A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Emily Ava smiled at him, not a sarcastic one either. "We all wish that. " she said simply ans quietly. She figured now was the time to be quiet. So she quietly walked to the window and thought about him comming over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. 'Oh god' She thought, 'i dont have a crush do i?' She dreaded the thought. Crushes were for 5-year-olds.
Kai chuckled internally. He can see it on her face. Its the face Alyssa did when she was lovestruck. [You know, I hope being with her doesnt bring too many painful memories. She'll be different in some way that will make her stand out.]

"So my lover died. But have you ever had one?"
Emily Ava smiled sorrowfully out the window. Then the smile faded. "Yes." It sounded like a question. "Jason. But i always called him jack. We had been dating for a year when we decided to runaway right?" She laughed, "and uh, on the road we kinda stole from every little gift shop we could find. Made us feel like bonnie and clyde. And he got caught and went to jail. I didnt. In jail he got in a fight. Got a cuncution and was never the same." She swirled around to face kai, "not as tragic probably becuase we didnt love eachother as much as you and yours, also he is still alive."
"Well, certainly sounds more exciting than mine. Sure didn't do a dangerous duo stint. In comparison except for what ended it my relationship was very normal. I guess I prefer down-to-earth things such as that. Still, gotta admit even with my violent track record, I have yet to steal from someone. It's just been something I never did. Then again I don't enjoy hurting people either."

[Hmmm I should change topic, she sounds like she doesnt care for them. Urgh what do I choose though, I've never been the conversationalist. Oh I know.]

Kai stood up.

"You know im gonna go mad if I'm in this room any longer. Why be in here when there is grass outside and its such nice weather?"

[note to self, I am terrible at changing topic. Next time try something else.]
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Emily ava widened her eyes and smilled largly. She leaned in and said very quietly, "youve never shoplifted anything before?!" She threw her head back and laughed at him. "Oh goodness kai. Thats... thats got to change. "
"Well I'm not a fan of stealing physical objects. But with the drama act that is your face, I know what I have stolen."

With that Kai decided the fresh outside was nice. He wasn't sure if it baited her out, but he'll see. He wanted to tease her after how she was earlier, and he got her good with that one.
Emily Ava was surprised at first bu laughed becuase he was so right. When she was done with her fit of laughter she punched his shoulder. "You're evil." She said chuckling.
Kai merely smiled lightly while walking out onto a field. He sat down on it, letting the fresh air get to him.

A lot has happened in this short time, he hadn't managed to quite catch up to it all. But still, maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea after all.

((OOC: Im off to sleep now as its 2am here, but ill be up in the morning to answer again))
Xavier sat frozen for a second, wondering if he had done something to scare Kayla off. He shook his head furiously, then looked over across the room to see his "friend" lounging in the hammock in one corner. 'You're so stupid,' he said and laughed, making Xavier scowl at him before getting up and walking down the halls with his hands buried in his pockets. Try as he might, his friend's voice followed two steps behind, nagging and teasing him as he walked aimlessly around. Of course he had to forget where his room was, and of course he also didn't have his iPod to distract and drown out his friend. So, settling for the next best thing without forcing social interaction, Xavier walked around with no destination in mind and paying more attention to the floor than where he was going.
Kayla made her way down the hall, she walked aimlessly. She didn't have any unpacking to do, nor did she want to unpack. Passing by the front desk she found a map of the facility. She glanced over the colorful page looking to find any rooms that sparked her interest, but nothing jumped out at her. A wave of frustration came over her, she let out a frustrated grunt as she crumpled up the paper in her hand and threw in on the floor. Crossing her arms she walked off, not looking where she was going she found herself bumping into another person. She looked up to see that it was Xavier, she froze in place as she looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. "I...uh...uhm." She muttered out.
Xavier was lost in thought, mostly arguing with himself silently, when he bumped into another person. Automatically his head snapped up and he looked to see who he had run into. "Oh I'm so sorry. Are you ok...?" His voice trailed at the end a little when he noticed it was Kayla. "Oh, um, sorry there. I wasn't paying any attention. Are you seriously ok though?" He bent down slightly and looked in her eyes for pupils or something. It was something his grandmother used to do when he ran into things, but he didn't see anything except her eyes. 'Maybe it's a grandma thing,' he concluded and stood back up, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment as he realized he had just been staring into her eyes. "I um... That is... A, uh... ...Fancy running into you here," he finally said, smiling slightly.
She stood there not saying anything for several seconds, "Oh yeah, I'm fine." She said as she squeaked out a small smile. She noticed him staring into her eye's, feeling panicky again she turned her down and bit her lip before looking up at him again. "I, uh. I'm sorry about running out on you earlier. That was rude of me." She tucked her hair behind her ears as she stood awkwardly grasping her side.
Emily ava stopped walking when they got outside and just watched him. She marveled at how she felt like she had known him for years, and how quickly the mood changed. She didnt really want to seem weird (like she hadnt already made that impression) so she said, "yeah kai, im gunna go in. Im uh... glad to have met you." She walked in and was on the way to her room when she almost passed kayla and the other guy who she couldn't remember the name of. She swaggered up with arms wide saying, quite loudly, "well well well. My luchroom buddies kayla and..." she pointed at him daftly, "umm... Blondie. "
After Kai decided he had enough cool air, he went back inside.

Kai went to his room and fetched Brave New World by Huxley and went to the common room to read, as hopefully there was comofortable seating there.

Recent turn of events had put him in a good mood, so he probably wouldn't be quite so stingy to strangers.
Xavier shook his head quickly. "No, that's ok. It wasn't rude at all," he said, noticing her anxiety and feeling bad. He didn't want to be the cause of anyone's discomfort, and was about to leave when Emily Ava walked over. Tilting his head to the side slightly, he blinked at her last statement. "Blondie?" He repeated quietly, ignoring his "friend's" voice that teased him and now the two girls. Laughing a little, Xavier smiled slightly and looked over to Emily Ava. "As if you have a right to call me Blondie," he joked lightly.
Kayla looked over at Emily Ava and gave her a small smile and wave, then looked back in Xavier's direction. "Hmm, Blondie kind of suits you." she said giggling a little bit.

A growing sound resounded from Kayla's stomach and she was quick to wrap her arms around stomach. "Do you guys want to get something to eat or whatever?" Her eyes darted back and forth from Xavier to Emily Ava, but her eyes seemed to linger on him.
Xavier frowned and stuck his tongue out at Kayla like a little kid would, then paused. 'When's the last time I ate?' He thought for a few seconds, looking down at his feet in embarrassment when he remembered he hadn't eaten anything since his flight left Vegas almost a day ago. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," he smiled in a friendly way, but it didn't quite reach his eyes as he sorted through his memories to figure out what he had and hadn't done.
Playing along she stuck her tongue back at him then giggled, for a second she began to feel normal, her anxiety had faded away. "I don't even know where to find food in this looney bin." She said bluntly.
Emily Ava could tell something was going on between the two. She should probably leave them alone. So she said, "im not very hungry so kayla, Blondie, see you later. " she walked backwards for a couple seconds, fake shooting them both before turning around and walking like a normal person to her dorm, where she layed down. She was thinking about her mom when she found herself falling asleep.
The clunker rattled with age as it sped down the road, creaking and squealing like the limbs of and old man. Grin stared straight ahead as his stepfather drove rather recklessly as they headed towards the place he already hated.

Grin noted reluctantly that the building was pretty nice, and had a welcoming feel. He sighed as her reached into the back seat to retrieve the black backpack that held his few belongings.

"You'll be fine," his stepfather mumbled, his eyes trained on the ground as they made their way inside. Grin only scowled in response, and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans that were riddled with tears and paint stains.

He leaned against the reception desk as his father signed him in.
Xavier laughed a little. "Neither do I," he said, then watched Emily Ava go and fake shot back at her. Turning back to look at Kayla, he smiled slightly. "Maybe we should go ask the front desk. That way we don't starve before we find the kitchen," he offered with a small smile.
"Aw, do we have to? I was really hoping we would have to scavenge for food." She said sarcastically before turning to walk down the hall, "Come on Blondie." She winked back at him and gave a a small tug on his sleeve. She would have grabbed his arm, but she didn't want to invade his personal bubble.
Xavier rolled his eyes at her sarcasm and the nickname, wishing he had nipped it in the bud. He allowed himself to be pulled along, following her and trying to memorize the turns and rooms in the hall. When they reached the desk, there was already a boy and a man there, the man talking to the woman behind the desk. Not wanting to interrupt, Xavier looked over at the boy, nodding a silent hello at him.
When they reached the front desk Kayla promptly put her elbows up on the desk and waited for the attention of one of the nurses at the front. After a few minutes passed by she started to grow impatient, "Excuse me? Where could we find the cafeteria?" One of the attending nurses turned to her, "It's right down this hall and to the left." The nurse said while gesturing towards the hall that lead towards the common room. Kayla gave the nurse a small smile and nod before heading towards the hall.
Grin looked up at the kids that had walked in, and his scowl deepened as his father made small talk with the lady behind the desk after she explained where the cafeteria was. His stepfather smiled sadly at Grin and have him a stiff, forced hug.

"Love you, son," he said, and Grin mumbled in response as his stepfather left. Grin shifted his bag on his shoulder and looked back at the kids.

"Where are the rooms?" He asked to no one in particular, his voice cracking.

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