1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

Maeve kissed Thomas back, giggling as he pinched her side.

"Good morning," she said with a smile, "I'm just glad you're okay now."
Thomas walked into the kitchen and lit a cigarette, he opened the fridge and pulled out a bottled water.

"Matt still asleep?" Thomas asked cautiously, fearing Matt was going to be wired today.
Maeve nodded and began searching cabinets for food, despite her height seeming to handicap her from reaching the higher ones. "I'm sure he'll be up when he's ready. And he'll be plenty rested and hyper, I'm sure."
Thomas tapped her butt as he walked to the kitchen table and sat down.

"So how do you feel about working at a lab again?" Thomas asked.
Maeve smirked as she felt him tap her. She looked in one of the cabinets and found an assortment of fruit. Relieved, Maeve grabbed an apple and sat down at the table in a chair across from Thomas.

"It's fantastic," she said with a pleased grin, taking a bite of the apple, "I'm always such a nerd when it comes to molecular physics. I can't even describe how much I've missed it."
Thomas held back a chuckle at her geekyness, but he always did like the smart ones!

"I wonder what kind of job I might get?" Thomas said, he figured some type of security or continuing his position in the army, but hell with this place he didn't want to expect the expected.
Maeve smirked and stood up, walking towards the door. She suddenly stopped, remembering that she wasn't wearing pants. Only a giant t-shirt.

Biting her lip, she opened the door slightly, poking her head out so that the person who was at the door could only see her from her head to her shoulders.
It was Richard fresh and ready to go.

"Ah, hello Ms. Oswald are you prepared to hear my proposal?" Richard said with a cheesy smile.

"You know what," Maeve said, trying to keep a calm face, "I would love to hear what you have to say. Why don't you come in, pardon me to use the bathroom, and we can talk."

As soon as she that, she scrambled into the hallway before Richard had the chance to see her. Instead of going to the bathroom, though, she went into the bedroom, where she put on the tshirt and yoga pants she had worn the previous day as quickly as possible. After doing so, she pulled her hair back to make it seem less messy and strolled back into the living room as if everything was normal.

"So," she said casually, plopping onto the couch, "what's this proposal of yours?"
Richard walked to the couch.

"May I?" Richard said not really waiting for her approval," where to begin, Matt is familiar with you and since he may be the key to a vaccine for this disease, its crucial you play a part in the research we need to with Matt! Actually before we continue I have some news for Matt, he starts school again tomorrow, we can't allow children to just play and relax all day, they need education! But anyways, you can start today processing some blood samples we received from outside Omega. What do you say?" Richard explained it to her like he was selling her a car, he was very good with being social.
Maeve took a minute to process Richard's offer, as well as his go-get-'er attitude. She nodded with a smile, the offer sounding rather practical.

"That sounds great with me," she said brightly, then looked over to Thomas, "if it's okay with Thomas as well."
Thomas looked at Maeve with gratifying look, nice to know she wanted his input.

"A person needs their work!" Thomas said approvingly. "And what about me Richard? Anything I can do?" Thomas asked.

"Well now that you say so, we could discuss something over at the security and military department… don't worry about Matt, we have a daycare for all ages in the education department… now if you all will excuse me, I'm gonna let you guys eat se breakfast and freshen up. I'll be back in about an hour or so, good day to you both!" Richard said as he quickly left the room. Thomas looked at Maeve.

"Is it me or does he sound like a cheesy car salesman?" Thomas asked.
Maeve laughed. "He seems about as cheesy as they come."

It all seemed so perfect : she and Thomas could both work, and Matt could go to school, all while discovering a cure for the Virus! And she also had Thomas now. Were they a "thing"? Was that what people called it?

She walked back over to the kitchen table. "Sounds like they might have something for you to do, too. That's good," Maeve said, leaning down to where Thomas was sitting and kissing him softly.
He kissed her back as he heard feet hit the floor in Matt's room. Thomas smiled,

"Oh god…" he said teasingly as running could be heard getting closer an closer.
Maeve pulled away just as Matt entered the room.

"Good morning," said Maeve brightly, walking over to ruffle his hair. Matt giggled, then wrapped his arms around her leg.

"I'm hungry!" He proclaimed, "and bored! What're we going to do today?"
Matt, seeing this as good news, hopped in excitement. Maeve pulled an apple from one of the cabinets and gave it to him.

"Eat and clean your room," instructed Maeve, "and I'll be in later to help you get dressed." Matt, reluctant to clean, took a small bit of the apple and dragged his feet as he went back into the hallway and into his room.
Thomas hung his head a little,

"I had a really bad dream… I was shaking before I took the first drink… matter of fact, you can take it out and throw it away, nothing but beer for me from now on, ok?" Thomas said with a sudden change of heart. He knew she definitely had a problem with it and… he wanted her to trust him like she did in Portland.
Maeve looked up from her apple and smiled. She was glad he was willing to make such a move.

She stood up, combed any kind of alcohol (with the exception of beer) and dumped it all down the sink, then tossing the bottles in the garbage.

After that was done, she walked back over to him and leaned down, whispering "Thank you" and kissing him again. She liked kissing Thomas. He was a playful and gentle kisser.
He had to admit to himself… that felt good, at first he felt nervous but that felt so good! That liquor going down he drain was taking away any stress he had and realized… everything was okay, he had a… family! A warm smile came over him as Richard knocked and entered the room.

"Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt but Thomas, we need you in the security department if your ready?" Richard said with that cheesy salesman smile. Thomas looked to Maeve and smiled.

"Let me throw some clothes on and I'll be right with you!" Thomas said confidently.

"Great!! I'll be outside waiting!" Richard said shutting the door. Thomas darted to the bedroom and put on some black jeans and a white shirt, he slipped his boots on and grabbed his cigarettes. As he came to the kitchen he gave Maeve a passionate kiss.

"You care?" Thomas asked with a devilish smile.
Maeve smiled back and ruffled his hair with one hand.

"Not at all," she said brightly, "now go and try to have fun, okay?"

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