing. Currently, she was on a Sick Leave from the Armed Forces, according to her doctor she'd been spending too much time on the job, something about the stress from working as much as she did being unhealthy had made the guy actually force her into taking time off. She of course, appreciated it, knowing she had a habit of getting a bit emotional and overworking herself, but could they really blame he-

She cut her thoughts off by delivering a swift slap to the side of her face.

There she went again. The Doctor was right, she did spend too much time thinking about these things. "Right! Shion! You're gonna stop with this shit and have a good time!" She suddenly blurted to the empty path that lay in front of her, speaking to herself in an attempt to shift her focus somewhere else, soon after letting out a groan as she slowed slightly, "Man... I'm useless aren't I? The goddamn Batman does less brooding than I do..." She mumbled, flopping down on the grassy floor, completely ignorant of the small collection of Myths that lay nearby, easily within earshot to eavesdrop on her idle ramblings as she continued to voice her inner thoughts for all to hear.



Eliza stretched out her neck, moving her head in a circular movements. Her almost-elfish ears perked up and she smirked mischievously. "We have company." she said lightly, standing up, her long legs unfolding from underneath her. She did a handstand, calling out, "I see you over there, do you want to join us, Myth?"



@The One Eyed Bandit
Mai pulled herself from her helper's grasp, stumbling over the side of the couch alongside her adopted son. Patting his hair thankfully. The girl bowed her head in thank you, legs quite weak. "A hydra..." She muttered, imagining her husband "No hydra girl if I recall...but I do recall a girl with many personalities. " Mai patted the secured bandages then to the people who assisted her. "That was quite a trifle, it was fun to see another human...I didn't think they were going to shoot at us..." She tilted her head side to side, hoping her higher ranks didn't arrange this.
Watching the night sky Shion breathed out, finally feeling the thoughts she'd been fighting off for the past hour beginning to leave her mind, that was at least until another voice piped up. Normally, this wouldn't be that bad a thing, after all, some company on a night like this never hurt did it? But the girl just had to go and the the M Word. God she hated it when people called her that. All it did was remind her that she was the same thing as her enemy, which always led her down that annoyingly slippery slope that ended with her thoughts going back to her feelings about other Myths.

And she'd just managed to get her mind off of those things too...

Throwing herself to her feet she let out an exasperated sigh. How did they even know she was a Myth anyway? She didn't have any distinctive traits that gave her away as a Myth, and she did her best to blend in as a Human... "Could you refrain from calling me that?" She said as she turned towards the source of the voice, her irritation ringing clear in voice. Looking over the woman, she seemed to look human enough, but something seemed... Off about her. Her knowledge of her true nature was suspicious enough, but the fact that she'd gone and approached someone he suspected to be a Myth rang an alarm or two as well.
Bri bit her lip and rushed over to help Mai. "Don't strain yourself. There's still a bullet lodged in your leg." she informed the scientist, glancing away at the thought that it was her fault. She looked at Vee and tried for a friendly smile, but it only ended up looking frightened and concerned.

@Metaphysics @Stew


Eliza closed her eyes and smiled serenely as she turned around. "No need to be afraid, we would never hurt one of our own. We fight for our side~" she said knowingly, almost mockingly. On her travels, she'd been able to learn new things, observe people, and she knew nearly everyone's story. She didn't show it though. Inside her was a wonderous store of knowledge, for her and herself only.

@The One Eyed Bandit @AzelFang @LifeNovel
Mai blinked looking at the bandages wrapped over her body, "Ahn, it's alright. I couldn't possible hurt myself any worse in my own home." She chuckled, sitting herself on the edge of the couch. "That man had more bullets than I could count, and his tech is quite impressive." Mai smiled, shuffling through her side pouch for a pair of red keys "I have some tools in my lab on the tables to stitch up anyone who got hurt....But please don't go near the exper--...animals. " the girl felt much better at the safety of her own home. Mai gestured to the black door at the bottom of the stairs at the back of the living room.
(Not a single Fuck was Given Too the man with 5 Bullets Stuck in Him xD ....Poor Hydro)

Hydro,s eyes Shoot Open as he gasp as he would look around as he would see that man was gone,he then would stand using the tree he was leaning on as support,as he grones in pain feeling the Bullet on his arm,as he would narrow his eyes and would remove the Bullet with his hand,as in the proses he bites down with all forze on his theeth as he removes it,then Droping the Bullet too the ground Coverd in Blood,as the wounds seem too have solified with the blood,as he would put his good hand on his Bullet hole in his waist,as he hopes Mai was Not Captured By the man as if he sees that man once More he was gona shred him too Pices,as Hydro would begin too Walk or rather Limp as he says too himself "Ugh.....Will take...More than...*Cough*That.......Too take mi down"he says too himself trying too keep himself High Confident as Really.....a few more shots would have killd him,as he still dosent know why dint he turn in too a Hydra and snap the man in two?...that question flotes in his head alot.
"Well, she was a Hydra..." Vee said. She took out a few papers with sketches of them. "The day before I lost contact with her she was telling me all about you guys.

Hail Leviathan! And Tapatalk!
Mai turned her eyes carefully to the sketch, taking the papers as she laid on her back on the cushions of the couch. "Oh- yeah. I know them...but...arn't all of you sharing the same body? I hardly knew you guys were myths...quite interesting..." The girl cringed for a moment, holding her leg- eyes staring at Vee curiously. How does a multi-personality individual's brain look compared to a normal humans? And yet...she still hasn't found the gene that enables a Myth's transformation. Genes. Dissections. Experimentation. All can provide enough information for the humans to find a Myth's weakness to end the war. But of course Mai kept her own secrets from her 'allies'.

"I haven't seen them. What's the situation? Can you...not speak to them in your mind?"

"No I can't." She said. Tear were welling in her eyes as she said so. Mr Cuddles reacted quickly and fished a handkerchief from her pocket and used it to wipe her tears. "Thank you Mr. Cuddles." She sniffed out as he wiped her tears. "Brlrllbrrllblrbrl."
Mai pulled the purple haired girl close, patting her head reassuringly. "If you need I can always do a mind test...it could be that the processes of your mind solidified...and that the pathways to their personalities are fading. " she said- trying to be cheerful. "If that's the case then I can just dose you with active chemicals to activate closed neuron and axon channels. " truthfully she had little to no research on the concept of the mind. Her research was more on physical attributes such as genetics.

"Kyacho!" Mai sneezed, looking around. "Un...someone must have thought about me..." She paused, turning pale "V-Vee...have you seen...my husband?"
From above the soft sound of helicopter distanced itself away from island. Dropping a small girl off into the trees.

Within the Myth forest, knees tucked in close to her chest, Illuminata Masako sat in front of a small fire, warming her hands. The young, snow haired girl glanced at the letter by her side. Glistening blue eyes rereading the lines typed onto the page.

'There have been rumors of a scientist withholding information from us. Mai Hinawo has been suspected of treason- secretly protecting Myths on the island instead of hunting for them. This will great training for you- but run if she takes hold of a gun. Investigate the island and report any odd phenomena you encounter. - Papa'

The girl looked around in the dark humming a soft melody as the fire flickered and danced. She listened to the quiet growls of the nocturnal beasts that stalked their innocent prey.

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Kale looked at the now what seemed to be three girls around him now. He sighed, one seemed very.. Excited for company, though he could SEE what she was, the other didn't appear to like myths.. Must be on the human's side, though, he could be wrong, his gut liked to play around with him.

So uhhhh, hello there...

He said shyly.

@Mayfly @The One Eyed Bandit

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
"N-no..." She said slowly.


Vee's eyes widened. "Ilaine! Ilaine can you hear me!" She suddenly shouted. The sudden noise made Mr Cuddles jump off her head and land on the floor.
Mai quickly reached over on the table besides the couch to grab her round framed glasses- only to end up knocking it over with a "thud"- causing something to stir irritably in the floor below.

"You can hear them? Are they alright?" Mai asked scrambling for her journal.

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