A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Quinn studies his face, wondering what to do. He's never talked this much to anyone outside of his own family. He has no idea how to even begin to relate to another teenager. "What do you like to do? When you're not here?" He winces inside of his head-- the question sounded so awkward, so stiff.
Xavier's voice carried to Kayla's ears, she turned back to see him cutting across the court yard. She smiled back at him, "No thanks, I'm good." She looked down at the apple in her hand, it was only missing one bite. "So what do you think of that...that kid. What's his name?"
Xavier sat down in the grass in front of Kayla, unwrapping a sandwich and taking a bite when his stomach growled. Swallowing, he shrugged. "Grim or something creepy like that, but Asshole is a fine name for him. And as for personality wise," he shrugged again, biting off more sandwich. "He's an ass it seems, but maybe he'll get a better personality as he stays here," he mumbled through a mouth full of food. "Speaking of nicknames," he looked over at Kayla when his mouth was empty again. "You're gonna drop the whole Blondie thing, right?"
She smirked at him then paused for a second, "Hmm, I'll have to think about that one, Blondie suits you." She took a small bite of her apple, "But Asshole fits him perfectly. I hope for his sake that his personality changes." She looked down at her apple again, she knew she wasn't going to finish it but didn't want Xavier to notice. Taking one last small bite of her apple she nonchalantly dropped her hand down and let the apple slide out of her hand and roll a bit across the grass. "Oh crap."
Aimee groggily massages her eyes with the back of her hand as she violently kicks the sheets off her bed. It had been a long time since she had a decent sleep, her insomnia had been acting up more than usual. A soon as she stepped out of the bed, her stomach erupted in a fit of growls. 'Shit, I should eat something before the nurses notice. "

She still struggling with her eating disorder, but she had become good at erasing the undesired thoughts. The last thing she wanted was for her ED to resurface while she was in this 'madhouse'. Her stomach surged into another loud fit of grows and she quickly decided to take action, she shrugged on a pair of yoga pants and lazily slipped a sweatshirt of her tank top. As she walked down the hall she noticed that most of the rooms were occupied, 'Hmm, how many people are actually here?' She abandoned the question almost as quickly as it had come to her mind, remembering what her main objective; food.

As soon as she opened the door, she was impacted with the smell of food. 'Damn, I'm hungry!' She practically skipped to the lunch line and grabbed the most American meal available; Hamburger and fries! For such a petite girl, she has a killer appetite. She thinks back to the time "post-crazy" (as she likes to call it), when she put down five double-patty hamburgers in only thirty minutes, and a goofy grin begins to spread across her face. '*sighs* Those were the good times.'

She hurriedly attempts to find a table and notices one guy sitting alone, something about the way he carried himself made her notice him. He seemed oddly confident and intrepid, something that most people here don't posses. She walked over to the table and sat in the seat across from him, not an ounce of hesitation in her action.

"Hey loner," she said, with a sarcastic and playful grin dancing on her face.
Xavier groaned and flopped back in the grass, scowling as his "friend" leaned over him and started laughing at the nickname. "I'm never gonna live that down, am I?" He asked with fake tiredness as he fought to keep a smile. Sitting back up, he saw Kayla drop her apple and gave her a suspicious look. "Want me to get you another one? It shouldn't take too long after I find the cafeteria...." He paused and thought about how long it had taken him just to find the courtyard. "Second thought, that might not be a good idea."
Smiling at him, "Oh no, don't worry about it, I can grab something later." She didn't particularly like lying to him, but the idea of him knowing the truth wasn't very appealing to her either. "Wait, did you get lost on your way out here or something?" Her words mixed with her laughter as she talked.
Xavier scowled and looked down at the ground, picking at the grass while trying his hardest not to look like a kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I didn't get that lost. Just, maybe a few minutes..."
Kayla shook her head, looking over at Xavier she couldn't help but smile. There was something about him that made her feel comfortable around him, something she hadn't felt in a long time. "You should really look into grabbing a map of this place." She said in a joking manner.
Noah hesitated. It had been an inevitable question but he still felt reluctant to respond. Whatever answer he gave would give the other more to judge him on, and considering what his father thought of his hobbies, it made him a little anxious.

However, he really didn't want to lie to the Quinn. Taking a deep breath, he tentatively spoke.

"W-Well, I like botany--" that sounded better than gardening, he hoped, "--I do a little cooking, and sometimes animals are fun to spend time with. So, uh, what about you?"

He spoke the last question quickly , knowing how girly his words must have sounded.
Grin looked up at the girl who had spoken, letting out an humorless laugh. More names, he thought, and blew his falling hair from his face.

"What's up?" Grin said, popping a few berries in his mouth. He peered at her plate and smirked, an amused expression brightening his features. "Someone hungry?"
Aimee laughed, "Hell yeah, so excuse me for a second while I devour this devilishly unhealthy burger." She takes a huge bite of her meal for emphasis, not even caring what he thought of her strange eating habits. Eating 'lady-like' was never a tradition for her, she didn't mind if her fingers were coated in ketchup.

After gobbling down her huge bite she spoke again, "So, what's your name? Unless you want me to call you loner, because I wouldn't mind," she said, flashing him a devious, but charming, grin.
Grin paused momentarily, deciding whether to open up or push this girl away like the others. He wasn't one for making friends, especially in this hell hole, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to be sociable for once in his life.

"Griffin," he replied, giving a crooked smile. "You?"

Grin watched her eat the burger with an intensity like it was a complex mosaic art. When he was home, his mother used to always joke that he had a gaze that blind men could feel. Grin sighed at the thought of home, and his mother, his expression changing a bit.
Kai went over to Emily, she looked to be busy drawing patterns.

"I got you a sandwich." He put one next to her while munching lightly on his.

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"Eh, I think I like loner better-" She trailed off at the end, noticing the shift in his expression. Reading people had always been one of her good traits, she always seemed to know what someone was thinking. This time she wasn't quite sure...

She responded with a sorry smile on her face, "I'm Aimee, and don't you dare start gettin' all emotional on me!"
Xavier laughed a little at Kayla saying he needed a map, smiling at her. "Don't you think I haven't tried that? Got one when I first got here," he explained, looking across the grass to see butterflies flittering about that he couldn't tell were real or not. "It was in my hands one second, then gone like that," he said and snapped his fingers before eating more of his sandwich.
"I think it's time to invest in a new one, or before you know it you are going to find yourself in Canada." She noticed Xavier looking off across the courtyard. "So, tell me about yourself, Blondie." She gave him a smirk and elbowed in his arm.
Xavier looked back over at Kayla and laughed a little, shaking his head. "God no, that'll never happen. It's cold enough here for me," he joked before laying back in the grass. "So about myself? Um.... Well, I was born and raised in Sin City and didn't pick up too many bad habits, so that's something. I listen to music and draw, though I'll never be able to live the life of an artist. I've lived with my grandmother a while, and that's about it," he said and turned his head to look at Kayla. "What about yourself?"
"You could do it." She looked out into the courtyard, "You know, be an artist; Van Gogh was crazy." She leaned back and propped herself up on her arms, leaning her head back a bit so the sun could hit it. "But, I jumped around from foster home to foster home. I have 3 asshole foster brothers who reminded me that I'm crazy everyday. I too like drawing, I actually used to be good at it but ever since I moved to this last foster home I haven't had the peace and quite to work on anything." Her voice trailed off as she started to pick at the grass.
Grin's returned his usual expression of boredom, took a quick breath to clear his thoughts and leaned back, eyes locked on her.

"Emotional?" He said this with dramatized shock, "Me?" He swiped a fry off her plate, munching it as he stood up. "I'm gonna go officially unpack. Catch you later?"
"Van Gogh was also talented," Xavier pointed out with a smirk, watching the sky as a cloud slowly drifted by. "Sounds harsh, moving all the time that is. And don't listen to your brothers. They'd probably get along just well with the Grin guy and that means they're bad company." Sitting up, he rested his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "As for your peace and quiet problem, consider it solved. With a place as big as this you're bound to find some little nook to claim as your own."
"Who say's you aren't talented?" Kayla said before laughing at Xavier's comment, "He would fit right in with them." Her smile quickly faded thinking about her home life. Snapping out of it she smiled a bit at him. "That would be nice, I've been dying to get my hands on a paint brush." She looked down the length of the building, starting to finally take in how big this place actually was.


Alex curled up in his bed, not quite sure as to what just happened; His mind was racing. He had never had anyone stand up for him before. He rolled over to face the wall and pulled the covers up over his torso, just leaving his head exposed. He closed his eyes hoping he could fall asleep before his roommate returned.
Emily Ava heard kai come in but never looked up from her pattern. She alternated betweed biting her lip and sticking he tounge. When whe finally looked up at the sandwich she looked right back down and said, " im good." *Song changes to 'its not a fashion statement'*
Aimee gawks at him in exaggerated disbelief, "Oh no. you did not just steel my fry! Fine, have fun unpacking. Do you need any help?"

Wait did she actually just offer to put herself through more social hell!? She slowly started to realize that it wasn't "social hell" with this guy, she actually enjoyed talking to him. Then she suddenly realized how dumb her question was, she could tell he wasn't the type of guy who was usually open to help. Still, she waited for a response and didn't call of her offer.
Xavier laughed a little. "I have no talent says my "artwork"," he said, putting airquotes around artwork to make his point. Standing up, he brushed the back of his jeans off then looked down at Kayla, smiling and offering a hand to her. "Well come on then. We need to find you some paints, a few brushes, and your own nook."

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