A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Xavier blinked and looked up at Ben, forgetting what he had been looking at in the first place. "Hm? Oh, yeah, come on in," he said with a small smile, stepping out from right in the middle of the room to sit on the window sill. He swallowed hard, taking a few deep breaths to clear his head before smiling apologetically at Ben. "Sorry, I'm a little out of it. If it bothers you just say so, ok?" He didn't want to make Ben nervous or scared of him, and plus with his logic having someone around to keep him in check would probably help him a lot. "So besides having hypnophobia, is anything else?" His mind briefly flashed to Emily Ava and her secret alcohol and Xavier hoped he wouldn't get in trouble if Ben had smuggled something in.
Ben threw his bags onto the bed closest to the door. "It's chill dude, I get that way too." He smiled to reassure Xavier. "Look at it this way, we can be space cadets together." Another joke, he was on a roll today. 'Must be the delirium kicking in.' He thought. As he started to unpack he got out his sketch books first. They were his pride and joy really, despite what lurked inside them he greatly enjoyed his artwork. "Uh, well the phobia is caused by Night Terrors if that's what you're lookin for." He explained. He pulled out a large handful of loose drawings. "Mind if I put these on the walls?" He showed the pages covered in horrific sketchy creatures and monsters a like to Xavier. He figured he'd ask just to be polite, in case they freaked him out. Which Ben was use to doing to people by now.
Kai chuckled "I think Emily they are in their own world. Let's leave them to it."

Kai decided to go to get a shirt on, Ashe was getting a bit cold.

"Do anything interesting while I was sleepimg?"

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Emily Ava had just been leaning on the door frame when kai spoke up. She put her hands in her pockets and shrugged. "Nope. I was just about to go the cafeteria. Care to join?"
"Sure. My nap has made me hungry."

So they walked to the cafeteria. "Must say, didn't expect this many people."

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"I dont know what i expected. "She thought about her sappy mom. "Im glad im here though. I didnt like what i was. Sorry no, i meant where. I didnt like where i was" she fiddled with her nails while she spoke, feeling much less showy then she was when she first got there
"Well I knew I was mad anyway and needed help. Some people don't even realise, which are the ones that worry me the most."

He opened the doors into the cafeteria, the smell welcoming his nose again. This time too there wasn't such a tension in the air.

"So what you going to eat?"

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Xavier laughed a little at the joke, surprising himself at the reaction. He wasn't used to having people talk with him, let alone joke. Holding up his hands in false surrender, Xavier hoped Ben hadn't taken his question the wrong way. "I'm not trying to pry or anything, just curious. And if you have a nightmare or anything you can wake me anytime," Xavier offered, standing up and crossing the room to look at the drawings. "Yeah you can put them up. They look cool! Kinda creepy, but cool."
Ben raised his eyebrows in surprise, he wasn't use to people liking his drawings. "Really? Gee, thanks man." He then began to pin up the numerous drawings on the wall to his side of the room. The worry of having a roommate was slowing disappearing now as Ben thought that Xavier seemed like a pretty chill guy. So long as nothing bad happened he figured they'd get along pretty well. "Oh, and trust me, if I have a nightmare you'll know." He said referring back to Xavier's previous statement but mumbling a bit out of embarrassment. His nightmares, night terrors rather, where vivid and horrific and he would typically thrash and scream. He didn't want to scare Xavier off but he couldn't help but remember the countless times his parents had told him of their attempts to console him when terrors happened, but he could never remember any of it. The only thing he ever remembered was the fear and panic of being unable to escape what was going on. Caught in thought he felt his mind slipping again, and quickly snapped himself out of it. "So, yeah I just hope I don't like freak you out or something." Ben had now finished putting the pictures on the wall, it covered nearly every inch of it, some of the pictures were even over lapping a tiny bit. He looked to Xavier a bit nervous, his mother and father had always told him to thrown some of the pictures away, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Now he was thinking that he probably should have listened to them.
"It's not a problem," Xavier said and smiled a little before looking over all the pictures of monsters. Not a very happy mental picture, and if Xavier saw these things while he slept he'd stop sleeping too. He nodded in understanding at Ben's comment about the nightmares, then glanced over and smiled at his roommate lightly. "Let's just hope neither if us do anything too terribly freaky. Oh, and I'm suppo- Hey there's my bag," he switched sentences mid word when he saw his duffle sitting in a corner, picking it off the floor and dumping the contents on his bed to go through. Most of it was just clothes, and those got put in a pile in his closet to sort later. The rest of his things were a few notebooks with random stories, journal entires, and drawings, an extra pair of converses that got thrown under his bed, and a pile of books. Those and the notebooks got arranged carfully on his desk before Xavier sat in his bed, propping his head up in his hands and looking at Ben's pictures across the wall. "It's really bad, isn't it? To see those things when you sleep?" He hoped he didn't sound rude, but for some reason he felt like it needed to be asked.
Ben wondered what Xavier was originally going to say, but instead of asking just chuckled lightly at his roommate's sudden short attention span. He continued to unpack his things as well. He put his clothes in the dresser provided, and his books and sketch books on his desk as well. Once finished he sad down on his own bed and face his wall of pictures. He stared at them for a moment, getting lost in their details and sometimes lack of. He was silent for a long time untill Xavier's question made it through the fog. "Huh? Oh sorry." He apologized for zoning out momentarily. He turned around to face Xavier, "Well I never remember everything, when it happens I may look awake but I'm still asleep, it's like being trapped in a hallucination. And when I do finally wake up, all I manage to remember is the panic and bits and pieces of what I see." He tried to explain the best he could, but he never had a conversation with someone long enough to get to the subject. He wasn't sure if he was making any sense and hopped he wasn't being too confusing. "I guess in short, yeah it pretty bad. I can't stand going to sleep because of it."
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Emily Ava gasped loudly. "They have ice cream." She whispered. She practically ran over to the fridge and grabbed a chocolate cone (the wraped kind you get at gas stations) and sat down with it. "Phsss.... real food is for losers. Icecrean is for champions. "
"Now that is a food I haven't had in a while."

Kai walked over and got an icecream similar to a strawberry Cornetto, he preferred them, as they were difficult to melt and spill over other kinds.
Emily Ava waved kai over to where she was sitting. She licked her icecream like a child. She didnt know what to say. "So kai, tell me something." She left it open like she often did, bot caring about what they talked about, only thankfull she had made a friend in sunny falls.
"What comes to mind...I'm jealous your hair. You look like someone who hasn't eaten ice cream in so long they were a kid last time and I hope I can solve it so you aren't dependent on alcohol to keep you sane.

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Emily ava was flattered by all this and smiled and blushed. She realised her face was red and laughed. "This is probably the most color you will ever see in my face. I dont get compliments often." She remembered her group of friends. They all hung out in an apartment on the bad side of town. They drank, played music, had sex. It was very chill but most of them were hard battle- worn people who wernt very kind. Not kind enough to give random compliments at least. "I wonder what my friends are doing now, im sure they dont miss me. All of them were in and out of mental hospitals so me here is normal and expected."
"You are really stretching the definition of friend there truth be told. They sound more like acquaintances."

"Also I'm a frank person, so I wouldn't lie about what im thinking.

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Emily Ava put her head in her hand and rested it on the table. "Closest things o had to friends, plus they were all super fun to hang out with. One time..." she laughed a little, "we were at this party and the cops came so kendal actually took a huge bottle of... i think it was vodka but im not sure. Anyway she took a huge bottle and dropped it out the window right on the head of the cop!" She laughed again, "knocked him out cold! Course his buddies came around to see if he was okay, giving us enough time to flee the scene." She paused abd sighed happily.
"That is rather daring. Well I'd rather not annoy police after their rescue from me when...well...I got attacked with Alyssa."

(Ooc:_ right off to sleep)

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Emily Ava nodded in understanding. "The cops hate me. I know them all on a first name basis you know? Anyway, where are your friends? You must have them. Friends, i mean." She regretted saying it as soon as she did.
Xavier thought about what Ben had said, staring off past the pictures into space. "Yeah, I would hate to be stuck in a hallucination," he mumbled, remembering some of his own monsters that preferred to haunt him in the day. Then he blinked and saw the room around him, his mind shooing away a fog Xavier hadn't even noticed as a voice drifted down the hall, calling out names every ten seconds or so. Peeking out the door, Xavier quickly ducked back into his room and throwing a look at Ben. "Don't tell them I'm in here," he said before dropping down to hide behind his bed. Not two seconds later a pair of nurses came to the door, one holding a clipboard and the other a tray of labeled Dixi cups with pills in them. The clipboard one saw Ben and forced a smile before asking, "Is Xavier Jacrezz in here?"
He almost asked Xavier who he was talking about but before he could even speak, Xavier had hidden behind and the bed and two nurses walked through the door. The whole scenario was so bizarre and Ben's mind was so fatigued he didn't comprehend the situation at first. He just sat on his bed blinking trying his best to focus. The nurse that had spoke to him gave a subtle cough. Ben finally snapped out of it, and noticed the cups on the tray. He knew what they were, but judging by Xavier's reaction his roommate wasn't looking forward to it. He finally looked up at he nurse "Um who? I just got here." Ben told her, letting his voice go back to it's monotone state.
The nurse frowned a little and made a mark on the clipboard before walking out of the room, the one with the tray right on her heels. As soon as they were gone, Xavier poked his head above the bed and sighed a little bit. "Thanks man," he said, smiling and moving to sit on his bed. "And smart thinking too. Not technically a lie, so you shouldn't get in any trouble." Xavier smiled again at Ben, then laid back on his bed. He hoped the nurses didn't come back, because then they'd be mad at him and he'd get yelled at and they'd call his grandma and... He stopped his train of thought there, running a hand through his hair and watching a spot on the ceiling.
Ben turned around on his bed once again to face Xavier. "So, my turn to ask some questions." He said in as friendly of a voice as he could. "Where those your meds?" His tried to make the question sound like natural curiosity but he couldn't help the slight serious tone that came at the end. He hopped the question wasn't too forward, he didn't want to seem rude. After thinking about it for a second he regretting asking and pulled down on his, once again attempting to hide his face.
Kayla looked at the once contents of her bag that were now scattered across her bed. "Well now's a good time to unpack I guess." She thought to herself shrugging. She filled up the first drawer of the dresser with her clothing and placed all her toiletries in the bedside table drawer. She let out a long sigh, she hated unpacking, because it always led back to packing again. She let out a long yawn, she hadn't noticed how tired she was until now. "God, when was the last time I even slept..." She couldn't remember, but she knew it hadn't been particularly recent. Due to her condition she found it hard to sleep all though the night, normally she would just nap for 30 minutes to an hour, never enough for her to fall asleep. Slipping off her shoes, she crawled into bed and faced the window. She closed her eyes for just a moment, that is until her need for sleep took over.

She woke up screaming and in a cold sweat and her breathing was heavy. "Oh no, what have I done? Everyone probably heard me." She thought to herself. That's when the panic set in; her heavy breaths became rapid, she could feel her heart racing and her hands started to go numb. Panic flooded through her whole body and she could feel herself loosing control.

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