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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)


тнє ωσяℓ∂ σƒ αя¢αη∂ια нαѕ мαηу ѕє¢яєтѕ тнαт αяє уєт тσ вє υη¢σνєяє∂...

ѕтαтυѕ: neutral

Balnor and Whisville are almost ruined...

IC Rules:

1. IC stays in IC. OOC stays in OOC.

2. If you want to join the rp, go to character signs up or OOC if you have questions. They do not belong here.

3. No godmodding. No Mary Sues.

4. No killing other characters UNLESS allowed by them.

5. Be respectful of ALL rpers.

A MINIMUM of a paragraph reply. That means no one-liners.

Thank you! I even bolded it!

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Arcandia is a place of opportunity for all whatever it is. A infamous pirate with their persona pasted on his skin as a tatoo, a farmer whose persona helps him finish the job easier each day, a busy clerk whose persona answers calls for them...some want to keep it this way. Others do not.

The troops of New Acandia are slowly forming behind the scenes. They need to be stopped.

Thea looked at her sign nailed to parts of Florence from weeks ago that read: "Stop the rolling tide!" She hoped it caught a lot of people's attention. Thea smiles with satifaction as she waited for others who were interested. Funny thing was, she had no plan at all. This was what oftenly happened when she has ideas. She watches people busily walk back and forth with cellphones in hand, talking rapidly. She loved the city life. Sana, her persona, quietly stood near the bench, and asked, "What if nobody comes?" Exactly what Thea was thinking, she replies, "They will. I hope."

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
"What a bustling city," Cereth said to nobody exactly. "So, I finally understand why I avoided this place for so long..."

"Who are you talking to?" Liafort, her lovely persona and childhood friend, asked.

"Hm? How rude! I was talking to you!" She wasn't really, she was talking to herself. It was kind of something she picked up a while ago.

While she disliked the crowds, the city itself had amazed her. It was stunning at the least. A city like this offered many opportunities. She wasn't sure exactly why she had came here, but she tried convincing herself (And Liafort) that it was because she was low on money and that she needed a job. Well, why not one of the other cities? There's bound to be some folks hiring just about anywhere you go.

You got her there. She really just wanted to visit the grand city of Florence. Although she wasn't used to being around so many people at once, it was an overall positive experience for her.

"Stop the rolling tides..." She had read aloud a sign post. "What could this mean, Liafort?"

"Why don't we find out?" Her companion replied.

"Hm, should we? What if its something I really don't want to be apart of?"

"What if its something you really do want to be apart of?"

"...Alright fine. I *am* quite curious actually."

She stopped her conversation to notice a younger girl near the sign. Would a child really know anything about this? She decided to ask.

"Hello there, Do you know what this sign is referring to?"
Caleb Andreas

Caleb walked down a street of the city of Florence. he was here on business but he had the day off. Bear, his German Shephard and persona, was walking next to him and speaking, "So then I woke up and it was a dream. Weird right?"

"Very," Caleb said emotionless, "So it's our day off what do you want to do,"

"Hmmm," He thought, "Chase cars?"

"No. Something productive." He then heard someone across the street mention the Troops of Arcandia and he ran across the road. "You're not supposed to know about them," He said sternly.

Bear finally made it across the road, "Caleb! You nearly gave me a heart attack. How many times do you have to be taught not to put yourself in danger unless your doing your job,"

"Sorry buddy," He said to the dog before looking up at them, "But seriously you shouldn't know about them."
"Troops of New Arcandia? I've never heard of this... Is this a recent affair?" Cereth asked curiously.

At times like these, the situation makes her reflect on the cons of being alone for so long. She usually misses out on important news like this.

If this young child hadn't told her, she would have never known.

"Riches you said?!" Liafort spoke up. "Cereth! Wasn't money what you needed?"

"Well... yes, Liafort. But we don't need to live a rich life. We just need to get by..."

"But we don't even get by. You're poor! I think we-"

"Wait a second- Personas brought back to life? This is possible?" Cereth interrupted.

Cereth took a closer look at the picture of the undead persona. It sent a small chill down her spine. What a terrifying creature...

"And this attacked you?" She asked the girl.

"Cereth, are you listening?!" Liafort tried to get her attention, but failed.

Cereth had to think about it. Surely this child was just expressing her imagination. Surely this is just a humorous prank. This picture could have been a picture of any old persona. The possibilities of appearance for personas were endless.

"I find this hard to believe... Personas return to Panadoriam when their owners fall deceased." She said.

Perhaps it was all that time spent alone with only Liafort by her said that had done this to Cereth. This was unnatural news to her.

"Ugh, you never listen, Cereth." Liafort said, and then turned to the girl. "Tell us more. What can we do to acquire these riches?"

"Liafort! I-"

"We'll gladly fight for Arcandia for some extra cash." Liafort seemed almost smiling.
Caleb Andreas

Caleb walked down a street of the city of Florence. he was here on business but he had the day off. Bear, his German Shephard and persona, was walking next to him and speaking, "So then I woke up and it was a dream. Weird right?"

"Very," Caleb said emotionless, "So it's our day off what do you want to do,"

"Hmmm," He thought, "Chase cars?"

"No. Something productive." He then heard someone across the street mention the Troops of Arcandia and he ran across the road. "You're not supposed to know about them," He said sternly.

Bear finally made it across the road, "Caleb! You nearly gave me a heart attack. How many times do you have to be taught not to put yourself in danger unless your doing your job,"

"Sorry buddy," He said to the dog before looking up at them, "But seriously you shouldn't know about them."
Suddenly another child had appeared before Cereth. But this one seemed more serious and stern.

"We shouldn't know about them? What do you mean by this?" Cereth was confused at the moment. Maybe it really was best not to have gotten involved.

"Who's this guy?" Liafort asked.

"Be polite..."

Cereth realized that this may not be a prank afterall. The situation began to sink in.
Thea nods at the woman's persona, and said. "Maybe even the king will grant us piles of silver and gold in his treasure room." She points to a specific spot in the castle far away with one eye closed for accuracy. Sana sighed, wondering how the hell she was anything like her. She was, after all, her serious side. "It disappeared after we attacked it. Like it wasn't....stable enough." The nymph looked over at the male, supposedly called Caleb, and alerted Thea. Thea looked over him with a frown. "It wasn't like I found them. A dead persona found ME. I was curious. Did research. This should be stopped." Her playful side diminished for a slight second being she smiled again. "If the persona was that weak, defeating them must be easy. Oh, I'm Cynthia by the way. Thea for short. I used to live at the port."

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax
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On top of a roof in Florence, Morgan Locke and his persona scanned the city skyline. The raccoon wrapped its body around Locke's arched back. Looking through one of the skyscraper's window, the duo noticed a party taking place with a horde of well dressed individual's with jewelry covering their bodies. Morgan greedily smiled as he lifted up the scarf to cover his face and then put on his hoodie.

"Time to make some money, Roma!
" The young man said to his persona. "The window's open. Let's do this!"

Locke stood up and calmly balanced on a thin beam that stretched out to the open window. Picking up speed, Locke leaped into the air and landed inside the building. Ducking underneath a table, he saw a glimmering ring with a large ruby hanging from someone's finger behind the table cloth. Quickly and without the lady realizing her ring being stolen, Locke swiped the ruby and placed it in a pouch on Roma's back which was already half full of treasures from previous theft missions. The boy suddenly noticed a banner hanging on one of the walls which read, Join the Troops of New Arcandia.

Locke had no idea what the banner was referring too but it didn't matter.

"No need to worry about politics, Roma,"
Lock whispered from underneath the table. "Let's just finish up here and- ...?! Roma?"

The boy's persona, who hand been enticed by the wonderful aroma of food on top of the table, was busy gobbling up a plate of lobster and buttered toast. Screams ringed out through the party causing every member to watch in discuss as the Raccoon enjoyed its lovely meal. Grabbing the Raccoon off of the table, Locke jumped back out of the window and took hold of a flag pole. A gun shot whizzed passed Locke as the pole gave way and broke in two. The persona and the boy fell on to the hard concrete streets. Luckily, the boy had only sprained his ankle.

"Great job Roma!"
Locke said sarcastically to his persona.

He hobbled away, with the raccoon on his back, as he saw a sign that read, Stop the Rolling Tide.

A loud bang shot out through the air, which Cereth recognized as the blast of a gun. Even her companion, Liafort, had jumped.

A boy had just fallen from onto the streets from out of nowhere!

"Wha' the- What??" Liafort squawked.

"Oh my! Are you alright?!" Cereth yelled while running over to the boy. It was her first instinct, and this boy also looked very young.

This day has been getting weirder and weirder for Cereth. Is this what the big city is like? Do these things happen everyday? Cereth had only been here for a short while but things were already getting spiced up.

"Just what is going on today?" exclaimed Liafort. He seemed to have read Cereth's mind.
Caleb frowned, "I'm not allowed to tell you. I'll loose my job," He saw a banner saying Join the Troops of New Arcania. "I hate these guys. We all should and that's all you need to know,"

a bang went off and Caleb drew his sword and Bear growled, "Time to get to work,"

"Yo! You Troop assholes fight me!"
The boy had vanished before her eyes.

"Ah! What just- Where-"

"He's gone?" Liafort wasn't easily impressed, but this had done it. "What an act... Maybe he's some kind of street performer."

"I wouldn't be surprised if that weren't the case... That drop looked like it hurt...And then there was that bang too... I hope it *was* just some kind of stunt... Is this common?"

"Don't ask me, how am I supposed to know?"

She decided that she'd seen stranger things and had returned her attention to the two children she spoke to first.

The children of this city are very peculiar. I guess it's because of the diversity... That's good...

Still- what a strange event.

"You think that boy was okay?" Asked Cereth to Liafort.

"Yeah, yeah- forget about it."
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Thea wasn't much fazed by the strange actions until the raccoon person came about. "Welcome to Florence." Thea's persona mumbled what Thea was just thinking in her head. She looked at Caleb with a laugh. Sana spoke up for Thea, "What, you're with them? And what job anyways?" Thea then said, "We're the good guys here!" Sana rolled her eyes as she looked at Caleb, "They are promoting themselves already. We need to stop them before Arcandia is destroyed. I'm Sana, by the way. The more...serious side of this child. She's actually eighteen." Thea eyed Caleb before looking at Cereth. "You in?"

@Devious Dilbert @arialc @RP Marshall @MuffinRPs
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Yvon travelled the city, not caring to much about anything at the moment. The city was busy, for sure, there was a protestor against the soldiers even. He thought the same as her, but he would only make a difference if he had melted their skin off. He sighs, twirling his polearm, humming to himself.
Still motionless, Morgan Locke listened in on Thea @Ayane , Cereth @Devious Dilbert , Caleb @MuffinRPs and their persona's conversation. Roma, annoyed that Locke was still persistent in remaining undetected, lifted its invisibility power making them both visible. Unbeknown to the boy, Locke continued his lifeless stance. The raccoon looked in vexation at the idiotic looking boy and sighed.

Ayane said:
Thea wasn't much fazed by the strange actions until the raccoon person came about. "Welcome to Florence." Thea's persona mumbled what Thea was just thinking in her head. She looked at Caleb with a laugh. Sana spoke up for Thea, "What, you're with them? And what job anyways?" Thea then said, "We're the good guys here!" Sana rolled her eyes as she looked at Caleb, "They are promoting themselves already. We need to stop them before Arcandia is destroyed. I'm Sana, by the way. The more...serious side of this child. She's actually eighteen." Thea eyed Caleb before looking at Cereth. "You in?"
@Devious Dilbert @arialc @RP Marshall @MuffinRPs
Hearing the water nymphs speech about Arcandia being in danger, Roma said to the boy, "We should join, Locke. This sounds serious!"

"Shut up!" Locke yelled at his persona.

"Aw- quit it already! You are as visible as a morning sunrise."

Locke looked down at his body and jolted at the sight.

"Thanks for nothing Roma!" Locke said as he crossed his arms.

"Quite! I want to her more. Sana. Thea. Please explain... Who is going to destroy Arcandia?"
Caleb put his sword away, stood up straight and turned around, "I'm Private Caleb Andreas. I'm apart of the military trying to stop the Troops of New Arcandia from taking over. This here is Bear."

"Hey let's go chase cars!" He jumped in the air.

"He is my Persona. I'm 17 years of age and a highly trained swordsman so don't think about attacking me or you'll have about a dozen military men coming to kill you as well as my father and mother."
Ayane said:
Thea wasn't much fazed by the strange actions until the raccoon person came about. "Welcome to Florence." Thea's persona mumbled what Thea was just thinking in her head. She looked at Caleb with a laugh. Sana spoke up for Thea, "What, you're with them? And what job anyways?" Thea then said, "We're the good guys here!" Sana rolled her eyes as she looked at Caleb, "They are promoting themselves already. We need to stop them before Arcandia is destroyed. I'm Sana, by the way. The more...serious side of this child. She's actually eighteen." Thea eyed Caleb before looking at Cereth. "You in?"
@Devious Dilbert @arialc @RP Marshall @MuffinRPs
"Am I in...?" Cereth wasn't used to the city. She had just met these kids and her little day visit was turning into something else.

"Are you asking me to pick your side? I'd rather not fight this war, and saying that I'm on anybody's side is basically throwing myself onto the field."

"Oh come on, Cereth. Did you not hear the girl? Riches. Riches is the only thing we're after. We're in." Liafort joined in.

"Uh-no It's really not. And this isn't your choice-"

"Don't mind her, Where do we sign up?" He looked to Thea.


Cereth sighed.

"I won't fight this war... But I'm willing to help with what I can. Besides... Liafort is half right. I do need some cash..."

These kids are very enthusiastic about this whole thing... Would they really let kids do this? The boy, Caleb, is in the military... Will they let kids fight if this really does turn into a war? Maybe I've been away for too long...

"That's my girl!" Liafort added.

@Ayane[/URL] , Cereth @Devious Dilbert , Caleb @MuffinRPs and their persona's conversation. Roma, annoyed that Locke was still persistent in remaining undetected, lifted its invisibility power making them both visible. Unbeknown to the boy, Locke continued his lifeless stance. The raccoon looked in vexation at the idiotic looking boy and sighed.
Hearing the water nymphs speech about Arcandia being in danger, Roma said to the boy, "We should join, Locke. This sounds serious!"

"Shut up!" Locke yelled at his persona.

"Aw- quit it already! You are as visible as a morning sunrise."

Locke looked down at his body and jolted at the sight.

"Thanks for nothing Roma!" Locke said as he crossed his arms.

"Quite! I want to her more. Sana. Thea. Please explain... Who is going to destroy Arcandia?"
"You!" She exclaimed.
"Hah, a kid." Thea pronounced as she smiles at him. "What is the point to attack you when we can team up? I got a lead that said to go to The Severed Tops!" Sana then finished for her, "They can help us locate the base of the Troops of New Arcandia, hopefully. And if it's true that the personadium exists there, we'll see one of them. If nothing is there, we can take a skyship back." Thea liked Cereth's persona a lot as she told him, "With all this work, he might as well take half his castle!" Sana sighs, and looks at Cereth with reassurance. "You seem very responsible, Cereth. I think it would be best if you came." She looked at Thea smiling, and smiled. "I don't think I can stand to see her...gone." She looked over at Caleb, "Will you join us?"

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
Caleb looked at Sana with a look that said 'seriously' and spoke, "I'm a private in the military. Of course I'm coming."

Bear looked up at Caleb with puppy eyes, "But...cars."

"We're not gonna run after those tin cans with wheels."

"But Caleb!"


Bear pouted, "Fine,"
Ayane said:
"Hah, a kid." Thea pronounced as she smiles at him. "What is the point to attack you when we can team up? I got a lead that said to go to The Severed Tops!" Sana then finished for her, "They can help us locate the base of the Troops of New Arcandia, hopefully. And if it's true that the personadium exists there, we'll see one of them. If nothing is there, we can take a skyship back." Thea liked Cereth's persona a lot as she told him, "With all this work, he might as well take half his castle!" Sana sighs, and looks at Cereth with reassurance. "You seem very responsible, Cereth. I think it would be best if you came." She looked at Thea smiling, and smiled. "I don't think I can stand to see her...gone." She looked over at Caleb, "Will you join us?"

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
"May I ask where you got that lead from?" Cereth was curious.

"Does it matter? Do you not understand the situation? We are going to be rich. Stop worring about the details."

"You know well enough to be cautious, Liafort." She shot him a glare.

"... Ahh! Enough already! Fine, you take your time. I'll be right here with you."

He looked to Thea. "You're damn right! I'll be fightin' for my share, that's for sure!"

Then he paused.

"But only if my lady agrees, right?"

"Oh, knock it off..." Cereth replied with a slight tone of annoyance. "But- yes. I'll come with." She smiled.

She looked to Sana, "Don't worry, we'll be fine. But... I have to ask... You both are such opposites! How did this come to be?" She giggled.

"You both remind me of us." She glanced at Liafort.

"What?" He wasn't paying attention.
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"We heard of these Troops of new Arcandia. They were having a pretty stupendous fundraiser in one of those builds up there. We tried to rob them but they got wind of us and we bolted. In fact, we were almost shot in the process."

"Your fault!" Chimed in Locke.

"Whatever! It's time for some pay back. We are happy to join."

"Roma!!" Yelled the boy who had no desire to get involved.

"Shush! We can't be criminals all our life. It's time to do something for the good of Arcandia."

"Oh brother! Someone just grew a conscience!"

MuffinRPs said:
Caleb looked at Sana with a look that said 'seriously' and spoke, "I'm a private in the military. Of course I'm coming."
Bear looked up at Caleb with puppy eyes, "But...cars."

"We're not gonna run after those tin cans with wheels."

"But Caleb!"


Bear pouted, "Fine,"
"Aha, the kid says he's a private, hahaaha. I'm sorry, but when do you see privates at times like this? What a joke." Thea said as Sana rolls her eyes. "She's actually quite weary of you as I am." Thea rolls her eyes at her persona, but didn't say anything. Sana turned to Cereth as she was a bit embarrassed to say. Thea spoke up, "We went in places we weren't supposed to...who knew the massive lake in front of the castle led to that room!" Sana sighs as she remembered that it was her suggestion. "Ahem. I don't know why. Maybe she keeps her serious thoughts with me. Trust me, she's not always like this." Thea looked at the raccoon persona and guy with a smile, "We should check if they are still there! Cereth, you can fly, right?" Thea points to her persona.

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @RP Marshall
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"She has the right to be scared. I wouldn't blame her 36 confirmed kills with this," He drew his sword, "I could easily make it 37." He smiled evilly.

"Caleb don't," Bear growled.

"You're right," He put it back, "Wouldn't want the Sergeant and Captain on my ass. Now why don't we end all this petty fighting and save Arcandia? That would actually be a good use of my time," He smiled a fake smile and picked Bear off of the ground.

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