A Brain In Chains [Inactive]

Aimee's parents shuffle through the automatic glass doors with fake smiles plastered to their slightly wrinkled faces; "Sorry hun, the stress of this situation is keeping me and your father on edge. You know how it is." The tone in her mothers voice was obviously not genuine and Aimee could tell that she was in a rush to hurry the process. Without a word and in one quick fluid motion, Aimee had approached the front desk and was already filling in information. She noticed the young woman at the front desk, and became aware of the bright green set of eyes that were lingering on her face. "Hello and welcome! What is your mental illness or addiction, it's for the record.", the woman asks in an upbeat and overly preppy tone of voice. Aimee's eyes flicker up towards to woman's face and she evenly matches her stare.

"You'll know soon enough, won't you-" Aimee stops to examine the woman's name tag, making sure to keep a nonchalant grin on her face, "Jessica."

Aimee drops the pen and gives one last smile at the woman, Jessica. She turned her back and her face immediately went slack, there was no trace of the grim that just danced across her face only seconds ago. She stalked up to her parents and gave them a hug, her mother kissed her forehead and when she spoke, her words were soft and her voice was cracking. "I'm so proud of you, and I'll always be proud of you. You're my daughter and don't you ever forget that." She fought hard to fight back the groan that threatened to escape her mouth. "Call us tonight and don't you dare skip your meds," said her dad, with a single tear running down his stubbly cheek. "I wont dad. I'll be fine," Aimee said, knowing it was probably going to turn out to be a big lie.

When the sob party was finally over, she headed upstairs. She followed to map and eventually approached a small room about the size of a college dorm. 'This is probably the only decent event that's going to take place in this hellish asylum' she thought to herself. She enjoyed the smallness of the room, large areas often overwhelmed her and it wasn't like she'd brought much stuff. All she carried was a medium sized duffle bag which contained her clothes, toiletries, books, movies, iPod, and sketch pad. After unpacking everything, she slipped on her favorite grey sweatpants and headed down to the common room for a cup of coffee.

As she neared the room she could tell that there were people already settled in, 'Oh the joy, more social interaction,' she thought, with full sarcasm. She entered the room as quietly as she could, focusing only on the coffee and hoping that they wouldn't notice her.
Emily sat on the other side of the table, acting cool and detatched. She laughed at kayla's not-actually- meant-to-be-a-joke joke. She slid across the table on her butt, got right up in his face and said, "no wait, let me guess.... " she gave him her best sherlock impression, "social withdrawl?"
Kayla couldn't help but laugh at Emily's impression. Shocked that she sincerely laugh she quickly raised her hand to her mouth as to silence herself. Noticing the girl who had just walked in, she let her be and hoped that no one at the table would call her over. The two residing at the table were enough for her to handle right now. 
Alex was gazing out the window until his concentration was broken by a thud against his wall. It caught him off guard since the last he remembered the room next to him was unoccupied. He walked over to his door way and called out, "Are you okay...?"
Xavier shifted a little in his seat then bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the joke if it could be called that. Not many people ever talked about him being crazy, avoiding it like the plague besides the shrinks that he never talked to.

"Um, no, not social withdraw," he said, giving a slight smile at her expression before letting it drop. "It's, uh, actually schizophrenia," he said quickly, then noticed another girl walk in but deciding to ignore her and the other two in favor for picking at his shoes.
Emily Ava saw the girl in the doorway and could tell she didnt like her, so she would mess with her. Emily slid off the table and ran up to the redhead, put her hands on her shoulders, and, with a thick fake southern accent said,

"Hey red you got a smoke? I dont normaly do the nicotine thang but its been a bad day y'know?"
As soon as she enters the doorway a girl with pale blond hair and a lingering scent of alcohol comes towards her, Aimee immediately makes a face of disgust and shrugs the girls hands off of her. She starts walking towards the coffee machine, trying her best to ignore the staring eyes.
"You don't talk much do you." Kayla said looking at the Xavier. He seemed to be pretty preoccupied with his shoes, so she started to pick at the peeling cover of her book. She could hear Emily asking the red hair girl something and noticed that the girl seemed to pretty annoyed with her. "Emily? Right? I wouldn't start making enemies the first day here." Giggling a little bit. "At least wait for the second day." She said winking at her.
Emily ava laughed at her, but she wasnt getting the rise she wanted. "I guess thats a no." She said across the room, her eyebrows arching sharply. Emily turned to the girl back at the table. While walking back she said,

"Good advice. And its a compund name, emily ava. Whats yours again?" She sat down in an actual chair, taking out her flask again.
Xavier glanced up at the girl, mildly surprised that she wasn't walking away. But then he reminded himself that he was in an institution, where everyone was messed up in some way or another. "I'm just not used to talking to people," he said simply and shrugged, watching the other two girls interaction and almost laughing at it. When the one girl, Emily Ava apparently, sat down he raised an eyebrow at the flask before leaning forward and mocking her earlier expression perfectly. "Let me guess... Addiction," he faked a British accent, keeping a serious expression as he watched Emily Ava even though his eyes lit with laughter.
Aimee grabbed her coffee, but she didn't leave the room. 'So the alcohol girl's name is Emily ava...', She thought to herself. 'May as well learn some peoples names'. She floated around the coffee machine, pretending to be occupied with preparing her coffee.
Emily Ava smiled genuinely at the guy as she tipped the flask towards him in offering. "Good guess. Guess its kind of obvious. I mean, that and panic attacks. Addiction the result of attacks. In fact, if i wasnt drunk right now, i would be crouched in some corner trying to get the sound out." She said frankly
"Kayla." She said flatly at Emily Ava. She turned her attention back to Xavier who was busy talking with a British accent; she let out a small laugh at this spectacle. She started to feel herself coming back into her shell as the two talked; she picked at her book some more and fidgeted with her shirt in her lap.
Xavier shook his head and held up a hand, politely declining the alcohol. "Thanks, but no thanks. Maybe later. And trust me, you aren't that drunk." He laughed a little, feeling oddly relaxed. Glancing over at Kayla, he bent down a little and read the cover of her book. "I liked that one," he said. "One of Salinger's better works."
Emily ava put the flask back and relized she was very tired. She put her head in her hands and looked at the two. "You know what?" She asked, "you guys go ahead and talk about the finner points of saladinger or whatever. Im gunna go back to my dorm. Catch y'all later." Whe Aimee came around she did a little finger-gun and 'shot' it at her. With that, she got up and walked back to her room. She almost stopped to rudely interupt the conversation of two boys near her room but she decided not to. She did pass the room, however, of a guy maybe a bit older than her with long red hair and no shirt on draped over his bed. She stopped at his door and said,

"Hey sweetheart (dont worry she says that to lots of people X) are you new too?"
'So the purple one is named Kayla." she thought, Aimee considered the group of people before her. They weren't all that bad she thought, though it would take some time for her to warm up the Emily Ava. The boy seemed entertaining, 'you gotta love a guy who's mastered the British accent!' She thought jokingly to herself. A wave of surprised calmness washed over her, it was the first time since she arrived, that she didn't feel completely stressed. She abandoned the fake coffee preparation and decided it was time to head back to the room.

Before leaving the room, she turned to face the group with a sly and cunning smile on her face. "My names Aimee by the way. Oh, and Emily Ava, if you tough me again your dead." She dropped another gorgeous smile and a lovely wink before heading out of the room.

She was glad to be in the comfort of her dorm, the warm are blanketed her in safety and for the first time in months, she felt peaceful.'Damn that must have been some good coffee...'
"It's one of my favorites." She said as a smile began to form on her face. "I take it you like to read?" She said inquisitively.

She heard Emily Ava say she was leaving but she brushed it off, its not like she was never going to see her again. She heard the red haired girl, Amiee's remark, she chuckled at it. She had to admit, for looking like a shy and timid girl she had attitude.
Kai slightly raised his head and muttered "A new person wouldn't have an open suitcase on the floor. Why, you being a rebel and are my roommate?"

Kai didn't even signal for a response and rested his head again and closed his eyes. He couldn't care less what people thought of how he looked with his scar ridden body.

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Xavier watched Emily Ava leave, giving a small wave and almost laughing at the Aimee girl. After she left he smiled and said, "They need to put up some 'No Touching' signs, otherwise someone might get murdered." He chuckled. "Yeah, I do. And it's probably safe to assume that you do too, right?"
Kayla pushed her hair behind her ear, it was a nervous habit of hers, "Yeah, I love to read. It's the only time I don't feel like 5 kinds of crazy." She said, letting out a small sigh after.
Emily Ava chuckled lightly. "Why... do you want me to be your roomate?" She asked cheekily (and maybe a little flirtatious.) She leaned on the door and crossed her arms.
Kai was half busy listening to his music, so his responses were not lightning fast.

"You try that, they'll probably hear you. Open doors policy. Don't even know who my roommate is."


"You know where the gym is at all? I feel like hitting bags and I can hear my muscle rusting."

As usual he spoke with a passive tone that lacked any sort of emotion. His last statement would sound like a dry joke where it not for his emotionless talking.

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Emily Ava ignored his question and plopped right down on the bed next to him. "let me guess... PTSD, from whatever these scars are..." she said, reaching and almost touching them. but then she pulled her hand away and walked to the window quickly and, solemnly, said "im sorry." she turned back to him, "for whatever happened."
Kai was slightly taken aback by her forward attitude. It reminded him of Alyssa. She was always so frontal with everything. His tone was breaking a bit at the start. [Damn, its been a while since someone put gaps into my mask. Don't trust her yet Kai, who knows what she will do.]

"...um yeah. It's ok. I've only beaten people up over it when they were negative. Can't be the only one in the world who had their lover killed."
Emily Ava tilted her head and gave him her best sincere eyes. she was glad she didnt have what he did. she took a long swig from the flask and grimly said,"gym is down the hall to the right, hard to miss." with that she put the flask back in her jacket. she gave him a sad look and crossed the room to leave.
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With that, Kai let the tension leave his face and relaxed it [Fuck, who'd have thought that someone cracks my mask this early. I mean sure, Alyssa was no mental patient, but...they both have that bouncy IWANTTOBEFRIENDSWITHYOU attitude. Keep your head together man.]

With that, Kai changed to some breathable gym clothing of a vest (still showing the scars on his arms) and a tracksuit and went there. Before he left, he took a breath and reapplied his emotionless mask.

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