1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

Thomas walked out of the door and greeted Richard with a handshake. As they went through the lab Thomas began wondering what he might be doing.

"Mr. Billings sir, what exactly will I be doing?" Thomas asked enthusiastically.

"We'll right now son, some of your army buddies wanna talk to you… I think they said they wanted your after action report?" Richard explained. Thomas straightened up a bit… what was he going to tell them!? He couldn't tell them truth or he'd be shot for treason, a light sweat came over Thomas' forehead but he wiped it off quickly.

"Is everything alright?" Richard asked concerned.

"Yeah, just a little tough thinking about outside is all." Thomas said as he faked a smile, Richard nodded his and smiled. 
Thomas entered the security office with Richard and was stopped by some Army officials. Richard smiled,

"Well I'm gonna leave you to it, these men will assign you some duties after they're done, I'm gonna go get your roommates and get their days started!" Richard said leaving the office quickly, he went back to the apartment and opened the door." Hello? It's Richard Billings, y'all ready to get the day started?" Richard called out.
After Thomas left, Maeve decided to rinse herself off in the shower. It didn't take long because she was no longer dirty, but the water still felt nice. After showering, she dressed herself in dark khaki pants and a navy blue button up shirt. Her wet hair was drying into a natural wave once more, and Maeve saw no reason to "wake the beast", as her mother used to call it.

After she was dressed, she entered Matt's room, surprised that he had actually cleaned. He was now attempting to dress himself for school, but wasn't exactly succeeding. Laughing, Maeve fixed his backwards-worn t-shirt and inside out shorts, all while Matt exclaimed, "The sidekick has been defeated! The sidekick has been defeated!"

Maeve and Matt then spent a couple of minutes watching cartoons in the living room, an activity that Matt enjoyed very much. All of sudden, he grabbed the remote to the TV and muted it. He looked up at Maeve and said, "Are you and Thomas getting married?"

Maeve thought she was going to explode in surprise.

"Why would you ask that?" She asked in a surprised and cautious tone.

"We'll, you guys kissed. That means you're getting married, right?"

Maeve couldn't help but laugh, although the thought of marriage made her wonder for a minute.

"No, Matt. We're not getting married," she said with a grin.

WILL we ever get married?

She was quiet for a minute then shook her head, turning the volume of the TV back on.

Too soon for that. I'm perfectly happy with how things are right now. 
As Richard opened the door, Maeve smiled. "Of course," she exclaimed, turning off the TV and taking Matt's hand.

Matt looked up at Richard and studied him, then nodded as if Richard had just been approved. He then marched out the door with his head held high, all while Maeve grinned in amusement.
Richard led them to the Laboratory where they came to a man in a white coat.

"Maeve this is Lawrence Djeing, he's the head of the lab department!" Richard introduced, Lawrence was a South African man who led the search for a cure before it spread from Cuba. Lawrence shook her hand.

"How do you do, now before we get started we need a sample from Matt here." He told Maeve knowing she was the guardian of him.
Maeve nodded, eager to begin working. Matt tugged on her shirt.

"Maeve, what's a sample?"

Maeve leaned down and looked at Matt with a happy expression.

"Well, Matt," she said brightly, "you're a special sidekick. And because you're a special sidekick, we need some of your blood so we can figure out why you're soooo super special. Okay?"

Matt looked at her and grinned. "Is that all? That's super easy! Okay!"
Lawrence handed Maeve a needle,

"He will be more comfortable if you do the procedure, please." Lawrence said as he nudged the needle towards her.
Maeve nodded, and turned to Matt with a warm smile.

"So, Matt," she said casually, "tell me about your superpowers. What all can you do, exactly?"

Matt grinned, "I can do a bunch of things!" He exclaimed as she injected the needle, "I can run super fast and I can see into the future! And I'm a really good helper, too!" He paused, "When are you going to take some of my blood?"

Maeve grinned as she collected the blood from Matt's arm and gave the sample to Lawrence. "I already did. Hardly hurt, right? I think that's because you have SUPER STRENGTH!" She tickled his armpit and he giggled playfully.
Richard put his hand on Matt's shoulder.

"Now we need to get going and let Maeve get to work!" Richard said. Matt looked to Maeve with an unsure look.
Maeve smiled and kissed Matt's cheek.

"I'll see you later today. Don't worry!" She said brightly, "You're just going to go play with the other kids! Make sure not to show off too much, okay?" Matt chuckled and nodded.
Richard led Matt off who was actually pretty excited now. Lawrence tapped Maeve's shoulder.

"I was told you are familiar with Labs, I have to oversee other projects, I'm sure you'll find everything you need!" Lawrence said as he went to check on other scientists.
Maeve nodded as Lawrence departed. Excited enough to feel like her head was going to explode, Maeve grabbed a lab coat and began observing and checking over every molecular and ionic compound that she could find. They really did have EVERYTHING. Soon Maeve was experimenting just like she had in Virginia. Oddly enough, it felt like she had never left.
Thomas was escorted into a room with a table, two chairs, and a one sided window. A uniformed man came into the room and sat down prompting Thomas to sit down as well. The man began to look at some files before looking to Thomas.

"Pfc. Thomas Ward, US Army, 75th Ranger Regiment, Echo Squad… where's your squad Pfc.?" The man questioned.

"What is this? Who are you?" Thomas questioned back.

"I'm Lt. Villanueva, and this is your after action report… now answer my question Pfc.!" Lt. Villanueva ordered.

"They're dead sir, our mission went FUBAR, what else is their to know?" Thomas said annoyed.

"How did they die Ward? I need details man, you know the procedure so why are you avoiding answering soldier!?" Lt. Villanueva questioned

"We were outnumbered by infected, our VIP was infected! What the hell do you think happened!?" Thomas almost shouted.

"And you just happened to get away out of six highly trained US Army Rangers?" Lt. Villanueva asked sarcastically.

"YES!!!! You wanna charge me with something, Sir!?" Thomas said furious.

"Settle down soldier!" Lt. Villanueva ordered, "How did you come upon the child and female?" Lt. Villanueva questioned.

"I met her in a house in Louisville and decided to let her tag along, we were chased by infected to Portland Elementary School where… DID YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID!!! THERE WERE PILES OF CHILDREN'S BODIES… CHILDREN!!!" Thomas began to freak out.

"YOU WANNA GO TO THE LOCKUP PRIVATE FIRST CLASS? Calm down, I don't know anything about that and if I did, I'd have the same sentiments as you… now continue with your report soldier." Villanueva ordered. Thomas sighed and rubbed his head, he pulled his cigarettes out and held them up to get acknowledgment for use, Villanueva waved him off and pulled a lighter out to light Thomas' cigarette.
Maeve had been experimenting with Matt's blood for hours.

She had analyzed and replicated its contents several times for several hours, and she was fascinated by it. Not puzzled, however. Only fascinated. She had written and re-written each chemical formula and equation ever so carefully, and now a vial sat before her. I vial, she believed, might hold the cure.

It hadn't taken as long as she thought it would. The other scientists that were experimenting looked frustrated, but Maeve saw this more as a challenge than an actual problem. Maevd leaned against the lab table, staring at the vial with uncertainty. She could, of course, be wrong. Could the Cure have really been that simple? Was there something she was missing? Either way, she was nervous as to whether this would even take effect.
"… and that's everything." Thomas finished explaining what happened. Lt. Villanueva looked at him closely, then he signed a couple papers and looked back up to Thomas.

"Your dismissed Pfc. Ward." Lt. Villanueva excused him, Thomas saluted him and Villanueva saluted him back. Thomas left the interrogation room and was greeted by a soldier. He told him to follow as he led him to the armory, they entered and the soldier handed a black tactical vest, radio, a pistol in a holster, and a MP5 sub machine gun.

"Your gonna do patrol, just make your rounds through the districts, and respond to any radio calls." The soldier said as he locked up a gun cabinet.

"What's your name?" Thomas asked.

"Private Archie Greer, USMC, locker locker!" Archie joked causing Thomas to laugh.

"I'm Thomas Ward, US Army Rangers, glad to meet you!" Thomas said as he finished putting his equipment on. He figured to begin his patrol through the lab and see what Maeve was up to. As he entered he saw her on the far side leaning against a table. He came up from behind her and looked around before he pinched her butt.

"What's cooking good looking?" Thomas whispered playfully in Maeve's ear.
As Thomas pinched her butt, Maeve jumped in surprise, squeaking like a mouse. She turned around to notice Thomas, and breathed a sigh of relief. "God, Thomas," she said with a small smile, "you scared me."

Distracted by the possible Cure sitting on the lab table, she turned away from him, looking back down to her notes and pulling a pencil from behind her ear as she scribbled a part of the formula she had written down out and replacing it with something else. "What have you been up to?" she asked absently, scribbling down a couple of other numbers. She then pulled out a vial labelled "C4H4S" and dropped a few drops into the vial she was currently using. Maeve then watched the compound's reaction, biting her lip.
"Uhh nothing really just getting an assignment… your looking at the newest rent-a-cop in Omega!" Thomas said jokingly, he thought about telling her about being interrogated but he didn't wanna worry her. He then noticed how focused she was on her work. "Is that… Matt's blood?" Thomas asked curiously looking at the vial.
Maeve leaned against the table again and sighed. "Yeah. Matt's blood contains sulforaphane glucosinate, a common broccoli antioxidant that wards off practically dumps of bacteria found in thousands of viruses. Since the range of these viruses is so big, I can't narrow the source and instigator of the virus. However, sulforaphane glucosinate alone can't be reversed engineered to create a cure, so I've been experimenting with several different barbiturates that could react in the precise way in which a antibiotic could form." She crossed her arms and stayed silent for a moment.

"Perhaps I should ease away from barbiturates and try out a few of the nonbarbiturate intravenous anesthetics." Maeve then began searching through cabinets, some of them too high for her to reach. "Sh*t," she muttered.

Suddenly, Maeve remembered that Thomas was still there. She looked over her shoulder. "Oh, and that rent-a-cop stuff sounds cool," she said with a brief, distracted smile, then turned back to the cabinets.
(Way to go sounding all fancy lol)

"Well you seem busy so I'm going to get back to my patrol, I'll come by when I'm done and we'll go get Matt together okay." Thomas offered.
Maeve absently nodded. "Mhm, yeah, sure. Have fun." She looked over her shoulder at Thomas and smiled, then turned back around to search through a few more of the cabinets.

(I guess, this is really the only Chemistry review I'm getting for school so xD )
Thomas was about to leave when his radio came on.

"We've got a fight in the Entertainment District! All units respond!" The radio blared, Thomas quickly ran towards the Entertainment District. He entered behind another patrolmen as six older teenagers were fist fighting, Thomas ran up with the other patrolmen pointing MP5's at the group.

"DOWN ON YOUR STOMACH RIGHT NOW!!" Thomas ordered the teens, they quickly dropped to the ground and Thomas and the other man began zip tying the teens wrist's. More security showed up and they helped escort the teens to security, passing through the laboratory and Maeve.
As the security and fighting teenagers passed through, Maeve felt the impulsive need to make sure Thomas was alright. When she saw him, she breathed a sigh of relief and began scribbling down a few more formulas, attempting to ignore the commotion and work as if nothing was going on. Stupid kids. Grow up already. 
As the security and fighting teenagers passed through, Maeve felt the impulsive need to make sure Thomas was alright. When she saw him, she breathed a sigh of relief and began scribbling down a few more formulas, attempting to ignore the commotion and work as if nothing was going on. Stupid kids. Grow up already. 
As the security and fighting teenagers passed through, Maeve felt the impulsive need to make sure Thomas was alright. When she saw him, she breathed a sigh of relief and began scribbling down a few more formulas, attempting to ignore the commotion and work as if nothing was going on. Stupid kids. Grow up already. 
(Didn't mean to post that so many times xD )
Thomas helped escort the teens into the security office, apparently they were a nuisance and were always in trouble for fighting. The rich teens thought of themselves as thugs and with no actual criminals living in Omega they were unafraid to be violent with other teens. Thomas returned to his patrol and the rest of the day went quietly, occasionally helping someone or running an errand, but other than the scuffle nothing had really happened his first day working security. He remembered to go by the lab and see if Maeve was ready to leave, she seemed so into her work he figured she might stay late.
Maeve was quite out-of-sorts.

She had tried and tried to recalculate the chemical equation and experiment with different compounds, but nothing was fitting. Her fingers were stained with chemicals, her cheeks were flushed in frustration, and her hair was a mess, considering she had been swatting at it all day because it kept getting in front of her eyes as she worked.

When she saw Thomas, she felt a mix of pent-up relief and exhaustion. She grinned, then looked around, realizing that almost all of the other scientists had left.

"Wow," she said as she took off her lab coat, "Is it really that late?"

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