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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Reagan jumped to Andre's defense and yelled "Stupefy!" for the second time at Apus. That idiot wouldn't get away with this. She glared at her and watched in slow motion as the curse flew through the air towards Apus, praying that it would strike her.

The spell had already went through, Andre's wand was now exploded. Reagan did, however, stop Apus from casting her knockback jinx, although Apus didn't care much at that point. "What, is that the only trick you know? What a pity, Hogwarts would do better without students like you." Apus wasn't one for name-calling, but these guys, they were just pure evil, and she would stop at nothing to defeat them. "Actually, Hogwarts would do better without all of you, you cold-hearted bastards." She almost wanted to cast another spell, but being so outnumbered, she's eventually end up like James. James! She's forgotten about him. Looking down, his was still laying on the floor not moving in his unconscious state. She really hoped they'd cause no harm to him.
"Hogwarts would do better without all of you, you cold-hearted bastards." Victoria repeated, mocking Apus with a high-pitched voice. Nos pointing her hand at her, she whistled and a mischievous smile appeared on her face. "Oh my, blasting someone's wand? Now that's just not nice, not even a cold-hearted bastard like myself would think of doing such a thing. What caused you to do it? Is it because I hurt your little boyfriend right here?" Victoria asked, now waving her wand in circles while sparks came out of it. Pretending to play with her wand wasn't something she'd gotten from lessons with her parents but she couldn't help but to get a bit of revenge on the girl who'd hurt her friends. Sure, maybe he wouldn't hurt her as much as she hurt James but she could at least watch her get mad before revealing what she had really been doing . After all , it would be hard not to get mad at someone mocking a friend while playing as if it weren't important. "Expelliarmus!" She exclaimed, a red light coming out of her wand and making the girl's wand shoot up into the air. Victoria quickly grabbed her wand and tossed it at Andre, then turning to wink at the girl. "An eye for an eye, dear. Now, tell me why you're here. Are you with that new order who want to bring us down? Is that it? I suggest you answer before I get mad and trust me, you don't want to see me mad when no one will hear you scream."

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Camilla pointed her wand at the ceiling when she realized Potter was down and aimed at a light fixture, calling out the blasting curse. Bombarda Maxima!". The spell made the fixture explode and glass began to fall over the room. She spun around, using her back as a shield and checked on Potter, pointing her wand at him to whisper her next spell. "Finite" Watching the ropes and the paralysis spell fall off, she breathed out a sigh before standing up to glare at the others, her wand still in her hand. She raised it and pointed it at Victoria, figuring she was the leader in all of this. "Tell me what is going on"
Apus gave a chuckle. Not because she found this funny, but this Victoria girl always had a trick up her sleeve. Oh well, she didn't need her wand, magic can be used without it. At the mention of a new order, Apus became very confused. A new order? If she knew about this, she'd join it this instant, because she'd want to help anyone who'd want to take down people like Victoria. She didn't answer because Victoria was threatening her, she answered because she wanted to hear more about this 'New Order'. "I don't know what you're talking about, a new order? Care to explain?" Apus doubted the other girl would do anything to help her, but it was worth a shot. Especially if she was finding out some key information.

As glass began fallung down from the sky, Victoria took notice of the girl pointing her wand at her and simply shrugged. Not bothering to point her wand at either of them for the time being. There was a chance of a civilized conversation and she wasn't about to blow it with more curses. "That's none of your business. You were the one who barged in without an invitation and Potter boy was the one who started this chaos. We could be having a picnic or simply skipping class you know." She replied, rolling her eyes when the Malfoy girl spoke. She got her to show interest in the order, which was good but not good enough to drop her cover. "You don't know? They must not think you're worthy of joining. Well, I suppose I could tell you since I'm such a kid soul." She replied sarcastically, batting her eyelashes and sighing. "They're a group of rebels who've been trying to bring down the ministry. Something about everyone having the right to live, even mudbloods and muggles. Anyways, they've got some people in Hogwarts recruiting young witches and wizards to help them. Are you happy now little bug?"
Arnaldus grinned and lowered his wand twirling it around between his fingers, all the action and excitement truly improved his day and though this display was all an act for the security and future of their order, it was entertaining and kept Arnaldus ready for action. He listened to everyone speak and shook his head while looking to each person present. "Reparo!" He thought and pointed his wand toward the broken chandelier starting to repair the light fixture and return it into place. "Truly destruction of ones property is just mean. The light fixture was innocent of all charges that fit such action." Arnaldus joked allowing Victoria to resume her testing of the potential recruits. He then directed his wand toward Camilla and silently cast another spell. "Expelliarmus!" He cast disarming the girl of her wand for preventive measures. "Until we have an accord, I shall keep hold of this wand." He spoke walking over and picking up the wand then returning to his prior position.

(Sorry at work and using my phone, so replies and quality is down.)
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"So kind." Apus muttered sarcastically at the new piece of information. She smirked, however, she was in deep thought about this. So a new group of witches and wizards actually wanted to band together to change things? Oh, Apus is totally in. And she probably would have been more excited if she wasn't a Malfoy. Oh well, she gave a little shrug of her shoulders and looked back at Victoria. "Well, I guess I have a group to join then, would love to have a chance to take down all of your kind." Apus took another glance at James, wishing that he wasn't immobile. She also wished she could have her wand back. Speaking of, "Is there any chance I can get my wand back? I can just take it off your hands, I know if must suck not to have one anymore." Joking around probably wasn't going to get her wand back, but then again, she knew there was no chance they'd give it to her.
Camilla turned her head as her wand was taken from her and stared at the boy who had it. "its not really like some of us in the room even need them right?" She turned back to Victoria and raised an eyebrow. "So theres a group of rebels and you guys just happen to be meeting in a hidden room in secret, talking about it?" Her voice sounded incredulous as she glanced at the whole group. The whole thing just felt off...
Arnaldus dimmed his eyes and took a moment to look curiously toward the three intruders and cause of the charade. " The ideal of wand-less is magic great and not many are capable....... Whether your capable or not becomes trivial and I believe unnecessary as of now." He responded to Camilla and looked toward his friends and back toward Victoria. A slight nod and look in his eye that spoke for him and about his opinion that it was or seemed safe enough for now. Arnaldus looked toward Camilla and smiled, he would allow Victoria to decide if now was a good time to inform them or if they should test the remaining student amongst them who yet has been cleared and tested personally. But Arnaldus had a feeling she was no traitor and blood supremacist supporter, if she was then assisting James during this encounter where they were clearly outnumbered and 'appeared' to have a certain outlook and seeming support of such beliefs would have brought out in likely of situations to have betrayed James and Apus, yet she didn't and seemed against it. "I know some however capable...... But wands seem to have a certain value, not always of price but of sentimental value." He added and became silent to allow for Victoria to make the final call on whether to reveal now or test one more.
Andre smirked more than anything depite being winded, when his wand exploded in his hand and was pushed back to the ground sliding for a while before scretching to a halt. The girl was good no doubt about that and wands can always be replaced just order it through owl. He got up and dusted himself and tried to catch up with what was said, seemed like things will cooling down.
"Oh, you can practice wandless magic? Congratulations! I had no idea! You must be the most powerful witch in the entire world!" Victoria replied sarcastically, placing both of her hands on her cheeks to seem even more surprised. "Sweetheart, I know most of you can practice wandless magic. That doesn't change the fact that we have wands and you don't, which makes us more powerful and makes it easier to kill you. " She answered solemnly, rolling her eyes when the girl kept asking about their suspicious behavior, not that she minded. In fact, this was the perfect opportunity to test the other girl and end the whole ordeal. While she wasn't offended, the fact that they were so easily recognized as blood supremacists made her uncomfortable, not to mention slightly frightened. "You don't believe us? Fine! We'll just have to show you how we deal with filthy little traitors!" She exclaimed, pointing her wand at Malfoy. "Diffindo!" She exclaimed, making a huge gash in the girl's leg. "Let's see how you run after that, little puppet." She said softly, winking at the other girl and taking a few steps back. "All of you, stand back!" She ordered, nos looking at her friends. Once they were far enough from the strangers, she pointed her wand I'm their direction and smiled, not being able to contain herself from taunting them a bit more. "Place your bets people! Will they make it out or will they burn alive?" She exclaimed, giving her friends an idea to what was about to happen. "Incendio!" She screamed, and a powerful string of fire came out of her wand, forming a circle of long flames around the strangers. She didn't have to see how the Ravenclaw girl dueled, she saw how she had taken care of Potter and that showed enough kindness and loyalty to guarantee she was a good recruit. However, she still wanted to know how she would handle herself in dangerous situations. Especially with two wounded students to take care of.
As the wall of flames raged around him and his band of fellow school mates, James finally began to come to, groaning slightly as he did so. His head was pounding and his body still felt a little stiff from being stupified by Raegan. He was shocked that she'd be helping a group of blood supremacist traitors. She'd always been one to stand up to their horrible ways, whether it meant being tortured by her superiors or not. He held his head for moment, blinking a few times to clear any remaining fogginess from his vision, and then pushed himself to his feet, his skin immediately being assaulted by the seering warmth of the fire. "Bloody hell..." he murmured as the hot wind the flames were creating whipped his hair back and made him squint his eyes. He looked back to find that he wasn't alone in this, but joined by Apus and two other girls. His mind began to whirl at a mile a minute as he tried to figure out a way out of this for all of them. Immediately his mind went to his wand, which had fallen from his hand when he'd been stupified but upon looking for it he found that it was laying on the floor, just outside of the ring of fire. This time he let out a loud groan of irritation, "Are you kidding me?!" He began to pace, the hest of the fire becoming almost unbareable. He began to take off his layers of clothing, shimmying out of his robes and untying his red and gold striped tie from his neck. As he did so and idea came to his mind and he spun on his heels to face the girls, his face lighting up. "How many of you know how to perform wandless magic?" he asked.
Apus may have went into a state of shock. Just seeing the gash on her leg made her want to vomit, not to mention she was surrounded completely in flames. So yeah, this was not how she expected her day to go. One minute she was racing James in the hallway, and the next, she could actually die here. Apus was really really happy some of that studying didn't go to waste. Not that she went into deep study about wandless magic, but she has read up on it, and it does take a lot of practice, but it can be done. James was stirring, and soon, he was up and about again. She almost felt a sense of relief before she realized Jame's wand was outside the fiery ring. With a loud groan, Apus looked over to him, giving him a slight push. "We need to get your wand." She whispered, aware that Victoria and her group were watching them. This was probably just a game to them, a sick, twisted game that they could get away with because of their rankings. Of course, Apus never forgot that she too was a Pureblood, but she never believed in those what those stupid supremacists said. Everyone was equal, and you should be judged by your character and skill, not your blood type. Her attention was focused back on James. "I may be able to grab it, but wandless magic is extremely difficult, it might not work." For a second, Apus forgot about the other girl in the circle, and before James was up, she was probably the only one that could help them. Oh well, she had a plan, it just needed to work.
Reagan watched this in horror and couldn't watch anymore. She didn't care if she got hurt for it but she began to put out the fire. "Aguamenti!" she shouted, watching a clear jet of water spurt from the end of her wand. She pointed it at the fire to get rid of it. This was too cruel, they may have been annoying but they didn't deserve this.
"Stop it!" Victoria exclaimed, pointing her wand at the Ravenclaw girl and narrowing her eyes. Now with the flames gone, testing the other girl was going to be extremely difficult. She supposed she could still test her if she healed Malfoy's leg but she still wanted to test her on a duel. "What were you thinking? Do you have any idea of what is going on here?" She screamed, pointing her wand at where the water had been extinguished and making the flames appear again. Now trapping herself and Reagan inside the circle. She figured if they were going to keep putting down the fire she would just have to start it over and over again. "Come on! Don't tell me you're going soft on them? What was your name again?"
Reagan glared at Victoria. "I'm Reagan. They didn't do anything horrible! Yeah they caused a bit of damage but they don't deserve to be tortured like this! I don't care what side they're on, needless suffering and pain isn't something I'll simply let slide by." she said angrily. She kept her wand out in case she needed to defend herself. "Leave them alone!" She healed Malfoy's leg, the sight of other's blood made her feel sick, and it was just cruel. "Just let them go!"
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Dorian would have spoke if his mind if their act wasn't so important, they need to look united. So of course he backed Victoria's plan to assess them but worried that if they pushed them too far they could lose them altogether, and at this point their order was consisting of 3. Not nearly enough to even take on one of their opposing forces. "Vic, make this count" His throat is dry as he speaks, and those four words needed much more meaning behind them, those words trying to tell her not to push them too far, that they can lose all of this if they decide that they were too eager to do this to the unassuming and would try to turn them over to the teachers, even if they explained themselves to the teachers they would be screwed. At least in the event of that happening, they would be accepted into Vic's fathers own club. He stops this trail of thought, telling himself that he's simply overthinking everything because of his nerves.
"Do you really think this is torture? Have you not been paying attention in class? You do not know what torture really is." Victoria growled, keeping her wand pointed at Raegan. She was about to attack her after she healed Malfoy's leg but she was stopped by Dorian's words. He was right, even if she didn't want to admit it. Enough was enough, she'd taken enough information from them and there was a very high chance that they would attack her if she didn't stop. Hell, they could actually kill her after everything that had just happened. She wished she could've gotten more information out of them but at least they had proven enough loyalty to tell them about the order. Extinguishing the flames, Victoria put her wand back in her robes and walked towards Dorian. "Fine! Fine. I'll stop playing with them but I'm not explaining the order." She spoke, knowing they probably didn't want to hear her for a long time.
Reagan laughed at her. "You think I don't know what torture is?" She parted her robes and lifted her shirt. There were bruises and scars everywhere. "Every day I get more and more of these for standing up against the idiotic teachers in this school, and from my parents for just being alive. Don't you dare tell me I don't know what torture is." she spat.
As Victoria turns away he nods at her gratefully. "Thank you, you did good" He assures her softly, giving her a gentle smile before looking up at the others across from them. Stepping forward, Dorian hesitates, shoving his wand back into his pocket and holding his hands up to show he is unarmed, just in case they were still feeling a little hostile. "We're not here to torture or mock you" He speaks delicately, as if any word he speaks could set sparks flying. "We need people. For our cause. We need strong people, with beliefs they will stand by, and courage, a crap ton of courage" He nods, trying not to let his nerves get the better of him "Vic was...testing you. To see if you could possibly join our little gang. And it seems you have passed that. If you don't want to help us, I kind of understand. But we need all the help we can get to take those assholes who think that is okay, and think that their blood makes them better, that their blood gives them the right to torture and cull those associated or affiliated with muggles." He pauses, giving his usual grin, his nerves fading "you can ask what ever questions you want, but we need to know you can be trusted. And we do apologize for this...stress but we need to know you'll be able to handle it." He stops, and glances back to Victoria with a small shrug
Arnaldus merely observed the situation unfold everything was progressing further then he would have thought. Was it all being taken to far? The likely result of this could backfire and everything lost before it could even begin, not to mention the possibility of burnin bridges before they could be crossed. When everything slowed down and tempers flared between Reagan and Victoria now while the others now observed of atleast for the moment had been quiet. Arnaldus walked forward tossing Camill's wand back toward her aiming for a good distance so that she could catch it easily enough of have it land by her if she had not. He shook his head and scratched his brow uncertain of what exactly to say or how to ease the mood and bring this all full circle before they really started to draw attention or risk someone present into turning them in. "Enough, enough bickering. The whole idea of this was ensure our future, protecting what we have started before it has been discovered too soon and thus ends our chance of ending this bloody hell we live in." Arnaldus spoke taking the center of the room and pacing back and forth with arm behind his back and his wand hand at his side, looking up toward everyone with his head held high. "Did we stretch this out to long and went to far? Perhaps but what we have has only just begun and we must do everything to protect it! Just one recruit who turns out a spy, or some ill and treacherous sod and we're through. Before we can even begin. So yes we took measures to the highest level here, maybe it doesn't quite justify everything but it does explain" he continued keeping his tone as calm and strong and clear as could be. "You want to know what we are doing here,right?" Arnaldus spoke to James, Apus and Camilla keeping a firm stance. "We are the order! A small band of students who tire of this garbage and look to finally change things. Reagan and Joey are not brainwashed or forced, they were recruited by me. Just as I, Victoria, Andre and Dorian are not blood supremacists and supporters were actors for a cause." He chuckled
Apus didn't know what to say, what to think. The flames were down, then up again, and the thought of death quickly crossed her mind. The games were over though, because then they were explaining about the order, and how they are the order. She wanted to join, but the previous events of all of this made her hesitate. "How do we know we can trust you?" She asked, calmly. She would have been mad with rage right now, but her leg was just healed and she kind of wanted to take a second to breathe. "And even if we can trust you, why would we? You literally just blew a whole through my leg, I don't think I want to work with anyone like that." Apus understood their reasoning for this, however, the struggle that she was just put through seemed unjustifiable. And all for a test? That was a little extreme, even if they were just trying to take the necessary precautions to make sure their group was safe. But then again, if they would go through so much, just to ensure the equality for all blood types, maybe this is a group she should join. Apus was at a crossroads, she didn't know if she should feel angry for what she'd just been put through or relieved that someone was here to stand up for what they all believed in. Equality.
"We didn't do that" He pauses with a grin "Victoria did" He add's jokingly before taking a step forward "You may have taken a hole to the leg, but you stayed strong during that, In fact you remained fairly unphased. You didn't make an attempt to run, you stayed by your friends side. Sure the fire may have helped with that, but as your friend demonstrated it was fairly easy to dispel that. You have loyalty and serious strength. The fact you continued on, even after Vic harmed you, you still stood up for what you believed in and tried to protect yourself. You have serious courage. And you are truly one of the best people we could ask to join our cause in our fight for equality." Dorian nods to her and holds his hands back up "This is your choice though, Apus"

Taking a deep breath, Victoria turned to face the angry students and placed her wand on the floor, hoping surrendering could help their final decision. "They're right. You do have what it takes to join our order." She began, looking at her friends and giving them a proud smile before continuing. "You've got courage, you're loyal and you despise pureblood elitists as much as we do. We're all fighting for the same thing here guys, it doesn't matter if we're with a group or if we're fighting on our own. We're all together in this and you've shown more skills than what we hoped for." She continued, giving her wand a small tap with her shoe and raising her hands. "See? I'm not going to harm you any more. You can hurt me if you want, I deserve it. Go ahead! Give me your best shot! Just... please think about this. I know trusting us is hard after what I did, which is perfectly understandable. But trusting us is not impossible. If you can find a fragment of hope deep inside of you then please think about what we're really doing here."

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