A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Kayla heard the crackling voice of the boy from the desk, "The rooms are right down this hall..." Her voice started off strong and confident but trailed off as she turned to face the boy. This was the first good look she had of him. She blinked a couple times trying to regain her train of thought, "There, uh, down the hall to your uh, right..."
Grin sighed and looked away from the girl, his dark hair shifting into his eyes.

"Thanks," he mumbled, and headed in the direction of the hall, but stopped, letting out an audible gasp as a snake slithered across his feet and under the reception desk. He blushed at the hallucination and began walking faster, rummaging in his bag for the Plantovi medication that was supposed to help with stop them.
Emily ava sighed and decided she wouldent sleep now, so she got out her phone, plugged up her speakers and blared Crown The Empire. She got out some paper and started drawing z-tangle to keep her occupied. (Look up z-tangle it is actually prettty cool.)
Kai was reading in the common room rather content. Just in earshot he heard....what was it...Crown the Empire? He was reminded of his days in school when people listened to it. The memories weren't too painful, just nagging at him, since he was in a good mood. He hummed along to the tune while reading. Oh man what had become of him. Better not let anyone see me like this. Well..Emily maybe can...nah too embarrassing.
Grin opened the small orange container and popped in the pills without water, forcing them down uncomfortably. As the medication wasn't effective immediately, images still sprung up, he stared straight ahead as numbers and animals spun across his vision. He turned right, stumbling into the wall, swearing as he looked frantically for a room that was empty. He wasn't quite sure where to go.
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Kayla stood there watching the boy walk away, she wasn't sure what to make of him. He seemed shy, or antisocial, but then again they were in a facility for people just like that. Blinking a couple times she saw him hurry down the hallway frantically, she wanted to help, but at the same time her stomach wanted her to eat.


Alex heard a commotion out in the hallway, just enough of one to draw himself way from the window. Peering out the door he saw a boy frantically walking down the hall. "D-do you ne-need help?" He was slightly nervous since this was his first time encountering this boy.
"D-do you ne-ed help?"

Grin blinked slowly at the words, trying to determine if someone had actually spoken to him or if it was another hallucination. He nodded and blinked again.

"Just tell me what room I should go to," Grin snapped, gaining his composure as the images slipped away. He took a deep breath and ran a shaking hand through his hair. I need a haircut, he thought, out of the blue.
Alex took another step out from the door frame, he started to feel panicky and his head started to spin. "There's uh...an extra bed i-in my room..." He spoke slowly trying not to stutter but it was of no use. Alex could feel his breaths becoming shallower and his heart was racing. He slowly backed into his room to calm himself.
Grin frowned, looking at the boy curiously. He stumbled over his words like a little kid, which made Grin chuckle a bit before shaking his head.

"I'm not the best at rooming with people. I'm a cannibal." Grin snickered mischievously before giving the boy a rather condescending glance, his smile looking more like a snarl. "Any empty rooms?"
"Oh...I don't think there are any open." He spoke quietly and was slightly put off by the looks he was giving him. He was starting to reconsider inviting him in, but then again he has had worse roommate.
Grin frowned, but stepped forward to take a look inside the room. It wasn't anything special, which he had fully expected. He stepped in and sighed a bit, throwing his bag on the empty bed. In that moment, he understood that he was really stuck here, in this place for crazies like him.

Grin ran another hand through his dark hair, "Where's the food?" He asked, voice wavering with forced calm.
Alex awkwardly looked down at his shoes, "Down the ha-hall and to the l-le-left." He felt intimidated by the other boy, even though he fully realized that was he was going for. Having one bout of courage he looked up get a better look at the other boys face, "I'm Alex."
Xavier watched the new boy curiously, mentally clicking together what he saw and trying to figure out what he had. When he heard him ask where the food was, Xavier spoke up. "We're going to the cafeteria now," he said, gesturing to himself and Kayla. "You can come with us if you want."
Grin peered at the the boy, Alex, and then shifted his gaze to the other kid who had spoken.

"I'm Griffin. But call me Grin," he rolled his eyes, smirking "I don't actually care who you are, just show me the food, aye?" He let out an arrogant laugh, pushing back any vulnerability he might have felt from his father leaving him here. The fact of the matter was that he was furious, and wouldn't have minded punching one of these kids just for the heck of it.
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Alex ducked his head down again, not saying anything. "Down the hall." Alex spoke softly in fear of upsetting Grin further. He was beginning to have serious doubts about letting him be his roommate now.


Kayla heard the boys talking from down the hallway, her curiosity got the best of her and she walked down to see what was going on. She noticed the one boy was very timid while the other seemed to be pushing him around. "What did he ever do to you, can't you see he is scared shitless right now?" Kayla's voice was stern and commanding, she hated seeing people getting bullied.
Grin turned slowly to the girl, like she was an inconvenient piece of gum stuck on his shoe. "Yeah, it's pretty evident, but he needs some toughening up, love," he patted Alex on the back with a heavy hand, then turned out the doorway find the cafeteria. His stomach growled in complaint, and all he really wanted was a big fat burger.
Xavier rolled his eyes and followed after the boy, putting his hands in his pockets and falling in step besides him. After a few seconds of silence, Xavier glanced over at the kid. "You know, you're really a different person with your antipsychotics. A side effect of Haldol, maybe Prolixin? Either way, no excuse to be mean to kids," he said, shrugging like it was no big deal.
Grin ran a hand through his hair, a habit at this point, and shook his head.

"This is my personality. Take it or leave it." Grin shrugged and laughed. "Hunger may have something to do with it, too," he crossed his arms, maintaining the air of arrogance that seemed to follow him like a shadow.

"How long have you been here?" He let down his walls momentarily, because he was genuinely curious as they stepped into the cafeteria and the scent of food wafted into his nostrils.
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Kai sneaked up from behind. He had in his room a quick exercise so was in a vest and trousers, as he got bored of his book.

"So this is where people eat found here."

Kai basically ignored them and went for a hearty snack. Food right now was what he needed after a day as intense as he has had.

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Xavier smiled slightly. "Sure, if you say so." He highly doubted it. After all, most of the kids he had seen were shy and timid if he disregarded Emily Ava, and she seemed to be faking it. "Food might help," he replied, glancing over to watch something float around the corner of his vision. It was a weird, white fluffy thing, and not a second after he saw it it vanished. 'Hallucination,' his brain supplied and Xavier turned back to the kid.

"It's my first day here actually," he said, smiling politely. "And you jut got here, clearly. By the way, what's your name?"
Kayla looked in at he shy, timid kid, Alex, and gave him a comforting smile before she huffed off down the hallway. It was so unlike her to cause a scene like that, maybe this place was starting to help, or maybe just the people. She quickly caught up to Xavier and the other kid in the cafeteria. As she passed them she looked at Xavier and gave him a big warm smile then directed her gaze to the other boy, her warm smile soon turned into a blatantly and possibly foul, fake smile, "Hey asshole." Grabbing an apple she headed out into the court yard to get some fresh air and to cool down before she said something she would regret.
Grin glared daggers in the girls back as she walked away, reluctantly feeling a twinge of respect.

"How'd she find out my other nickname?" Grin joked, pushing the remark out of his mind.

"I'm Grin, like I said before." He said responding to the kid, then moved to grab some food and sit down, as far away from anyone else as possible. He kicked his feet up on the table, not caring who saw, and ate.
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Xavier smiled back at Kayla and tried not to laugh at her comment. He paused and blushed slightly, remembering that Grin had already introduced himself. "Sorry," Xavier apologized before shrugging. "I forgot. Your nickname suits you," he said, getting two sandwiches wrapped in thin plastic from a lunch lady then walking over to Grin. "I'm gonna go. See you later, Asshole," he called over his shoulder, a smirk on his lips.

Making his way outside was difficult with his sense of direction (or the lack of), but he finally found a wide open area about five minutes later when it should have taken him about one. Spotting Kayla on the other side, he cut across the grass and waved to her, smiling. "Hey. Want a sandwich?" He asked and held one of the sandwiches out to her.
Kai chuckled audibly and left with some food. He got bored watching the scene so decided he would go look for Emily.

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Grin looked at the kid lazily, relieved when he turned and left. He shifted his feet off the table and shoved his plate back a bit, resting his head in his hands. Feelings had been boiling inside him since his arrival, and he needed a vent.

It was moments when people weren't around that Grin hated, though most wouldn't think so. This time gave him the opportunity to think, and thinking meant feeling, and feeling meant remembering all the bad shit he'd gone through.

Grin took in a wavering breath and blinked away surfacing tears, What a priss, he thought, scolding himself, wishing he had those pills.

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