1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

Maeve looked at him a tad confused, then grabbed his hand. She pulled him to the couch, sitting him down. She then sat down next to him.

"Okay," she said a bit slowly and curiously, "what do we need to talk about?"
Thomas sighed and looked Maeve in the eye.

"Before I met you, I was with a squad in louisville on a mission, we had to find some politician or whatever… the mission failed and we were being chased by infected… we were in a parking garage with them at our backs and… i shot my squad mate in the leg so I could get away… the rest of my squad tried to stop and help him but they were overwhelmed by infected… I listened to them beg me for help… they screamed and cryed to me… but I turned and ran… two weeks later before I met you in that house… I was going to… kill myself, before I heard you upstairs. That's why I couldn't just abandon you, I… I…" Thomas explained as tears began to roll down his eyes. "I just had to get that off my chest you know? I couldn't hold it back any longer…" he said, tears streaming down his face as he held Maeve's hand and brushed his thumb back and forth across it.
Maeve didn't necessarily know how to handle this. On one hand, he had ABANDONED his companion soldiers...what would stop him from abandoning her in her time of need? On the other hand, he obviously wasn't happy with himself for it, and thought about them frequently, or he wouldn't be crying about it. He showed her compassion back in Portland when she needed it. Why shouldn't she do the same?

With the one hand that Thomas wasn't holding, she cupped the side of his face and gently wiped away some of the tears with her thumb. "Thank you for telling me," she said softly, "and thank you for not killing yourself. I'm not sure what I would've done without you...and with Matt, we can make sure nothing like that will happen to anyone else again." She finished and smiled at him gently.
He smiled at Maeve, thankful that she was so understanding.

"I was just scared… I didn't know what to do… I thought the world was really over. But being here with you and Matt and the things that we've been through have changed me. I'll have to live with what I did for the rest of my life, but hopefully… you'll be there too." Thomas said as he ran his hand through Maeve's hair.
Maeve nodded at his explanation. She understood regret.

"Despite Matt's impression, you're not Superman, Thomas. You're a human being. You make mistakes, and that's okay. I don't hate you. And when you feel like the world is over, and you're drowning in regret, I'll be there to pull you out. I'll always be here for you Thomas. And that's a promise." She wiped away the last of his tears with her thumb.
Thomas smiled lightly.

"Well I guess since that's out of the way… I'll let you take first dibs on the shower." Thomas said. He couldn't help but chuckle when a thought crossed his mind… a dirty thought.
Maeve nodded, removing her hand. "Thanks," she said, kissing his forehead gently and walked over to the bathroom.

She showered a luxurious shower, even though it took her minute to work the nozzle correctly. It had been a long time since she had taken a proper shower, and her hair took quite a while to tame, but she managed, and by the time she finished, her hair felt heavenly soft and smelt of pineapples. It took just as long to scrub the dirt off of her body as well. By the time she was finished, she wrung her hair out, revealing the natural waves in her hair as it dried.

Maeve then wrapped a towel around her thin frame and crossed to the bedroom she assumed to be hers. As she dressed, she found that the clothes fit loosely (it took ages for her to find a bra that fit her awkward chest), but she finally settled for a pair of black yoga pants and a dark purple v-neck t-shirt as pajamas.

She hung the towel back in the bathroom and walked back out into the living room, feeling amazingly refreshed.
Thomas took notice of Maeve as she walked back into the living room, gosh she looked good Thomas thought as he stood up.

"I guess it's my turn." Thomas smiled as he made his way to the bathroom, it was spacious and slightly steamed from Maeve's shower. He took his vest off, unlaced his smudged and smeared boots, and stripped off his bloody and tattered uniform. He looked at himself in the mirror, how was he still alive he thought. He stepped into the shower and turned water on, steaming hot, and scrubbed the grime off of him. He looked down and saw a mixture of dirt and blood pooling up in the drain. After he was clean he let the water run on his head and back, turning his skin red. He stopped the water and stepped back in front of the mirror again, he opened it up to find some shaving cream and razor blades. After shaving off the whiskers he had acquired outside he wrapped his towel around his waist and picked up his vest and uniform in one hand and his boots in the other. He went to the bedroom and looked through the closet. He found a pair of blue jeans and slipped them on over some white boxers, and grabbed a black t shirt but didn't put it on. Before walking back into the living room Thomas grabbed the cigarettes from his uniform, the t shirt, and boots, placing the shirt on the couch and took the boots with him in the kitchen. He came back to the couch with a rag, shoecleaner, and an ashtray he found stocked in the cabinets. He sat down and lit a cigarette before commencing to clean his shoes and anybody that's ever been in the military treated this like a holy ritual, but Thomas put a little more focus into then usual, the world had gone to sh*t and he was cleaning his boots. He tapped the ashes from his cigarette and looked to Maeve.

"So obviously we're attracted to each other," Thomas almost chuckled at being so blunt, "what do you say me, you, and Matt go to that restaurant tonight… or if you want we can just stay here. Choice is yours but I'd like to see the rest of this place!" Thomas said as he continued to clean his boots and smoke his cigarette, small beads of water still dotted Thomas' muscled back.
Maeve flopped onto the love seat and pondered Thomas's offer to go to the resturant. He was right, she WAS attracted to him, she had kissed him for God's sake. And taking a look around and getting some decent food did sound nice. Very nice.

"Hey, Matt!" She called back into his room. Matt came barreling out with a blanket tied around his neck, the ends of the blanket dragging along the floor behind him. "I'm playing superhero! What's wrong?" Maeve laughed.

"Nothing's wrong. We're thinking about going to get dinner at a nice restaurant in a little bit. Want to come with?"

Matt nodded eagerly and began to "fly" back to the bedroom. "I'm going to find you something nice to wear in a minute! And pick up any messes you make, please!"

Maeve turned back to Thomas and smiled lightly. "I'm for it if you are."
"Awesome, we'll leave after you get Matt ready!" Thomas said, excited about his "date". He continued scrubbing his boots until they were almost spotless, he looked at the rag and it was covered in grime and dried up blood. He went to the trash can and threw the rag away, he decided to check the fridge to see if it too was already stocked. The fridge contained some pops, lunch meats and cheeses, milk, the basic stuff. He looked in the freezer and saw a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey, looks like Thomas had two dates tonight, and a bag of crushed ice. He shut the doors and returned to the couch, putting his shirt and boots on, he picked up the remote on the coffee table and turned on the flat screen… this place had its own tv network, with its own news and many popular channels. He flipped it on the news, nothing else seemed right to watch.
Maeve nodded and walked into one of the rooms. HER room, to be more exact. She saw this as a date, and this was the first date she had ever been on, and she wanted to look nice. Not purple t-shirt and yoga pants nice. Dress-up nice.

She had caught sight of a red sleeveless dress (http://www.landybridal.co/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/s/t/strapless-short-bridesmaid-dress-bblbnb2016g6-a.jpg) a while ago, and quickly pulled it on. It hugged her figure, even though there wasnt's much figure in the first place. She found a pair of black shoes that looked nice enough and at least walkable. She wasn't exactly sure; Maeve had never attempted to dress up before. She then looked in the mirror and pulled her wavy hair back and wrapping it in a bun, pulling a small curl out in the front so that it dangled at at her ear. A nice touch? She had no idea.

Maeve opened the door carefully and crept next door to Matt's room. His room was a complete disaster, but Maeve didn't actually care. She would make him clean it up later. Matt kept looking at her as she fished for a for a clean pair of pants and a nice button-up shirt to wear. After finding one, she dressed him quickly, and gave him a nice pair of shoes to put on. Matt was being feisty, making superhero noises as she dressed him, but she didn't mind. All she could think of was : Do I look okay? Do I look okay? Do I look okay?

After they were both ready, Matt grabbed her hand. "C'mon, I'm hungry!" He exclaimed, pulling her into the living room. When she saw Thomas, she straightened her back nervously.
Thomas looked at Maeve and then back to the tv, only to almost break his neck turning back around. He stood up quickly and stood at attention like his drill instructor had just entered the barracks.

"You look… amazing!" Thomas said nervously, she completely took him by surprise with the wardrobe change but it definitely wasn't a problem for Thomas. "You guys ready to go?" Thomas asked.
Maeve smiled, relieved that he liked the way she looked. She nodded eagerly, while Matt hopped up and down.

"You bet! I'm starving!" Maeve hadn't thought about it before, but she was pretty hungry too. Matt was already opening and skipping out the door.
Matt collided with someone as he skipped out the door and into the hallway. Thomas rushed out and helped the man up,

"I'm so sorry sir, he's just…" Thomas began to explain before being cut off by the man.

"It's alright, you three must be the new residents, hi I'm Doug Chambers, Housing Authority!" Doug introduced himself shaking Thomas' hand.

"Nice to meet you Doug, I'm Thomas, this is Meave and I believe you and Matt have met already." Thomas replied causing Doug to laugh and rustle Matt's hair.

"Yes sir I have, how do you do ma'am, where were you three headed?" Doug asked with friendly smile.

"We were going to check out the Entertainment District and get some dinner." Thomas said.

"I was headed that way so why don't I give you all a bit of a tour!" Doug offered, he seemed to be very helpful. "Alright now follow me!" Doug asked enthusiastically. This place was like a freaking hotel with all the friendliness, but it was refreshing having been shot at and chased for the past couple weeks. Thomas put his arm around Maeve.

"You don't mind, do ya?" Thomas asked with a silly grin.
As Thomas put his arm around her, Maeve smiled and moved closer to him.

"Of course I don't mind," she said, happy as she felt his warmth. Another warmth she took notice to was the warmth of the people here. They all seemed so cookie-cutter friendly. Matt marched next to Douglas proudly, taking notice of his surroundings in awe.
Doug paraded them through the Housing District, explaining where things were and what to do, before they went back through the lab down a hallway that led to the Entertainment District. The gigantic room was breathtaking as the artificial light simulated the sunset, there were kids playing and teenagers hanging out, people walked through the room as if the world had not ended. Doug showed them everything as Matt was loosing his mind wanting to play with the other kids. They came to the restaurant and Doug stopped and turned to them.

"Well this is where I leave you all, I hope I helped with your transition into Omega, welcome and relax… nothing's gonna chase you in here." Doug said giving them an understanding look. Thomas could tell Doug was probably rescued and brought here and gave him a nod and wave. Thomas held the door open for Maeve and Matt.

"After you, ladies!" Thomas said jokingly.
Maeve giggled as Matt looked up to Thomas. "I am not a 'lady', thank you very much. I am the best sidekick in the whole universe!" With that, he marched into the restaurant proudly, only causing Maeve to laugh even harder as she followed him inside.
Thomas followed them in and the restaraunt was immaculate. Families and couples dined with smiled and laughter, they were greeted by a young hostess.

"Hi welcome to Omega Cafe, no need to worry about payment, every thing is provided for free, party of three?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am!" Thomas answered politely. She escorted them to a booth and sat some menus down making sure to give Matt a kids menu and crayons.

"Now can I get you guys something to drink?" The hostess asked. Thomas looked to Maeve waiting on her.
Maeve scratched the back of her head and thought for a minute. "Um, I think I'll have water, thank you, ma'am." She looked to Matt, who was already doodling. "Matt, sweetie, what would you like to drink?"

Matt looked up at the woman. "I want apple juice."
The hostess laughed politely at Matt.

"Alrighty and for you sir?" She asked.

"You carry any beer?" Thomas replied.

"Budweiser, Bud Light, whatever you want but there's a two glass limit." She explained.

"Budweiser and do you have frosted glasses?" Thomas asked excited for his first beer in months.

"Yes sir, alright I've got a water, apple juice, and Budweiser! I'll be back with your drinks!" The hostess took the order and turned away. Thomas looked at Maeve since Matt was concentrating quite hilariously on coloring.

"This is freaking great!" Thomas slightly whispered.
Maeve smiled excitedly. "I know," she said with a bright smile. She paused for a minute, chewing her lip.

"Um," she said softly to Thomad, "Be honest. Do I really look okay? Because I didn't know if this was a date or not so I wanted to look nice but I've never really DRESSED UP before and I'm terrified of looking stupid because I don't know what looks good and what doesn't and..." She paused, realizing that she was talking rather fast and nervously. Maeve looked down at her lap, slightly embarrassed.
Thomas laughed.

"You could have came in the clothes you had and you still would have looked great, quit stressing so much, your gorgeous!" Thomas grabbed Maeve's hand and kissed it as the hostess brought their drinks.

"Okay, your waitress will be with you in a moment, y'all have a wonderful evening!" The hostess said.

"You too!" Thomas replied, he took a slow drink of the beer and sighed. "D*mn that's good!" Thomas said relieved.
Maeve blushed as he kissed her hand and complimented her. A lot of people had been complimenting her lately, and she enjoyed it. As the hostess brought Maeve her water, she took a sip and then looked at Thomas with a smile.

"Thank you for saying that."
(Okay I'm gonna fast forward through this dinner!)

"Sure thing!" Thomas smiled, looking at her and wondering how the hell this was all happening.

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