1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

They walked in until they came to a fork in the path, they went left since it had trees blocking anyone looking that way, the river had slightly flooded the middle but it was only a couple of inches. They walked through the water Making sure Matt didn't splash around, from here they could see waterfront park. As they came to where the paths connected again Thomas became nervous, they were literally downtown and the sounds of infected were apparent. He motioned for Matt and Maeve to stay low as they moved, he could see a couple blocks into downtown infected running wildly. He cocked the shotgun as quietly as he could… just in case. They were almost there, minutes separated them and waterfront park. They stopped behind an overturned car underneath the expressway.

"Ok Matt, we have to be really, really quiet ok? We don't want any bad men to hear us." Thomas instructed Matt.
Matt nodded, happy with a challenge. Maeve remained quiet as well with each step, although she didn't have to be instructioned to do so. She just wanted to get out of here.
They stepped lightly and low to ground as the grass became concrete. Thomas couldn't believe it when he seen the Belle of Louisville paddle boat still in the water, the last thing they would pass is Joe's Crab Shack and cross a walkway to the extraction point. They came to Joe's Crab Shack's parking lot and moved from car to car, quickly and quietly, they crept around the north side and Thomas had them stop.

"I'm gonna radio the helicopter to come pick us up ok." Thomas said with enthusiasm.
Maeve nodded with the same enthusiasm. Matt simply seemed happy that he was given the chance to ride in a helicopter, so, while jumping up and down, he nodded as well.
"Overlord, Echo 1-4 here, send that HELO in for extract, over." Thomas asked.

"Roger that Echo 1-4, we have a HELO on station, ETA 6 minutes, over." Overlord replied.

"Affirmative sir, I'll mark the pick up zone with green smoke, over."

"Okay Echo 1-4, your HELO is inbound, green smoke will signal the landing zone, over and out." Overlord ended the transmission. Thomas leaned against the wall and looked over to Maeve and Matt to his left and smiled, then noticed it, an infected just watching them. Without thinking Thomas stood up and blasted the infected away, pumping another shell into the shotgun. A horrible blood curdling symphony of screams and shouting echoed from the buildings and streets of downtown… 6 minutes was gonna be long and hard! Thomas looked at Matt and Maeve "We gotta go to the field now!" Thomas ordered.
They ran across the walkway fast, Thomas looked behind them and to downtown and could see hundreds of infected searching for them. The helicopter was far off but Thomas could make it out in the distance, he fumbled around in his backpack while running and found the smoke grenade, he popped it and tossed it sending green smoke into the air. He stopped just short of the green smoke and dropped the shotgun. He opened his pack and placed the pistols and ammunition on the ground, he whipped his M4 off his back and into his hands, dozens of infected were making their way towards them. Thomas aimed and fired bursts at the crowd, bodies dropped but more replaced them. The helicopter was nearly a minute away, Thomas popped rounds off as dozens turned to hundreds.

"WE'RE GONNA BE OKAY!!!" Thomas shouted as he reloaded and opened fire again.
Matt was whimpering and clinging to Maeve, his fingers digging into her hip bones in terror. With one hand still wrapped around Matt, Maeve pulled out her pistol and fired a few shots, hitting at least three of the infected. Like that's gonna help.

"I'm sure you already know this," Maeve shouted over the noise, close to terrified, "but there are A LOT of them, and the helicopter is still rather far away!"

The infected were getting so close. Now she was terrified.
Thomas knew she was right and he was running out of ammo, they were closing in fast, Thomas fired rounds off desperately as he realized what he had to do… the helicopter was landing but there were too many to safely board, without thinking Thomas ran straight into the horde firing the last of his M4 ammo he dropped the rifle and pulled out his pistol and tomahawk, he knew what was about to happen. The helicopter landed and a soldier hopped out with his rifle ready.

"YOU TWO IN THE HELICOPTER NOW!" The soldier ordered as he fired at the horde.
Maeve, reflexes acting quickly once more, picked Matt up and scooped him into the helicopter. Oddly enough, the boy was more excited about being on an aircraft than he was scared of the impending death. Maeve then became conflicted as to whether she should attempt to save Thomas or stay with Matt. On one hand, she was afraid of leaving Matt alone, but on the other hand, she enjoyed Thomas's company too much and had been saved by him too many times to let him die now. Besides, the other soldiers seemed trustworthy enough.

"I'll be back in a minute, Matt," she shouted. MAYBE I'll be back. Withiut waiting for anyone else's consent, she pulled out her pistol and began sprinting after Thomas. When she caught a full sight of him, she shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WE HAVE TO GO, YOU IDIOT!" Then fired a couple of shots at some of the infected.
Thomas was in the thick of it, in a full rage, firing his pistol and hacking away with his tomahawk! He heard Maeve and realized what he was doing, an infected jumped on his back but Thomas quickly flipped him over his frontside. He charged back towards the helicopter and Maeve, ripping free as he was grabbed multiple times! He broke free from the horde and reunited with Maeve, grabbing her hand he rushed her into the helicopter and jumped in behind her as the helicopter lifted off. They were safe… until Thomas noticed an infected hanging on to the bottom of the helicopter, he aimed his pistol at his head and noticed… it was an old friend, Mike Brenner, but he didn't hesitate to fire on him. Mike's body was like a ragdoll as it plummeted to waterfront park. Slowly but surely the helicopter was making for the horizon, Thomas tossed his weapons out the side of the helicopter before he looked to Maeve.

"We'll I guess you can't say I won't die for you…" Thomas said with a chuckle.
Maeve was relieved that the two of them had gotten onto the plane. Matt seemed incredibly pleased as well, although he was already wandering around the helicopter.

Not being able to hold her relief that he was alive, she jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly, not taking much notice of the blood that covered the both of them.

"And don't think FOR EVEN A SECOND that I wouldn't die for you either," she said with a smile.
Thomas leaned in and kissed Maeve causing Matt to sit down and stick his head between his legs and covering his ears "Gross!" He said. The faint sound of the infected horde could be heard far behind them but it didn't matter… because this was it… this was the end…
Maeve leaned in further and kissed Thomas back, her stomach fluttering and the corners of her mouth pulling into a small smile as Matt protested the intimacy. She had never felt so free and so happy, as if nothing in the world could go wrong. No more running for her life. Just curing and helping and Matt and Thomas. And she liked it that way.
The helicopter flew for hours as it neared the Appalachian mountains. Thomas felt like he was in a movie as the helicopter landed in a hanger in the side of a mountain. The blades stopped as they were greeted by uniformed soldiers and people in plain clothes. An older man in a suit came up to Thomas and shook his hand,

"Pleasure to meet you Pfc. Ward, you did a good job ranger! My name is Richard Billings and I run this facility, with the help of our dearly beloved government!" Richard grinned as he shook Thomas' hand almost violently. Richard then looked to Maeve and Matt who was wrapped around Maeve's leg.

"And y'all must be our special guests! Welcome to the safest place in the United States. If you three would follow me please, we have much to discuss!" Richard said enthusiastically as he turned and went for a set of double doors. Thomas looked at Maeve with an akward smile.
Maeve smiled back, blushing, and feeling in an exceptionally good mood. The older man seemed a bit edgy, but Maeve barely took notice of it. The safest place in the US? Seemed innocent enough, and her mind wasn't even on potential danger. For some reason, she couldn't stop thinking about her kiss with Thomas. After a pause, she slowly peeled Matt off of her leg and took his hand. Matt was extremely hyper and practically sprinted through the double doors in excitement, pulling Maeve along with him like a little girl taking her large pitbull for a walk.
Richard led them through the double doors guarded by armed soldiers into a large lobby with a projector and a screen on the wall, chairs were set up in front of the screen. Richard motioned politely for them to sit as he took a seat on the end of an aisle. As they sat down the lights dimmed and a map came up on the screen followed by a calm but enthusiastic female voice.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.72a6ed8ad37e314bcdaea3221d111b5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.72a6ed8ad37e314bcdaea3221d111b5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Welcome to Site Omega, on behalf of our government we welcome you to the most secure and self contained complex in all of North America. All laws of the United States are to be followed in this facility and failure to do so will result in detainment by security or military personnel. We here at Site Omega are working to keep you comfortable and safe in our state of the art facility. In a few moments, I will go though the schematic on the screen, please remain quiet as important information is being shared. A.The Welcoming Lobby- Our current location and where new residents and personnel are shown the basics of Site Omega. B.The Agricultural Department- Vegetables, Fruits, and even some livestock are raised in this artificial environment that simulates a farm, it even has a large pond where people can fish and swim. C.The Security and Miltary department- where military and security personnel live, and monitor Site Omega, it also houses the armory. D.The Medical Facility- Fully staffed and capable of holding 100 hundred people at a time. D1.The Decontamination Area- If any sign of the Virus shows up this is where the afflicted person is brought. D2.The Laboratory- Where scientists work to synthesize a cure for the Virus. E.The Entertainment District- where residents can come to relax and socialize, the room has a park(with a football field, basketball court, tennis court, etc.), a restaurant, and a movie theater. The room has artificial lighting that simulates the day and night cycle. E1.The Education Department- where young residents can continue their school from kindergarten through high school, each grade having two teachers. F.The Housing District- Where residents live in identical but customizable three bedroom apartments, it houses over four hundred and fifty people. F1.The Housing Authority- where residents can lodge complaints or requests. F2.The Laundry Department- has a drop off service and do it yourself machines. F3.Security Substation- Serves as first response security for the Education Department and Housing District. So once again, we welcome you to Site Omega and hope you have a wonderful time with us!" The female voice explained before the lights came back on and Richard stood in front of Thomas, Maeve, and Matt.

"So you three have found yourself a slice of heaven, in the middle of hell on earth! Now before we continue, we need to register you three into the database and have the medical staff run some tests and evaluations. We'll get you situated in your own apartment and tomorrow we can get the young man here into the lab… since he's our very most special guest!" Richard said as he ruffled Matt's hair, causing Matt to giggle a little.



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Maeve, not really sure what to say smiled and looked up at Thomas for reassurance. Everything seemed far too good to be true. Everything was so clean and organized and safe...the older man was right. This was quite the slice of heaven. She felt obliged to memorizing the building plans on the projecter for good measure all the same. Maeve had a feeling that there might come a day when she would need to know this stuff.
Thomas looked around the room until he met eyes with Maeve, giving her a confident smile. Richard pulled out a radio and asked for someone to come to the lobby, a woman appeared from the security office and sat down at a computer where Richard lead Thomas, Maeve, and Matt. Richard smiled, he had a businessman way of carrying himself.

"Okay, Ms. Hopkins here will put your information into the database." Richard explained. The computer in front of Ms. Hopkins came to life as she typed a couple things on the keyboard and clicked on something. She looked at the three and smiled.

"So I have to do this one at a time, I'll start with you soldier." Ms. Hopkins said as the keyboard clicked a couple more times, she looked back to Thomas. "I need your full name, DOB, and your military info, like your rank, regiment, and where you were stationed." Ms. Hopkins explained, Richard brought some chairs over for them to sit down. They sat in the chairs and Thomas looked to Ms. Hopkins.

"Thomas Allen Ward, October 12, 1993, Private First Class U.S. Army, 75th Ranger Regiment stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia." Thomas replied. Ms. Hopkins typed in the information then looked back to Thomas.

"Thank you Thomas, and now you pretty young lady, I need your full name, DOB, and your last occupation." Ms. Hopkins smiled at Maeve.
Maeve was a bit overwhelmed by all that was going on. All the same, she answered the woman's questions, flattered that she would call her pretty.

"Maeve Annabeth Oswald, December 25th, 1995, former molecular physicist at the Department of Molecular and Biological Physiology in Charlottesville, Virginia."

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair as she thought back to her job in Virginia. Maeve remembered making a lot of good friends there. Most of them were probably dead now.
Richard's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas as he heard what Maeve said.

"Excuse me Ms. Oswald, but after we're done with settling you guys in, I think I may have a job for you in the lab! But you don't have to accept, just think about it!" Richard said excitedly. Ms. Hopkins looked to Matt with a friendly smile.

"And now for you handsome! Do you know your name and when you were born?" Ms. Hopkins asked. Matt looked at Maeve and then to Ms. Hopkins.

"Uh… Matt… Matthew Robert Kingsley Jr.… my birthday is July 8th, 2009…" Matt said nervously but excited. Ms. Hopkins typed in the information.

"Thank you so much! Now I'm going to take a picture of each of you for the database and for your I.D. Cards which you need to keep on you at all times!" Ms. Hopkins instructed as a camera on top of the computer spun around and snapped a picture of each of them. "Okay we're all done here follow Mr. Billings into the Medical Facility and the doctors in there will perform some physicals and exams, I hope to see you all around Omega!" Ms. Hopkins said as she stood up, shaking each one their hands and returned to the security office. Richard led them into the medical facility, the walls were white and was set up like a hospital, there was a sign over top the main desk that pointed to different sections of the medical facility. Richard led them to the front desk and looked to Thomas and Maeve.

"All right, I have to go take care of some things, so the attendant here will set you up with a doctor and after you two are taken care of you can take Matt here to the Pediatric Division." Richard said before he walked away back toward the welcoming center. The attendant looked to Thomas and Maeve.

"Dr. Darshpala is waiting for you in room 9-A." The attendant said pointing down the hall. Thomas nodded with a smile and began walking towards room 9-A. 
Thomas looked at Maeve as they walked down the hall, their footsteps clicking across the marble floor.

"I ain't gonna lie, I hope they got some liquor in this place, I could really use a drink." Thomas said with a nervous chuckle. They came to room 9-A and knocked on the door, the door opened and they were greeted by a Hindu man.

"I am Dr. Anamun Darshpala, please come in and make yourselves comfortable." Dr. Darshpala greeted them in a thick Hindu accent.
Maeve was extremely curious as to what this Richard guy had in store for her. She hadn't really taken into account that these people who were looking for the Cure were probably phycisists just like she was. The more she thought about having a job of her own again, the more excited and giddy she became.

She didn't take much notice to Thomas's comment. He had something about liquor, and Maeve didn't consider herself much of a drinker. All the same, she smiled towards him as she assumed he was trying to make a joke, then smiled at Doctor Darshpala upon entering his room.
"Now I will be running a series of tests to ensure that you are healthy and Virus free, I will also perform a physical for future medical reasons, from here on out I will be your attending Doctor during your stay here. If you are ever sick or injured, you will be seeing me unless I am unavailable. So without further delay let us begin." Dr. Darshpala said as he began to examine Thomas and run some tests. He did all the things you normally do when you go in to get a check up, he took their weight, height, checked their hearts, etc. but also did some tests to check for any signs of the virus. Thomas thought it was strange that no one took notice at the blood covering his clothes but it was the end of the world so he didn't think on it too much. After finishing up Dr. Darshpala stood up next to the door.

"You two did excellent, your in good health although a bit malnourished, and I found no signs of the virus in your body. Now you can take Matt to Pediatrics, there is a doctor already waiting for you. We know his situation and have to monitor him closely. I look forward to seeing you under better circumstances!" Dr. Darshpala said as he opened the door. Thomas stood up and thanked the doctor shaking his hand. They went to pediatrics where a young and pretty white female doctor was waiting. They approached her and greeted her.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Mindy Wilkinson and I'll be Matt's doctor… are one of you his parent?" Dr. Wilkinson asked, Thomas shook his head quickly as Dr. Wilkinson realized what happened with Matt's parents, she kneeled down in front of Matt and smiled.

"Hi Matt, will you be my friend?" She asked, Matt smiled back and nodded yes. "Well Matt, I'm gonna do some tests like your friends here just got okay, we can go back to my office and hang out!" Dr. Wilkinson cheerfully said to Matt who was excited to have a new friend. As they walked to her office Dr. Wilkinson looked to Matt.

"So in my office I've got some special super hero toys for special kids like you, do you have a favorite super hero?" Dr. Wilkinson asked. Holding Maeve's hand he looked at Thomas and then Dr. Wilkinson.

"Thomas is a super hero and I'm his sidekick, he can save anybody from scary monsters!" Matt said smiling as he looked between the two. Thomas hid a slight smile before they went into Dr. Wilkinson's office. They walked in and it looked like a normal child's hospital room, with hand drawn pictures on the wall, toys in the corner, and an examining table. She did the same as Thomas and Maeve had done, taking care to examine Matt's bite wound and be to be as nice as possible to him. Richard walked in the room as Dr. Wilkinson was finishing up with Matt.

"Hello all, now if your all done here I've got an apartment ready for you three… if your staying together, which I figure you are! Follow me please." Richard said as he led them out of the office, Matt made sure to say goodbye to his new friend. Richard led them through the lab, "this is where you may be working, Ms. Oswald!" Richard explained as they made their way through the lab and into the Housing District. "Now I've already made the arrangements, you'll be in apartment 143, you three can relax, get a bite to eat, and some rest!" Richard said as they approached apartment 143. He opened the door and ushered them in, the first room was the living room equipped with a flat screen tv, recliner, couch, and a love seat. To the right there was an open kitchen. A hallway next to the kitchen led to the bedrooms and bathroom. Everything was luxurious and comfortable. Before shutting the door Richard rememebered something. "Oh yes, you'll find some fresh clothes in the bedrooms, the closets are stocked with a couple of outfits. You'll get the chance to get a more personalized wardrobe later on. Goodbye and we'll talk more tomorrow!" Richard explained before shutting the door. Thomas was in awe, he was just in the middle of an infected horde and now he was standing in this clean and luxurious apartment. He looked at Maeve, glad that she was here and glad she accepted his kiss in the helicopter.

"Well… home sweet home!" Thomas said akwardly.
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Matt had gone into a frenzy of "look at this!" and "woah, this is awesome!" as he surveyed the apartment to his liking. He then stumbled upon his closet, and from his room, shouted, "I'm going to try all this cool stuff on, okay?"

"Okay, Matt!" she shouted back. Maeve then flopped onto the couch and smiled at Thomas in response to his comment, hardly keeping hersel from jumping on the furniture like a little kid. She couldn't believe any of this was happening. Everything was so wonderful, it seemed like a dream.

"Did you see that lab, Thomas?" She said giddily, "It's incredible! Three times the size of my lab in Virginia! I'll have my own job back, Thomas! And the apartment is fantastic! I never thought I would ever catch even a GLIMPSE of something this extravagant after the Virus broke out! And Matt...Matt is so happy...and I'm so happy. I'm happy Thomas! I never thought I'd be happy again!" She leaped off of the couch again and gave him another hug. "I'm so thankful I met you."
Thomas wrapped his arms around Maeve's hips and lifted her off the ground.

"Honestly, your the one who saved me…" Thomas said as he put her back on her feet. " I think we need to talk…" Thomas said almost depressed.

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