A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Emily Ava walked to her room and tried to find a place to hide her flask. she decided on just putting it in her dresser, not very safe, but necessary. she took off her 3 jackets and layed down on her bed, pulled the covers up and stared out the window. she thought about how much her sneaked-in-drugs/alcohol would last her until she fell apart in withdraws and panic attacks. probably a week if no one finds them. things were about to get messy and her fate wasn't appealing.
Xavier laughed and shrugged. "We've all gotta have something to pull us from the crazy, though I honestly doubt you have five different kinds. Maybe seven, but it has to be more than five," he said jokingly, smiling just a little so Kayla wouldn't take offense to it. For some odd reason he trusted her, and felt comfortable to speak freely around her. 'Becuase she's crazy like you,' he faintly heard and inwardly groaned before leaning back in the chair, glaring at the ceiling like it had done something wrong. "I wish I could read to not feel crazy," he admitted quietly, barely even at whisper level so it would be hard for anyon to hear it.
Kai found in the corner a punching bag. It looked well-used (probably from people having a fit of rage and needing something to hit), but he didn't care.

Well, this is something I have not engaged in for an extended period of time.

Kai stretched his arms and did some probing jabs. Good feedback, wrists are ok. Shoulders are a bit stiff.

He then did a simple side kick. Also good. Posterior is a bit stiff, but otherwise workable.

Once he got a flow going he picked up the pace. Kai alternated between different types of punches and kicks, letting his body go and flowing with his instincts he had gained over the years. He wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, though his hitting was not so fast that it would utterly exhaust him or would not hear anyone.
Noah jumped when he heard an echoing thud. It sounded like it came from one of the bedrooms, but he had no wish to know what it was. Someone would have to have thrown something in order to make it, and he really didn't want to speak to any strangers right now.

He hesitated for a few more minutes before going over to his bags. He started to unpack a few things, more to keep himself busy than out of necessity.
Kayla laughed a little bit at his joke, but she knew deep down that is was true, everyday her phobia list seemed to be growing. "Some days I think that might be true." She said turning to him and giving a half smile, but his head was back and she saw him mouth something. She didn't quite catch what he had said, "Did you say something?"
Xavier sat back up and shook his head. "Nah, it was nothing." Carefully unfolding his legs out from under him, he stood up and stretched his arms up, yawning silently then sitting back in the chair. He glanced at Kayla before looking across the room and out the window, watching the clear blue sky. Then he smirked and looked over to Kayla from the corner of his eyes. "It's fine though, 'cause I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell," he said, lazily singing the last part, and noting how that song probably fit everyone in the institute felt.
Instantly her face lit up and she began to smile like an idiot. She liked this kid, he was funny, but she wasn't going to be one to show it. She turned her head just enough so her hair would cover her face, quickly she composed herself and looked back at him. "You're funny." A small smile started to form again, she wasn't going to try to hide it this time.

He sits there for a long while, before his father soon comes bursting into his head. Quit that crying, and go apologize for the noise. I taught you to be a gentleman and goddamnit, you're gonna use your manners. Quinn gets up with a shuddering sigh and wanders over the next room, where another boy (Noah) is unpacking his things. He stands there for far too long, trying to work up the nerve to speak. He clears his throat loudly. "S-sorry about the noise," he mumbles, his voice raspy from neglect. "I, um, I threw a book against the wall." No use lying. What lie would explain that, anyways?
Noah immediately stiffened at hearing another's voice. Hesitantly turning around, he kept his gaze firmly on the floor.

Response, the other was surely expecting a response. Oh man, he was taking a long time to reply wasn't he? Dread settled in the pit of his stomach.

"...I-it's alright..." He finally and quietly said.

"It won't happen again," he promises, a strange feeling blossoming in the pit of his stomach once he sees the other boys face. It doesn't mean anything-- he's just admiring an especially captivating subject. Gender doesn't matter. And, he thinks with a tiny smile, he seems as nervous as Quinn feels. "I'm Quinn. I'm your neighbor, I suppose."
Taking a deep breath in an attempt calm his nerves, Noah finally dared to look at the other person. Certainly not in the eye, but at least he was seeing him now.

The other hadn't criticized his hesitation, so he took that as a positive incentive to speak again. "I'm Noah." He introduced, and after a moment added, "...nice to meet you."
A smile appears on Quinn's lips despite his resolve not to. "I'm Quinn." He closes his eyes as he realizes that, yes, he just repeated himself. But it was automatic to reply with his name-- that's what his father taught him, never expecting Quinn to make the first move. "Crap. Um, I should go back. I brought a whole library with me, if you ever want to borrow some." He hastily retreats, but not back to his room. He flattens himself against the wall between their doors, cursing himself silently. First of all, he NEVER lets ANYONE touch his books. He doesn't know how he'll be able to let Noah in, if he decides to take Quinn up on the offer. And he just made a fool of himself. This is why real people, friends, are too much work.
Xavier watched Kayla hide behind her hair before coming out and smiling. Her comment made him pause and he tilted his head to the side, trying to figure out what it meant. Sure, people had called him funny before, but it was said as more of a You-act-funny way and not the You're-making-me-laugh way. But then again, Kayla had smiled and didn't seem mean...

He blinked a few times to try and clear his head, but it didn't really work so he just shrugged and smiled back at Kayla. "Thanks."
Noah blinked at Quinn's sudden retreat before practically collapsing back onto his bed. He placed his hand over his chest; his heart was still racing from the interaction. Other than his father and Mrs. Nils, that was the first time he had spoken with someone in a long while and it had been just as taxing as expected. However, it had gone much better than he had thought it would.

Mulling over what just happened, his green gaze drifted up to the ceiling. Normally his fears became much more pronounced than that when he was with another person, but instead it had been a much tamer reaction. He had no idea why the other had had that effect on him, but he wasn't complaining. It almost...it almost let him hope that there was a possibility that he could be worthy enough to gain a friend.

Noah shook his head. He was clearly thinking too much into this. Quinn probably did have a negative impression of him and was just too nice to say it. Noah was a stammering mess who couldn't even make eye contact; what was there to like? He sighed. He should have known better than to have even a shred of hope.
Quinn dives back into his room as soon as he regains feeling in his legs, lying back on his bed for who-knows how long. Soon, though, his conscience gets the best of him-- that guy looked even more nervous than he did. And then Quinn just leaves. Like that. He gets back up with a heavy sigh, before digging around under his bed and coming up triumphant. He reluctantly slips the book under his arm and takes a few unwilling steps out the door. Even if Noah doesn't like to read, it could at least mean something to Quinn. Maybe this book could mean friendship. Hmm...

He knocks quietly on the open door before stepping inside. "Um, here. Just take it even if you don't want it, please." He sets a copy of

"The Hortus Third: A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States & Canada" on the table. Don't even ask Quinn how he came to own it-- he couldn't possibly remember. "My room didn't have a plant in it, but yours does. So maybe you like plants. Or maybe you don't. Just pretend you like it, okay?
Noah slowly sat up, surprised. He looked at the book in disbelief. They had just met, and yet he was giving him something. There had to be some significance to it--it had to mean something if Quinn had taken it to Sunny Falls with him.

"I...thank you." He genuinely stated, an unfamiliar but not unpleasant flicker of warmth sparking in his chest. He wondered if this was what it felt like to receive friendship from someone.

"I do like plants, so...I don't have to pretend." He nearly winced at how awkward that sounded. "I promise to take good care of it."
Quinn smiles, practically beaming at him, but quickly corrects his expression so it's just a tiny show of teeth. He's pleased he guessed correctly, and even more pleased that Noah seems to genuinely like it. He very nearly changes his mind-- his head screams at him to take the book and run-- but he ever-so-slightly shakes his head, shutting up that annoying voice. "I know you will. You seem like someone who would. I don't normally do this-- I've got a lot of books, probably more than most libraries, and I've never given them to people. But you looked so nervous, and I just left, and--" He shuts up quickly, his face reddening as he realize just how much he rambled. The words have been stuck inside for so long-- once in a while, after weeks of silence, he'll finally come downstairs for dinner or breakfast or something, and the whole family is silent as he talks, sometimes for hours at a time.
Noah tentatively returned the smile. The expression felt foreign on his face but it was a nice change. A small worm of worry threatened to burrow into his mind at hearing how the other had clearly noticed his ridiculous nervousness, but the lighthearted atmosphere calmed him enough to ignore it.

"It's okay. I like listening to you, so you can keep talking. O-Only if you want, of course." He hastily added, suddenly feeling a little flustered at his choice of wording.
Quinn hesitates before pointing to a chair against the wall, not comfortable enough with his new 'friend' to sit on the bed, so close to him. "I'm going to sit, okay?" He sits down gracefully yet somehow awkwardly, like he's a Barbie doll and his legs are made of rubber and plastic. "I got here today too. Because everyone else thinks I'm crazy." It's strange to confess this out loud. He knows he's at least slightly crazy-- his mom wouldn't be so worried if he wasn't. Quinn just likes to read, that's all, but apparently that qualifies as crazy.
Noah nodded when Quinn said he was going to sit. He didn't mind at all; he wanted to continue this conversation, something he never thought he would say.

He listened and waited a few moments to make sure that Quinn wanted him to respond. "I know it probably doesn't mean much from someone who you just met, but I don't think you're crazy."
Quinn smiles again, folding his hands in his lap. He's usually always got the pages of a book in his hands-- it's strange to be actually talking. "You don't look crazy either. But we're here for a reason, so we both must be a bit odd." He glances up at the book he gave Noah, internally saying goodbye to it-- for now. He'd like to get it back when Noah is done. Is that greedy? No, it's not. It's his book... But somehow, Quinn doesn't feel right about it.
"True." Noah admitted. Uneasiness started to trickle back as he was reminded of where they were. They were stuck in Sunny Falls with who knew how many people. When he noticed Quinn looking back at the book he took the opportunity to change the subject.

"Um, thanks again for the book. I'll make sure to give it back as soon as I'm finished."
He gave the punching bag a final hard side kick, then caught it with his hand as it lifted up and came back down.

Kai worked up a good sweat after going at that punching bag for however long. His muscles were responding much better to him, now feeling stretched and all after use. He wiped the sheen of sweat off his face, then proceeded back to his room.

He was wearing his mask, but felt in a good enough mood to talk to people.

While walking back, he pinched his nose and scrunched up his face. [No why am I remembering this nowwww]. His mind was going mad, it was reminding him of all the times he was happy with Alyssa, walking in the park and hugging, at school together, the sex, and then it all shattered and he saw wild images of when he was attacked. Knives and broken bottles, cutting him all over. His scars felt like they were burning.

Kai managed to hobble to his room. He landed onto the bed and was muttering to himself while holding his body where it was scarred and his face to hide the tears. "I'm sorry....I...never meant for.....this", an image of Alyssa on the hospital bed lying dead, " Why us...all the people....I just wanted...to be happy....Whyyyyy"

He would never admit it, but he needed someone to hold him, to comfort him, to fill the void that was left. "Tch....not that anyone would care...people are shits...they fuck up your life when you least expect it...."

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Emily Ava was lying on her bed with her arms behind her back when she heard the red-headed guy come back saying something in a distressed way, she knew what it sounded like because she had become that way many times before. She also knew that he probably needed a presence right now. She got from her suitcase, reluctantly, a bottle of whisky her mom didnt see. She walked over and saw him on his bed in full-blown crazy, all of her smirking humor went away. She walked over to him softly saying,

"Hey red, you okay? Dumb question, i know you aren't." She angrily wondered where all the fabulous nurses and doctors were who were supposed to be helping us. She pulled back his shoulder and put the whisky in his hand, knowing he needed it, and knowing that at this rate, her stores might only last 3 1/2 days.
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He wiped the few tears there were off him, along with the sweat from the workout.

"Ummm....no....I'm a violent one....you really don't want me drunk..."

[Fuck fuck fuck I am a wreck in front of someone I don't even know what the hell what do I do]

"I just...was reminded of..."

*deep breath*

"There was a girl I knew. Always really forward and friendly. Like you, but without the alcohol. I went out with her for 6 months. It went full blown relationship, sex an all." "But then, I was backstabbed by an envious 'friend' and me and her were stabbed and attacked all over. These scars, they are from that. She died. Carotid artery."


"Wh....why am I even telling this...heh...probably because you are like Alyssa. Well, we are here because we're fucking nuts."

Kai laid back, arms sprawled. "Haaaaah. What am I gonna do with my life..." He was tired from hitting so much on the bag and the attack.

Sent from Nexus 5 because yay phones and Tapatalk
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