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Fantasy A Missing Line of Code || Out of Character

doneanddusted doneanddusted Cenedril Cenedril Mekuto Mekuto Neb Neb Ghost Toast Ghost Toast Princept Princept Nephalem Nephalem Vampunk Vampunk Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi Ce-R0 Ce-R0 PinkUnicorn PinkUnicorn sheesh sheesh Fenris Fenris

I want these sheets up/finished hopefully Wednesday or Thursday seeing as I would like to start ASAP. Roleplays that start later ALWAYS loose players and interest. That being said if you are no longer interested in joining, let me know dammit.

Please PM me if you have any questions pertaining to your character, if you would like a code template, or if you have finished.
Working on it.Thanks for the reminder!^^
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
So from a glance I'm seeing we have some front line but surprisingly little shooty or clerical types... so I'm rethinking the dwarven runesmith concept. Whats your take on ranged tech, would magic/alchemy powered six shooters fly? Or would you prefer keeping it more down to earth; trowing knives, bows etc.
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
So from a glance I'm seeing we have some front line but surprisingly little shooty or clerical types... so I'm rethinking the dwarven runesmith concept. Whats your take on ranged tech, would magic/alchemy powered six shooters fly? Or would you prefer keeping it more down to earth; trowing knives, bows etc.
I HATE guns in my medieval fantasy settings so they should give you your answer. ^^
I HATE guns in my medieval fantasy settings so they should give you your answer. ^^
Unfortunate but understandable...back to the drawing board =)

edit: I came up with an enjoyable concept, just need to figure out if the continent of Kein needs a Dwarven Stonecaller or a Vampiric Relichunter to cause some trouble. Any input?
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you tagged me like 563214 times and i still got no notifications jesus rpn really hates me

time to start on some vampire cleric type character

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