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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

"Watch it!" Her mouth was open before she could think as she almost hissed at James as he almost ran into her coming through the door. She knew she wasn't invisible! Turning back to the group already on the room, she continued to watch them. She still didn't have a clue as to what was going on, but that just made her more curious. She was however, ready to run away if she needed to.
"No, that'll get us caught. The note could end up in the teacher's hands and a notification will just bring unwanted attention. We should just talk to them, befriend them before trusting them to join. For example-" She replied, her words being caught off when strangers began entering the room. She wasn't worried about the Ravenclaw girl since she was with Arnaldus, probably someone he considered trustworthy enough to join. However, seeing the Malfoy girl made her instantly reach for her wand. She wasnt pointing at the girl or at the Potter boy with her, she was just prepared in case they were planning something. "Now, I'm sure you understand we're in the middle of something very important. I would leave if I were you." She said trying to remain calm. "Trust me, you don't want to get in this... Messy argument. Let's just say it's top secret." She added, hoping her remarks would make them think they were working on something for the ministry, probably the only good thing about joining her father. It was so easy to control people with fear, it was hard to pretend she wasn't interested in the power. Like a good little Slytherin, manipulating others was a very interesting for her.
It took a few minutes, but James managed to find and stuff the books Victoria wanted into his bag. He was surprised that he hadn't been caught. As he left the restricted section, he made sure to attempt to lock the gate once again. In a quick fashion, James made his way to the Room of Requirement. When he arrived at the familiar wall, he made sure no one was around to see him enter. Satisfied he concentrated on entering the the group's hide out. When the door appeared he began to push it open.
Arnaldus took notice to the door being open his friends already inside and new arrivals of whom he was certain hadn't been recruited yet. A certainty he couldn't prove but that feeling of knowing someone without really knowing nawed away at Arnaldus's gut. He observed and took note of Reagans wand and James potters part, the demand and Victoria speaking up. He turned his head smiled a small smile at Victoria's seeming plan of deterring potential trouble and outbreak of rumors and people learning of this room and their role. Arnaldus then looked over toward Joey and gave a nod and smile, he was glad his two recruits he had spoken with were both on aboard and present. "Yeah an argument is never something to enter. It never turns out well, does it?" Arnaldus added playing along with Victoria's lead.

@Paint The Wind @explosiveKitten @indiedarling @thefan1
"Sorry, love." James shot an apology to the girl he'd almost ran over when he came into the room, but kept his focus on the group of students who were gathered before him and the two girls who had their wands drawn and pointed towards him. He pulled his own wand out now and pointed it between the both of them. He recognized the other girl as the minister's daughter and a shiver of fear ran through him. What were they doing? The majority of them came from families who were known to be supporters of the Dark Lords. He went into a more defensive stance, ready to take all of them on if he had to. "I'm going to ask one more time, and then I'm going to get really bloody pissed off. What are you doing? The whole lot of you. I know it can't be anything good." James sneered at them, running over every possible spell he could use as he did so.
"We already told you. Messy argument. You really don't want to get involved sweetie, so you should go before one of us hexes your face off." Reagan said coldly, playing along as well. She stood up straight and tall and kept her wand trained on him. She just wanted to make sure they weren't found out, if he discovered what was truly happening they could all be killed, or worse even.

Victoria chuckled and pulled out her wand in a second, bow pointing it at Potter's head. "Why exactly should we tell you? As far as I know, you were the ones who very rudely interrupted us. Don't you think demanding answers is a bit mean sweetheart?" She asked, narrowing her eyes and taking a few steps towards him. She'd seen her mother do the same thing before, act superior to induce fear in the victim and remain as calm as possible. She remembered that lesson as if it had been yesterday, she just hoped she would be able to pull it off without blowing their cover. Well, that wasn't going to be a problem now that others were following her lead. "Do you think it's wise to ask me what we're doing? You wouldn't want to be in the wrong side of my wand now do you? " She spoke, now walking in circles around him. "You know I could very well hurt you without any consequences. I mean, who would miss a little unwanted pain in the ass like you? So, if you don't want things to get out of hand I suggest you leave and never speak of this again. Understand, love?"
Joey stared as the wall changed into a door, and she continues to gawk for quite a while after several people had entered. She didn't really even know what to say to this scene folding out in front of her, but James Potter tumbled in, nearly knocking her over, she fell out of her daze and stepped into the room, closing the doors behind her, sealing off the outside world. Slowly, quietly, she approached James Potter from behind. For such a tall, muscular young woman she moved with remarkable silence when she wanted to.

She could easily hex the idiot from behind. She had a very nice transfiguration spell on the tip of her tongue. It would be so easy... To just turn him into a chicken.. But she stayed herself and kept her wand in her hand, standing a few feet behind James, between him and the doorway out.

@thefan1 @Paint The Wind @indiedarling @Saru
Eyes narrowed at the Knight girl, James watched her circle around him, swallowing his fear and reminding himself that if he were his father or Albus, they wouldn't back down for what was right. Little did he know that these students were doing just that: standing up for what is right. For all he knew, they were just helping their parents' and the other Dark Lords' agendas. And then Knight's words stung him like whips breaking his skin. "Who would miss a little unwanted pain in the ass like you?" Those words brought back too painful memories of his parents own words and his own thoughts of self loathing. He clenched his wand tighter, pointing it directly at Knight's head. "I think can handle you and your little band of blood supremacist traitors." he spat, his words directed to everyone in the room. And then he aimed his words at Joey and Reagan, "I'd suggest you two forget whatever brainwashing they've done to get you on their side and that you get behind me. There's no telling what they're actually planning and you don't want to be on the wrong side of it."
Eyes widening in astonishment, Victoria smiled and locked her gaze on Potter's wand, trying to keep her act and hoping she didn't look as scared as she felt . "Aren't you just an idiot?" She asked, her voice so soft it was almost a whisper. Taking a few steps back, she raised an eyebrow and yawned. "Now, what do you want? Glory, fame or justice? Trust me, a thousand idiots just like you have tried to stand up to me before and it's always the same reason. Why do you want to waste your sanity and your life? Well, just sanity. I could very easily kill you but I haven't practiced the cruciatus curse in so long... " She said, pouting as if it were a tragedy. "Answer the question little bug, why do you want to take your chances against me and my little band of blood supremacists traitors? Do you want to save some little mudbloods?" She mocked, her voice sounding like she was speaking to a baby. "Are you willing to give up your pathetic little life for that?" She asked solemnly. It was a good way to make sure he could be brought into the order, if he said he was willing to give up his life for the cause then she'd drop the act.
James never took well to being mocked and this time was no different. He shook slightly with anger, but he kept his wand held steady, aimed directly at the center of her forehead and he took a step forehead. His jaw was locked and his teeth were clenched as growled out, "I've got enough fame and glory to last me a life time with this last name of mine. I'll fight for justice. Despite what everyone seems to think of me, I'm not about to let a load of pathetic bastards like you lot ruin the lives of any more innocent people. And the way I see it is the only little pathetic life there is here is yours, following after your father's bloodied footsteps and for what reason? At least I'm willing to die for something with a meaning. Not simply to get on daddy's good side." His lips were curled up into a ruthless sneer and his mind was running through every possible curse he could think of, ready to fire at her the moment she made the wrong move.
Victoria let out a loud laugh and closed her eyes, a wide grin on her face. "You're gonna pay for that you little toad!" She suddenly exclaimed, the smile gone and her eyes narrowing dangerously. "Do you really think mocking me is a good idea? You have no idea of what I'm capable of!" She exclaimed furiously, taking a few steps forward and pointing her wand at his chest. "Now tell me, do you want your death to be slow and painful or just a simple killing curse?" She asked softly, a twisted grin appeared on her face as she closed her eyes and pretended to be thinking of something. Her next plan was a bit dangerous and would definitely leave her with a couple of scars but she was really starting to like the Potter kid and she liked his determination and fury. It was an opportunity that just couldn't be missed. Besides, her friends would save her if things went too far, wouldn't they? "A killing curse will have to do." She muttered, pointing her wand at the wall and casting the unbreakable curse. "Avada Kedavra!" She screamed, the spell hitting the wall and not doing any damage due to the weak force of the spell. Of course, she knew she had to mean the curse since they'd started practicing unforgivable curses during Dark Arts class. However, it wasn't like her opponent would notice the difference. "That was just a warning little toad, I won't miss next time!" She exclaimed, hoping Potter would take it as a threat and attack her. She needed to see his dueling skills after all, she just hoped he wouldn't use the killing curse .
Andre watched the situation deteriorate quickly when the Potter kid entered ando took there group wrong. He was also surprised that Victoria egged him on and was about to step in before he figuredid what Victoria was trying to do. The Potter name may inspire trust and suggest he should join the group but if the group was about anything it was that people weren't what the seemed. A name doesn't guarantee that the person will leave up to the name. He figured she was testing James st least at first, when spell were cast he worried thing we're going to far and drew his wand.

"Vic... Stop toying with him."He said. "I think we have seen enough."
Dorian had been relatively quiet for the situation, leaning against a table and watching Victoria handle it expertly, guessing that she was merely testing his motives and abilities, it was a smart move, it would show if he was able to be trusted in the face of danger and fear. As soon as Vic hurled the killing curse, he felt himself shift defensively, his hand now grasped onto his own wand, ready to strike should this turn against them. And with the the killing curse being thrown out, even if they know Vic didn't mean it, this could turn nasty. He stands behind his friend in the act of second, to give the illusion of a proper duel and not one to merely test ability.
Joey could see the serenade that was going on here. She was testing James' loyalties. If he was about to say yes to helping muggleborns, he would be viable to join the cause. But what if he didn't? It was entirely possible he was here to spy on them all. But as Joey listened, she thought she was getting a glimpse of who James really was. She never really thought she could feel some sort of sympathy for the guy.

A killing curse flew past her head and she ducked with an exclamation and covered her head, then stood up again once she was certain she was safe. She blinked, then looked at Victoria and said, "Jesus, watch where you're pointing that thing!"

@thefan1 @Saru @indiedarling
Camilla turned at the sound of the door shutting and glared at the girl with her wand in her hand. Shaking her head at the irony of her own actions, Camilla stood back to back with Potter and pulled her wand out at the girl between them and escape if things went badly. "What the hell is going on here!?" She muttered while shooting glances over her shoulder. She flinched at the killing curse and clenched her wand tighter for a moment before relaxing into the dueling stance she used. She preferred healing but oh well. "Potter, please tell me you know what's going on here?" she threw the question over her shoulder at him while keeping her eyes on the girl in front of her


Arnaldus merely blinked and the scene, the reality of the situation was the same yet got more intense. A truly remarkable dedication to ensuring their small so far orders safety and future. He took out his wand and smiled pointing his 11' inch willow dragonheartstring towards Apus backing his friends in this little affair. She was a Malfoy yet a gryffindor at the same time so all he knew for certain was she would back her friend, right? Maybe so and likely. So Arnaldus kept his posture relaxed and straight a little different then his normal dueling posture but well enough for him to use for this scene. Truthfully the line about them being blood supremacists and traitors hit a little to close for Arnaldus's care, he couldn't stand being confused for one those types. The history of his family wasn't all bright and filled with food and flowers, but they were a decent and famed line mostly due to their connection to Helga hufflepuff. But despite the two known black eyes on their name and honor..... The smith family were good people and quite the opposite of blood purists. So for Arnaldus it was hard to take without breaking form of act while playing along with Victoria and Reagan and everyone present. He looked toward Apis and James potter and then toward the other James present then toward everyone else. "How pleasant a standoff....... I was just saying to Reagan earlier how I disliked the first day of class so boring and predictable. But this..... Well this changes things doesn't it? My thanks Sir potter you have brought some excitement to my day." He grinned playing the part and yet having some small truth to his words at the same time. Arnaldus looked back toward Apus and James then for a moment to Joey and Reagan before returning his attention to the prior two names.

@Prouvaire @explosiveKitten @Paint The Wind @KalenNighteyes @indiedarling
James jumped slightly as the killing curse blasted into the wall and he looked back at the damage before turning back to look at Victoria with a new fiery hatred in his eyes. He growled an answer to Camilla over his shoulder, "Not a clue, but I can make a good guess." And then without a second thought he thrust his wand at Victoria, shouting, "Alarte Ascendare!" Instantly Victoria was swept off her feet and shot up into the air. With a flick of his wand James sent her spinning and then let her go, watching her fly towards the wall on the opposite side of the room with his blood boiling. Without waiting to see what happened with her, he turned to Arnaldus, the look in his eyes daring him to make a move. "You should know by now that I'm the most exciting thing about this school." he spoke, his voice was low and threatening.
"But it's so much fun! You should really try it out sometime." Victoria replied to Andre's suggestion. "Sorry darling! Like I said before, I won't miss this time." Victoria replied, now looking at the girl who'd almost been a victim to her curse. Now with her attention focused on the girl, Victoria didn't have time to cast a defensive spell against Potter and she was suddenly thrown across the room, landing on the floor with a loud thud. Groaning and rubbing her throbbing head, she noticed her wand lying where she'd been standing just a few seconds ago. "Accio wand" She whispered, making her wand fly towards her hand. She decided to take advantage of Potter's attention being directed to someone else and quickly pointed her wand at him. "Incarcerous!" She shouted, making robes appear out of thin air and wrap tightly around James, one of them being placed on his neck. Now standing up, she took a few steps towards the group with her wand still pointed at James. "Anyone else want to try something funny? I'm full of tricks!" She exclaimed, looking at the strangers who'd entered the room.
Standing up straight and strong still Reagan yelled "Stupefy!" and shot a curse at James, hoping that it would hit him. This kid was crazy, she knew that now. She wouldn't let him hurt this new order. The world needed them, there was clearly no one else who was willing to stand up and fight. At least not yet.

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All of his focus and anger being directed at the remaining members of the little band of traitors he found in the Room of Requirement, he hadn't expected Victoria's counterattack. He had expected her to remained stunned from the fall, but, much to his surprise, this was not the case. Suddenly, he was embraced in a number of robes and one was even tightly wrapped around his throat. He clawed at with both of his hands, struggling against his new found bindings. He let out a loud cough, his eyes starting to water, as he reached out his fingers for his wand that had fallen from his hand. He tried to keep his thoughts focused on making a nonverbal 'accio' spell to get it back in his hand, but he couldn't keep the thought of not being able to breathe off of his mind. He couldn't even focus on what Victoria was saying. And then his efforts were cut short and he couldn't move at all and his thoughts were the only thing still active. Cursing himself silently, he realized he must of been stupefied. And then he was on the grown, frozen for the time being.
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"Wait I need a," Apus shouted, watching as her friend continued to run forward, "break." The last past was whispered. She stopped at the Great Hall, taking a break from the run. She wasn't there for long, however, she couldn't let James get away. With a long sigh, she picked up her run again, following the direction she'd seen James go. She already knew where he was heading, it was the place they always went, even though he couldn't say that out loud. It wasn't long before she appeared there, noticing James in, well, a predicament. He was currently wrapped up in ropes, one tied around his neck. Not even taking a second to think, Apus pulled out her wand and got ready to fire a spell, before another student beat her to the punch. In a second, the ropes stilled and James seemed to be unconscious. With an angry expression, Apus pointed her wand at Reagan. "What are you doing! You guys are sick!" She kept her voice firm as a determined look crossed her face. "Do you like going around, fighting students?"
Reagan pointed her wand at Apus. "That's exactly what we like." she said sarcastically. She spat at her and kept her want on her. "Now, you can get out of here and never speak of this again or I can blow you to smithereens in front of everyone.@
Andre was unsure about all this things felt like they were going to far and spill over to some real trouble. However whether providence, fate or Victoria being smarter than he realised the fight seem to draw some of their potential members on their list, not in the way he wanted but beggars can't be chosers. He raised his want at Apus when she freed James. "In this mud blood filled school, you find what entertainment you can find no? And why wait in the smithereening "With a slight movement of his wand and no words he cast a knockback jinx on her.
Apus was sent flying back, knocking into a wall. She hit it with a grunt, and slid down to the ground. She was only down there for a few seconds before she lifted herself up. A rather evil glint could be seen in her eye, and she lifted up her wand, pointing it at Andre instead of Reagan. "Fine, then." Was all she said, before a loud "Confringo" could be heard. Before they knew it, Apus was casting an exploding spell at Andre's wand. Anyone else may have thought this was going a little too far, blowing up his wand. But compared to Victoria threatening James with a death spell, this was amateur work. With a twisted smile, she looked up at the French boy. "You're right, this is very entertaining." The smile dropped just as quickly as it came, and Apus didn't even give Andre time to react before she was casting the same knockback jinx on him. Let's see him counter that.


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