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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Adele Addams

Eating the last of his shepherd pie Adele stood and silently made his way out of the great hall and toward his first class of the day. Settling into his desk within potion's class he began swinging his legs idly and doodling on a piece of scrap paper. He preferred muggle notebooks over parchment when it came to notes and other thing's he didn't have to turn in. He refused to give up pen's either way. Less ink blot's even if the wording come's out less elegant. Yawning, he patiently listened as the class begin.
"And it is not something I wanted to say or see you go through." Andre said he said looking at both of them but linkering more to Victoria, like he was referring more to her. He was sad to have both his friends friend's in risk like that but Victoria taking the bond troubled him more. More he felt guilty he shouldn't have had her take the oath in her stead if not take it with the two of them, he felt a coward. "It's. .. It's up to you two you guys can go start practicing or come with me or whatever."
"But doesn't the possibility of our sudden deaths bring a sense of excitement to your life? I know it does mine, I mean I do have 3 essays due in last today that I have not even begun, so you know fingers crossed" He speaks a little rushed, his hands moving rapidly as he speaks. He was scared, something Dorian rarely admits to being. "Sorry, nerves" He apologies with a quick smile, looking to his friends as they speak and nodding along "Perhaps it would be best if we met everybody at the room? If our entire order are seen lurking the halls at once we're probably going to cause suspicion, we don't really need to draw attention to us right now" He suggests, picking at his food. The rather dark topic had consumed his appetite, replacing his hunger for nerves.

@thefan1 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Now Apus is many things, but she isn't one for consoling. Not that she doesn't care, it's just, when situations like this arise, she just doesn't know what to say. So when James started explaining about his family, she may have, sort of, kinda, zoned out. Only a little, not enough for her to miss the important parts, but she kind of doesn't know who addressed the letter. Oh well, time to wing it. She started by placing a hand on James' shoulder, stopping him from walking any further. She stepped in front of him, so his attention was on her. "Now look," Apus started, her eyes staring right into James', "I know your family is tough, and they expect a lot from you. Believe me, I know. But you can't listen to them. You can't let some silly letter ruin your day, or your personality, or your entire life." She paused, making sure they were both on the same page.

"How do you think my family felt when I turned out to be a Gryffindor, the only one in the family that's not a Slytherin? They hated it, and they gave me hell for it. But they can't change who I am, just like your parents can't change who you are." A sad smile made it's way to her face. "I know what your parents think of you is more important than anything I have to say, but you're perfect the way you are. It might not mean much coming from me, but I hope it counts as something." There, she was done. Her speech was exceptionally long, but Apus couldn't help it. No one deserved to be treated the way James was, and if she didn't know how to console back then, she sure as hell does now. Smiling, she didn't even wait for James to recover before she was continuing her journey to the Great Hall. "Now come on, I'm hungry. "

"I know, I know. I'm sorry for snapping at you like that, I guess I'm just not used to these kinds of dark subjects." Victoria replied, noticing Andre's guilty expression. Sure, she'd grown up in a family that had to deal with dark and horrible subjects all of the time. Hell, she'd actually been a fan of those horrible deeds before her first year at Hogwarts. However, it didn't mean she was prepared to actually see those themes that used to seem to natural in the eyes of a possible victim. After all, she'd grown up with murderers instead of the victims. "You've got an odd way of interpreting fear, my friend." She replied, raising an eyebrow at his odd comment about it being exciting. Only noticing his nerves after her remark and understanding his way to deal with fear. "I understand, we're all scared. But we'll feel better in the Room of Requierement, safety in numbers y'know? " Victoria replied, grabbing and apple from the table and standing up from her seat. "Come on, the others might already be there."
Andre nooded not wanting to say more last bring out more negative feeling from everyone and began to walk out of the Hall. As they walked he shot glances at Victoria like they were the last chance to see and wondered about their friendship. If was than when he finally spoke." We need to drop into the library remember." He said not wanting to appear strange being quite like he was. " also I am thinking what to do after maybe a trip to the village might do us good. "
Paint The Wind] [FONT='Courier New'][COLOR=#0000ff]Reagan smiled at him and nodded. "Great. I'm so excited." She recieved a few glares from some students by the professor didn't seem to notice. She sighed and yawned. She leaned back in her chair and listened to the professor go on and on and on and on.[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Courier New'][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR][/FONT] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22269-saru/ said:
Arnaldus smiled and gave a slight nod in response while keeping his head forward as the professor walked past the front of the room. "Cool..... Speaking of which we should leave soon. Class is almost over I believe and the others may begin soon." He added in reply noticing the students glares and the professor seeming to go on and on without notice. He just shook his head and chuckled it was becoming a tradition for the first day of class to be the most boring for Arnaldus. It was all the same every year practically and though he was capable of changing his attitude about it all, by looking at differently and choosing a brighter path, he couldn't help but find the first day of classes boring due to him having gone through five years already and six with this year. "When your ready to depart, we could head on out and go meet the others." Arnaldus spoke looking over towards Reagan for a moment and back toward the professor.
Dorian nods standing up and pushing his plate slightly, the idea of eating turning his stomach slightly, instead he follows after his friends, humming quietly to himself looking to Andre as he speaks and frowning slightly at his friends odd behavior "The Village? We could go after training, I mean we do need research but maybe just having one final night of normality would be good for us, besides I feel like we really need some drinks" He pulls on his sleeve as he speaks, a night to pretend they weren't trying to change history and take on some of the most powerful wizards actually sounding tempting as he mulls the ideas over, and it would be good for them to hang out without having to worry about everything they're about to take on. He could feel his nerves affecting him and it was an uncomfortable. He hated feeling like this.

@thefan1 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Reagan smiled at him. "Let's go find the others, I'm sick of this too. The first day is the worst. Just rambling with nothing to do." She stood up and walked out. The professor didn't appear to notice as he was too wrapped up in his spiel. She walked into the hall and then stopped, turning back to Arnaldus. "Where are we going again?"

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James finished up his note taking from the books he was using, proceeded to close each one, and place them into a bag he'd brought with him. It wasn't that he had finished researching in them, he was just getting tired of sitting in the library. He decided he'd head toward his first class and continue doing his note taking there. As he began walking out of the library, he stole a glance over his shoulder toward the restricted section. The library was dead this time of morning and he could probably gain easy access without being seen. For a moment he almost willed himself away from sneaking in there, but the prospect of the empty library was too good to pass up. Securing his bag on his back, he walked silently back over to the restricted section gate, used the unlock charm, and entered, closing the gate behind him.
James never liked being vulnerable or really showing emotions, so though Apus' words were comforting and much need, his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink from embarrassment that he was allowing her to see him in such a mess over such things. He mumbled a slight thank you, before cheering up a bit and shaking his head at her request to go to the Great Hall, a spark of mischief reaching his green eyes. "You know, if I'm going to do this new version of James Potter thing where I'm a goody-goody and a wonderful student and such, I should probably have one last day where the old James get to reign. So, why don't we go smuggle some food from the Great Hall and take it to the Room of Requirement and skip school for the day. No one will be able to find us and the Room will give us whatever it is we need. Come on, what do you say, Malfoy? One more go around for our outstanding legacy at this old castle?" he spoke quickly, his old cheerful self back for the time being. He gave a playful nudge with his elbow and quickened his pace towards the Great Hall, slowly breaking into a run, "I'll race you!"
Last night had been a hell of a night.

Joey had given Arnie an affirmative the moment he said, "back to the way things were". She couldn't have wanted to see the old Hogwarts anymore then anyone else. To be able to take the variety of classes she once did, to not walk around the halls being regarded as a pauper among royalty. She couldn't wait for this change. She had no problem with this, and she certainly knew she could be helpful to the cause. She could see how this would change everything for them. It was going to be a glorious, glorious return to normalcy...

Joey was currently en route to the fabled Room of Requirement, making her way out of Gryffindor tower, and walking through the floor 7 corridors, looking around for the specific wall Arnie told her about. She herself had never been to the Room of Requirement and as far as she knew it didn't exist. She stood in front of the wall and looked at it.

...Nothing happened.

"...What was I supposed to do at this point?"

She looked around.

"...Damn this muggle ADHD, I can't remember the next step! Why did I get distracted by that bat outside the window!?"

This is going to be a long day already.
Apus gave him a cheeky smile. He didn't want to talk about it, and that was okay with her, as long as he knew how she felt. He suggested a race, claiming his whole personality change was to enjoy fun James one more day before he'd have to be all strict and stuff. Apus wasn't complaining, as long as James was happy, and as long as she won. He was already pretty much running ahead of her, so Apus had no problem speeding up her pace, eventually breaking out into a run. They probably looked like children, racing down the hallways, but who cared? It was all in good fun, and it wasn't like they'd get in trouble for it. Apus eventually made it to the Great Hall, and she leaned against the wall, bending over, for support. Now that was a workout.

"The library can wait. The first class is about to end and we can't be late to the very first meeting, they'll think we died last night and who's gonna be there to calm them down?" Victoria replied, trying to bring some humor into the serious and slightly frightening conversation. Her smirk fading when she noticed Andre's odd behaviour. He was looking at her like it was the last time they would ever see each other, which could've easily been seen as an act of fear. That would've been understandable, he could loose his friends in so many different ways she didnt even want to think of what the poor guy was thinking. However, his worried glances were only directed at her, completely ignoring Dorian. Maybe she'd blinked every time he turned to Dorian or maybe it meant something else. Either way, she decided to let is slip as just a mindless, odd action caused by the situation they were in. "You think we'll get some discounts? Hell, maybe they'll give us some strong drinks now that we're all grown up. I don't know about you, but if I'm going to drink something I'm going to get something stronger than butterbeer." She replied, a huge smile in her face as she imagined sneaking out of the castle one last time as a regular group of friends. Victoria stopped in front of a wall, making the door to the Room of Requirement appear and entered the room, leaving the door open so her friends could enter. "They must still be in class." She commented, noticing no one else had arrived.
"See first day should bring excitement...... Not snores and naps. A little fun and action to give something to look forward to this year moving forward. But alas I digress" Arnaldus spoke getting up quietly and slowly to avoid drawing slot of attention. "Alright sounds good. Let's go ahead and meet the others." He added beginning to follow Reagan into the hall and coming to a stop as she turned toward him and asked where they were going. "Ah right.... I never said did I? Anyways follow me and I'll show you." Arnaldus replied walking through the hall and heading for the stairs, in order to reach the seventh floor corridor. " The room were heading toward is upward and on the seventh floor. The room itself is a bit more tricky to find." He continued looking to Reagan every so often while walking up the stairs and heading up, meeting each move of the staircase and knowing its shifts and patterns. Finally reaching their floor Arnaldus turned toward Reagan and smiled, "We're on the right floor, now just a short walk and in need thought and were there." He spoke walking forward and heading toward the specific location of the floor.

@Paint The Wind
thefan1 said:
"The library can wait. The first class is about to end and we can't be late to the very first meeting, they'll think we died last night and who's gonna be there to calm them down?" Victoria replied, trying to bring some humor into the serious and slightly frightening conversation. Her smirk fading when she noticed Andre's odd behaviour. He was looking at her like it was the last time they would ever see each other, which could've easily been seen as an act of fear. That would've been understandable, he could loose his friends in so many different ways she didnt even want to think of what the poor guy was thinking. However, his worried glances were only directed at her, completely ignoring Dorian. Maybe she'd blinked every time he turned to Dorian or maybe it meant something else. Either way, she decided to let is slip as just a mindless, odd action caused by the situation they were in. "You think we'll get some discounts? Hell, maybe they'll give us some strong drinks now that we're all grown up. I don't know about you, but if I'm going to drink something I'm going to get something stronger than butterbeer." She replied, a huge smile in her face as she imagined sneaking out of the castle one last time as a regular group of friends. Victoria stopped in front of a wall, making the door to the Room of Requirement appear and entered the room, leaving the door open so her friends could enter. "They must still be in class." She commented, noticing no one else had arrived.
"Yes how would the survive without the A team saving there derrieres." Andre tried to joke and deffuse the sudden awkwardness that fell around them. "We will see about the strong drink, i certainly hope so as it is why asked for us to go." He replied forcing a smile as well and followed their little band to their room. "I guess so, otherwise i can go and find them."
He laughs as his friend tries to ass humour to their situation, it certainly does take the edge off he thinks to himself "Theyd be lost without us, without their fearless leader, our favourite fighting Frenchman, and the loveable sarcastic one" He replied, humouring her as he disguises his own fears. He grins as Victoria give a huge smile, it was good to see his friend seem genuinely happy for even a moment. It was comforting to know that her grin was at their groups mischievousness, that even in this darkness they still had their same ideas of trouble. But still, seeing her smile like that sent butterflies to his tummy. "A strong drink sounds very appealing" He agrees, glancing around the hall and shifting uncomfortably as they approach the room of requirement.

@thefan1 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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"Mmm the A team, that sounds like a good name doesn't it?" She replied, placing her hand on her chin as if she were thinking about something extremely important. She didn't think they a name was necessary but it was still a fun way to pass the time and a good distraction from other grim subjects. She surprised herself by laughing at their light hearted sense of humor and sighed, seeing her friends so happy immediately cheered her up. "Oh, what would I do without you?" She asked, stretching her arms and letting out a long yawn. "Those two better have found girlfriends to keep them from coming. The first class should be over by now, right?" She asked, looking at the entrance. Well, wasting time was definitely not going to help anyone. She took out the folded biece of parchment from her robes and began unfolding it, revealing the list of suspects she'd stolen from the Slytherins just a few hours ago. "Our dear Slytherin friends sent us a gift, possible students we can recruit. Some of them are actually very good fighters, just saying."
He chuckled more genuinely now seeing her more cheered up, this was why he was them for so long. Even in the darkest moment in the past, though compared to now paled in comparison, still knew how to cheer each other part. "Is that our only excuse than not to come to work? To have a girlfriend? So Victoria why dont we go out." He asked jokingly before looking at the list. " If they pass out vetting process i dont see why not. House rivalry is silly to have now."
"Aren't you just a lazy bastard?" Victoria replied sarcastically. "And I was thinking you wanted to go out with me because of my personality instead of the possibility of skipping a meeting. Oh the pain, the agony!" She exclaimed dramatically, placing the back of her hand on her forehead and pretending to wipe tears from her eyes. "In all honesty, we're all going out, remember? Strong drinks, the village?" She pointed out, then turning her attention to the list. "Oh, this list is all about house rivarly. Notice how most subjects come from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. That, and a lot of these kids come from families known for being against pureblood elitists. Surprise, surprise. The whole Potter clan is here." She commented, rolling her eyes.
Camilla wondered the halls of the school, having been at it since early this morning. She had skipped breakfast in favor of reading in one of the many passages that were hidden in the school. She watched the portraits as she walked in random directions. "its sad how many of them seem so empty right now..." Her muttering was barely heard even to herself as she looked up and became confused. Looking around, the conclusion finally came that she was on the seventh floor and she realized what threw her off. "that door has never been here before, if I recall..." Her head tilted to the side and she walked closer, eventually standing in the doorway itself, clutching her book on healing to her chest. 'This better not be another test by the teachers...' The thought ran through her mind but was immediately thrown out as she saw the people in there.
"House rivalry? at Hogwarts? That can't be right" He speaks sarcastically, moving closer to peer over at the list and taking a mental note of the names written "How do you think we should go about recruiting?" He glances between his friends as he asks, more than likely, most of the people on the list would be eager to join, but it could spark rumors of their order. And rumors are dangerous at this point, especially with the oath that he and Victoria had taken, rumors could be their end.
"I guess take them to one corner and speak to them I guess. Maybe pass them a note during class." Andre suggested though the ideas weren't great in his mind. "Not my best ideas but what choices do we have. Not like we can put a notice board for people to join.... Maybe we do need to speak to the Headmaster after all."
Being childish was something James was known for in this school, so he didn't mind what anyone thought as he came crashing into the Great Hall followed by Apus, his shoes slipping slightly on the stone floor. He laughed loudly as he raced past the students who looked up from their food in confusion as he went by, snatching food from the Gryffindor table as he went by. He made a quick, skidding turn to run back out of the Great Hall, shouting at Apus as he passed her, "Last one to the you-know-where is a rotten egg!" He wasn't about to announce to the whole school where they were going, the administration might get the wrong idea. Considering the rooms past with his family.

He scrambled through the hallways, occasionally crashing into a portrait or two and getting quite the yelling from the portraits inhabitants, which he blew off with a smirk and a wave of his hand. As he approached the place where he knew the door would open, he closed his eyes, hoping he wouldn't run head first into anything, thought solely on what he needed, knowing the room would give him just that. But, as he turned the corner to enter the Room, the door was already open and a group of students stood in the middle of the room. Confusion automatically fell over James' features. He slowly walked into the room, moving his hands to his wand, as he noticed that most of the students were from pureblood supremacist families or at least associated with them. Minus a few, like the Reagan girl who he knew from Transfiguration last year. "What is this?" he finally spoke up, ready to pull his wand if he needed to defend himself.
Reagan walked with Arnaldus up to the Room of Requirement and then looked around. It was a nice space, and private. Or so she thought. When James walked in she drew her wand as well. "Get out. This room is taken." she said coldly. She glared harshly at James. She didn't care that he was the son of Harry Potter, he was in their space and she knew he wasn't one of them.

@indiedarling @Saru

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