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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

After a few minutes of hard work and a wide variety of spells -she wasn't going to do everything like a muggle, that would be a foolish way to waste precious time- Victoria was finished preparing the challenges for the new recruits. Something told her trying them out would be a good idea but she didn't wasn't too eager to fly around with multiple threats. Maybe she was being selfish but no one had to know she had no idea if the tests were safe or not. To be fair, everyone knew it was impossible to go through the challenges without some cuts and bruises. At least they knew they were being tested, the first challenges had been the most entertaining ones. While trying to hide the huge, shaking chest that just wouldn't stay quiet, Alexander came out of the house and began talking to her. Victoria grinned, knowing the place just looked like a small Quidditch field, oh they were in for a treat. "I decided to make the challenges more entertaining, wouldn't want to celebrate Christmas covered in bruises right?"
thefan1 said:
After a few minutes of hard work and a wide variety of spells -she wasn't going to do everything like a muggle, that would be a foolish way to waste precious time- Victoria was finished preparing the challenges for the new recruits. Something told her trying them out would be a good idea but she didn't wasn't too eager to fly around with multiple threats. Maybe she was being selfish but no one had to know she had no idea if the tests were safe or not. To be fair, everyone knew it was impossible to go through the challenges without some cuts and bruises. At least they knew they were being tested, the first challenges had been the most entertaining ones. While trying to hide the huge, shaking chest that just wouldn't stay quiet, Alexander came out of the house and began talking to her. Victoria grinned, knowing the place just looked like a small Quidditch field, oh they were in for a treat. "I decided to make the challenges more entertaining, wouldn't want to celebrate Christmas covered in bruises right?"
He looked at the field and looking towards the massive chest she wasnt hiding very well. "I see... Though I guess if you plan to have us play Quidditich it would be good for team work. Though it would be you getting beaten not me, im a beater whenever i play." He said playfully threatening her with a bit of a grin. "To bad I didn't bring my broom." He mused to himself looking at the field before turning his gaze back to Victoria. "Why do I feel im gonna hate you in a few minutes?" He grouched good naturally. He felt whatever tests she had planned they weren't going to be fun for him, if any of them really. But now he seemed hesitant, he had two topics he wanted to talk to her about and none of them pretty. "Andrew seemed a little hesitant when you were talking to him earlier about the order." He said casually, taking the easier route first, he was pretty sure everyone knew Andrew was a git.
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Victoria chuckled at Alexander's response, it was going to be wonderful to see his reaction to all of the challenges. He seemed like someone who could deal with the challenging tasks and there was nothing she loved more than seeing the new recruits succeed. "Well, I've always been a wonderful chaser," she lied, getting a wonderful idea from his words. Joining the game would surely be risky, especially for someone with her flying skills, but it was still better to test them without their knowledge. Oh, they would probably find out in a second and her cover would be blown away but those precious moments that included them being tested unwillingly would surely be worth something. Besides, Quidditch couldn't be so horrible, right? And James and Arnaldus promised to protect her if anything went wrong. "You probably are. The penalty for losing the match will be to clean the dishes and I know you won't be able to win against us." Victoria replied with false pride, fully aware that any team with her in it would be doomed. "I just thought a friendly game would be perfect to take away the tension for tonight's challenges. That way you'll do a better job and all the drama we've been fasing will be gone. What do you think?" She asked, taking out the brooms she'd gotten from the Potters on the ground. When Andrew was mentioned, Victoria sighed and lowered her head. "Andrew.... well, he was raised to be a perfect pureblood monster just like my siblings and I. It's hard to bring down those beliefs. Trust me, I had to spend months convincing myself to ask Arnaldus to help me form the Order. I was the perfect pureblood monster until my third year! Trust me, changing and turning his back on his family and the Ministry isn't going to be easy. You'll just have to give him a chance to prove himself, he can be a bloody git sometimes but he's a wonderful person. Trust me."

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indiedarling said:
James was just about to make a snide comment in response to Iggy's taunting remark in which she called him 'sleeping beauty' when Serenity entered the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Harry and addressed him. "Because I enjoy liberation and hate the feeling of being confined by cotton cloth." he replied to her with joking sarcasm filling his voice. He walked up behind her and ruffled her hair a little before walk back over near his mother and Iggy, leaning up against the counter as he watched everyone in the room. His family had been close friends with the Scamanders for as long as James could remember. In fact, he had been there when Serenity was born. Not that he really remembered much of it, but still, he'd been there. And he'd watched her grow up every step of the way. She was practically family and he tended to treat her like it. Much like the way he treated Lily. Iggy, who had rarely seen familial affection while she was growing up, always loved to watch the Potters interact with people they considered to be part of their family. In her eyes, there was nothing like it. The strong bound they had among them and the way they were always there for each other, no matter what the circumstances or the cost, because that's what family does.
She had watched the interaction between James and Serenity with a wide smile and then nudged James lightly when he came to stand beside her. As they both watched Ginny prepare all the breakfast food for the whole lot of them, Iggy whispered to James, "
Care to give me any pointers on this initiation test? I mean, honestly, I will probably pass it either way, but I'd like to know what I'm going into instead of just diving in blind." Instantly, James' thoughts were flooded with memories of his own initiation along with Apus, Joey, and Camilla's. It had been months ago now but the memory surely hadn't faded. How James had accidentally stumbled across a meeting of the order in the Room of Requirement along with Apus on the first day of school when they were trying to skip class. How he'd instantly assumed the worst of the people of the room because of who their families were. How Victoria, as impossibly genius as she was, thought on her feet and decided to test the unknowing 'new recruits' right there on the spot by pretending that she was in fact as bad as James, Apus, and Camilla thought she was. And how'd it had escalated to the point of James, Apus, and Camilla being engulfed in a ring of fire. At that stage in time, the order was still in it's developmental stage and not a single one of them would've guessed how far it would come. With a ghost of a grin still on his face, James whispered back, "Well, at least you know you're being tested, I sort of stumbled into my initiation without even realizing that's what it was."

Before Iggy could ask James to elaborate on his statement, Paige walked into the kitchen. Both James and Iggy looked up from each other to smile warmly at her only to see her face turn a brilliant shade of scarlet and for her to spin on her heel and bolt into the living room. James wasn't clueless when it came to girls having crushes on him usually. But he'd never even considered Paige an option seeing as she was his best mate's little sister. However, Iggy didn't miss a beat. She saw exactly how the young girl got flustered when she'd noticed James' overly exposed chest and abdomen. Once the girl had left the room, Iggy chuckled and lightly hit James on the arm, "
Wear proper clothing before you send that girl into a fit over you. Her poor face was as red as a strawberry." James shook his head at her words and laugh off her comment, "No, no, that's just how Paige is. Innocent and all. She's Greyson's sister." As if any of those things really made a difference in whether or not someone could have a crush on someone. Iggy was going to ask James about last nights events and his fight with Victoria, when, for the third time, someone entered the kitchen. This time it was Arnaldus, as charming as ever.

James sent Arnie a wink in response to his playful words and piped up, "
There's more where this came from if you're liking what you see." Iggy rolled her eyes at the boys silliness. Ginny looked away from her meal preparations long enough to give Arnie a wide, affectionate smile and said, "At least someone here seem to appreciate my efforts. Thank you, Arnaldus." James mocked hurt and Iggy laughed at him as she left the room, passing Alexander and Paige in the living room as she made her way to the back door. She had headed out of the house, planning to make her way back to her apartment when she ran into Greyson and Cassandra outside. "Oh, hi."

@HoneyBear-Kat @Saru @BroscaHasScars
Arnaldus couldn't help but grin in reply to James comment and chuckled softly before perking up his face with a tad more straightness of expression on his face. "Oh? Well that's good to know, I might just make use of such knowledge.." He winked back in response with a corner grin and noticed Iggy and her rolling eyes at them. "I'm sure a lady or two will love to hear it." He joked before turning to Mrs. Ginny potter. He smiled in notice of her wide and affectionate smile Arnaldus never could help but look glad when he saw a woman of any age smile, whether they were the same age or older he always shared a smile in turn. "Ah but of course Mrs potter, a lovely woman shall never have their efforts overlooked and under appreciated with ol Arnaldus around. Besides food is the quickest way to convince a fellow to settle down." Arnaldus smiled with a nod as he replied then turned to Mr. Potter with a smile and nod. "In all respects of course, Mr. Potter and Mrs Potter." He added while dishing up a plate for himself to eat and walking over to the table sitting himself down.

Just as Arnaldus sat down to eat. Ezekiel walked into the room casually his features nearly matching his elder brothers as his stride was loose and care free but had a sense of purpose. He entered the kitchen turning his gaze toward Mrs potter with a charming smile and bowing of his head,
"Mrs. Potter I presume? A pleasure to make your acquaintance madam. I apologize for my untimely and for warning of my arrival, I hope it caused no troubles to great." Ezekiel spoke with a gentle smile and turning his gaze to Mr. Potter. "And to you Mr. Potter I have heard many great things about you and Mrs potter, the order and D.A of your time, it's quite the pleasure to meet you both." He added looking to them both for a moment and smiled as he noticed his brother at the table. "But for my name of course, no? I am Ezekiel..... Ezekiel Smith the younger more handsome brother of Arnaldus here." He introduced himself in good fun of poking his brother, adding a wink as he did.

"That's up for debate dear brother. Last I checked my good looks get far more compliments from the ladies." Arnaldus chimed in response with a wink all the while he grew curious of his brothers arrival. They did after all have a agreement for Ezekiel to stay with their dear parents for awhile longer before joining them at the potter house, not that Arnaldus was always successful with his brother and their agreements when it regarded certain topics. "Ah but I get more dates." Ezekiel countered right back with a chuckle and turning to James, "Good to see you again, James. Was that Iggy I just saw pass by?" He spoke in greeting

"Time brother it's all about time. Not all of us have it for just dates and fun, though we do fit it in as often as possible." Arnaldus responded and took a moment of thought before saying anything more on the matter concerning his brother. It wasn't exactly a good time to bring up sibling discussions and a elder brothers concern for his brother, not wishing to see him join the order so soon and what risks it would bring.

Paige Kingsley

"The Threstral tail hair is a powerful and tricky substance that can be mastered only by a witch or wizard capable of facing death. It should be noted that this substance can be used as a core in a wand's conception and it was used to create the most powerful wand known by wizards, the Elder Wand." Paige muttered to herself, silently reading from the book aloud. The book of beasts was very interesting, and her favorite to read about were Thestrals and Dragons, seeing as how both were flying creatures but very different from eachother. She walked slowly to the top of the stairs, careful not to miss a step and fall, she went down step by step, eyes glued to the page.

Paige kept reading,"The most well known ability of these beasts is their invisibility to those who haven’t seen death. In other words, they are only visible to people who have seen someone dying and fully accepted, understood and internalized the concept..." At the bottom of the stairs she walked to a chair by the window and took herself a seat. Her legs crossed with her forearms on her lap while her wrists and hands held the book up. When she finished the chapter on Winged Horses, she flipped the page, and a new chapter about reptilians begun with a basilisk. Paige took break, letting the fromt cover of the book fall to close, but left he thumb in the book to keep her place. With her free hand, she rested the elbow on the chair's arm, and gazed out side the window, watching the morning snow drift lazily to the floor. Then she noticed Greyson. The girl perked,"Whats he doing out there?" she mumbled between her fingers that were over her mouth.

(This is just a filler post ._.)
thefan1 said:
Victoria chuckled at Alexander's response, it was going to be wonderful to see his reaction to all of the challenges. He seemed like someone who could deal with the challenging tasks and there was nothing she loved more than seeing the new recruits succeed. "Well, I've always been a wonderful chaser," she lied, getting a wonderful idea from his words. Joining the game would surely be risky, especially for someone with her flying skills, but it was still better to test them without their knowledge. Oh, they would probably find out in a second and her cover would be blown away but those precious moments that included them being tested unwillingly would surely be worth something. Besides, Quidditch couldn't be so horrible, right? And James and Arnaldus promised to protect her if anything went wrong. "You probably are. The penalty for losing the match will be to clean the dishes and I know you won't be able to win against us." Victoria replied with false pride, fully aware that any team with her in it would be doomed. "I just thought a friendly game would be perfect to take away the tension for tonight's challenges. That way you'll do a better job and all the drama we've been facing will be gone. What do you think?" She asked, taking out the brooms she'd gotten from the Potters on the ground. When Andrew was mentioned, Victoria sighed and lowered her head. "Andrew.... well, he was raised to be a perfect pureblood monster just like my siblings and I. It's hard to bring down those beliefs. Trust me, I had to spend months convincing myself to ask Arnaldus to help me form the Order. I was the perfect pureblood monster until my third year! Trust me, changing and turning his back on his family and the Ministry isn't going to be easy. You'll just have to give him a chance to prove himself, he can be a bloody git sometimes but he's a wonderful person. Trust me."
((Alexanders gonna feel a little bad when he knocks her flying off her broom xD

Alexander seemed to think from several moments as if considering her words. If she had been a perfect little follower of pure blood mania he wondered what changed her opinion that that matter. "Very well... I trust your judgement." He said firmly though he would keep an eye on Andrew just in case, it never hurt to be careful. Then he turned to her and grinned wickedly looking at the brooms. "I hope you like dish duty, I heard doing hard physical work does much for your mental state." He said with a cocky arrogance as he taunted her, he was fairly confident in his skills as a beater. "Also I guess if I ask you what the other challenges are your probably not gonna tell me." He remarked with some amusement before growing serious again and a bit disquiet, he had a real question to ask he had been avoiding for far to long already, it wasn't going to go away just because he talked about other topics. "Hey Victoria. Your planning to go through with this marriage with Andrew, even with your feeling for James aren't you." He said not bothering the avoid the question, it would probably be better for both of them if he didn't pussy foot around the situation, besides Victoria seemed like a person who would probably appreciate not having to guess what he was asking.
Akio said:
((Alexanders gonna feel a little bad when he knocks her flying off her broom xD
Alexander seemed to think from several moments as if considering her words. If she had been a perfect little follower of pure blood mania he wondered what changed her opinion that that matter. "Very well... I trust your judgement." He said firmly though he would keep an eye on Andrew just in case, it never hurt to be careful. Then he turned to her and grinned wickedly looking at the brooms. "I hope you like dish duty, I heard doing hard physical work does much for your mental state." He said with a cocky arrogance as he taunted her, he was fairly confident in his skills as a beater. "Also I guess if I ask you what the other challenges are your probably not gonna tell me." He remarked with some amusement before growing serious again and a bit disquiet, he had a real question to ask he had been avoiding for far to long already, it wasn't going to go away just because he talked about other topics. "Hey Victoria. Your planning to go through with this marriage with Andrew, even with your feeling for James aren't you." He said not bothering the avoid the question, it would probably be better for both of them if he didn't pussy foot around the situation, besides Victoria seemed like a person who would probably appreciate not having to guess what he was asking.
Victoria laughed while Alexander continued talking, not trusting herself to answer. Something told her she would lose her cover too easily if she continued pretending to know anything about Quidditch. Maybe joining the game wasn't such a good idea after all. Not because of the punishment she'd made up to fool Alexander, but because of the fact that she would be falling to a certain death in less than a minute. Probably not the best way to die after everything they'd accomplished, quite embarrassing to be clear. "My challenges are always surprises, telling you would just spoil the fun." She replied with a mischievous smirk. "I hope you're not afraid of the dark and the monsters I brought for the challenges though. I would take a nap in the afternoon if I were you, something tells me you're going to wish you had a full night's sleep last night." She said joyfully, setting someone up for impossible challenges she wouldn't even dream of completing was surprisingly very entertaining.

The friendly demeanor disappeared when Alexander brought up the wedding and her feelings for James. She regretted telling anyone about their engagement, even if the other way was ten times worse. Now she was fighting with one of her best friends and had one of her new friends questioning her about it. The question wasn't exactly easy to answer either. She couldn't even accept that she had feelings for James! His question reminded her of the strange feeling she felt whenever James was around or when his name was mentioned. It made her feel like the marriage was... wrong, for some reason. "I don't have a choice." Victoria replied sadly, wrapping her arms around herself with a soft sigh. As much as she didn't want to talk about it, she knew Alexander probably wouldn't understand why she accepted to marry Andrew in the first place. "When the marriage was arranged my head was still filled with those pureblood elitist ideas, naturally I wanted to make my family proud by making the desired pureblood marriage. By the time my ideas changed... well, it was too late. Marrying Andrew would give us more power, which could help the Order. Not to mention my father would kill me if he ever found out about my feelings for James." She explained.
thefan1 said:
Victoria laughed while Alexander continued talking, not trusting herself to answer. Something told her she would lose her cover too easily if she continued pretending to know anything about Quidditch. Maybe joining the game wasn't such a good idea after all. Not because of the punishment she'd made up to fool Alexander, but because of the fact that she would be falling to a certain death in less than a minute. Probably not the best way to die after everything they'd accomplished, quite embarrassing to be clear. "My challenges are always surprises, telling you would just spoil the fun." She replied with a mischievous smirk. "I hope you're not afraid of the dark and the monsters I brought for the challenges though. I would take a nap in the afternoon if I were you, something tells me you're going to wish you had a full night's sleep last night." She said joyfully, setting someone up for impossible challenges she wouldn't even dream of completing was surprisingly very entertaining.
The friendly demeanor disappeared when Alexander brought up the wedding and her feelings for James. She regretted telling anyone about their engagement, even if the other way was ten times worse. Now she was fighting with one of her best friends and had one of her new friends questioning her about it. The question wasn't exactly easy to answer either. She couldn't even accept that she had feelings for James! His question reminded her of the strange feeling she felt whenever James was around or when his name was mentioned. It made her feel like the marriage was... wrong, for some reason. "I don't have a choice." Victoria replied sadly, wrapping her arms around herself with a soft sigh. As much as she didn't want to talk about it, she knew Alexander probably wouldn't understand why she accepted to marry Andrew in the first place. "When the marriage was arranged my head was still filled with those pureblood elitist ideas, naturally I wanted to make my family proud by making the desired pureblood marriage. By the time my ideas changed... well, it was too late. Marrying Andrew would give us more power, which could help the Order. Not to mention my father would kill me if he ever found out about my feelings for James." She explained.
He sighed, he could hear the sadness in her voice, and knew the absolute depression she must feel yet the question he wanted to ask could it really remain so. Maybe by attaching Piage to James it would not only be James he was freeing but Victoria herself as well. "But you don't love Andrew, will you be able to live with him for the rest of your life, to bare his heirs?" He pointed out quietly before sighing and fixing her with a look as he contemplated how exactly he was gonna put this. "Andrew may have your patronage and for now I respect that but if you plan to pursue your relationship with him you have to break things off completely with James. Andrew will use him as a weapon to get to him for no other reason then they dislike each other and as long as he does he simply just damages both of you. Did you know Piage, Greysons sister has feeling for James?" He said subconsciously shifting his eyes to look at the house just to make sure no one was listening. "I plan to get them together, Piage has been tormenting herself with these feelings and if you have every intention to follow through with your wedding keeping him close to you will only hurt you both unless James plans to Cockhold your future husband which is something I feel Andrew will never accept. It would be healthier for you if you distanced yourself from him and your feelings from him. I plan to help Piage get together with him, to heal his heart. It is the least he deserves don't you agree." He said unsure exactly what he was asking for, permission perhaps? That he was not betraying her by doing what he would do now.
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Victoria could feel years forming in the back of her eyes as Alexander spoke. What was happening to her? She had never been an emotional person and barely cried, so why was this affecting her so much? This was the reason love was seen as such a strong weakness, especially with powerful families. Love only made people weak and an easy target, and she knew leading the Order would be impossible with such an unfortunate weakness. Marrying Andrew was the right thing to do and Victoria wasn't going to let anything stop her. The thought of Paige and James together hurt her but she could see Alexander's point. She still wanted James to be happy and she knew he would be happy with Paige, even if she didn't know the girl. It was probably because her brother was so close to James or because of the way the girl had acted during that long night. "My happiness has nothing to do with our marriage." Victoria replied coldly, now looking at Alexander straight in the eyes. "What matters is what we'll gain from the marriage. Political power, stronger ties to my father and wealth. I won't have his children though, they would just get in the way and I can't take care of a child, not now." She explained, subconsciously rubbing her arm to release some stress. Her breath caught up in her throat when she was about to give Alexander her permission to help James and Paige. As much as it pained her, she knew she had to do the right thing. "Go ahead then. I'm sure James will love being with a nice girl like Greyson's sister. I might try to help them in the future, just keep in mind we can't have people weaken by love fight in a war."
thefan1 said:
Victoria could feel tears forming in the back of her eyes as Alexander spoke. What was happening to her? She had never been an emotional person and barely cried, so why was this affecting her so much? This was the reason love was seen as such a strong weakness, especially with powerful families. Love only made people weak and an easy target, and she knew leading the Order would be impossible with such an unfortunate weakness. Marrying Andrew was the right thing to do and Victoria wasn't going to let anything stop her. The thought of Paige and James together hurt her but she could see Alexander's point. She still wanted James to be happy and she knew he would be happy with Paige, even if she didn't know the girl. It was probably because her brother was so close to James or because of the way the girl had acted during that long night. "My happiness has nothing to do with our marriage." Victoria replied coldly, now looking at Alexander straight in the eyes. "What matters is what we'll gain from the marriage. Political power, stronger ties to my father and wealth. I won't have his children though, they would just get in the way and I can't take care of a child, not now." She explained, subconsciously rubbing her arm to release some stress. Her breath caught up in her throat when she was about to give Alexander her permission to help James and Paige. As much as it pained her, she knew she had to do the right thing. "Go ahead then. I'm sure James will love being with a nice girl like Greyson's sister. I might try to help them in the future, just keep in mind we can't have people weaken by love fight in a war."
He met her gaze unflinching, he was never one to back down. "Depends what thier willing to so for love, most people fight harder if something they love is fighting on the other side." He said looking at her. "Love may not be meant for a being like me but even I can understand that much. Besides wasnt it you who called your father a monster, sometimes I wonder why you honor what a monster set in place for you." He said crossing his arms. "Still while you plan to follow Andrew I hope you find happiness, even if he is a git. I think you could use a little happiness." He said shaking his head looking at her with some sympathy. "And... I'm sorry I had to bring it up this way. But i felt it had to be said." He said looking at her with sympathy. What she said could not be easy. @thefan1
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"People in love don't tent to fight well in groups. Their first priority will be to save the one they love from any harm. I've seen it happen before and I'm not going to let it happen again. In this Order, we care for each other regardless of our relationship and nothing can stop us from achieving our goal. " Victoria replied sternly, the corner of her upper lip going up, giving her a look of disgust. She wasn't disgusted of love, in fact, she thought it was a beautiful thing. Yes, weaknesses could be beautiful. She just didn't want to seem weak in front of the other members. Was it because her of her pride or the knowledge that she couldn't lead the Order without their respect? Maybe, but that wasn't the main reason. Hiding her emotions made her stronger, she couldn't let the other members think their leader was weak. Sure, they were far from weak but that could change at any moment and she wasn't going to take any chances.

The Slytherin girl couldn't help but chuckle when her father was mentioned. Her relationship and feelings towards her father were so complicated they were actually sort of amusing. While she hated her father and wanted to see him dead, she still respected him and admired him for his strength and intelligence. While he had never been kind to him, she knew he cared for her and was proud of her. Oh, if only he knew how she was using everything he'd thaught her. "My father is a smart man." Victoria began, a small grin forming on her face as she realized how odd that would sound. "Its hard not to admire my father, even if he's a monster. This arrangement he's set for me will help us gain more power, how could I say no to that?"
thefan1 said:
"People in love don't tent to fight well in groups. Their first priority will be to save the one they love from any harm. I've seen it happen before and I'm not going to let it happen again. In this Order, we care for each other regardless of our relationship and nothing can stop us from achieving our goal. " Victoria replied sternly, the corner of her upper lip going up, giving her a look of disgust. She wasn't disgusted of love, in fact, she thought it was a beautiful thing. Yes, weaknesses could be beautiful. She just didn't want to seem weak in front of the other members. Was it because her of her pride or the knowledge that she couldn't lead the Order without their respect? Maybe, but that wasn't the main reason. Hiding her emotions made her stronger, she couldn't let the other members think their leader was weak. Sure, they were far from weak but that could change at any moment and she wasn't going to take any chances.
The Slytherin girl couldn't help but chuckle when her father was mentioned. Her relationship and feelings towards her father were so complicated they were actually sort of amusing. While she hated her father and wanted to see him dead, she still respected him and admired him for his strength and intelligence. While he had never been kind to him, she knew he cared for her and was proud of her. Oh, if only he knew how she was using everything he'd thaught her. "My father is a smart man." Victoria began, a small grin forming on her face as she realized how odd that would sound. "Its hard not to admire my father, even if he's a monster. This arrangement he's set for me will help us gain more power, how could I say no to that?"
He looked at her with more then a little bit of exasperation. She was deluding herself so much it was almost pitiful to watch her, he found himself filled with a sense of sorrow and anger at the same time. "If you cared so much about power." He pointed out crossly, his voice cutting. "Then you would be joining up with the death eaters right now as your fathers successor. No matter how you look at it we are the underdogs, pups even. You would hold far more power in the new world government if you followed your Father and Andrew would likely be more comfortable. Hell if you were powerful enough to kill your father he might even accept death at your hand, for what dark lord wants anything more then to ensure his legacy will live on? Yet you come here, to lead a banned of untrained misfits against the greatest force in the wizarding world. Power as you say, will not come from here. Until you can justify coming here, until you can justify the look of pain on your face when you told James about the engagement, until you can justify your blood views I will say this." He said starring at her. "Until you can justify all that, saying only power is what you care for is nothing more then a joke." Alexander wasn't one to hold back on his words and he found her ideology ridiculous for someone who was smart and independent enough to delude herself in such a fashion.

"Your father might be an intelligent monster, but I don't think he made you into one." This part was softer, less confrontational as he seemed to look at her with a bit of sadness, he did not let pity enter his gaze, he was sure she would not appreciate it. "But I think you want to delude yourself into being one or to appear as one. Even a leader is allowed to be human every once in awhile. I rather not see you break." He said his dark eyes meeting hers.
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Victoria mentally praised herself for not slapping Alexander and pushing him inside of the still moving chest. Did he actually think power was all she wanted? The reason behind the Order and everything they had accomplished? That seemed silly for someone as intelligent as Alexander, he had practically just given her a way to betray him! Trick him into thinking all she cared about was power, give him a fake personality and stab him in the back with something he wouldn't expect from her. Unfortunately, she wasn't planning to betray Alexander any time soon, which was a pity due to her plan not being put into action. As much as she wanted to release the anger she'd been dealing with for hours, she knew it wouldn't be a good idea. He was going to be tested in a few minutes and she didn't want him angry, that would just make her seem stupid for not thinking things through. Without knowing what else to do, she began laughing as if everything he'd just said was nothing but a joke. "Power?" She asked, trying to control her fake laughter to be able to speak. "I have all the power I could wish for! Do you think I joined his inner circle for fun? No, power isn't the most important thing in this war." She explained, taking deep breaths to calm herself after her outburst.

After her laughter had faded, leaving a fake but believable smile on her face, Victoria was able to focus on the sad tone that accompanied Alexander's words. Was pretending to be a monster really a bad idea? Sure, they were fighting for equality and for a better world but the world was ruled with fear and they wouldn't be able to intimidate the Ministry without acting like monsters. Maybe acting like her father while in front of a Ministry official could work, they certainly feared him so why not fear her? As much as she hated to admit it, Alexander had given her a brilliant idea. "Alright, alright, I'll act like a human from now on." She spoke softly, her words not being believable due to her lack of caring. "About a monster, that would be so bad would it? We could give the Ministry a reason to fear all of us while still sticking to our beliefs. I'm sure they won't run away screaming if they ever see us but we're intimidated by them, why can't they be intimidated by us?" She spoke, almost to herself as she seemed to get lost in her own mind.
thefan1 said:
Victoria mentally praised herself for not slapping Alexander and pushing him inside of the still moving chest. Did he actually think power was all she wanted? The reason behind the Order and everything they had accomplished? That seemed silly for someone as intelligent as Alexander, he had practically just given her a way to betray him! Trick him into thinking all she cared about was power, give him a fake personality and stab him in the back with something he wouldn't expect from her. Unfortunately, she wasn't planning to betray Alexander any time soon, which was a pity due to her plan not being put into action. As much as she wanted to release the anger she'd been dealing with for hours, she knew it wouldn't be a good idea. He was going to be tested in a few minutes and she didn't want him angry, that would just make her seem stupid for not thinking things through. Without knowing what else to do, she began laughing as if everything he'd just said was nothing but a joke. "Power?" She asked, trying to control her fake laughter to be able to speak. "I have all the power I could wish for! Do you think I joined his inner circle for fun? No, power isn't the most important thing in this war." She explained, taking deep breaths to calm herself after her outburst.
After her laughter had faded, leaving a fake but believable smile on her face, Victoria was able to focus on the sad tone that accompanied Alexander's words. Was pretending to be a monster really a bad idea? Sure, they were fighting for equality and for a better world but the world was ruled with fear and they wouldn't be able to intimidate the Ministry without acting like monsters. Maybe acting like her father while in front of a Ministry official could work, they certainly feared him so why not fear her? As much as she hated to admit it, Alexander had given her a brilliant idea. "Alright, alright, I'll act like a human from now on." She spoke softly, her words not being believable due to her lack of caring. "About a monster, that would be so bad would it? We could give the Ministry a reason to fear all of us while still sticking to our beliefs. I'm sure they won't run away screaming if they ever see us but we're intimidated by them, why can't they be intimidated by us?" She spoke, almost to herself as she seemed to get lost in her own mind.
He shook his head at her last statement. She obviously did not care for acting human. Now he wondered what her goal was, what was she planning to achieve. "The Order of the Phoenix can not be allowed to represent a monster, for it represents hope for the people. Look at Harry Potters and Dumbledore Order, they fought for every living person who wish to be free of Voldemort. Because they represented hope they were able to hold at Hogwarts despite overwhelming odds and kill a dark lord who may or may not make your father look like a joke in raw power though I'm sure your father is more cunning." He said simply. He hated Voldemort, not for what he did but for his ignorant pride and stupidity. But even he could not deny Voldemort was perhaps the most powerful wizard of his day. "I will not deny having the Order keep a pet monster if you will it could be useful, but even so if we did create a monster it would not be you. You are the leader of the Order of the Phoenix and your actions represent us all. A single member acting as a monster can be discarded if he becomes inconvenient and still keep the validity of our cause. But what you do represents us all and two monsters clashing with each other will bring no one to our side." He said discussing discarding a member like it was easy, if they're was a monster to be made and Victoria could not it would likely be him, a large part of the order already distrusted him since he got here so he would likely be easily discarded and he had no qualms about what would have to be done. In truth he would have no qualms being discarded either if it became so necessary, after all would that not be the point?

"Victoria what is your final goal in this war." He said making a show of checking his nails. "I do not believe you have any plans to become a dark lord or I would kill you myself nor do I believe you wish to become minister of magic. What is your final plan, after we kill your father and smash another dark lord." He said turning his eyes back to her. "Of course that's considering if we win or survive, your father may be clever enough to kill us all after all, we are not the main characters of some romance novel immune to death." He said looking up at the sky.
Akio said:
He shook his head at her last statement. She obviously did not care for acting human. Now he wondered what her goal was, what was she planning to achieve. "The Order of the Phoenix can not be allowed to represent a monster, for it represents hope for the people. Look at Harry Potters and Dumbledore Order, they fought for every living person who wish to be free of Voldemort. Because they represented hope they were able to hold at Hogwarts despite overwhelming odds and kill a dark lord who may or may not make your father look like a joke in raw power though I'm sure your father is more cunning." He said simply. He hated Voldemort, not for what he did but for his ignorant pride and stupidity. But even he could not deny Voldemort was perhaps the most powerful wizard of his day. "I will not deny having the Order keep a pet monster if you will it could be useful, but even so if we did create a monster it would not be you. You are the leader of the Order of the Phoenix and your actions represent us all. A single member acting as a monster can be discarded if he becomes inconvenient and still keep the validity of our cause. But what you do represents us all and two monsters clashing with each other will bring no one to our side." He said discussing discarding a member like it was easy, if they're was a monster to be made and Victoria could not it would likely be him, a large part of the order already distrusted him since he got here so he would likely be easily discarded and he had no qualms about what would have to be done. In truth he would have no qualms being discarded either if it became so necessary, after all would that not be the point?
"Victoria what is your final goal in this war." He said making a show of checking his nails. "I do not believe you have any plans to become a dark lord or I would kill you myself nor do I believe you wish to become minister of magic. What is your final plan, after we kill your father and smash another dark lord." He said turning his eyes back to her. "Of course that's considering if we win or survive, your father may be clever enough to kill us all after all, we are not the main characters of some romance novel immune to death." He said looking up at the sky.
Victoria quickly shook her head after his first statement, clearly disagreeing with what he'd just proposed. She didn't bother to form a response to the comment about her father. While Voldemort had been more powerful than her father and had controlled his father during the first two wars, comparing them didn't seem necessary. Robert Knight was the new threat and he was the one they had to focus on. Mentioning Voldemort seemed pointless for the time being. Maybe studying the way he used to rule over his Death Eaters could help them understand her father's mind. Well, that didn't matter now, she had to focus on making Alexander understand what she was planning to do with the monster idea. "No,no,no,no" Victoria muttered, looking down for a second before meeting his gaze again. "You don't understand, no one can be discarded from the Order. Whoever has to pose as the monster could be driven away from the rest of the group and could end up in serious trouble. I know I can't be the monster but I won't let someone be driven away for being one. Besides, one person won't be enough to scare the Ministry. The entire Order has to be the Ministry's nightmare. They have to be scared of us, to the point they try to escape my father, who will not hesitate to kill traitors." Victoria explained with a slight smile. Becoming the Minister's nightmare was a brilliant plan, at least in her eyes.

Surprised by the question about her goal, Victoria opened and closed her mouth a few times, vaguely representing a fish. Frankly, she'd never thought about what she was going to do if the Order won. While she was sure they had a big chance of winning, she didn't have high hopes for her survival. After all, being one of the founders and leader of the Order immediately made her an easy target. She knew her father was trying to find out who was behind the Order and wanted to kill whoever was responsible for the chaos they had caused. It was only a matter of time for her father to find out his own daughter was behind the Order, and Robert Knight wouldn't dream of keeping her alive after finding out about her betrayal. Dying terrified her and she knew her death wouldn't be painless, still, that didn't stop her from wanting to fight. "Isn't it obvious?" Victoria asked, slowly raising her left eyebrow. "I want to stop this nonsense with blood types and turn our world back to the way it used to be. I want to stop everyone from living in constant fear and the hundreds of murders that take place every day because of this pointless war. I don't know what I'll do after the war, maybe I'll become a professor and write a few books."
thefan1 said:
Victoria quickly shook her head after his first statement, clearly disagreeing with what he'd just proposed. She didn't bother to form a response to the comment about her father. While Voldemort had been more powerful than her father and had controlled his father during the first two wars, comparing them didn't seem necessary. Robert Knight was the new threat and he was the one they had to focus on. Mentioning Voldemort seemed pointless for the time being. Maybe studying the way he used to rule over his Death Eaters could help them understand her father's mind. Well, that didn't matter now, she had to focus on making Alexander understand what she was planning to do with the monster idea. "No,no,no,no" Victoria muttered, looking down for a second before meeting his gaze again. "You don't understand, no one can be discarded from the Order. Whoever has to pose as the monster could be driven away from the rest of the group and could end up in serious trouble. I know I can't be the monster but I won't let someone be driven away for being one. Besides, one person won't be enough to scare the Ministry. The entire Order has to be the Ministry's nightmare. They have to be scared of us, to the point they try to escape my father, who will not hesitate to kill traitors." Victoria explained with a slight smile. Becoming the Minister's nightmare was a brilliant plan, at least in her eyes.
Surprised by the question about her goal, Victoria opened and closed her mouth a few times, vaguely representing a fish. Frankly, she'd never thought about what she was going to do if the Order won. While she was sure they had a big chance of winning, she didn't have high hopes for her survival. After all, being one of the founders and leader of the Order immediately made her an easy target. She knew her father was trying to find out who was behind the Order and wanted to kill whoever was responsible for the chaos they had caused. It was only a matter of time for her father to find out his own daughter was behind the Order, and Robert Knight wouldn't dream of keeping her alive after finding out about her betrayal. Dying terrified her and she knew her death wouldn't be painless, still, that didn't stop her from wanting to fight. "Isn't it obvious?" Victoria asked, slowly raising her left eyebrow. "I want to stop this nonsense with blood types and turn our world back to the way it used to be. I want to stop everyone from living in constant fear and the hundreds of murders that take place every day because of this pointless war. I don't know what I'll do after the war, maybe I'll become a professor and write a few books."
Alexander shook his head. "Except if the government has no power who would support them? If the government can be manipulated either by your father or us then we might as well discard the ministry entirely for it would only be a puppet to those who came afterwards, many are also likely under the Imperious curse making killing them pointless. We are not looking to destroy the ministry, but to take away your fathers control. The ministry of magic is needed to control the wizarding realm, else for those with magic what would reel them in from doing whatever desire lurked in ones heart?" He said, he had long thought about this problem when he heard about the Order. "Besides the kids behind me are not monsters, their children. Some might be prepared to wade into blood behind you but the others have no stomach for it. Do you think shy Piage has what it takes to kill someone in cold blood? To do even worse? For that would be necessary to drive them from your fathers hand. To make them fear something greater then death your father would bring. Even those who may follow you may be forever scarred by what they've done. I would personally not want to explain to Harry and Ginny Potter and other parents why we thought we were allowed to stain their children's hands with blood." He said his eyes dark as he brought across the flaws in her logic, at least how he saw them. "Having one person take the role of the monster will allow that person to be the arm of the order. To represent the order and be the orders darkness if need be. If there comes a time that person should be discarded for public reasons." He said his voice carrying a note of finality on his next words. "It should be done without hesitation, that person should be even hunted by the members of the Order, at least in the public manner. Secretly that person can keep contract with the Orders leader if need to be to continue representing the Order's interest and receive aid from the order. That person would be the Orders "Shadow" if you will, with the task of shouldering the Orders darkness that we will need to embrace to destroy your father reputation of fear he has placed with a greater one. If done correctly this Shadows identity will never become known to the Orders enemies, allowing it to be a secretive figure with no face, no name. Only representing the fear they feel in their hearts. They will look for a faceless enemy they will not find, will be able to look at any face in the order and wonder if that is the being the causes them such fear. If two groups of monsters were to clash with each other, who would care? It's only exchanging one sort of fear for another. By a single person taking up the mantel of fear and hate, the Order will be allowed to maintain "righteous" in the eyes of the world, which will allow the Order to appeal to the common man. That is the most efficient way of creating a monster as a weapon, a necessary evil within the Order itself." He said said his voice strong and powerful.

"But yet I agree with you on a single point. The world can not be allowed to maintain the same. You wish to return it to a peaceful era that existed into this point but isn't it that era that allowed the rise of 3 separate dark lords?" He said, his voice cutting. "The Ministry must change in order to prevent the rise of another who may throw society back into this blood feud that has gone on for far to long yet adding more regulations simply makes the Ministry teem totalitarian and may lead to revolt. If one does not have a solution the war will simply continue on until the end of the world, forever unresolved, simply waiting for the next dark lord to take the place of the last. The method to end this madness is to create a new division of the Ministry that will have no hold in government, no decision making power in laws. This division shall be the order with only one task, to prevent another rise of a dark lord. Independent of any branch of government and only known to the Minister himself who will know only a single member, the voice of the order if you will, they will be independent from any influence from the government and its fallacy's and will be self sufficient, recruiting its own members and funding its own operations. Could Voldemort have risen to power if he had not been left alone so long? Could Gellert Grindelwald been allowed to be so powerful if he had been killed or defeated before gathering his armies at the beginning of his rise to power? The Order will exterminate dark lords and potential dark lords long before they can rise to any sort of power. But at the same time they will be kept in check by the voice of the Order who will have a secret double role to betray the Order or simply offending members to the Ministry if the Order ever over steps their bounds. The Order will become a myth, a legend, and a rumor that will never die. In that way 90 % of the people who might have gotten into dark arts will fear the Order and be disinclined to learn dark arts and use them against the law. The other 9 % will be hunted down and turned in or killed by the Order. In the way they will stop 99 out of 100 potential dark lords and future death eaters and if a group ever becomes to powerful they will be able to combine with the Ministry to bring the full force to bear down on the remaining 1 %. It will not be perfect peace but it will be as close as possible by humans. That is my plan to end this futile war once and for all, that what my life will be devoted to after this war." He said proclaiming his intentions looking at her. As if he was challenging her to challenge his ideas and planning.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d9070e9895e4fe7d890f610240e1ab3d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117346" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d9070e9895e4fe7d890f610240e1ab3d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Enjoying his breakfast meal and the conversation, joking and teasing along with the others in the kitchen. James, Ezekiel, Harry and Ginny along with young serenity who was in the room as well. Arnaldus stood up with a smile on his face and picked up his plate and silverware cleaning up after himself, it was only fair after all being treated to a good home cooked meal and the hard work Ginny had put into this holiday for them all and cooking, cleaning and sleeping arrangements. He walked over toward the sink and rinsed and washed his plate and silverware after himself, giving Mrs. Potter a appreciative smile for the breakfast before walking toward the backyard. He heard quite a bit of noise or atleast enough to catch his ear and signal him that others were about and outside from the sounds of it. After all he had seen so far with the few new faces he greeted this morning, Arnaldus had a few questions such as just what happened last night? Once he came inside and walked to the den where he sat and talked with Camilla for the night before he at some point fell asleep and awoke on the couch in a sitting position. During that time he hadn't a clue of what happened he could only hear some noise and only muffled sounds at best, he had no idea of everyone who had arrived and still wasn't truth be told. It naturally made him curious and caused him to leave the kitchen a bit earlier then planned, he was aware of the tests that would take place today but he would have preferred to find out details of what he didn't know before hand, call him particular if you like, but that was Arnaldus. Always liking to details and knowing of things he should before he appeared with egg on his face or so the saying was told to him.

As Arnaldus neared the door and looked out into the yard, his eyes stared for a moment closely as he saw Alexander. The dark haired boy from slytherin with a number of rumors about him and not ones Arnaldus cared for, they only brought suspicion to him and cause to worry the order was in jeopardy, all of them at stake their lives being risked with his presence. Arnaldus could be wrong, he would gladly allow that feeling of his, that thought and opinion to be wrong it was based on rumors and rumors left uncorrected if they were in need of it, after all. But until then Arnaldus was not at all thrilled with the unexpected and so far unexplained presence of the rumored 'next dark lord' here at the potter house and where the order was gathering. While it was true that Andrews presence surprised him, it did have atleast a little unconfirmed reasons for it. While this fellow student did not. Straightening his expression into a plain and curious look, Arnaldus opened the door leading to the outside and stepped out with the door closing behind him. Silently observing Alexander and Victoria before making his presence to widely known to them, he noticed his friends manner taking note of her posture and body language, she didn't appear mistrustful and defensive with Alexander, she hasn't seemed ready to attack from what he can tell. So was he accepted? Did he earn a certain level of trust with Victoria? Perhaps.......

Meanwhile as thoughts crossed through his mind and his expression remained neutral, Arnaldus stood in observation gathering his opening remarks before actually saying it. Normally he needn't much time for such things but this was different, too much of the unknown was present within him. He lacked much information since seemingly a lot had happened since he last saw everyone last night and many new faces arriving in that time period. So he was going to carefully gather information without giving away more then he cared to at this time.
"A morning discussion in the chilled winter air?" He remarked casually with his hand in a pocket and the other outside and folded before him.

@thefan1 @Akio

Mentioned: @indiedarling @EmilyPower @Camilla Riddle @BroscaHasScars



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Theodore had been busy with things at Hogwarts. He had to deal with alot. Mainly dealing with all the preparations being made. Whether for exams, or for the order. Which of course only he knew it was for the order.He had just finished Signing his last paper, and was preparing to leave. He yawned and rubbed his eyes."How troublesome, I do hope this is worth all the annoyances I'm dealing with." He said as he rubbed his wrist and took out his wand. He quickly waved it thinking about the Potters house, and automatically he was there. He looked around noticing he was in the backyard. He then cleared his throat making himself known. @thefan1 @Akio (anyone else I'm forgetting)
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Andre groaned as he got out of bed, having not felt well during the party. He wasnt sure why just had a dizzy spell come over him and the potters were kind enough to offer a bed. He was feeling better now and so got up and looked around for the other and eventually finding them in them congregating in the backyard. "Bonjour. sorry for my fading... Though i figure you didnt really miss me.. Did you?" He said jokingly in a mock indignant tone.
Johanna wandered outside to where all the many people were gathered. That being, outside. She could see Victoria, James, Arnie and... what appeared to be the younger brother he was always talking about- I mean the two looked very much alike. They were talking to Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Upon seeing her Quidditch idol again, she quickly began to giggle like a fool, her hands on her face as she giggled. She then slapped herself across the face and walked over to Arnie and Ezekiel and waved in greeting, looking around for Victoria and James and, well, whoever else was here. "...Soooo what have I missed, exactly?"

@Saru @Anyoneelse? @indiedarling @I guess? I really don't know.
Victoria began shaking her head again, already thinking multiple ways on how to make Alexander see what she wanted him to see. He had to understand her point and understand why she didn't want a single person going after their enemies to kill them. The danger the person would be put it didn't bother her, they were already in great danger just for being in the Order after all. However, she knew what killing could do to a person. Even if she hadn't killed anyone other than one poor man her father had caught one day, she knew how killing could damage one's soul. They had grown up with everyone at Hogwarts teaching them how to kill without a hint of remorse but that didn't mean they could become murderers in a second. "Support? Do you think that matters? When we become the new Ministry, well, the others wont be able to do anything about it and they'll slowly understand we're trying to help them. Besides, if no one has tried to fight against my father before us then why should anyone fight the ones trying to help them?" Victoria replied, finally noticing the others that were coming out of the house. She fixed Alexander with a cold glare before turning her attention to the others, the tests were about to begin and their conversation could wait.

"Well, it's good to see most of you are finally here." Victoria commented, looking at Johanna, Andre, Arnaldus and the Headmaster. She figured the older man was probably there to supervise the challenges she was about to make the others go through. She didn't pay much attention to him, what mattered was letting the others know what was about to happen. "Does anyone fancy a friendly game of Quidditch?"
Apus sat up from her bed, finally waking up from her very, very long sleep. As she checked the time, she realized she probably already missed breakfast, so she was in no rush to get ready. Slipping out of bed, Apus slowly completed her morning routine, taking her time as she washed every trace of sleep from her body. As she stepped out of her room, she looked refreshed, as if she didn't sleep for such a long time. Making her way downstairs, Apus could hear noises in and out of the house, and figured the other members were probably planning something. She was out of the door just in time to hear Victoria mention Quidditch. Ahh Quidditch, Apus didn't play much, but she was pretty good at the sport. Well, average compared to anyone on the team, but that was besides the point. She gave a little grin, noticing some she hadn't recognized before. New people, this would be interesting. "Well, I'm in."

(Posts will become better as I get more into this.)

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