A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Emily Ava smiled at him kindly. She noticed he was shy-ish when he pulled at his hood and she knew he was new.

"Totally not your fault man." She said, slapping his shoulder. "Do you need any help getting anywhere? This place a little confusing. I was just headed to the cafeteria but i can show you where the dorms and common area are."
He looked away from her face out of habit. He didn't normally talk to people much, especially girls. Back in school he always sat at the back of the class doodling. Most people were put off by his drawings and left him alone, so eventually he just decided not to bother interacting with others. "Um, yeah sure." He hesitated. "I'm lookin' for a dorm room I gotta set up my stuff." He gestured to his dufflebag, but felt like an idiot for saying the obvious. "I'm a little late, so, if there's any rooms open..I don't care if I have a roommate or anything." He started to ramble as he felt his mind fog up again. He rubbed at his eyes casually and then looked at her, forcing himself to focus. "Uh, I'm Ben by the way." he held out his hand for her to shake if she desired, despite his usual tactics when it came to people, she had been kind so why not return the favor. If she wasn't turned away from him later once she figured his issues out he figured they could be friends or something. Cause why not.
Kai came out of his room with trousers on but no shirt. His scarred body was as clear as day.

"I still don't know if I even have a dormmate."

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Emily Ava chuckled at him for holding out his hand. "Im Emily Ava." She started walking in the opposite direction. "So what are you in for ben-o'l-buddy."
"Incredible Journey?" Quinn smiles, although it's a melancholy one. "Books about animals always upset me, even if they had happy endings. I wasn't allowed to have a pet, you see-- my mom thought I would forget about it, even though I think if she had gotten me an alive, animal friend, I wouldn't be here at Sunny Falls." I would probably be normal. He doesn't finish the sentence, afraid to say it out loud.
He followed Emily Ava down the hall. 'Emily Ava huh? Interesting name. ' He thought to himself nearly missing her question. "Hypnophobia...it uh means fear of sleep." He said quickly trying to pretend he hadn't spaced out. Looking around, the building was pretty huge and he silently wondered how many kids like Emily Ava and himself were here. "What about you?" He had smelled the alcohol earlier, but figured it was best not to say anything. Didn't want to be rude on the first day, he would have plenty of time to piss people off with his violent screaming in the night later after all.
Emily Ava turned her head toward him and smiled wide at her own craziness. "Well my original problem was panic attacks, had 'em since i was 7. At 13 i became addicted to..." she was going to say alcohol but there was more than that so she just said "a lot of things. No doubt you can smell it on me. Just dont tell anyone okay?"
"My lips are sealed." He stated and then gestured as if he was zipping up his lips and throwing away the key. He was familiar with panic attacks, he wasn't prone to them himself but with his condition he had experience one or two in his life time. He felt sorry for her, having to deal with that kind of thing since she was little. "Addiction helps ease you're mind?" He asked making the assumption about the connection. Earlier he had been apprehensive and uncertain about his time here, but if everyone was like Emily Ava then maybe it wouldn't be so bad and he would be back home before he knew it.
Kai popped around the corner. "To be honest I think most people have panic attacks. At this rate we should have competitions on who has the worst."

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Emily Ava was startled by kai and jumped a little. But then she laughed and hit him on the shoulder. "Puh-lease. I would win everytime." She pointed to ben, "kai, ben. Sleeping fearness. Cant remember the official name. Ben, kai. PTSD. Look now were all best friends!"
Ben was ever so slightly startled by the sudden appearance of a long haired guy but tried not to let it show. Emily Ava introduced him as 'Kai' and Ben nodded to acknowledge the introduction, and chuckled a bit at her 'best friends' comment.
"Well, good friends are always nice to have I guess."

"So what you doing now Emily?"

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"Well i was gonna go to the cafeteria but i bumped into ben ol' buddy. He's new and i was showing him to the dorms."
Noah was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that what if's are pointless in the present." There had been many times where Noah had wondered about how his life would be different if certain things had changed. He shook his head to dispel the unhappy thoughts. "Besides," he started with a small smile, "By coming here we were able to meet."
Ben quickly turned to Kai, "Open doors policy?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice. He wanted to disturb as few people as possible, and that now sounded like it would be harder than he originally thought.
Emily Ava patted his back, "dont worry, im sure there is somewhere you could hide when you need to play hooky." She joked. She winked at kai, "aint that right hon?" She said with a laugh.
Ben tried to shrug his worry off but it was no use. It was bad enough that he scared and worried his parents half to death anytime he did fall asleep, but he was sure that here he would give someone a heart attack or thrown them into panic. 'Well shit.' He thought to himself, 'Looks like I'll be pulling some all nighters as usual.' As they continued down the hall he figured he'd at least ask, "So, they probably don't have any single rooms left huh?"
Xavier glanced up and frowned, turning small circles in the middle of his room before sulking over to Kayla and lowering his head in embarrassment. "I can't find my bag," he admitted quietly, toeing a spot in the carpet with his shoe as his "friend" laughed in a mean way. Xavier scowled at him for a second, then blinked and looked back up from the ground with something akin to confusion on his face. He could have sworn he was supposed to do something at lunch.... He shrugged it off. "Must not have been important. Now what was I doing..." He whispered mostly to himself, then peeked out past Kayla into the hallway to interrupt a passing conversation.

"I'm still in a single room," Xavier said, looking at the black haired boy then at the long haired redheaded boy that wasn't wearing a shirt before finally smiling happily at Emily Ava. "Oh, hi there!"
Ben's attention was quickly caught by a sudden voice out of nowhere, only slightly startling. He turned to see a optimistic looking blonde haired boy roughly his age. "Oh?" Ben said, he was worried about rooming with someone, but hey if this kid was up for the challenge then why not. He walked over "If you don't mind possibly kept awake then sure." He told him as he held out his hand. "The names Ben."

((sorry Kai! :C ))
Xavier looked at Ben and smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you. I'm Xavier," he said, smiling shyly and putting his hands in his pockets as nervousness set in. "And that's ok, I have odd sleeping hours," he explained and turned to look in the room again, not really wanting to admit that his lack of a sleep schedule was mostly because he would forget to even go to bed or sleep for hours in the middle of the day from his medication. "You can have whichever bed you want, I forgot which one I was going to use..."
Kayla looked behind her to see Emily Ava and two other boys, she rotated herself around so she was now leaning against the hallway wall. At first she didn't pay much attention to the conversation between Xavier and the boy, Ben. Her attention quickly became caught when she heard Ben say something about keeping Xavier up at night."My guess is that he is a sleep-a-phob too" She thought to herself, keeping her head straight, her attention was still on the conversation, "Somniphobia or Hypnophobia? Which do you prefer?" She kept her voice steady and flat.
Ben raised an eyebrow at Xavier's comment, 'Forgot which bed?' He quickly reminded himself that he was not in a place for normal people and dismissed it. He would more than likely figure out what it meant later anyway. "Cool, thanks man." He attempted a grin but his body was so exhausted that even his face felt tired. He heard another voice and blinked, confused for a moment before he realized there was a girl leaning up against the wall. Once the question registered in his brain he spoke without really thinking, "I prefer to call it a pain in the ass." He laughed internally at his own joke for a moment, then felt embarrassed and tugged on his hood again. It never seemed large enough to hide his face.
A grin appeared on her face and she let out a chuckle, "Agreed...I'm Kayla by the way. I have the of so very lovely pain in the ass phobia too." She said in a joking manner. She looked over at Xavier who appeared to be slightly dazed, "I'm going to head down to my room and see if I remembered my painting supplies." Pushing herself off the wall she looked both ways down the hall trying to jog her memory of where her room was. She was slightly foggy on where it was but thankfully it was only a couple doors down and across the hall from where she was. Pulling her black duffel bag out from under her bed, she rummaged though its contents, throwing the clothing she had packed on her bed. She shifted though the remaining contents of the bag to find a couple brushes and a tube of black paint, her favorite.
That grin managed to be whole hearted this time, and Ben was happy to know he wasn't the only one here scared to death of falling asleep. Most of the time he felt silly about it. "Nice to meet you!" He called to her as she left. 'Kayla, I'll have to remember that one.' He mused.He then turned back to Xavier, "So, mind if I come in man?"

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