1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

(Oh, okay. Sorry, got confused xD )

Maeve nodded, quickly and carefully putting away everything she had used.

As they walked out of the lab, she nudged him and smiled. "Did anything exciting happen today, Mr. Rent-a-cop?"
Thomas shrugged.

"Aside from that fight, it was pretty boring." Thomas replied, they went from the lab and through the Entertainment District to get to the Education Department where Matt was. Matt opened a door that had a sign over it saying Daycare, awaiting Maeve to enter.
Maeve entered the Education Department entrance, and was practically attacked by Matt before she took a couple of steps in. He wrapped his arms around her leg, squeezing tightly.

"Maeve!" He exclaimed, "this place is sooo cooool! I got to play with so much cool stuff and tell a bunch of people about how I get to be Thomas's sidekick! I showed them how fast I can run and everything!"

Maeve laughed and hugged him tightly, lifting him off of the floor. "You ready to go, kiddo?" Matt nodded vigorously.
They went back to the apartment and got settled in, Thomas popped a beer open and sat down on the couch, wore out from the constant walking all day.
Matt, of course, was instantly attracted to his bedroom, where he tied a blanket around his neck to simulate a cape and began to play "sidekick" behind his closed door.

Maeve, noticing Thomas's odd silence and weariness, sat on the couch quietly next to him and turned on the television.
Thomas rolled his head around to pop his neck and looked to Maeve,

"So… how's the cure coming?" Thomas asked, resting his empty hand on Maeve's leg, honestly interested in the cure's development.
Maeve sighed. "It's coming along," she muttered, "I've used every barbiturate known to man to combine with the antioxidant inside of Matt's blood, but the chemical reaction just isn't there, which surprises. So either I'm completely missing a part of the reactant's equation or I need to experiment with the non-barbiturates, which are complicated and take forever to complete, and is rather unlikely that it will even combine with the antioxidant correctly."

She realized that he probably had no idea what she was talking about. She ran a hand through her hair. "Sorry, you probably didn't understand any of that. In other words, I'm stumped. Kind of."
Thomas laughed a little, it was a little confusing,

"Don't stress out about, you'll have a breakthrough eventually, all we have is time…" Thomas said before kissing Maeve in the forehead, he scooted over a little to light a cigarette since obviously Maeve didn't really like it.
Maeve smiled and blushed as he kissed her forehead. She kicked off her shoes pulled her legs up to her knees and flipped through the channels as Thomas smoked.
Maeve nodded, continuing to flip through the channels. She hadn't been asked to pick a movie in such a long time, she didn't know what movies were in.

After a while, she found the movie It's A Wonderful Life that was being shown on what was, apparently, the "oldies channel". She gasped and grinned in excitement. It was in black and white, like it had always been. It was made in the 1940s after all.

"Oh my God, Thomas! They still show this movie! I used to watch this movie all the time with my parents during Christmastime! Even when it wasn't Chritmastime, I would watch it OVER AND OVER again!" She scooted closer to Thomas in giddiness.
Thomas had heard of the movie but never really seen it, he put his arm around Maeve,

"Fine with me!" Thomas said pulling her a little closer to him.
Maeve smiled and rested her head against Thomas's chest as he pulled her closer. She felt the tension from the day begin to melt away, thinking only of Thomas and the movie.
Half way through the movie Thomas had nodded off into sleep.

Thomas walked home from Portland Elemantary as school let out for the day, it was finally summer and he was ready to go home and dream about being a sixth grader. As he came to his house he noticed more than just his dads motorcycle there as his father stood alone confronted by seven men from the Grim Reapers lead by Royce Whitman, Joe's dad, and things didn't look good.

"YOUR A F*CKING RAT WAR!!!" Royce yelled at Thomas's dad(War was his nickname… Ward without the d) as he shoved him. Thomas jumped at the violence.

"YOU REALLY HAD TO BREAK THE RULE AND COME TO MY HOUSE WITH THIS!!!" War yelled, shoving Royce back, one of the other men pulled a knife and stabbed War causing Thomas to panic and he rushed the bikers, a younger member slapped him to the ground as Thomas tried to swing at the man with the knife. Royce hit the younger member in the face angrily since they didn't approve of hitting kids like that. Thomas layed in the grass crying as he watched his dad leaning against the house bleeding.

"Lets go, someone called the pigs!" Royce ordered as he heard sirens wailing in the distance. "STITCHES AND DITCHES WAR, STITCHES AND DITCHES!!!!" Royce yelled as they rode off on their motorcycles. Thomas's mother was pulling up in her car as the bikers left and stopped in the street, opening the door and screaming,

Thomas jumped as he woke up, back on the couch in Omega.
Thomas had jerked awake just as the movie had ended. His jumping had caused Maeve to jump as well. She turned off the television and shifted her position on the couch so she could be closer to him.

"Hey," she said softly, looking at him with deep concern, "you had another nightmare, didn't you?"
Thomas sighed lighting a cigarette and holding it away from Maeve, he rubbed his head.

"Yeah but this one is old, I've had it since middle school, this one I can handle… no late night drinking okay." Thomas reassured Maeve.
Maeve smiled and nodded. "No late night drinking. Good." Her smiled faded, aware that a nightmare was no picnic. She gently kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry you had a nightmare," she said softly, silently wishing Thomas would put the cigarette out so she could kiss him on the lips.
Thomas started thinking about that day, he didn't like to but found himself doing it frequently, it was the whole reason he joined the Army… he didn't want to end up like that, and then he thought about both of his parents… were they alive, dead… infected. He pushed the the thought out of his head and put his cigarette out halfway.

"You wanna go lay down?" Thomas asked tiredly.
Maeve looked up at him with soft, concerned eyes. She had been hoping that their night might lead to what happened the night before, but she decided not to push it. He was obviously tired, and she was beginning to feel a little tired as well. She nodded in response to his question.
Thomas stood up and stretched and then walked to the refrigerator to get a water bottle, the fridge was refilled? Do they come in while your gone? He took a drink and then looked to Maeve as he motioned toward the bedroom,

"Ladies first…" Thomas said playfully.
Maeve grinned and walked into the bedroom, jumping onto the bed. She lay there, putting her hands behind her head and looking up to the ceiling, drifting back into the thought of chemical equations and physics.

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