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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk


and bacon
You find yourself lost amidst a maze of closed shops and alleyways. A nearby manhole coughs out steam from a gaping mouth, and judging by the stench of garbage and piss, you could tell that it's been a long time since there was any maintenance in this area. The air feels hot and sticky, and the ground below vibrates with the distant drone of music, throbbing almost like a heartbeat.

Following the noise down a passage of shadowy walls, you find yourself assaulted by bright neon lights. They spew out a distorted name over a large industrial door:

ThE CoOL GHoUL!!!!!

Below that, printed on the door, was an invitation:


Seems shady, eh? Is it a night club? Or some kind of hipster druggie den? Doesn't matter, because there's something about this place that's drawing you in...Will you enter?


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The place was definitely much larger on the inside, and alive with dancing lights and music. People and creatures from all walks of life did everything from mingling around the bar to necking (literally) in the dark corners. Things with fangs and claws sipped on sangrias through straws while impish creatures fondled each other's dusty wings.

This wasn't a regular night-club; it was a supernatural drinking hole, home to everything and anything inhuman and immoral, and there were no rules. (Disclaimer: our staff is not responsible for any harm or lost or stolen items and/or citizens.)

A merman in a sailor suit lay slumped over the bar, lazily mumbling fishing metaphors while a woman darted around behind him mixing and serving drinks. She grinned as she spotted new patrons enter the door.
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Everything is a hazy, blurry mess, and Glen can't think. He can't breathe either, because the air is filthy, heavy with smoke and glitter. Around him, bodies writhe, a sweaty pit of slick rainbow limbs, glimmering fairy wings, the hungry flash of vampire eyes.

He didn't know how he ended up here. He was supposed to be at home, relaxing after his shift at the gas station, but instead he was standing in the middle of a glamour fest.

He stalked towards the bar. This was going to be an interesting night...
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"Come on lovelies, let's move this party to the bar. Get a little fresh air and some drinks." Marius chuckled as he lie in a backroom with women surrounding him giggling. He couldn't see much of them, everything was a blur to him due to his crummy eyesight, but c'est la vie. It didn't hinder him much other than the occasional attack by a wall or furniture.

With aid from them he was pulled up off of the chair and off to the bar for a night of fun.

"Hey!! Settle down a bit! You break it I gotta pay for it outta my paycheck!" Johnathan shouted across the bar as several patrons began to get out of hand. Last thing he needed was things broken after an already long night. Especially by beings he couldn't always stand up against.
The sound of his feet thumping down onto the ground was thunderous as he brought his wide frame through the doorway and into a shiny bar.

The old man who had a beard for a fur coat inhaled deeply through his wide nostrils. "How nice!" He exhaled, stomping towards the nearest bar stool. As soon as he took a seat, the stool's cushion exuded it's last breath.

"Hey CASHIER!" The man who seemed to be the only elder in the room roared. "My name is Jean and I'd like the SHINY one!" He pointed a stubby finger towards a tall glass of something he did not know about. It is good to try things, he thought to himself, it's good.
Rachel laughed, loud and witch-like, as she slid the "shiny" drink across the counter to the giant. When she smiled, her teeth sprang long and sharp and lipstick-stained. "I hope you plan on paying, big guy."
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As the gem slid down towards him, Jean formed his hands as if they were to hug the cup. It splashed on his sleeve a little before he chugged it down childishly. After pressing his eyes shut firmly and reopening them, Jean belched loudly.

"Oh, whoops, sorry guys." He covered his lips like a shy teenager, which was in great contrast with his rugged outward appearance.

The elderly man smiled at the lady. "Thanks, missy. I hope you take gold coins!" He looked down quickly, twiddling his thumbs. "She's so pretty, like my ol' wife Janey... Oh, I miss Janey." Jean began whispering to himself once again, a habit he had never been able to shake off. He frowned, beginning to faintly whimper.
"We take cash, debit, gold coins, and everything in between," Rachel reassured as she fixed him another drink. She sent it his way, and flashed a bargaining smile. "How about it, big fella? Another drink?"

As this was happening, a miserable-looking man pulled up a stool. He glanced around at everything uneasily, especially Jean.
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Lilianna noticed the male bartender and cocked her head to the side curiously. She could smell his juicy human flesh from her bar stool and she eyed him curiously. "Excuse me..." She said to the man who was shouting about paying for things, her voice was soft, yet still could be heard over all the noise.

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"Yeah? Whaddya want?!" He shouted. Not meaning to be rude at all, it was just the only way he could be heard as the music blasted. "I can pretty much make ya anything you want! Just say the word and I'll get it." He forced a happy smile on his face. It had been a long day already and he was tired and had to pull a night shift now too. Real smiles were really going to have to be earned from him.


"Isn't this place lively!" Marius grinned at the group around him. Some had left by now, too intimidated by this bar scene...and a few because they had had enough excitement for one day. Ah well! He didn't care. Either way was gonna be a party!
She shook her head at his drink offer raising her own full glass. "What are you doing here?" She asked leaning more over the counter to hear him better. "How can some one like you be here?" She gesturing at his whole being.
"Place was hiring, I needed a job. It's that simple." He replied bluntly. Putting down the glasses he was polishing up for a moment to slide some patrons their drinks. "It is kinda rough at times but eh, nothing a good punch or kick can't fix with anybody here. They know when they deserve it."
He looked up quickly, silencing himself as eyed the glass. "Thank you, sweetheart, I think this'll be enough." Jean yawned with teary eyes. He glanced around the room, and found one man that caught his attention. The gentleman reminded Jean of himself long ago. He had the same loneliness and the same sense of being lost.

Jean got up and sat on the stool next to the stranger. "Hey there, uh, you waiting for anyone?"
"Mm, your loss," she slid the drink over to the man Jean was talking to.

Glen suddenly looked alarmed. He sipped from the drink for a long time before he replied to the basajaun's question. "Um...No, I'm here alone, actually."
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"But... You're human..." she said her voice now almost confused sounding. "I really doubt a punch or kick will be enough to stop some of the creatures here." She said looking back at the parting vampire behind her, despite the fact she was mostly talking about herself.
"And?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "I can defend myself just fine here and when off of work. I'm a lot tougher than I look...and looking up the folklore of these people helps too. I know what they're weak to. Helps with intimidation."
The old man chuckled and guzzled a bit more of his sparkling liquid. "We're in the same boat then." He sounded gruff, the years of living in the unknown bringing a bitter raspiness to his voice.

Jean's glossy eyes were glued to the environment, eyeing the many lights and patrons. His interest was piqued when he found a hall on the far end of the bar, lit by faint red smoke.

"Look at that," Jean shouted in the man's ear, "when you're done here, we have to check that out."

He winked. "My name's Jean, by the way."
Glasses clinked, and some werewolves behind them barked and laughed loudly. Glen shifted around awkwardly on his stool, then waved a five around to grab the bar owner's attention. "Gin and tonic, please. Ice, no lime."

Rachel perked up at the sight of money. She snatched it with glee. "Comin right up, hon!"

He sighed as his eyes lingered back to the old man. "...I'm Glen."
"Come on babyfangs, lets get this little part of ours started." One of the women around him giggled and passed him a drink. "Drinks are on me tonight okay? Just tell me whatever you like and it's yours." She grinned.

Marius flashed a fanged grin back and took a sip of the drink..ehh....vodka...not his preferred choice, but it was free. And at least after this one he could get his own, fruitier beverage.
Rachel swiped a thick wad of cash from one of the girls in the vampire's posse. She sneered at them as she pocketed the plastic bills. "Having a good night out so far, babyfangs?"

Marron was one of the shadiest vamps she'd ever met, but he was a customer; a regular, even. He was there almost every night, with a new crowd and enough money to keep the bar running for a whole month. She liked him for that, at least.
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"Oh, uh..."

Jean scrambled for words, worried he hadn't quite made the impression he was hoping for. "You're not a chatty cannoli, are ya?" His age reflected in the way he joked. The man's humor was limited as there was little to laugh at back home. Horrible memories almost resurfaced in his fragile mind.

Jean bit his tongue. Maybe social situations were not something he was particularly good at, but there was no turning back. What would Glen think of an old man crying?

"Sorry, son, I didn't mean to say that. Uh, hope that wasn't offensive." Jean stared at Glen, tears welling up in his eyes.
A look of alarm crossed the man's tired face as he noticed the tears welling up in the giant's eyes. He struggled for words. "I...I'm sorry! I'm just...tired, that's all."

His gaze dropped down shamefully to his drink. He watched the ice swirl around for a bit before he brought the glass up to his thirsty mouth and gulped down the contents. He'd need it if he was going to hang around with this guy any longer. "Okay...uh, how about we go..."check out" that hallway now?"
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Jean blinked the tears out of his eyes and gave off a hearty laugh. "Don't mind me, boy..." He hid his face, hoping no one saw his minor meltdown.

"I'm just a little troubled, that's all. It's not your fault." The big man jumped off the stool with a large thump.

"I'll take that offer. Maybe it can get my mind off of hogwash." After flashing a smile, Jean started towards the dimly lit hall.
Chris cautiously walked through the door of the bar. For some strange reason it felt different from any other bar he's been in, he couldn't explain it. He looked around at some of the people...well, not all of them were humans he could tell. Walking quickly, he went over to the bar, took a stool and sat down. Chris looked around for a bar tender, "um, hello? Anyone there?" He asked quietly.

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