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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature World

Tony shifted as he heard the cracking noise, into his human form. As his friend dropped, his wolf like instincts threw him to the floor and reached out, only just about managing to grab Kale's hand with his own. Yelping as his friends weight pulled on his shoulder, he held on as tightly as he could
Kale quickly reacted, he was expecting the drop, but was shocked to find that Tony had tried to save him, with his reaction he summoned another one of his swords and drove It Into the wall, he pulled Tony down to him, and In the split second that he did, he quickly attached a multitude of ropes and pulleys to him and Tony, making sure they were secured, and as soon as he had finished, his sword split the rock, dragging them down quickly, but safely.

(Like you know when you take a knife to a cloth and move It through, It tears It.. Kinda like that.. Wanna speed up le story (:3) )

(Cool xD )

Tony blinked as he was pulled down as well, watching his friend silently. His shoulder hurt from the sudden weight of catching his friend, but he didn't care, looking anywhere except the ground as they moved down toward the floor
As they sped closer and closer towards the ground, Kale kicked the wall, pulling his sword free, he unraveled Tony from his side as they were launched Into the pond below, with a crash Kale went deep Into the pound, his gear holding him down, he sank to the bottom, his sword disappearing as well..

Tony, who couldn't swim, sank with Kale, beating his wings about frantically as he tried to escape the water. It wasn't like air though, as his wings were too heavy and sluggish in the water
(Wait.. Didn't Skylar teach Tony how to swim? Or was that Just a failed attempt? W/e..)

Kale, unable to save himself, pulled on one of the package like Items he had In the luggage, It was a lifeboat, which had expanded, floating up to the surface, dragging Tony with It, Kale on the other hand hit the floor of the pond, as he watched Tony float to safety, he sighed.

(Fails attempt. Besides, it was in the shallow end xD )

Tony squeaked out bubbles as he felt something hit his back. Soon enough he felt the cold air rush over him, and he shivered, coughing up water, his wings heavy. He shook himself, and quickly hopped to shore, looking about for Kale worriedly
As Kale watched from the bottom, he could feel the air rising up In him.. He couldn't leave his gear down here cause he'd never get It back again, he breathed the air out, and held onto what little he had left, unlike his master he never mastered the helpful kinds of magic, only certain things did he master, not like they would help him In this situation... So Kale took a look around at the bottom of the pond, finding a rock, he took the rock and grabbed some rope, tying the rope to the rock, he threw the rock out of the pond, hopefully near Tony, so that he could tie It to something.... Hopefully..

Tony blinked at the rock for a moment, and then seemed to realise what it was for, noticing the rope. He grabbed it, and pulled it to a large, nearby tree, pulling it around and tying it tightly, but still holding the rope in case the knot came loose
Kale took the rope, and pulled It back as he climbed up, It was a tough climb, he had all this extra weight weighing him down, and the walls weren't exactly... Sturdy.. He reached halfway before there was a sudden Jolt, It seemed the rope couldn't take his weight...

Tony squeaked as he also felt the jolt, holding onto the rope tightly. He attempted to pull it backward, in order to pull Kale up, his wet wings trying to flutter
Tony then scrambled forward, grabbing his friends hands and pulling him up, falling over backward as he did so. He then proceeded to give a rather odd laugh, wings awkwardly spread out behind him
Kale was spread out beside Tony, looking up and laughing as he spoke In a weak tone..

H.. Hey.. Let's.. Do that again... One day?

He said aloud to his friend..

Tony nodded, turning his head to look over at Kale, breathing hard but smiling all the same. He laid their until he got his breath back, before slowly standing and stretching out his wings, trying to dry them
Kale sat up slowly, his clothes were drenched so he took all cept his shorts off and hung them up, unfortunately all their gear was soaked to the core as well, so he took the items out one by one and hung them up, setting aside the containers and other things..

This'll set us back a day or two.. Say.. Do you know how to cook?

He asked his friend..

Tony tried to beat his wings against the air to dry them, only to end up making a large breeze and get cold. He shivered, and blinked at his friend, "N-No…. I just usually hunt…." He mumbled, not wanting to mention that he ate it raw in his wolf form
Well that's rather unfortunate.. I guess our meals will Just have to be eaten raw then...

He said as he scratched his chin, his body, now visible started to show a rather large amount of scars.. The shy and seemingly awkward boy across from Tony, seemed to either have been tortured or.. Something.. Though.. It seemed, very familiar to Tony, as If he had seen those type of scars before.. (Implying sir senor giant ancient dude. (:3) )

Tony frowned at the scars that his friend had. They seemed familiar but.. he shook his head shakily, not liking how many things seemed familiar lately. His soaking feathers ruffled slightly, wings wrapping around himself to keep his smaller body warm. He glanced around, "I…I'm uh…going to look around….make sure its safe" He mumbled, shifting and darting off
Hmm? Alright, well be careful Tony..

He said, sitting down and grabbing a bottle of what looked to be water.. He leaned back against one of the trees and took a sip, as he watched the now calm water of the pond..

@WolfOfProphecys (Welp, Ima go now puppeh. I have le workz! ( -_- ") )

Tony wandered about aimlessly for a while, sniffing about. He was wary that there seemed to be someone watching him and he couldn't shake the feeling
(I wonder If Suzy died... @Suzy Mey )

Kale had finished his water and was gathering stones and dry wood, looking for any sorta kindle he could start a fire, since sooner or later It'd be dark.. They needed somethin to keep em warm n' going...

Man.. I shoulda brought some matches or some shit.. No wait.. They would have been soaked along with the other gear...

He sighs as he digs a hole and puts flat-ish rocks In the hole, then he put rocks on the rim of the hole, surrounding It, so If they DID get a fire going, no embers would escape..

Tony returned a while later looking slightly weary, but dragging along a large log for the two to sit upon. At least then they wouldn't have to sit on the cold ground. After placing that near Kale, he disappeared again, and returned moments later with a collection of dry wood.

(So he's a mythically correct merman with supernatural powers and can go rawr! with sharp teeth.. That seems more legit.. Yup yup..) (<--- Remember this?)

Oh.. Thanks Tony.. I.. I almost got a fire started with these twigs an whatnot...

He says, a wide grin as the fire lit up, and started to burn evenly, heating the logs up, keeping the heat at a minimum..
(hehehehe yep. I may or may not be re-reading it again…. for maybe the 3rd time)

Ton wagged his tail at the sight of the fire, and curled up beside Kale, feathers ruffling as he tried to get warm

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