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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

"I-I think so...she's trying to say something..." Vee said as she focused on Ilaine's voice.


"Inmgn? What does that mean?" Vee asked rather loudly.
"Inmgn?" Mai questioned "It sounds kind of like...Imagine. Or Immunogen....but immunogen is an human biotics company. " she couldn't seem to figure it out. Myths were an enigma .
Bri frowned at the thought. "I never really intended to. What do you do?" she asked curiously, staring at the wolf, Vee and Angelus in bewilderment. "They don't really seem to be fighting the war for us or anything..."

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(Idk how @AzelFang but I'll try ._.)

Eliza smiled, extending a hand, the other balancing her whole weight in a handstand. "I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Eliza or Lizzie. It's good to see you, Kale."

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How she knew she his name, Kale didn't know, well, he knew what she was. He walked over and shook her hand, albeit it being upside down...

Ye should always wait for people to introduce themselves before ye call them out. Though, It's nice to meet you, Miss Eliza. Are ya alright down there?

He asked kindly, turning his head to the right, trying to look at her.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.

Algernon simply wandered around while everything was happening, the girl had a lovely house but it was nothing like his. He eventually walks back to where the dragon lady was set down,

Well, I'm just about to head back to my house. I guess you could visit at sometime, I live out there close to mountain, but still in the forest. You should ind me pretty easily, anyways, I must bid you all farewell, I will visit tomorrow to make sure everyone is doing great." Algernon says before walking out. He was nearly back home when he saw a girl sitting by a fire, this obviously interested Algernon since it was starting to grow late and bitterly cold. He walks over to her, but makes sure to stay just out of eyesight; upon closer inspection of the girl, she was clearly just as young as his vessel and there was no mistake in thinking that. But there was something, peculiar, about her and Algernon couldn't place his finger on it,

Uh, h-hello?" He says, Algernon did not intend to stutter at all, it must have been the cold getting to him. Algernon, now having revealed himself, takes a step into the firelight for the girl to see him; it must've been quite a sight to see a kid with a gas mask step out of nowhere.



Mai gave a grateful wave at her departing visitor. "Thank you for bringing me back. As a reward you're allowed to use my lab anytime you need. Within reason of course" Though she wanted to investigate him more he left through the broken door before she could say anything more.

Her grassy gaze glanced back at the human girl. "What do I do? I'm a genetic scientist. I work for the human army- you know. The one that tried to kill me today. " she smiled cheerfully "I create beasts of aid and war. There's...still some kinks in my research...so most have their...hm...glitches." Being careful with her words- Mai made sure not to mention her genetic failures. Using human DNA. Replicating Myth DNA. Hunting to create something that died only hours after creation. @Stew


Illuminata heard footsteps draw near as a shadow loomed by her fire. Darkness shadowed his body- over his mask, barely hearing his stuttered voice. The girl reddened brightly, gasping as her whole body stiffened- not expecting to see a single person in this forest. Suddenly she took off into a quick and agile sprint behind the tree- hiding away in a shy escapae with her short ruffled uniform trailing behind. Not even thinking when she left all her supplies behind. Miss Masako was shaking, golden bracers clinking against the tree, terrified and startled as she glanced around the trunk. @Stew

Algernon suddenly becomes embarrassed, he steps forward to try and speak for himself but ends up catching his pant leg on fire by stepping in the fire on accident,

"W-Wait! I- OH- CRAP-SHIT-FIRE!" Algernon actually found it very familiar, a person in a gas mask who is associated with fire. Algernon tries to put the fire out and does so successfully, his jeans only a little singed,

I am so sorry fo-for scaring you!" He says as he gets back up, he remains in his spot a little ways from the fire.

Illuminata Masako listens quietly to his short hollers, peering curiously over at the ruckus. Within in moments his pant blaze was put out.

Very quietly Lumi peeked out a little more, just to make sure the person in the gas mask was alright. "Um...Are...are you o-okay?" she asked in a bell like voice, very quiet and light, before pulling her head quickly behind the tree. " s-sorry...I didn't mean...to...be scared.." Miss Masako replied sheepishly, fingers nervously toying with the end of her dress, shakily grapping the black whip on her waist.


Algernon caught a glimpse of her face, she was actually very pretty. Algernon was put into a short trance as he mulls her image over in his mind before shaking his head to snap himself out of it,

"No, no, it's ok. I know the gas mask is kind of scary, but I have to wear it to live. I was wondering if you would like to come to my house, it gets pretty cold out here at night, i should know, I've lived out here for a while." He says before chuckling,

B-But, I understand if you don't, I am pretty creepy-do-I mean, some people think I'm creepy because of the mask and stuff, but I'm a good person, really." Man, Algernon was acting more of a clutz than usual, something was definitely up with him.

Listening to the woman speak only caused Shion's annoyance to increase, her hint at the side she'd taken in the war quickly shifting it into anger as another voice introduced itself, stepping forward to greet the two of them. She'd just picked the best spot to rest hadn't she? Not only was there an annoying ass woman, who, judging by what she'd said so far was probably a Myth, but there was another one of them, and despite how much less irritating this one sounded, even starting with an actual greeting, she was pretty convinced that he would be a Myth too. It wasn't the most common thing for Humans and Myths to go mingling together after all, well, at least not in her experience.

"So you're Myths are you?" She said, fully prepared to attack the two should the answer be anything along the lines of 'Yes'
Locals? Dad never said anything about locals being on the island. But again no one had ever explored it except for the most recent sent and the scientist. Illuminata shivered, the cold breeze picking up as late night approached. Following protocol for locals and natives: Adapt, connect, and survive. The girl didn't turn the offer down, knowing that it's best to trust an experienced resident.

She silently nodded with her icy blue eyes, wearily pulling away from the tree with delicate steps. "N-Nice...to meet you...my name is Lumi...I..wouldn't mind...That's very kind of you." She shook her head quickly, still blushed "I-I mean- Masasko Illuminata. " Lumi kneeled over to grab the bulky military supply bag off the ground, making sure it didn't get too close to the fire. @Stew
@The One Eyed Bandit

Kale looked over to the other young woman, and smiled kindly, most probably someone who hated myths, she must be one of the Hunters that the humans have.

Hello, my name Is Kale, may I know yer name? Ah, and.. I'm not myth, but then, I'm also not human either.

He said kindly, his eyes lighting up strangely.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.

Algernon walks over to Lumi, he nods at her and holds out his hand,

"I-I'm Algernon." He simply states, it was now apparent to Algernon that he has been stuttering intensely ever since he started talking to Lumi. He draws his hand back as he sees how weird it was to simply hold out your hand to someone like that. Algernon then looks back towards the direction of his house and back at Lumi,

Well, it my take a little bit of time to get back to my house, just let me know if you get too cold." He says before motioning for her to follow and leading the way towards his house. It was around now that Algernon realized that he was nervous for some reason, he's usually never nervous but something's bugging him.

Illuminata tried not to make eye contact with the boy, instead she looked down at her feet quietly. "...Algernon...I like it." The white haired girl replied with a soft smile. The night was cold- but not too bitter to suffer from. She proceeded to hoist the heavy treking bag onto her back, stumbling a little as she kicked dirt to extinguish the flames- putting them both in the dark. It was uncomfortable to be in a place that was so mysterious and unknown- but it was something she was quite use to. Every place that the girl had been were not for civilian eyes.

Illuminata trotted closely behind him, grasping the back of his shirt so she didn't lose him, this was a first that someone was kind on first sight. Usually they would shoot, attack, or accuse before anything else. Lumi was more than grateful that this night didn't end with a fight.

Shion eyed the man suspiciously as he spoke. What the heck was he talking about? Not a Myth or a Human? It sounded to her like he was just trying to avoid her punching his teeth in. But... There was something sincere sounding in his voice, he didn't sound like he was trying to deceive her, and she wasn't exactly in the mood for a fight right now either, so she decided to believe him, for now at least. "Right... Shion. My name is Shion. And as long as you aren't a Myth... I guess it's nice to meet you" She says, a hint of suspicion still evident in her voice.

Algernon felt glad that the girl held onto the back of his shirt, now with the fire out, Algernon should be able to teleport them both back to his house without her knowing what happened except for feeling a small jolt. Algernon does so and they are suddenly back at his house,

"Alright, when we're inside, just make yourself at home and I'll fix you something to eat." He says as he leads her inside, Algernon sets his rucksack down and heads into the kitchen to cook something up for both of them.


(And with that, I bid you a good night.)

Heheh, it's nice to meet you too, Miss Shion. So, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you hate yer own kind?

Although he said it kindly, he said it so softly only she could hear.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
It seemed the world swirled for a moment, blurring and reappearing - it must be her imagination. It was late and it was dark. Illuminata imagined for a moment with a slight wonder about the person she just met- but then shook any odd ideas out of her thoughts.

Illuminata gladly scampered inside out of the cold, nodding happily to the host as she placed her large supply bag by the door. She placed herself on a chair, glancing around curiously as she crossed her legs. "T-Thank you...but you really don't need to..." Lumi uttered, quite distracted by the surroundings. Modesty is one way to live life. Curiosity was another. Without realizing it her hands skimmed over the objects near her, picking them up to look at them closer.


(night night you guys!)
Shion let out a small chuckle, her expression shifting to a strained smile as the man spoke. She supposed she wasn't exactly being subtle about how she felt about Myths, but hell, she hadn't been expecting the guy to be so forward about it, people normally were too afraid, too nice, or just didn't care enough to ask her about it, so she'd been taken a little off-guard by the question. "Yeah... I guess you could say that..." She said softly, before placing her handing into the pockets of her jacket as she spoke, "You don't need to be all hush-hush about it. I could care less if these bastards knew about it" She continued, the tone of her voice shifting back to the sterner tone from earlier.
Heh, I wouldn't call them that, some of em aren't so bad when ye get to know em. Hmm, I'm sorry for the losses ye must've had and the hardships yev endured so far to make ye hate em so...

He said kindly, his voice light, and his eyes bright. (Kale Is seeming to be more of the happy go lucky mysterious types.. Hrmmm)
"First time I've heard that, most folks just get angry when I tell them that. Well, most Myths do. Humans, as you can imagine, have the opposite reaction" She said, a small chuckle escaping her throat as she thought about some of her encounters with Myths in the past. They often seemed to assume she was a human when she attacked, so when she hit them with the force of a moving truck they tended to be taken a bit off-guard, and their reaction always priceless when they realized they were up against one of their own kind.
There are a few humans that I've met that live peacefully with Myths, have ye ever met a Myth loving Human? Oh, and If I may, what type of Myth are ya? Though, If ye prefer not to tell, that Is fine as well, I don't want to overreach my boundaries.

He said softly, scratching his chest, looking out Into the world, outside the entrance of the cavern.
"No, I'm fine. And I am a downright bastard, to be honest." Eliza said with a British accent, which she had developed spending most of her time in Britain (the tea...) "Though I tend to wonder why you would stray to the human side." she commented, raising her eyebrow, as she did a backbend before lying flat on her back, smiling up at the sky.

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"A few of them. They aren't the most common, but they're certainly out there..." As she spoke her doctor came to mind, wonderful woman, and one of the only people in the military who gave a damn about her well-being as a Myth. "And what kind of Myth am I? Uh... I'm a Diadora.. Dedoro... Di.." He paused, letting out a frustrated sigh. It embarassed her to admit it but she never got the hang of the pronunciation of her species, the long-ass name people had given them was never something that she could get the hang of saying no matter how many times she said it. "...Dedarabochee? I think that's how you say it..." She finished, rubbing her chin in confusion as Elizabeth began to speak, and inadvertently struck another nerve.

"Why fight on the human side? I have my reasons, you don't really need to know them now do you?" She said, making her way to where Elizabeth lay and looking down on her. "You're making it really hard not to fucking kill you right now you know.."

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