1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

Dinner went great, they walked through the park as the artificial moon began to light the room. Thomas held Maeve's hand as they walked with Matt back to the apartment. Thomas always thought of having a family, who would've known that the apocalypse would give him one. They came back to the apartment, not having to run and sneak, but relaxed and casually through the spectacular Omega that every one seemed to call the complex.

"Hey beautiful, why don't you get Matt ready for bed, and then you and I can talk a little?" Thomas said with a devilish grin.
Maeve smiled and bit the corner of her lip. "Alright," she said, an excited look in her eye.

Matt pouted. "Maybe I don't WANT to go to bed." Maeve smirked and looked down at him. She then grabbed him and thee him over her shoulder and he squeaked and giggled in delight. As she carried him to him room, she thundered, "But HOW can a sidekick perform his duties when he's TIRED? The monsters EAT sleepy sidekicks for breakfast!"

When they reached his room, she helped him take off his nice clothes and put on his pajamas, all while he shouted, "I am the sidekick! Beware of my powers!" When she finally got him to lay down, Maeve began to wonder how she would get him to doze off. Then she remembered how her mother used to put her to sleep. She gently ran her fingers through his hair and sang "you Are My Sunshine". She didn't think it would work at first, but Matt's eyelids began to grow heavy after a few minutes. "You have a pretty voice," he mutters sleepily before his eyes came to a close.

"Thank you," she whispered, "sleep well." Maeve then kissed his forehead, shut off the light, and closed the door gently.

Maeve then kicked off her shoes by her room and walked back out into the living room, letting her hair down and looking at Thomas with a bright/devilish smile.
Thomas smiled as he was halfway laying on the couch.

"What's cooking good looking!" Thomas said with a cheesy tone in his voice, he had slipped his boots off and was eyeing Maeve as she walked in the room.
Maeve smirked towards the half-laying Thomas.

"That's a little cheesy, but sweet. Matt is asleep, so..." she made room next to him and sat down, looking at him devilishly. "What do you want to talk about?"
Thomas sat up next to her and smiled.

"Whatever you want to talk about it… or we could just be quiet…" Thomas offered with a grin.
Maeve grinned as Thomas sat up.

"There's nothing wrong with being quiet, right?" She said softly, her face becoming closer to his face.
Thomas softly put his hand on the back of her head and they locked lips, his other hand rested on her hip, this was more than he could have asked for or expected three days ago.
Maeve felt relief and happiness fill inside of her as they kissed. She put one hand on the side of his face and moved closer to him. She felt so happy when she was with him, it was uncanny.
He leaned back slowly kissing Maeve, both of his hands now on her hips, he squeezed gently as he kissed her again. He looked at the clock and saw it was 11:00 and he was quite tired. He stopped kissing her with his arms now wrapped around her lower back.

"So do I have to sleep in the other bedroom or…" Thomas asked.
Maeve wrapped her arms around Thomas's neck and smiled devilishly.

"No, unless you want to," she said quietly, kissing him quickly and gently after saying so.
Thomas lifted her up, like cradling a baby, and took her into the bedroom. He threw her on the bed, took his shirt off, and jumped on top of her, holding her down playfully, kissing her neck slightly a couple times.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Thomas whispered in her ear.
Maeve had never been asked so a question before. She was simply happy with what was going on now, especially with his shirtless body so close to her own. Maeve put her hands on his muscled shoulders and pulled his ear down to her mouth. "Surprise me," she whispered.
Thomas smiled and kissed her deeply, then things faded to black.

"Ward you take point!" The commanding officer whispered, Thomas moved up though the hallway and past his squad coming to a corner. He peeked around and spotted an infected, he pointed two fingers towards his eyes signaling he had a visual on an infected. His squad mate moved up with a silenced weapon and quickly turned he corner and took out the infected quietly. The squad moved forward with Thomas at the front as they approached the VIP's office. He held his hand up in a fist signaling the squad to stop as they reached his door. Thomas slowly opens the door and was tackled to the ground by the infected VIP, he pushed him off and fired an automatic burst into his chest killing him. A blood curdling scream echoed through the halls as Thomas and the rest of his squad made their way down the stairwell, he could hear running a couple flights above them and yelling. They made it to the lower level of the parking garage where the humvee was and found dozens of infected waiting for them, they cut their way through in a hail of gunfire but there were still too many. Thomas began to panic and looked at his squad mate, they met in boot camp and became friends, but the shock and panic made Thomas think irrationally. He looked at him and said sorry before pulling the trigger and wounding his leg.

Thomas awoke startled and sweating in the apartment next to Maeve, he looked around scanning the dark room, afraid that infected were inside.
Maeve was slowly awoken by Thomas's sudden movement. She sat up quickly, turning on the lamp, even though the light made her unadjusted eyes sting. She looked back over to Thomas and remembered everything, and bit back a smile.

"Hey," she said, putting a hand on his sweaty, muscled arm. "What's wrong?"
Thomas jumped as she touched him, but he quickly settled down, kissed her on the forehead, and put his feet on the floor,

"Go back to sleep, I just had a bad dream…" Thomas said as he stood up and went to the closet, pulling out a pair of grey sweat pants and slipping them on. "I'm fine I'm just gonna use the bathroom." Thomas reassured Maeve.
Maeve but her lip, hoping that he was actually going to be okay and wasn't just trying to be strong. She still felt exhausted though, so she mumbled a quiet "okay". She didn't turn off the lamp, though. Maeve refused to go back to sleep until he came back and she knew he was at least safe.
He walked out of the room thinking she had gone back to sleep and went to the kitchen. He opened the freezer and grabbed the frosty Jack Daniels bottle. He took a glass out of the cabinet quitely and sat down at the kitchen table. He poured a shot in the large glass as he lit a cigarette, flicking the ashes on the table, shot after shot he slammed them down thinking about the dream and what he did. 13 shots in and he had dropped his cigarette on the floor and was extremely drunk. He swayed side to side until he fell to the floor with a thud crying about the parking garage and about his friend. He tried to stand up but couldn't and fell to the floor again.
Maeve heard him drop to the ground and hopped out of the bed quickly, throwing on a t-shirt that was meant to be for a larger man, but at least she was covered up.

She ran out into the kitchen and saw him crying in a drunken fit on the floor. Maeve then knelt beside him, pulling him into a sitting position and holding his face, looking into his eyes.

"Thomas," she said firmly, knowing she would difficult to get through to him when he was this drunk, "c'mon. You're safe now. You're with me and Matt in Omega. That part of your life is behind you, remember? It's you and me, together forever, right? Look at me, Thomas." She held his face in a firmer fashion, hating to see him this way, "Remember me?"
Thomas looked at Maeve and halfway smiled, tears covering his face,

"It's hard… its hard… lets… lets go to bed…" Thomas slurred as he put his head on her shoulder.
Maeve stroked the back of his head gently.

"Yeah, let's go back to bed. Good idea."

She gently stood up and began half-leading/half-dragging him back into the bedroom. When they got there, she faced him and wiped his tears with her thumb, and kissed him gently and quickly. He tasted way too much like liquor.
As Thomas woke up his head throbbed, he slipped out of bed and to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, seeing the hangover in his face, he quickly jumped to the toilet as he gagged.
Maeve was awoken as Thomas's hangover began to set in. She rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, leaning against the open door, watching him with a pitying expression as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm going to take wild guess and say that you aren't feeling too well from that drinking spree you took last night."
Thomas looked up and gave a small smile.

"I'm sorry about that… I don't know what to say, hell I can barely remember what happened. But I'm gonna tell you right now its not gonna happen again." Thomas said as he stood up from the toilet and went to the sink to brush his teeth. After he was done he walked over to Maeve and gave her a kiss. "Good morning sunshine!" Thomas said as be playfully pinched her side.

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