1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

Thomas layed down and rolled over toward Maeve putting an arm around her belly, he thought about going straight to sleep but… he began to lightly kiss Maeve's neck.
Maeve felt a chill go down her spine as Thomas kissed her neck. She wanted to kiss him as well, so she placed her lips lightly on his skin and began kiss a single side of his face, from his cheek to his eyelids to his forehead, not being able to hide the smile on her face.
Maeve grinned as he moved his lips towards hers, gently grabbing the sides of his face with her hands and pulling him into a deep kiss, all of the tension from the day draining out of her body as she did so.
Thomas began pulling the covers over them as everything began to fade to black.

In the middle of the night a loud wailing siren began to blare, Thomas jumped up from bed… was this a dream? What was going on?
Maeve, again, jumped as Thomas jumped. The siren was loud and obnoxious, and frankly a little bit frightening.

"What the hell is that? A siren? Do you know what it means?" Maeve asked over the sirens, looking to Thomas in concern and worry.
Thomas shrugged his shoulders as he stood up and slipped his black jeans and boots on, right before he heard the door bust open, he stopped suddenly and motioned for Maeve to stay still… before he heard a blood curdling scream come from the living room…
Maeve was keen with staying still and letting Thomas handle it, until she heard the scream. As fast as she thought she had ever gone before, she rolled out of bed, dressed herself in a loosely fitting gray t-shirt and figure hugging black pants, grabbed her pistol, and bolted into the living room towards the source of the noise.
Thomas had arrived before Maeve, coming face to face with… an infected!? He tackled it into the floor and proceeded to choke it to death, the monster squirmed and wriggled, trying to break away from his grasp but Thomas was so enraged he wouldn't let it break free… Matt began to cry and scream alone in his room.
Maeve stood in a state of shock at the sight of the infected in the living room, Matt's scream being the only thing that brought her out of that shock. She put away her pistol halfway (just in case) and ran into Matt's bedroom, where Matt was huddled in the corner as another infected came towards him.

Maeve reacted quickly, tackling the thing to the ground and sending a bullet through its skull, throat, and chest. It then began to flop around like a fish out of water, which made Matt cry and scream even harder. She ran to him, scooping him up and allowing him to bury his head in her shoulder, while keep one arm away from him to keep the pistol trained on the infected thing, afraid that it might stand up again.

"Thomas!" she shouted, "I know you might not know the answer to this, but why the hell are there infected IN OUR APARTMENT?"
Thomas was just as confused as Maeve as gunfire began to erupt in the distant.

"I don't know, but there's more outside from the sound of it, we need to get to the Armory NOW!" Thomas said.
Maeve shouted an "Okay!" then grabbed a t-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes out of Matt's closet. She then took him into their bedroom, where she plopped him onto the bed, getting him dressed as fast as she possibly could. He was still crying, but much more quietly? with only a few tears rolling down his cheeks. Once he was ready, Maeve strapped her favorite knives to her belt, pulled on her old combat boots and jacket, and picked Matt up again. Thankfully, Matt had stopped crying and had reduced to making soft whimpering noises and clutching Maeve tighter.

She carried him into the living room, where she set him on the floor and was now holding his hand. She looked to Thomas, fear and sadness relevant in her eyes.
Thomas knew he could not let anything happen to them, the world was over… their will be no cure. He looked into the hallway slowly down the left end of the hall where some ran to another corridor chased by infected, he looked right and it appeared all clear. Before they left Thomas looked back at Maeve,

"We're going through the lab, through the agricultural department, the welcoming center, and then the armory. Stay close and low, try to be quiet, okay?" Thomas said, as he slowly crept into the hallway.
Maeve nodded, squeezing Matt's hand. Maeve had never felt so disappointed and struck-down in her entire life. Just when she thought she was going to find a cure and live a happy, calm life, it was all about to be taken away. It hurt.

All the same, she couldn't sort through her emotions at a time like this. Maeve crept after Thomas, pulling Matt behind her. Matt kept looking around for his friends from school, fear and confusion clear on his face.
As they neared the exit from the housing district, Thomas noticed an infected crouched next to a body, blood spilling onto the floor. Thomas looked to Maeve and spoke quietly.

"Give me one of your knives." Thomas asked, they couldn't risk making noise as they moved toward the armory.
Matt almost whimpered into hysterics upon seeing the blood and the body, but Maeve covered his mouth and buried his face into her stomach with one hand while giving Thomas one of her knives with the other. "Be careful," she whispered.
Thomas crept slowly toward the infected, it was… eating the corpse? Infected never did that before? Thomas flipped the knife downward and held it up as he came closer and closer, he was low to the ground right behind the infected as he wrapped his arm around it's chest and sunk the blade into the infected's neck, instantly killing it. He let the body down slowly as he motioned for Maeve and Matt to follow him again.
Maeve gripped Matt tighter as Thomas killed the infected. Realizing that it was time to follow Thomas again, she pried him off of her and gripped his hand, pulling him along quietly while he restrained himself from making any more frightened noises.
They made their way into the lab slowly as chaos slowly began to spread, but it was silent in the lab… they made heir way quietly as they passed Maeve's workspace and on the floor was Richard's black and gold pen Thomas noticed earlier next to broken glass that once held Matt's blood…
Maeve had been clinging to the vain hope that her sample had been preserved.

That hope was shattered. Literally.

She let go of Matt's hand momentarily, staring down at the broken glass in fury.

"D*mmit," she hissed, "d*mmit. D*mmit. D*mmit. I worked so hard on that."
Thomas felt bad for Maeve, it was the one thing probably keeping her sane in this insane world. Thomas put his hand on her shoulder,

"Baby we gotta go!" Thomas said, he then heard a door open violently from the housing district, it really was time to go.
Maeve, suddenly quiet, took Matt's hand and silently made her way towards the exit, shaking off Thomas's hand from her shoulder. She figured it was better to be quiet, because if she talked...Maeve was afraid she would lose it.
Thomas led them into the Agricultural Department and at first he was amazed, it looked like a real farm! A wheat field was in between them and the exit to the welcoming center… and someone or something was in the massive room with them. He looked at Maeve and put two fingers to his eyes, then one to his mouth,

"Something's in here…" Thomas whispered.
Maeve looked around the Agricultural Department in awe, squeezing Matt's hand. Her awe was compromised as he told her something was in the room with them. Matt whimpered softly, clinging to Maeve's leg. Maeve pulled out her gun with one hand, looking around the room cautiously.
They slowly walked through the field and the tension was nerve racking as a scream from both human and infected people rang out every now and then, suddenly a man grabbed Thomas out of seemingly nowhere,

"We're all gonna die! We're f*cking lab rats man, lab rats!!" The man shouted as he ran away, a few moments later he screamed out as he was apparently caught by an infected. They were nearly out of the field but Thomas was nervous…

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