A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Emily Ava took the bottle and looked at him with sad eyes. He was a piteous creature, but so was she. Hearing his conffestion made a few tears slip from her eyes.

"Yes, we're crazy. You told me your story because you need to. And ill tell you what your going to do with your life. You will stay here, for now, and these people will help you get over thi event. You will remember, and mourn, but you can be happy again. I cant say that i could ever replace alyssa, but i will help you through this. After all, strangers are just friends we havent met right?" She said with a chuckled at herself for being so cheesy. She knew she was being strange. She just met this guy... but she really wanted to help him. And she would. "Im so sorry what happened to you. And i know im being, like, really weird but... " she just looked at him, hopeing he would understand. She stuck out her hand akwardly, "Im Emily Ava."
Kai took a breath. [Maybe there is someone here I could trust. Someone just nutty enough to be friends with me. At least one person he didn't need the mask on with]

Well, you listened to me, know I wanna know what happened to you, since you sure aren't a nurse.

Alrighty then, I'll go with something Alyssa always did.

Pinky promise that we will help each other out? *holds out pinky* to support each other in need and as new friends.

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Emily Ava smiled and grabbed his pinkey with hers and shaked it. "Its not very interesting. Panic attacks. 2 Days ago, one caught me off guard and like a good alcoholic i drunk it off but the drinks didnt do anything. My parents found me, yelling, pukeing, pushing. I ran and i went to town. I was trying to get to my friends apartment and i fainted on the way. I was mugged but someone found me a while later. They tried taking me home but i got them lost so the gave me to the police. Thats just how my parents found out about my addiction and attacks. Ive been panicked since 7, wasted since 13." She said grimly, takinh a swig. "You didnt tell me your name."
"Kai, Kai Anthony. Also you say its nothing interesting, but I can't think of many people who are panicked since 7. I'm assuming without drink it all goes to shit then for you?"

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Kayla could feel the conversation starting to dry up and panic start to set in. She was never good with these kinds of things, so she did the one thing she knew how to do. Run. She began to fidget with her hands more and dropped her head down to stare at her lap. "I, uhm...I have some more unpacking to do. I should go." She talked quickly and stood up just as fast, almost flipping the chair over. She took one last look at Xavier, giving him a small smile. "I'll see you around I guess."
Quinn tears his gaze away from the book and back to Noah. "Sorry, I'm just really... possessive. Of my books. I'm still confused as to why I'm loaning this to you-" Quinn hastily stops himself as he realizes how his words could be misconstrued. "It's still yours, though. It's a gift. You don't take back gifts." Quinn smiles, pleased with himself for remembering another lesson from his father. He may not have liked the man, but his father admittedly did try hard to prepare him for the real world.
"Okay, since you're sure." Noah was about to thank him again, but then realized that he had already said it twice. That made him hesitate as he thought of what to say next. He didn't want to create an awkward silence, but that was exactly what he was doing. It had been so long since he had really spoken with anyone that he honestly wasn't sure what people his age even talked to each other about.

An edge of nervousness returned to him, causing him to look away. The fact that he knew he must be acting awkward now didn't help any.
Emily Ava lookes at her feet and showed a weak smile. "Yes. In a little while, between the withdrawal and the enhanced panic attacks...." she laughed loudly, "they will have to put me in a strait jacket!" Emily Ava looked down again, she was actually really scared about what woild happen to her... making jokes and pretending to be bold and in your face was her way of coping with the fear of the future though.
"You know, with the pinky promise you no longer need to hold back. Your voice is dripping with excuses. We are here for each other now, no? I mean come on, you admitted yourself its not as bad as me."

Pause. He ruffled her arm in comfort.

"You know, having you as a dormmate doesn't too bad right now thinking about it."
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Emily Ava's eyebrow shot up, "yeah? Mmm. Staying here sounds nice. " she ran to the other, empty bed, ploped down and rolled over so she was lying on her belly, her head in hands. "How promiscuous. " she said with a mock british accent. Then she rolled back over on her back, and stared at the ceiling, "too bad i already have a roomate. A mystery roomate." Emily Ava did like laying there, and she was still very tired.
"Mystery? Oh my. I don't know if I even have one. I wonder if we are even fixed to these rooms or if we can move."

Kai joined in with the activity of lying back and turned to look at her.

"But seriously, if you have an attack or something, go to me. You helped me, its only fair I help you."
Emily ava mocked s serious face and said, " wait, before were super besties or wherever i have ask you an important question, and you cannot lie."
Emily got up and sat right by his head and with the same serious face and voice she asked, "whats your favorite color?"
"Probably dark blue."

He was reminded of the scene from Monty Python where a man guards a bridge.

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Emily Ava laughed at his bland answer. He would need some kneading. "Alright thats acceptable i guess. Wanna know what mine is?"
"Go on then."

Kai sat up against the cushions on his bed and was getting changed from his gym clothes to a t shirt and jeans while listening.
Emily ava sat there a second, a little bewildered at the fact that he was completely comfortable with her, and honestly, he had nothing to be uncomfortable about. "Purple." She said distractedly. Sje let a second go by before she said, "you know, i think those scars add a certian badass-ness to..." she gestured with one hand at him, "...this"
Kai chuckled. How the hell did he get on so well with someone? He sure was lucky, that has to be said.

"Purple is a nice colour. It's soothing and doesn't glare in your eyes."

*puts a thin black t shirt on that is quite tight around him, it amplifies the volume of his muscle*

He doesnt have much volume. But Kai did have a lean built body, he could never deny that.

"I don't find the scars to be of any positive or negative thing. Except when I have an attack, then i get a searing pain across them. Though I think that's mind induced."
Emily ava spread out on the bed and put her hands behind her head. "Funny you should say that, i used to have a friend who had a burn down his arm from a house fire and he said when he thought about his mum who died it stung. He was cool. He ODed though so.. " Emily relized she was being really morbid, "but dont say sorry. Im not upset about it."
"If I'm honest, I don't really feel much for them as I don't know them. If I got worried over the issues of other people, my brain would shortcut. Too much effort."

Kai stretched, now also with his trousers and some socks on.

"...Yup. I feel awake now. Now to play the game of'Let's see who has an attack first'. Could be an hour, could be a day. Could be however long."
Emily ava smiled harshly "i bet it is going to be you. I got my drugs, you got the pacman thing, which, i can tell, was a gift. So... im really set up to win."
"Your drugs are perishable though. Plus your drugs don't play music, which clearly is a win for me." Kai slightly changed from his mocking tone "But hey at least we have each other. So long as we don't commit suicide or something. At least I've stopped self harming."

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Kai lightly punched her hand. "Amen. Being emo is going to get me killed. Unlike I bet some idiots here, I know I need to change. It sucks being held down by trauma and if anything I wish I could make the past just piss off."

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