A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Quinn's lips tug up at the corners in a surprised smile. Most people his age don't like all of the things Noah listed, and much less, they wouldn't admit it. "I'm not good at anything but reading. I tried writing but... I'm no good. I'll probably be a librarian or something." Quinn swallows down his discomfort at admitting his own inadequacies. It's hard to say it out loud to someone else rather than let it keep repeating in his own head-- you're not good at anything. Reading is a hobby, and that's all. Reading is something kids pretend to like when new teachers ask them their after-school hobbies. Quinn knows that last part isn't necessarily true, but it enters his head anyways. "And I'm a music snob. I would probably be a hipster if I tried to fit into any cliques. But I don't bother." He feels a bit better, adding that last bit. Books are his life, but he had room to fit in countless piano and guitar lessons until his fingers cracked. Quinn hasn't touched the instruments in months, but his iPod is constantly being handled. He's got no creativity, no drive-- there's no point in using the instruments if all he can do is replay somebody else's work, again and again.
"Oh we're doing that now?" She said slightly puzzled, she enjoyed sitting there talking with him. It was nice to be able to hold a conversation with someone without feeling a wave of panic come over her, but at the same time, the idea of finding a place so she could finally paint again appealed to her. Kayla smiled at Xavier and took his hand.
"Suit yourself, I'll leave it here for when you want to eat it."

Kai then kept himself busy simply watching Emily make drawing. The picture was nowhere near finished from what he could tell but seeing the pattern almost unravel was entrancing.

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Grin opened his mouth to say no, but somehow the word melted and transformed into a somewhat sheepish "Okay..." Grin nodded and smiled a little, and nodded again towards the door.

As he waledk out into the hall he secretly cursed himself for saying yes. All he had brought was a black backpack, so he definately didn't need help with the few teeshirts, sweats, and jackets he brought. He also didn't want her seeing his boxers, and though most of them were black or blue, there were a couple that were more... Questionable.
Xavier tilted his head slightly to the side, scrunching his face up a little. "Yeah, when else would we do it?" he asked and helped pull Kayla to her feet, smiling. "Now, with my terrible sense of direction and amazing luck, we should be able to find you art stuff in no time," he said as he looked around the courtyard, trying to guess wich way they should go. It was true that he had no idea how to find a place if he knew where it was, but it was also true that luck always seemed to favor him more than others at time. Not that he minded, of course, it just made for intresting card games and sometimes long days. Looking over at Kayla, he asked, "Wich door do you wanna pick?"
"It's better to be good at one thing than nothing at all." Noah commented. He spoke a little more clearly, encouraged that Quinn hadn't reprimanded his hobbies--outwardly, at least.

He gave a small laugh at the hipster remark. It felt surprisingly light; he couldn't remember the last time he had laughed. "I don't know about that."
Emily ava felt strangely self conscious with kai looking over her shoulder. She also felt really tired. She thought about the last time she slept... not since she passed out on the street. That was 2 days ago. She stopped drawing closed her eyes and layed her head back for a couple seconds before getting back to it. She would sleep later.
Kayla took a long look up and down the courtyard, she only saw a couple doors that lead back to the building. Not wanting to get Xavier lost she figured going back through the cafeteria door was the best option, "Let's just go back through the cafeteria. That is if you can get there without getting lost." She said smirking at him and giving him a wink.
She quickly followed him into the hallway, struggling to match his fast-paced and long stride. The dazed grin that tugged at her lips refused to fade away so she just bit her lip and attempted a conversation,

"So, why are you here? I mean, you seem pretty sane to me."
"...maybe you should sleep. Don't want to ruin your meticulous drawing with your drool after all."

With that Kai thought some sleep would be a good idea too. Sleep is what he needed right now. So he went to his dorm, got undressed into his underwear and slipped into bed. He at this point hadn't quite got to sleep yet, that would take a good while. That's also in hope he doesn't have more trauma either.

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A small smile appears on Quinn's face, a surprised showing of teeth that came from the sound of Noah's laughter. It sounded almost dusty, if a sound can sound dusty. Just like Quinn's voice, it sounded like it had been out of commision for quite a while. He doesn't know why, but Quinn is pleased that he's able to make him laugh. "I haven't... talked to anyone. In a while. It's kinda hard for me, I don't know why, but it's easier to... make friends with books. If that makes sense." It's like word vomit-- Quinn can't even control it. Now that he's got a friend, a real live human friend, he wants to tell him everything.
"I can sort of understand it, although probably a little differently." Noah responded contemplatively. "I don't make that kind of attachment with books, but I tend to avoid most people...more like I avoid new situations. I just..." He paused, unsure of how to describe the intense and complex fears that plagued him. Just thinking on it was quickly starting to make him uncomfortable, so he stopped that train of thought with a deep breath. "...you're the first person I've actually wanted to talk to in a long time."
Quinn isn't sure why, but warmth spreads from his fingertips and travels until it's filling his whole body. It's just because I'm happy I've made a friend, he argues to himself, but that voice in the back of his head nags at him that that isn't it. He pushes it away for now, back into the shelf in his brain that's reserved for things he's not ready to think about. It's a very full shelf. "I'm honored," he says quietly, a smile blossoming on his face. He realizes that sounds incredibly lame, but he says it anyways. "I'm not... bothering you, though, am I? I'm not very good at picking up on that stuff... you're not just being nice?" His brow suddenly furrows, his back stiffening. Maybe it's all a trick.
Surprised, Noah quickly shook his head. "No, no, I swear I'm not faking liking you." Realizing what that sounded like, he floundered for words. "A-As a friend, of course. I really do enjoy speaking with you." However, now that Quinn had brought up that point, it left a little worm of doubt in his mind as well. Biting his lip anxiously, he quietly said, "I-I really don't want to sound rude, but, um, since you brought it up...you're not faking either...r-right?" He looked away, afraid of the answer he would get.
Quinn shakes his head vigorously, his eyes wide and earnest. "Of course not. I wouldn't have given you that book if I was faking. I wouldn't even be here if I was faking." He dips his head, hiding a secret smile at Noah's first words. As a friend, of course. Why does that almost make Quinn feel disappointed? He shakes it off and looks back up. "I've never had a friend. You're... easy. To talk to. And listen to." The words come out stilted, unsure and nervous.
Noah let out a mental sigh of relief, relaxing again out of sheer gratefulness. He didn't think he would have been able to handle it if Quinn had said otherwise. "That's how I feel too. It's also kind of relieving to actually speak with someone, not being talked at and expected to properly respond." He wasn't sure if that made much sense, but thats how it seemed to him.
Quinn smiles again, noting that he's been smiling much more than usual. His face is sore. "I don't care if you're not good at this whole friend thing. I'm not either." He pauses, searching for another conversational topic, before coming up with something so lame it makes his face burn. "What's your favorite book? I don't know if you... read a lot... it's just, I usually figure out people by what they read, and although I already like you, I want to make sure."
Ben exited the minivan backpack on and dufflebag in hand. He hadn't packed much other than some clothes, his Ipod and the usual toletries, and of course his sketch books, which took most of the space. His father walked around to passenger door to help his mother out, her round belly making things difficult for her at times. "Shall we then?" She asked looking to him with a loving motherly smile. He would miss her dearly but tried not to think about it too much. He was doing this for them after all. He simply nodded in response and together the three of them made their way inside. They approached the front desk and his father walked over to fill out the check in information as he and his mother stood by waiting. "This place looks nice." She attempted to make conversation and in his daze it took Ben a moment to realize that she had spoke. "Huh? Oh yeah." His voice was monotone, and emotionless and his mother frowned in response. He hadn't intended to hurt her feelings but the sleep deprivation was getting to him exceptionally today. "Well you're all set." His father said placing a large hand on his shoulder. "Good luck kiddo." Ben simply nodded again. His parents hugged him, and said their goodbyes and began walking away. He watched for a moment, his mother turned to look at him as she walked away, tears visible in her eyes. Once they walked out of the doors he let out a sigh, grabbed his bags and started in the direction of the dorms he had been informed of. He wasn't sure how this would work out, but he hoped he had a room to himself, or that at the least his roommate was a night owl.

((so sorry for such a long post I'm trying to catch up))
"Hm...I don't think I have one specific favorite, but...I like the The Incredible Journey. The Keys to the Kingdom series is pretty good too." Noah answered. He didn't read books that frequently, but those were the ones he remembered liking best. The main characters in those stories intrigued him, something about how all the odds are stacked upon an incredibly unlikely hero or heroes.
Vi walked out of her mothers navy blue sudan. Her mom circled around it to kiss her cheek and say 'Goodbye'. Once she did, Vi got her stuff and mumble a 'bye' to her mom. She was in one of those moods. One of the not so happy ones. Something as small as someone bumping into her by accident could set her off the edge. She sighed and pulled the straps of her flowered backpack towards the doors, which were right there. She would stay for a couple of months in this place. She shivered and let go of one of the straps to open the door. As she did, cool air greeted her and she shivered again. She got cold pretty easily. She looked behind her before entering. Her mom was gone. She looked in front of her and saw the office. She took a step forward and into what would now be her new temporary home.
Joshua stepped off of the bus, a few orderlies behind him. He looked up at his new mental prison, Sunny Falls. Another life for him, hip-hip hooray. He walked into the asylum, and was given a short tour, and lastly shown his room, though the identity of his new roomie wasn't given.
Emily ava decided she wouldnt go to bed. She knew she should but she felt extremely uncomfortable sleeping woth her door open. She threw away the sandwich seeing that it was a pb&j. She was allergic to peanut butter. So she turned off her music and headed toward where she was told the cafeteria is. On her way she bumped into a guy who looked her age and had black, majestic hair. (Its ben. And the charie photo does have majestic hair.)

"Oh! Sorry hon. Im a little out of it." Relizing she must smell heavily of alcohol she backed away from him. "Are you okay?"
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Xavier rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Kayla, blowing a raspberry at her like a two year old might but he found it very fitting for the situation. "I can find my way to the stupid cafeteria, thank you very much," he said, turning and walking across the courtyard with a very good imitation of confidence as he pushed open one of the doors and stepped into the hall. Looking around, he frowned a little as he realized he wasn't by the cafeteria, but by the rooms instead. 'Idiot, got lost again,' his "friend" said from right beside him, causing Xavier to stiffen. "I totally meant to come here," he said to both Kayla and his friend. "I'm gonna grab my iPod to help relax if needed. You guys can wait here," he said, not noticing his slip up as he found his room, pausing inside when he couldn't remember where he stashed his duffle. Shrugging, he went around the room, checking both closet things, under the beds, behind the curtains, everywhere he could think of. And during his little search of the room, it didn't even occur to him to just look in the corner where he had tossed it.
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As he walked the world around him became a fog, he could feel his mind attempting to slip into an unconscious state. He then suddenly felt another body plow into his own certainly waking him. He shook his head for a moment, and then looked to the stranger. "Oh, hey." He said in a confused manner. He then realized he was still talking with that monotone voice and quickly pulled himself together, "Ah nah, it's fine don't worry about it." Taking a look he noticed the girl before him, who was pale in all ways. His tired mind, associated her pale hair and complexion to that of an angel, an interesting train of thought for him. He pulled his hood up a little more, attempting to hid his face since he was sure she could see the dark circles under his eyes. "I should've watched were I was goin' ya know?"
Kayla watched Xavier walk away toward a door, not particularly the correct door, but she let it slide. She had picked on him enough for the day and didn't want to go to far and end up pushing him away. She walked up behind him just in time to hear the the tail end of his sentence. You guys? She stood there puzzled for a minute or two until she put two and two together, schizophrenia. She shrugged it off, I mean what did she expect, she was in a facility for crazy people. Disregarding his request Kayla made her way down the hall looking in all the room, almost walking past the room she saw Xavier's blonde hair, quickly stopping she leaned herself against the door frame quietly waiting for Xavier.

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